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        [논문]횡령죄의 기수시기와 장물죄의 성립여부

        김태명(Kim Tae-Myeong) 한국형사법학회 2005 刑事法硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        The Supreme Court holds an opinion that embezzlement complete when a person, who have the custody of another's property, reveal the intention to have unlawful acquisition of it. In a case that the accused, who was a representing director before, acquired the money which the chief executive embezzled from the company in aware that it could be stolen property, the original judgement ruled that he couldn't be punished for acquiring stolen property, because the money which the accused received from the chief director was not acquired from usurpation action nothing but was offered on usurpation conduct. But the Supreme Court held that because the chief executive revealed the intention to have unlawful acquisition of it and the crime of embezzlement was already completed, the money became a stolen property at the moment when the usurpation work was ended, and the accused who received the money from the chief director shall be punished for acquiring stolen property. According to the judgement of the Supreme Court embezzlement is not an infringement-crime but an danger-crime unlike other property crime(for example in larceny, which is the representative property crime along with embezzlement, the criminal shall be punished for attempted crime when he didn't acquire property), and there are few margins for attempts so most conducts are punished on charge of completed crime. And most of the person who acquire property joining on usurpation are punished for acquiring stolen property, of which the statutory penalty is much heavier than that of embezzlement. Theory of the Supreme Court that widen scope of completion and shortens that of attempt of embezzlement is great doubtful elbowroom. And it's not proper to punish the accused, who concerned on the act of committing of the principal offender before his usurpation work ends substantially, on charge of acquiring stolen property by advancing completion time in a big jump, despite crimes concerning stolen property are accessory after the fact along with criminal concealment crime, destruction of evidence crime etc., The present article studies when embezzlement complete and if the conduct of the accused, who acquired the money which the chief executive embezzled from the company in aware that it could be stolen property, shall be punished by participation in embezzlement or on charge of the crime concerning stolen property.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        과실로 태아를 모체 내에서 사망하게 한 조산사의 죄책

        김태명(Kim Tae-Myeong) 한국법학원 2008 저스티스 Vol.- No.108

        지난 2001년 피해자는 37세로서 임산부로서는 고령이고 제왕절개의 방법으로 두 딸을 출산한 경험이 있는데다가 당뇨증상 및 양수과다증상을 보이고 있었고 출산예정일을 2주나 경과하여 태아가 5.2㎏의 거대아로 성장 하였는데, 조산사가 신속하게 태아를 제왕절개수술로 분만시키지 아니하고 자연분만을 시도하다가 모체 내에서 태아가 사망하는 사건이 발생하였다. 공소가 제기된 때로부터 최종판결이 내려지기까지 4년 정도가 소요된 이 사건은 의료계는 물론 형법학계에서도 비상한 관심을 끌었다. 이 사건에서 대법원은 피해자는 피고인의 과실유무와는 관계없이 어차피 제왕절개수술을 받을 수밖에 없었다고 보아 제왕절개수술에 의한 업무상과실치상죄를 인정하지 아니하고, 나아가 이 사건에서는 자궁문이 다소 열려져 있었더라도 분만의 개시라고 볼 수 있는 규칙적인 진통이 시작되지 아니하여 태아를 사람으로 볼 수 없다는 이유로 업무상 과실치사죄도 성립하지 아니하였다. 이 사건에 대한 대법원의 판결을 두고 피해자로 하여금 제왕절개수술을 받도록 조치하지 아니한 피고인의 과실과 제왕절개수술 사이의 인과관계를 인정하는 것이 타당하다는 주장에서부터 시작하여, 제왕절개수술이 필요하였던 시점을 사람의 시기(始期)로 보아야 한다는 주장까지 형법학계에서는 다양한 의견들이 제시되고 있다. 다만 이러한 견해들은 재판과정에서 확인된 사실관계에 근거하기 보다는 주로 자신들의 주장에 기초하여 대법원판결을 비판하는 경향을 보이는가 하면, 분만이 시작된 시점을 사람의 시기(始期)로 규정하고 있는 형법 규정이나 그동안 사람의 시기를 판단하는 기준으로 자리잡고 있는 진통설 또는 분만개시설과 거리가 있다고 보여진다. 분만과정에서의 진통은 불명확하면서도 다양한 형태로 나타나는데 본 논문은 통설이나 판례가 말하는 ‘진통’이 과연 구체적으로 어떤 의미인지 그리고 재판과정에서 확인된 사실관계를 기초로 이 사건에서의 태아를 진통설 또는 분만개시설에 따라 사람으로 볼 수 없는지를 검토하고자 한다. 그리고 이 사건에서는 비록 사망한 태아를 반출하기 위한 것이기는 하지만 제왕절개수술을 실시하였는데, 제왕절개수술에 의하여 태아를 분만하는 경우에는 어느 시점을 사람의 시기로 보아야 하는지 그리고 이 사건에서 사망한 태아가 이미 사람이 된 것으로 볼 여지가 없는지를 검토한다. In 2001, an unborn child was dead because of a Maternity Nurse's negligence and it was taken out through the cesarian operation. She was prosecuted for the professional negligence resulting in injury of the pregnant woman and death of the fetus. The Korean Supreme Court(KSC) confirmed the accused's professional negligence but didn't acknowledge the criminal liability on the ground that there wasn't causal relationship between the accused's negligence and the cesarian operation because there was no room for choice with the exception of it. And KSC concluded that she couldn't be punished for an accidental homicide on the ground that the unborn child was not a human before it was delivered of a baby. Some people emphasized the necessity to approach this case being based on the notion that a fetus is equal to a human and should be protected equally. Moreover they insisted that KSC should have approved that the unborn child in this case was a human because a fetus should be treated as a baby at a point of time a pregnant woman should be undergone the cesarian operation. Owing to its indistinctness this outstanding standard of the beginning point of human being is troublesome to accept. The legal status of fetus and KSC's opinion that it becomes a human at a point of time it begins to delivered to a baby and whether the unborn child in this case could be acknowledged as a human will be reviewed in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        주거침입죄의 객체와 주거침입을 요소로 하는 결합범의 실행의 착수

        김태명 ( Kim Tae-myeong ) 경상대학교 법학연구소 2020 法學硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        주거침입죄의 객체인 ‘사람의 주거’에 해당한다는 법리를 취하고 있다. 얼핏보면 자명한듯 여겨지나, 이러한 법리는 주거침입죄로 처벌되는 주거의 범위를 확대하여 결과적으로 처벌의 범위를 확대하는 문제가 발생한다. 특히 공동주택에서 공용부분은 주거가 아니라 관리하는 건조물에 해당할 수 있으며 회사 사무실이 밀접한 빌딩이나 연구실이 밀집한 대학내 연구동 내 일반인의 출입이 통제되는 공용부분에 무단으로 침입한 행위는 건조물침입죄로 의율된다는 점과 비교해 볼 때, 공용부분에까지 주거의 범위를 확대하는 것이 과연 바람직한지가 의문이다. 공동주택에서 공용부분에 무단으로 침입하는 행위는 일반인의 무단출입이 통제되고 있는 경우에 한하여 건조물침입죄로 의율하는 것이 바람직하다. 또한 판례는 주거침입을 요소로 하는 결합범에서는 주거침입시에 이들 범죄 전체에 대한 실행의 착수가 인정된다는 법리를 취하고 있는데, 이러한 법리를 야간주거침입절도, 야간손괴주거침입절도, 야간주거침입강도, 주거침입강간 등의 주거침입을 요소로 하는 결합범에서 실행의 착수 시기를 앞당김으로써 결과적으로 처벌의 범위를 앞당기는 문제가 발생한다. 주거침입을 요소로 하는 이들 결합범의 본질은 절도, 강도, 강간 등으로서 결합범의 본질적인 부분에 대한 실행의 착수가 인정되지 않는 단계, 즉 주거침입의 단계에서 전체 범죄의 실행의 착수를 인정하는 것은 죄형법정주의나 책임원칙에 부합한다고 할 수 없다. 다른 범죄를 목적으로 하는 주거침입은 그 자체로서 주거침입죄를 구성하고 나아가 강도, 강간 등의 죄의 예비의 성격을 가진다. 최근 형법과 성폭법의 개정으로 강간 등의 죄의 예비·음모죄가 신설된만큼 주거침입죄와 예비죄의 상상적 경합으로 처벌하는 것이 바람직하다고 본다. The Korean Supreme Courts uphold that the common areas of apartment houses are included in the residence as a object of housebreaking, and explained the reason that the common areas are the space appurtenant to the exclusive dwelling area in apartment, supposed to be monitored by the residents, and it’s actual tranquility needs to be protected. But the common areas of apartment houses are not the space where the residents make the activities of daily living such as eating, bathing, getting dressed, toileting, transferring, and continence that are basic tasks of daily life that most people are used to doing without assistance. And the reasons cited by the Korean Courts are aren’t enough to claim that the common areas need to be treated as an part of the area of exclusive space. And the Korean criminal law prescribes heavy punishment over several combined offenses that includes housebreaking as a factor of them. According to these provisions, persons who committed larceny, robbery or sexual violence by trespassing upon the places specified in the preceding Article after destroying or damaging the gate, the wall or a part of the structure shall be punished much more severely than persons who committed larceny, robbery or sexual violence. And The Korean Supreme Courts uphold that persons who intruded upon others residence, guarded building, structure or ship or occupied room shall be punishable as an attempt of those combined crimes, even though they didn’t initiate larceny, robbery or sexual violence. These legislation and the court's legal principle have stirred controversy over excessive punishment. This paper claims that the common areas should be included in the part of the guarded building as the other object of housebreaking, and persons who only committed housebreaking and did not initiated other crimes should not punished for an attempt of those combined crimes.

      • KCI등재

        최근 우리나라의 중벌주의 입법경향에 대한 비판

        김태명(Kim, Tae-Myeong) 한국형사법학회 2012 형사법연구 Vol.24 No.3

        In recent years brutal crimes such as serial killings, sexual violences occurred in succession and became serious problem in Korea. Mass media channels reported the chain of cases and many people began to think that present legal system is not sufficient to control the problem, punishing offenders with lenient sentences. In the face of a series of highly publicized incidents, korean government has kept enhancing its countermeasures to reduce heinous crimes through many special acts. Those include registration and disclosing of personal information of sex offenders, surveillance through electronic system(electronic ankle bracelet), and chemical castration. And korean government is taking steps to reintroduce protective custody, extended detention of convicted criminals, which was abolished because of violation of the Constitution in 2005, which bans punishing people twice for the same crime. Because most of the measures were concocted by the government hastily, probably at the behest of pubic opinion, controversial debate on those measures is crucial topic among policy makers and scholars. Korean government insist that those are necessarily conditions to reduce and manage the risk of repetition of crimes. But some people criticise that those measures are double jeopardy and excess charges, and are not effective to reduce repetition of those crimes. And they insist that psychological therapy and counseling can be more effective and rational than those tough actions. This paper will have a careful look the reasoning that are the grounds of introducing those countermeasures against brutal crimes. And this paper will also evaluate its efficiency based on many studies and data, and check its rightfulness from a standpoint of constitutionalism. Finally this paper will propose some directions to reform them.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        권력형 성범죄의 처벌과 비동의 간음·추행죄의 도입

        김태명(Kim, Tae-Myeong) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2018 法學硏究 Vol.57 No.-

        안희정 사건은 미투운동이 본격적으로 전개되면서 그 실체를 드러낸 권력형 성범죄의 대표적인 사례로 일컬어지는 안희정 사건은 그동안 폭행 · 협박에 의한 성폭력범죄에 밀려 관심의 대상이 되지 못했던 권력형 성범죄의 특징과 피해자가 겪는 어려움이 널리 알려지게 되었다. 그리고 최근 안희정 사건에 대해 내려진 제1심 판결은 업무상 위계 · 위력에 의한 간음 · 추행죄의 성립요건과 적용범위 그리고 다른 외국에서는 성폭력범죄의 기본유형으로 규정된 이른바 비동의 간음 · 추행죄의 도입 필요성을 깨닫게 하는 계기가 되었다. 다른 외국의 입법례와 비교해 볼 때 우리나라에는 한편으로 업무상 위계 · 위력에 의한 간음 · 추행죄라는 독특한 유형의 범죄가 있고 다른 한편으로는 다른 외국에는 일반적으로 규정되어 있는 비동의 간음 · 추행죄가 없다. 업무상 위계 · 위력에 의한 간음· 추행죄는 이른바 권력형 성범죄에 적용될 것을 염두에 둔 대표적인 범죄유형으로서, 자신의 사회적 지위를 이용하여 상대방의 저항의지를 꺾고 상대방의 성적 자기결정의 자유를 침해하는 행위는 마땅히 이 유형의 범죄로 다스려야 한다. 그리고 최근 언론이나 정치권에서 도입이 주장되고 있는 비동의 간음 추행죄는 권력형 성범죄에 적용되는 것이 아니라 사회적 힘의 다과(多寡)에 의한 권력관계를 전제로 하지 않은 일상생활에서 발생하는 성범죄에 적용된다. 세계적 입법추세 그리고 날이 갈수록 성적 자기결정의 자유의 중요성과 보호필요성에 대한 인식이 높아지고 있는 우리나라의 현실을 감안해 볼 때 비동의간음 · 추행죄의 도입이 필요하다고 본다. 다만 이러한 법개정에 앞서 위계 · 위력을 수단으로 하는 간음 · 추행죄의 충실한 적용이 선행되어야 한다고 본다. The former governor of Chungnam Province and one-time presidential contender, Ahn Hee-jung has been acquitted of sexual abuse in one of the highest profile cases emerged from #MeToo movement in South Korea. His secretary Kim Ji-eun, who was encouraged by MeToo movement and made the allegations at an interview with news channel, had accused him of sexual intercourse and sexual contact by abuse of authority. The court ruled that he was not guilty of all counts saying it saw little evidence that he used his authority to force Kim into sex, adding the evidence was not enough to prove that victim’s sexual freedom was infringed against her will. And it ruled there are also many things that were questionable and incomprehensible in the victim’s testimony Dozens of women’s rights groups criticised that the court failed to recognize the reality, in which the victim had to choose between resisting boss’s order or losing her job and livelihood. Many legal experts say that it is difficult to understand its ruling, even though Ahn said to Kim Im ashamed. I have disappointed you all, The South Korean government announced plans to intensify punishment power-related sexual violence and introduce the punishment regulation of the sexual act without consent. This paper review the various types of the sexual assaults in Koreas criminal law. And check if it is appropriate and necessary to introduce the clause providing the punishment of sexual act without consent.

      • KCI등재후보

        학술연구 : 대덕밸리 벤처기업의 활성화가 지역경제성장에 미친 효과분석

        김태명 ( Kim Tae Myeong ),영태 ( Kim Yeong Tae ) 한국중소기업학회 2003 기업가정신과 벤처연구 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the Regional Economic Effects of the High-Tech Venture Business in Daedeok Valley and thereby structural changes in the economy of Taejon City. using a Regional Input Output Analysis Method(RIOAM) and thereby to analyze structural changes in the economy of Taejon City. As a result, this study has found followings. First, in terms of linkage effects, the industries that have higher investment priorities are in the group of intermediate-demand type industries. For the year of 1995, the growing industries were basic metal, electricity and electric equipment, product of pulp and paper, which are mainly in the manufacturing sector. For the year of 2000, however, growing industries were primarily in the service sector such as electricity, gas and water, transport and storage, real estate, and business service. Especially, computer and business machine, electric instrument, media, audio, mobile equipment, and precision tools of the high-tech venture business in DaeDeok Valley would desirable as strategic industries for the regional economy grouth in Taejon. Second, industries in Taejon could be grouped into four sectors, depressed type and declining type, according to the multiplier effects are found to be basic metal, electric instrument, media, audio, mobile equipment, metal product, computer and office machinery products, and communications. In order to promote the economy of Taejon, it is recommanded that investment should be concentrated on the high-tech venture business industries in DaeDeok Valley.

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