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      • KCI등재

        당시(唐詩) 명편(名篇)의 정전화(正典化) 과정에 대한 비판적 고찰

        김준연 ( Kim Joonyoun ) 한국중국어문학회 2015 中國文學 Vol.85 No.-

        본 논문은 여러 당시 선집에 반복적으로 출현하는 명편을 선정하고 이들이 정전화된 과정을 비판적으로 검토한 것이다. 당시 명편이 정전화되는 과정을 1차와 2차로 나누어 살펴보고, 이로부터 당시 명편의 정전화에 문학 외적인 요소가 더 크게 작용했음을 밝혔다. `지금, 여기, 우리`라는 관점에서 현행 당시 명편 목록을 재검토하고, 보다 문학의 본질에 접근하는 길을 모색해야 할 것으로 판단된다. This paper examined the canonization of masterpieces of Tang poems. In order to get a list of masterpieces, I selected ten kinds of anthologies from the five countries including Korean three ones and made a comparison among them. As a result, I have got a new list of 113 masterpieces of 41 poets showed the general tendency of preference for the Tang poems. It seems that the canonization of Tang poems have had two separated stages in it. In the first stage, so called `discoverers` introduced masterpieces that they had found to other many readers. And in the second stage, the status of masterpieces as a canon was solidified by the social systems and cultural customs. Finally, after the complicated and hard process of canonization, we can encounter `the fittests of survival` in some prevalent anthologies of Tang poems. But because too many extrinsic factors completely irrelevant to literary value affected the canonization of Tang poems, we can hardly believe all of these masterpieces have literary greatness or effectiveness equal to their honor. So I argue that we should critically examined existing list of masterpieces of Tang poems, especially with viewpoints of ours.

      • KCI등재

        당대(唐代) 시인의 사회 연결망 분석 (1) ― 사교시(社交詩)에 대한 빅데이터와 인포그래픽 기반의 접근

        김준연 ( Kim Joonyoun ) 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.82 No.-

        본고는 『전당시』에 수록된 5만여 수의 시 가운데 15,000수로 추산되는 사교시를 대상으로 빅데이터 분석 방법을 원용해 시인의 사회 연결망을 고찰한 것이다. 고찰의 결과를 연결망의 각도에서 분석하고 시각적으로 나타내기 위한 프로그램으로 노드액셀(NodeXL)을 사용했다. 사교시는 시제에 비교적 뚜렷한 지표(indicator)를 가지고 있는데, 기증시의 ‘寄’, ‘呈’과 ‘贈’, 송별시의 ‘送’과 ‘別’, 창화시의 ‘和’, ‘答’과 ‘酬’ 등이 그러하다. 본고에서는 이러한 지표를 이용해 『전당시』에서 먼저 사교시를 추출하고, 연결망 분석을 위해 창작 시점과 수신자의 신원을 확인하는 작업을 진행했다. 본고는 전체 연구의 전반부로서 먼저 초당과 성당 시인 287명의 사교시를 연구범위로 삼았다. 초당 전기와 후기의 연결망을 비교한 결과, 전기에 군신 간의 창화에 의존했던 사교시는 후기 들어 시인 상호 간의 연결이 급증한 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따르면 당대 사교시가 본격적인 출범을 알린 시기는 초당 후기라고 판단된다. 초당 시기에 형성된 여러 시인 집단 가운데 내적 결속력이 가장 강한 집단은 ‘文章四友’로 밝혀졌다. 이들은 서로 많은 사교시를 주고받으며 근체시 발전에 지대한 역할을 한 것으로 보인다. ‘沈宋’으로 나란히 불리는 沈佺期와 宋之問은 일반적인 예상과 달리 상호간의 연결이 발견되지 않았으며, 연결망도 각기 독자적으로 구축한 것으로 나타났다. 외향연결뿐만 아니라 내향연결도 다양하게 형성되었다는 점에서 초당 후기의 연결망은 宋之問이 주도한 것으로 판단된다. 초성당 과도기의 연결망은 蘇?, 張說, 張九齡을 위시한 재상급 후원자에 의해 조직되었다. 이들 가운데 특히 張說은 시단의 실질적인 영수로서 초당의 陳子昻을 계승하여 盛唐詩의 기틀을 다진 것으로 평가된다. 盛唐의 연결망 분석에서는 먼저 산수시와 변새시의 확산 과정에 주목했다. 산수시를 대표하는 ‘왕맹시파’와 변새시를 대표하는 ‘고잠시파’가 독자적으로 연결망을 구축한 가운데, 王昌齡, 李白, 杜甫, 祖詠 등의 시인이 두 시파를 매개하며 교류를 증진시킨 것으로 나타났다. 산수와 변새를 소재로 한 이들의 시는 사교시를 전달 매개로 삼아, 일종의 ‘사회적 전염’과 같은 확산 현상을 보여주었다. 성당을 대표하는 두 시인인 李白과 杜甫의 연결망에 대한 분석을 통해, 이백이 기질과 성향이 비슷한 동류의 시인들과 자주 어울린 반면 두보는 간알을 목적으로 고급관료들과 접촉이 많았다는 것을 확인했다. 그 결과 이백이 사교시에서 더 높은 성취를 거두었던 것으로 여겨진다. 그러나 전체적인 연결망의 양상을 볼 때 이백과 두보 두 시인이 상당한 수준의 연결 정도를 가지고 있었다는 것은 여전히 특기할 만한 일이라고 평가된다. 安史의 난을 전후로 성당 시인의 연결망은 크게 요동쳤다. 안사의 난 이전 연결망의 핵심이 王維였다면, 안사의 난 이후의 연결망에서는 주인공이 杜甫로 바뀌었다. 이런 사실은 中唐 이후로 두보의 시에 대한 평가가 계속 상승한 데 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 보인다. This paper aims to analyze the social network of the poet by using the big data analysis method on the social poems, estimated to be about 15,000 among the 50,000 poems recorded in the “Complete Tang Poems,” and the result of this study was visualized and shown through the technique of infographics such as NodeXL. Social poems have noticeable indicators such as ‘Ji 寄’, ‘Cheng 呈’, ‘Zeng 贈’ in the poems for donation, ‘He 和’, ‘Da 答’, ‘Chou 酬’ in the poems in reply to others, and ‘Song 送’, ‘Bie 別’ in the poems for bidding farewell. Therefore, it was the first task of this study to select the poems containing these indicators in the list of titles in Complete Tang Poems. I analyzed the social poems of the poets who worked in the period of Early Tang and High Tang, and visualized a network of 287 persons with the membership qualification of the network through NodeXL. As a result of comparison between the former and the latter period of the Ealry Tang Dynasty, it was found that the connection between the poets greatly increased, which relied on the exchange of poems between lord and vassal. According to this, it can be seen that the social poems of Tang Dynasty started to come into orbit of prosperity in the latter period of Early Tang. Among the networks of the Early Tang, there was a coterie of four poets with solid solidarity, and it was understood that the regulated poetry was completed through their efforts. It is also known that the linkage of Song Zhiwen, which had a multiple inward linkage stronger than that of the Shen Quanqi, and the representative of the transition period between the Early and High Tang Dynasty is Zhang Yue. I started to analyze the social network of High Tang Poets, and paid attention to the process of spreading of poetry. The poetry group of Wang and Meng representing Landscape Poetry and the poetry group of Gao and Chen representing Frontier poetry have established their own networks. But both Landscape Poetry and Frontier poetry seem to have spread their poetry to the network by using social poems. The comparison between Li Bai and Du Fu, two representative poets of High Tang, showed that Li Bai had a connection with poets with similar tendencies to him, while Du Fu was in contact with senior officials for request purposes. It is for this reason that Li Bai in social poems achieved a higher poetic achievement. Separately, the fact that there was a strong connection between the two poets of Li Bai and Du Fu seems to be a very meaningful passage through the analysis of the network. Before and after An-Shi Rebellion, the network of High Tang poets greatly fluctuated. If Wang Wei was the first person in the network before the An-Shi Rebellion, it can be confirmed through network analysis that the place passed to Du Fu after An-Shi Rebellion.

      • KCI등재

        AI 시대 중국 고전문학 연구의 새로운 방법론 탐색

        김준연 ( Kim Joonyoun ) 한국중국어문학회 2021 中國文學 Vol.106 No.-

        This study was conducted to suggest how Chinese classical literature researchers should respond the time when the words “fourth industrial revolution” and “AI era” became hot issues around the world. Although it is not yet clear what the meaning of the fourth industrial revolution is, many people are emphasizing the importance of “big data” and “artificial intelligence.” We need to collect ‘data' and process ‘information' to create ‘knowledge' and provide ‘better understanding' for our research. For this reason, I think that the researchers in Chinese classical literature also should adapt well to the AI era and find innovative methodologies. In this paper, I reviewed five detailed areas to explore new methodologies in Chinese classical literature research. Computational criticism is an attempt to understand literary texts using corpus stylistics as the main methodology. Both in terms of macro-views expressed by Franco Moretti as “distant reading” and in vocabulary-level exploration are expected to be effective. Big data seems useful when trying to find meaningful information through data mining techniques. Better results are expected when linked to network analysis. Artificial intelligence can find advantages in co-occurrence analysis using text processing models such as 'Word2Vec'. The application of sentence similarity analysis will help with comparison between different versions and the creation of the authors' genealogy. Machine translation is not yet expected to be stable reading of original texts and annotations. However, it is expected to contribute to lowering the language barrier in the process of obtaining secondary data in modern languages. Information visualization does not seem to have been activated in both GIS-based literature maps and infographics fields. I hope that more active exploration and attempts will be carried out in conjunction with the field of Chinese classical literature education. However, it is not desirable to overlook the fact that using computers in Chinese classical literature research is ultimately researchers. In other words, discovering research problems and finding solutions is human, not AI. In order to find a research problem, researchers must first read the target texts meticulously. If we have determined that “calculation” is necessary to solve research problems, it is better to find the optimal and best solution with the help of a computer expert than to solve it by ourselves.

      • KCI등재

        The Poems of Li Shangyin`s Zizhou General`s Office Period

        김준연 ( Kim Joonyoun ) 한국중국어문학회 2016 中國文學 Vol.89 No.-

        본 논문은 晩唐의 시인 李商隱이 梓州의 劍南東川節度使 막부에서 지내며 창작한 시 71수를 `재주막부 시기 시`로 묶고, 이 시들의 주요 제재와 특징을 고찰한 것이다. 이상은이 일생 동안 거친 아홉 군데의 막부 가운데 재주막부는 그가 인생의 만년에 4년을 넘겨 가장 오랜 기간 머물렀던 중요한 곳이다. 본 논문에서는 黨爭의 틈바구니 속에서 喪妻의 아픔까지 겪은 시기에 대표적인 `막부 문인`으로 일컬어지는 이상은의 시가 재주막부에서 보다 성숙해지는 과정과 결과를 살폈다. This paper focused on Li Shangyin(李商隱) as a typical writer served with General`s office. He had served with Zizhou(梓州) General`s office for more than 4 years in his forties. Especially in this period, he lived alone apart from his young children ever since he lost his wife. These particular situations can be a rich source of inspiration for composing plentiful seventy poems which are of great importance in his whole collection. The contents of this period`s poems showed their various writing material from the feeling of intense love and longing for his family to the experiences and thoughs arised from the exausting work of General`s office. Consequently he composed many poems that revealed his inevitable bouts of homesickness. As a result of this paper, I can get a conclusion that the poems of this period have significant literary achievements. They show not only masterful skills of metaphor and analogy, but outstanding accomplishments through the study of poems of Du Fu(杜甫) who also had lived in Zizhou for about two years. Furthermore, they can hold an important place among the `literature of the underappreciated`, for revealing tragic fate of poet served with General`s office.

      • KCI등재

        주방언(周邦彦) 영물사(詠物詞)에 전개된 텍스트 세계의 주제 표현 양상 고찰

        김준연 ( Kim Joonyoun ),하주연 ( Ha Juyeon ) 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.88

        In this paper, we examine the text world revealed in the ci poetry on things composed by Zhou Bangyan in order to see how he represent the themes and sentiments in his works. It was in the judgment that the text world theory needed to figure out the elements set in the discourse world appear in Zhou Bangyan’s ci poetry make what kind of sub-worlds and how the texts have diversity. Especially, we think that the process of examining how the poet constructs the text world using ‘world-building elements’ and ‘function-advance propositions’ greatly helps understanding the theme of the work and the world of emotion. We first examined the technique of deictic center movement to see how Zhou Bangyan reveals the theme of exposing of feeling. Through this, we were able to confirm the way in which the speaker transcribes the feelings and emotions described on the things into the audience. Thus Zhou Bangyan can constitute a feeling of ‘being One with Nature’ in ci poetry and put the theme of exposing of feeling as well. Then we focused on how to display the sub-worlds while reviewing the ways in revealing the theme of farewell in ci poetry. After this investigation, an obvious conclusion was derived that the audience feels emotions not by the things described but by the themes originated from the sub-worlds. Finally, we examined how Zhou Bangyan reveals the theme of affection, and analyzed how the time and space of the text world are separated and crossed each other. Zhou Bangyan is evaluated to be able to go through the ‘deposits of feelings on things’, which was difficult to find in previous ci poetry through the separation and crossing of time and space.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국 고대의 ‘사랑’ 개념과 사랑시의 주제 ― 先秦에서 唐代까지의 사랑시를 중심으로

        金俊淵 ( Kim Joonyoun ) 중국어문연구회 2022 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.111

        This paper attempted to analyze love poetry in China and investigate the concept of love in ancient China, the main themes of love poetry, and the typicality and emotions of love poetry by period. For this, a representative poems were selected and a topic modeling study was conducted by analyzing the TF-IDF index. Topic modeling is a statistical model for identifying the subject of a particular text. TF-IDF is a method of approaching the subject of poetry by analyzing the frequency of poetic words. Since there are no separate documents collected only from ancient Chinese love poems, this paper selected 164 love poems several documents by period and made separate documents for TF index analysis. The documents for IDF index analysis were made into 942 poems contained in three documents containing about 300 poems by period. For these poems, I secured a list of the top 50 TF-IDF indices for topic modeling. In ancient China, love is a concept closely related to the social system of marriage. Therefore, it is difficult to explain with modern love theory that values only the emotional aspect. As the theme of ancient Chinese love poems shifted from Pre-Chin(先秦) to Tang(唐) Dynasty, the theme of ‘breakup’ was strengthened rather than ‘passionate love’. Overall, ‘思’ which means ‘missing’, was found to represent the characteristic aspect of ancient Chinese love poetry. Sub-topics of love poetry include ‘Breakup’ and ‘Worry’. This is not because the concept of love has changed, but rather because the perception that love poetry should also be the result of intellectual actions has become stronger. The typicality of love poetry of each period was explored by dividing 164 love poems by period and examining the TF-IDF index. Pre-Chin’s love poems are characterized by many works that sing pure love, and female speakers are the mainstream. Although women appear as the main characters in the love poems of Han-Wei and Six Dynasties, it is evaluated that indirectness or figurativeity has increased in that most of the poets were men. The breakup quickly emerged as a major theme and the description became more delicate. In love poetry of the time, the ingredient of resentment was strengthened, and the theme of betrayal was often mentioned. It is also noteworthy that ‘tears’ was frequently used. Among the top 50 words in the TF-IDF index, those that do not overlap with each period were analyzed to see how the expression representing the emotions of love poetry changed. As a result, the role of ‘heartache(傷)’ in the Pre-Chin, ‘worry(憂)’ in the Han-Wei and Six Dynasties, and ‘resentment(恨)’ in Tang dynasty stood out. Pre-Chin’s love poems often expressed heartbreaking emotions that he/she could not be with his/her beloved. The love poems of Han-Wei and Six Dynasties dealt with the worries of the wife or husband who were engaged in staying alone due to separation or bereavement. The love poems of the Tang dynasty have been embodied several times in which they resent and lament the situation in which love is difficult to achieve amicably.

      • KCI등재

        바이그램(bigram) 분석을 통한 《전당시》 상용 어휘 연구

        김준연 ( Kim Joonyoun ) 한국중국어문학회 2024 中國文學 Vol.118 No.-

        본고는 거시적 관점에서 대형 당시 총집인 《전당시》의 상용 어휘를 탐색하고자 하였다. 이를 위한 방안으로 자연어 처리에서 주로 다루는 바이그램 분석을 활용했다. 《전당시》의 모든 작품에서 연속된 2음절로 이루어진 바이그램을 추출하고, 이를 빈도순으로 정리해 어휘로 사용되었을 가능성이 적은 것을 제거하였다. 이러한 작업의 결과로 볼 때, 당나라의 시는 주로 시인들이 멀리 강남 지역으로 가서 장기간 머무르며 지은 시가 많았을 것이라고 추론할 수 있다. 또한 본고에서는 《전당시》에서 추출한 바이그램의 종류와 그 빈도가 다양한 분야에 응용 가능함을 보여주고자 하였다. 5언구와 7언구에 나타나는 바이그램 빈도의 편향성, 첩자의 빈도, 시인들 간의 코사인 유사도 분석, TF-IDF 수치 산출의 기본 요소, 당시 어휘 사전 편찬의 기초 자료 등이 그것이다. This study In this paper, I approached the 《The Complete Tang Poems全唐詩》 from a macroscopic perspective and try to determine which vocabulary words were used more frequently in the corpus and what they meant. To do this, I utilized bi-gram analysis, a common approach in natural language processing. I extracted bi-grams of consecutive two-syllable words from 《The Complete Tang Poems》, and organized them in order of frequency to eliminate those that were less likely to be used as vocabulary. Based on the results of this work, it can be inferred that the poetry of the Tang Dynasty was largely composed by poets who traveled to the Jiangnan江南 region and stayed for long periods of time. In this paper, I also show that the types of bi-grams and their frequencies extracted from the Tang poems can be applied to various fields as follows: 1. We can observe a certain bias when examining the bi-grams divided into 5 and 7 characters phrases. 2. If you use some functions of Excel to extract reduplicated words from a file of bi-grams, you can see which reduplicated words are frequently used. 3. Bi-grams can also be used as data to determine the lexical similarity between poets through cosine similarity analysis. 4. Bi-gram frequency is an essential factor in calculating TF-IDF values to characterize individual poets. 5. Bi-gram frequencies are useful as a basis for compiling a lexicon of Tang poetry.

      • KCI등재

        李白 詩에서의 虛實 交叉 이미지 연구

        김예림 ( Kim¸ Ye Rim ),김준연 ( Kim¸ Joonyoun ) 한국중국어문학회 2021 中國文學 Vol.108 No.-

        This study focused on analyzing Tang Poet Li Bai’s poetic image on natural scenery. Through the study we found out his ways of composing the image did not only base on ‘real scenery.’ He also used ‘virtual’ component on the ‘actual’ component to form a image which contains multi layer of reality as well as fantasy in one picture. This crossing image of ‘reality’ and ‘virtuality’ allowed the poet to create image different from the other poet of his time. This image was formed firstly through method of ‘reflecting.’ Through reflective surface Li Bai was able to portray his inner feelings to be in a same frame as the actual outer object. He not only did this on reflective surface, his portrayal of two different component was in a same picture on non-reflective object which we set ‘Art Work’ as a main example. This phenomenon work of crossing two different component was also done through ‘image metaphor (moving image)’, which poet used when changing original state of object to something else. This creation of artistic image allowed his poetic image to have ‘aesthetic effect’ of forming image with persuasive fantastical surroundings. It also effectively intensified the invisible feelings to be expressed within the visible object. Last but not least this method diversified topic from simplicity to the state of complexity.

      • KCI등재

        어문계열 대학원 PBL 교과목 설계와 운영 방안 ― K대학 중일어문학과 ‘중국고전문학PBL’ 수업을 중심으로

        신경미 ( Shin Kyeongmee ),김준연 ( Kim Joonyoun ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2021 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.72

        This paper aims at proposing a plan to apply the problem-based learning (PBL) method recognized for its effectiveness in various academic fields to graduate courses in the field of language and literature. Due to the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution, the basic tenet of school education is now reconsidered, with changes in the purpose, method, and evaluation of education being actively sought. In an effort to expand beyond the boundary of theoretical education and research, graduate schools are working on fostering experts capable of conducting convergence, interdisciplinary, and cooperative research with research professionals from various fields. As a result, the Department of Chinese/Japanese Language and Literature at an undisclosed university has introduced the PBL classes as opening new classes, designing curriculum activities, and seeking new teaching methods suitable for the current era has become inevitable. First, in this study, the concepts, teaching, and learning methods, and applicable fields of the existing PBL classes are briefly explained. After presenting the status of the newly introduced PBL classes within the department, the classical Chinese literature PBL model covering the process of teaching, learning, and evaluation is presented. The model is significant in that it guides the faculty members to design their own classes through theoretical discussions on designing PBL classes for the department. Despite the obvious possibility of changes in teaching and learning methods based on each faculty member’s perspective and different situations, they are expected to develop various ideas and experimental practices as specific and systematic examples of specialty classes based on the PBL model are proposed.

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