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      • KCI등재

        교육과정 실행에 관한 교사의 이론: 혼합적 연구 방법을 통한 교사의 실천적지식의 탐구

        김두정 ( Doo Jung Kim ) 한국교육과정학회 2009 교육과정연구 Vol.27 No.3

        This study aims to find the structure and orientation of teacher`s practical knowledge(TPK) in Korea`s educational context. According to Elbaz(1983), the structure of TPK is expressive aspect of image, practical principle, or rule of practice through teacher`s behavior or language while orientation of TPK is the way that TPK is held though those such as experience, situation, or theory. TPK is teacher`s theory or knowledge formed in the process of dealing with classroom situations and solving practical dilemmas in relation to teaching. Literature review in the field of TPK in Korea has shown two weak points: (1) TPK studies have been sought in terms of either individual teachers or common aspects of teachers, and (2) TPK studies have dealt with too wide range of instructional contents. The current study tried to improve the two weak points: it has sought TPK focused on TPK`s collective aspects as well as individual aspects. It also focused on a unit of elementary social studies instead of a wide range of instructional contents like a subject area. An elementary teacher was selected and her classroom instructions for a unit of 4th grade social studies were observed for a month. She was also interviewed in relation to the instructions and her educational beliefs. As a result from the analysis of instruction observation and interview data, 4 images, 10 practical principles and 30 rules of practice were drawn. Based on the structure of selected teacher`s TPK, an instrument to ask the degree of agreement with it by collective teachers was made and administered. There were considerable differences in rule of practice between TPK of the selected teacher and that of collective teachers. However, there were common elements of TPK-images and practical principles-between them. Orientations of selected teacher`s TPK and those of collective teachers were different though. Discussions are made in view of individuality of TPK among teachers, linkage of TPK structure, orientation of TPK, and educational validity of TPK on the basis of study`s findings. Finally, recommendations are made for education general, teacher education policy, and future studies together with conclusions based on the findings.

      • KCI등재

        뇌 과학: 학교 교육과 교육과정에의 시사점

        김두정 ( Doo Jung Kim ) 한국교육과정학회 2010 교육과정연구 Vol.28 No.3

        Brain science(BS) has recently been an active research area thanks to scanning technology such as fMRI or PET. The BS and the science of education have worked separately. The science of education should reorganize its frameworks and contents in reference to the BS and search for the implications of BS` findings. The current study aimed to seek: 1) main research findings of BS, 2) to draw educationally applicable bridge principles from BS, and 3) the implications for education general and the school curriculum of BS. The main research findings of BS have been summarized in terms of the structure of human brain and its functions, mechanism of memory and learning, and the development of brain and its cells. In the educational principles drawn from BS are included: 1) information in the brain is processed in parallel instead of in linear fashion, and 2) emotion and cognition are integrated on various levels in the brain. Various Implications for education general and school curriculum of BS were discussed including: 1) BS and education should mutually cooperate in their research in order to meet gaps between them, 2) the educational theories which assume hierarchy in teaching and learning should be changed in reference to the finding of BS research, 3) various subjects integrating cognitive and affective domain should be constructed, and, 4) emotion should be considered primarily in all instructional situations.

      • KCI등재

        학교 교육과정 이론의 다양성과 한국적 선택

        김두정 ( Doo Jung Kim ) 한국교육과정학회 2013 교육과정연구 Vol.31 No.2

        The study aimed to classify and discuss major school curriculum theories and to make possible choices for curriculum inquiries for Korea`s curriculum researchers. Major curriculum theories were classified as rational-scientific theory, critical theory, hermeneutical theory, or deliberative theory. Bobbitt made use of society as a curriculum source for the first time. Task analysis was the method that he used to develop curricula. Tyler drew educational purposes from various sources, including subjects, learners, and society. New developments of critical theories, such as popular culture, border pedagogy, new literacy, ecological crisis, and peace education, appeared after cultural reproduction or resistance theories became weak. Whitson`s heteroglossia, the inclusion of conflicting voices, activated weakened critical theories. Hermeneutical theories, which focus on individual students, emphasize individual freedom and value educational activities. Deliberative theories, originally based on Schwab`s work, suggest that deliberation is ideal as a methodology to make full use of knowledge, moral values, and decision-making together. The researcher finally proposes two possible choices for curriculum inquiries Korea`s curriculum researchers, 1) recontextualization of current theories to Korea, and 2) Korea`s own curriculum inquiries about its particular curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        교육과정 운영

        김두정(Doo Jung Kim) 한국교육과정학회 1996 교육과정연구 Vol.14 No.1

        The study assumes that even an excellent curriculum could be practised very poorly. It sought related literatures and analysed korea`s educational context. The very corriculum practising process is called curriculum implementation in research field. Curriculum implementation is defined as the two meanings: curriculum use and curriculum evolution. The former means the application with complete fidelity of an curriculum to actual educational situation. The latter means various development of written or unwritten curriculum. On the basis of the definitions of curriculum implementation, korea`s educational contexts are anlayzed and discussed such as the national curriculum of ministry of education, classroom instruction, textbooks and teachers` guide, teachers, and school exams. Finally, solutions to the problems related to curriculum inplementation in Korea`s contexts are suggested in terms of: approachesto curriculum implementation, roles of teachers, curriculum development and diffusion, and external conditions.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 주요한 교육과정 문제에 대한 교육전문가 정책입안자 교육자 학부모의 대응책

        김두정(Doo Jung Kim) 한국교육과정학회 1997 교육과정연구 Vol.15 No.1

        The study has sought to answer the two research problems:(1) what are major school curricular issues in Korea ? (2) What are rational solutions to those issues? Totally 18 curricular issues are selected on the basis of previous research. A questionaire was developed to ask about the issues. A total of 600 respondents including educational researchers, curriculum consultants in korean educational agencies, teachers, and parents was selected. After reading each curricular issue, the respondents were supposed to check one among 5-point scale on the basis of degree of consent. They are also supposed to select one among solutions presented or write themselves concerning each curricular issue. The results of the study include:(1) the composite group generally agreed to the 18 issues as major school curricular issues in Korea, although there were differences in their degree of consent among the 4 groups. Among highly agreed issues were included: schools` curriculum implementation primarily in preparation for college entrance examination, a little chance for career education and environmental education, and excessive learning load for students. (2) Respondents suggested various solutions to the issues. There were also group differences especially in such issues as textbook contents, teaching of tradional korean culture, description of learning objectives, multi-grade classes, and environmental education. Finally discussions and implications about the results were make mainly in terms of group differences in respondents` thinking.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학교 교육의 격차 해소 방안으로서의 정보 통신 기술 : 대전 , 충남 지역 경우의 탐색

        김두정(Doo Jung Kim),신동욱(Dong Wook Shin) 한국교육과정학회 1999 교육과정연구 Vol.17 No.2

        Educational disparities are so general phenomena in Korea. The study aimed to explore a solution to the phenomena with information communication technology(ICT). The research problems were:1) is there any possibility to slove educational disparities as utilizing ICT ? 2) if we utilize ICT as a solution to the disparities, what are necessary pre-conditions fulfilled foremost? 3) what specific ICT`s are most appropriate to solve the disparities in korea`s context? Face-to-face interview and survey were conducted to collect educators`s opinions concerning current status and appropriate use of ICT. Sixteen professionals in the field of ICT were interviewed and 136 teachers responded to the survey. Major findings are:1) respondents think that ICT can play big roles to solve the educational disparities in Korea, 2) some pre-conditions are met to utilize the ICT in schools such as facilities, considerable network speed, and web servers in each school 3) the most appropriate ICT`s are those for teacher inservice training and web resources for teaching-learning in korea`s context. Four implications were suggested on the basis of the study results in such fields as network capacities, teacher training, wide use of ICT, and further research.

      • KCI등재

        일제 식민지기 학교 교육과정의 전개

        김두정(Doo Jung Kim) 한국교육과정학회 2000 교육과정연구 Vol.18 No.1

        The concept of school curriculum can be defined as twofold : formal curriculum and informal curriculum. This definition is especially useful to explain the school curriculum during the Japanese colonial period in Korea since the curriculum had been implemented by schools or other social institutions quite differently from the formal curriculum which educational authorities intended at that time. The formal curriculum is the officiallly specified written documents about what the school should do implement by educational authorities in the form of laws, mandatory, and guidelines. The informal curriculum is what the school or other institutions actually implement implicitly or explicitly. The study examined the six educational laws during the Japanese colonial period in terms of the formal curriculum change. In order to examine the informal curriculum change during the period, various subject matter or sports activities in schools, student extracurricular activities, collective student strike of school absenteeism, education for general illiterate citizens, education for national identity for korean people in foreign country, and the Suh-dang education which was primary education during period were analyzed. In conclusion, the formal school curriculum in the Japanese colonial period was intended to realize economically and politically. However, the informal curriculum which was intended by some korean educators or leaders was against the japanese imperialism implicitly of explicitly. The several implications of the study were proposed. Our educational system and school curriculum are still influenced by those of the colonial period. We should remove irrational tradition and set up new curriculum on the basis of national tradition. We should make students free from rigorous school regulations and system which mainly were handed down by the colonial period. We should make students free from excessive emphasis of such virtues as respect for parents, and honesty which the colonial system intended something else thru the virtues. Nowadays we should not emphasize excessively the formal curriculum regardless of the informal one. We should make better the experiences during the colonial period in terms of the school curriculum such as 3 term system, educational practice, and integration among subjects.

      • KCI등재

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