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김윤수(Kim Yun-Su),변장배(Byun Jang-Bae),윤현도(Yun Hyun-Do),최기선(Choi Ki-Sun),유영찬(You Young-Chan),김긍환(Kim Keung-Hwan) 대한건축학회 2007 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.27 No.1
The production of waste concrete is increased continuously by urban renewal and reconstruction, and positive use of recycled concrete aggregates is needed. In this paper, the compressive strength and stress-strain curve of recycle aggregate concrete column with different replacement levels of recycled coarse aggregate are investigated experimentally. For these purpose, four recycled coarse aggregate replacement level (i.e 0%, 30%, 60% and 100%) were considered in this paper. Four columns were 400㎜×400㎜ in cross section and were tested under axial load. Uniaxial compression loading is applied in the experiments. Special attention of this experimental is devoted to the failure behavior and the influences of the recycle coarse aggregate contents on the compressive strength, the peak and ultimate strain of reinforced concrete columns. Based on the experimental results of the four column specimens, compressive stress of reinforced concrete columns with recycled coarse aggregate showed a higher compressive stress than that provided in value calculated from KBC2005. As a result of study, this paper will be used for basic data to present appropriate designated provision.
중심축력을 받는 순환굵은골재 콘크리트 기둥의 압축거동 특성
김윤수(Kim Yun-Su),윤현도(Yun Hyun-Do),변장배(Byun Jang-Bae),최기선(Choi Ki-Sun),유영찬(You Young-Chan),김긍환(Kim Keung-Hwan) 대한건축학회 2008 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.24 No.4
Recycling of waste concrete is beneficial and necessary from the viewpoint of environmental preservation and effective utilization of resources. For the effective utilization of waste concrete, it is necessary to use waste concrete as recycled aggregates for new concrete. However some investigations have been carried out to study the compressive behavior of reinforced concrete(RC) column with recycled aggregates such as high absorption of recycled aggregates, small-scale specimens. In this paper, four RC columns which were 400㎜×400㎜ in cross section were tested to evaluate the effect of failure behavior, compressive strength and ultimate strain on the replacement levels(0%, 30%, 60% and 100%) of recycled coarse aggregate under uniaxial compressive load. Based on the experimental results of ultimate compressive strengths, the KCI code were conservative and subsequently can be used for the compressive design of RC column with recycled aggregates.