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        각종 유기성오니의 성상분석에 의한 퇴비화가능성의 검토

        한의정(E.J. Han),최훈근(H . G. Choi),이재안(J. A. Lee),김규연(K. Y. Kim),이중기(C. K. Lee),박귀환(K. H . Park),배재근(C. G. Phae) 유기성자원학회 2000 유기물자원화 Vol.8 No.1

        일반항목의 분석에서는함수율및 유기물농도에 있어서 처리장별 업종별로큰차이는없었으며,유기물함량과함수량간에 상관관계는높지 았았다. 중금속항목에 대한오염기여도를보면 하 폐수및 사업장오니의 42건 중 비료관리법의 기준을초과하는것은주로As, Hg 및 Cr 이었으며,As는 42건중 28건 (67%),Hg는 21 건 (50%) 및 Cr은 9건 (21 %)으로나타나다른항목보다상대적으로많이 오염되는것으로특성을파악할수있었다. 상기와같은분석항목외에 선진국의 일부국가에서 규제하고 있는기타중금속및 유해성 유기화합물 대하여 분석한결과,Be, Se,Mo등외국에서 규제하고있는농도에 비교해서는아직까지 낮은농도로검출되었으며유기화합물중에 PCBs는 10건시료평균은 26.2ppb 였으며 가장높은값은하수처리종말처리사업소발생한오니 로서 162.6ppb이었고,낮은곳은 피혁제조업의하수오니로서 2.1 4ppb 이었다. 각종슬러지에 의하여 생산되어 유통되고 있는시료를수거하여 분석한결과,대부분규제값을만족하고있었으나 크롭에서 농도에 상회하는제품이 있었다. 현재의 각종유해물질에 의하여 재자원화에 장해가되는오염물질이 다수관찰된것으로앞으로면밀한검토를통하여 용도별사용이 필요하며,각종슬러지의 재활용을위해서는규제값을상회하는처리업소에서는특정성분의 발생억제를통한오염물의 저감노력도필요할것이다. In me analysis of the common caregories, moisrure conrenrs and organic concenrrarions were nor much different according to the rypes of indusrry or rrearmenr faciliries. When heavy merals conrribucion of the sludge from domesric and indusrrial wasrewarer rrearmenr faciliries was analyzed, As, Hg and Cr concenrrarions were relacively high among 42 srandards of the fertilizer law. As concenrracion was higher in 28 of 42 facilicies (67%) 타1an limirs of me fertilizer law. Hg concenrrarion was not acceprable in rhe 21 of 42 facilities (50%). Cr concenrration was nor acceprable in 9 of 42 facilicies (21 %). From mese resulrs, Ir is found mar As is 버e mosr frequenrly derecrable componenr and conr잉ninanr 버an any omer heavy merals in sludges The dara from experiment was also compared wim me gilldelines of harmful organics and the rest of heavy merals that are regulared by some of the foreign counrries. Be, Se and Mo concenrracions were lower than the limirs. Among me organics, me average concenrration ofPCB (10 samples) was 26.2 ppb. The highesr concenrrarion was 162.6 ppb in me sludge of the municipal wasrewarer rrearmenr faciliries and me lowesr concenrrarion was 2.14 ppb from me skin manufacruring indusrry. From the leaching analysis of re-manufucruring goods from the sludge, mosr of mem was acceprable on me regularion law but Cr concenrration was over me limit.

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