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        기후변화 적응정책 수립을 위한 수해취약성 지표 개발 및 적용

        강지윤(Kang, Jiyun),오규식(Oh, Kyushik) 한국도시행정학회 2014 도시 행정 학보 Vol.27 No.4

        본 연구는 우리나라 전체 재해 피해 규모의 90%를 차지하는 수해를 대상으로 취약성 평가를 실시하였다. 이를 위해 첫째, 기후변화 대응정책의 실질적 실행 주체인 기초지자체 단위에서 수해취약성 평가를 위한 지표를 수립하였다. 다음으로 취약성 평가결과와 실제 피해규모와의 상관분석을 통해 지표의 적절성을 검증하였다. 또한 평가결과에 기초하여 취약지역 특성을 4가지 유형(‘현상태 지속 가능’, ‘추가 개발 가능’, ‘위험 잔존’, ‘전반적 취약’)으로 구분하고 유형별 적응방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 실제 수해피해규모와 실질적 의미를 갖는 취약성 평가가 가능하였다. 또한, 취약성평가 유형화를 통해 지역별 취약원인을 구체적으로 파악할 수 있었으며 이에 기초하여 적응정책 수립을 위한 방향을 제시할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 기후변화 적응정책 수립에 있어 수해취약성을 진단하고 적응대책의 방향을 제시하기 위한 계획도구로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. This study assessed climate change vulnerability on flood damage which makes up 90% of total natural disaster damage in Korea. First, the indices for flood vulnerability assessment were established focusing on local governments, which are the main body responsible for policies adapt to climate change. Next, the relevancy of established indices was verified through correlation analysis with between vulnerability assessment results and actual amounts of damage. Finally, the characteristics of vulnerable regions were classified into four types (‘Development Opportunities’, ‘Sustainability’, ‘Vulnerable Communities’, ‘Residual risks’), and countermeasures for each type were suggested. It was possible to evaluate vulnerability which had practical relevance, with the actual amount of flood damage through this study. Moreover, by classifying the vulnerability assessment, the reasons for flood vulnerability were analyzed concretely, allowing for suggestions for relevant policies to be rendered. This study can be used as a planning method to determine vulnerability on flood damage and for subsequent directing of necessary policies in the form of establishing policies that adapt to climate change.

      • KCI등재

        ‘비-전체’를 사유하기: 한국 교양소설의 젠더 : 1960년대 한국전쟁 서사를 중심으로

        강지윤(Kang, Jiyun) 구보학회 2021 구보학보 Vol.- No.28

        이 논문은 1960년대 문단의 젠더적 성격에 대한 해석을 다각화해보기 위해 이 시기를 대표하는 교양소설이라는 양식과 이 양식의 미학적 이념소인 ‘개인-사회’ 구조에 대한 젠더적 독해를 시도한다. ‘교양소설’이라는 양식을 규제적인 개념이라기보다 ‘개인-사회’ 구조라는 미학적 이념소를 비판적으로 해석하도록 하는 매개적 개념으로 활용하면서 1960년대 문학의 젠더적 문제성을 새롭게 의미화해보고자 한다. 이 과정에서 라캉 정신분석학의 성차(性差) 및 주체성 이론이 기반해 있는 ‘전체/비-전체’의 역학을 참조한다. 이를 위해 1950~60년대를 관통하며 남성중심 문단으로부터 승인을 받은 두 여성작가의 1960년대의 한국전쟁 서사이자 대표작인 『임진강의 민들레』와 『시장과 전장』을 같은 시기 남성 교양서사의 대표 작가인 최인훈과 이청준의 또 다른 전쟁 서사인 「광장」과 「병신과 머저리」를 비교의 관점을 통해 읽어보고자 한다. 1960년대에 탈식민 분단체제 최대의 역사적 트라우마인 한국전쟁을 전면적으로 돌아보고 있는 이 소설들은 한국 사회의 역사적 부침(浮沈)과 그 안에서 일어난 개인 서사의 진폭을 시간적 거리감 속에서 재구성하고 있는 작품들이라는 점에서 비교를 시도해볼만한 대조군이라고 판단된다. 최인훈의 「광장」과 이청준의 「병신과 머저리」의 남성 주인공이 대표하는 인식의 주체에게 여성은 불가해한 욕망의 존재라는 위상을 가진다. 이 여성들은 서사에서 특권적 지위를 가지는 것으로 보이는 한편 여성의 대상화라는 전형성을 드러낸다. 이는 무엇보다 ‘개인-사회’ 구조라는 미학적 이념소의 남성 독점에서 기인한다고 봐야 할 것이다. 그러나 역설적으로 개인-사회 구조로부터의 여성의 외재성은 남성 주체에게 서사적 도약의 계기로 작용한다. 1960년대 남성 교양소설은 사회적 총체성에 대한 인식에 닿으려고 하는 남성 인식 주체의 ‘전체’에 대한 환상이 여성이라는 ‘외부’에 지탱되고 있는 역설적 양식이라는 사실을 예시한다고 해석할 수 있다. 반면 강신재의 『임진강의 민들레』와 박경리의 『시장과 전장』은 연애서사와 전쟁서사의 교차 속에서 교양소설의 인식 주체를 재구성한다. 전술한 남성 교양서사에서 남성 주체에게 미지의 대상이란 여성이라는 외부로 설정되어 있었다면, 이 두 소설에서 여성 주체의 시선은 ‘전체’라는 환상이 없으며 그에 따른 잉여적 외부도 상정되지 않는다. 오히려 발견되는 것이 있다면 가장 심원한 미지란 주체 내부에서 비롯되며 ‘사회’라는 전체의 환상을 지탱하고 있는 것은 집단에 내재한 모순들의 결렬이라는 점이다. This article aims to diversify interpretation of the gender character of 1960s Korean Bildungsroman. Both in Choi In-hun’s Kwang Jang and Lee Chung-jun’s Byoung-shin gua Moejori, women have status as the inexplicable object of desire. The women characters of these novels appear as an external element out of “social totality” which “the male subject of cognition”, the modern individual, manages to grasp. The externality of woman out of “individual-society” relation which is the main aesthetic structure of modern novels, however, functions as an escape from totality of narrative. The model Korean bildungsroman in 1960s which are exclusively narrated from male heroes’ perspectives can be interpreted as an ironic literary mode examplifying the fact that psychoanalytic fantasy toward “the whole” of the male subject of cognition is supported by woman as externality out of “individual-society” structure. On the other hand, Kang Shin-jae’s Imjingang ui Mindulae and Park Kyoung-ri’s Shijang gua Jonjang which can be called as female bildungsroman reconstitute the structure of bildungsroman’s subject of cognition. While men’s bildungsroman requires the woman as externality out of the whole, in these novels, perspectives of female subjects have no fantasy toward the entirety and no surplus external element out of it. What the novels discover is, rather, the fact that the most darkest mystery is originated from inside of the subject and the fantasy of society as “the whole” is supported by the inner inconsistency of communities.

      • 보가트와 란다우의 ‘뷰포인트’와 메이어홀드의 ‘생체역학’ 비교 연구

        강지윤 ( Kang Jiyun ) 한양대학교 공연예술연구소 2023 공연예술연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The early acting methods in Korea had a realistic tendency, partly due to the introduction of three books by Konstantin Stanislavski : An Actor Prepares, Building a Character, and Creating a Role. A similar pattern happened in America in the early 20th century when the tour of “Moscow Art Theatre” created interest in the Stanislavski system among the theatre community. These early theories were first introduced in the acceptance process, and the later generations of the theatre community faced the issue of being able to move only according to psychological intentions in the course of acting. Trying to improve the issue, Anne Bogart and Tina Landau proposed the “Viewpoints acting training” approach. The researcher conducted research on Viewpoints as an alternative to the acting training methods of Korea to solve their issues. In a process of researching them, the resarcher recognized that her proposed training method had considerable similarities with Biomechanics of Vsevolod Emilyevich Meyerhold. The final goal of the present study is to find similarities between the Viewpoints acting training method of Anne Bogart and Tina Landau and the Biomechanics of Meyerhold through comparison and analysis. The conclusion of the study will propose an index for Korea to explore the directionality of acting training methods in the future.

      • Neurotoxicity of Butyl Paraben using Adult Zebrafish Behavior Assay

        Jiwon Kim(김지원),Soogyeong Jang(장수경),Jiyune Kang(강지윤),Kitae Kim(김기태) 환경독성보건학회 2021 한국독성학회 심포지움 및 학술발표회 Vol.2021 No.5

        Parabens are widely used in personal care products, pharmaceuticals, and food as preservatives due to their antimicrobial characteristics. Limited studies have reported the long-term exposure effect, in particular, on neurotoxicity of parabens. Butyl paraben (BuP) has been suggested to be the more toxic than methyl and ethyl parabens probably due to its relatively higher lipophilicity. In this study, we performed three behavior tests (i.e., novel tank, photomotor response and T-maze) with adult zebrafish upon the long-term exposure of BuP to evaluate neurotoxicity. Adult zebrafish were exposed for 28 days at three concentrations of BuP (i.e. 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 mg/L). There were no significant alterations between BuP-exposed groups compared with the control group in the novel tank test, indicating no anxiety effect inducement. In contrast, we found that BuP reduced the mobility significantly at 1.0 mg/L and in transition of light/dark, the responsiveness of light decreased by 43% and 53% in each light photoperiod compared with control group. T-maze test revealed that the distance moved in enriched chamber (EC) decreased by 64% and 59% at 0.1 and 1.0 mg/L, respectively, and the cumulative time in EC decreased by 55% at 1.0 mg/L, indicating that the ability of learning and memory was interrupted by BuP exposure to zebrafish. Overall, our study demonstrate that BuP has a potential of neurotoxicity with respect to defects in mobility, the capacity of photosensation, and the cognitive function in adult zebrafish.

      • KCI우수등재

        환경보건 취약지역에 거주하는 저소득 집단의 카드뮴 노출과 신장질환 영향

        조용민(Yong Min Cho),진호현(Hohyun Jin),강지윤(Jiyun Kang),김차훈(Chahun Kim),한다희(Dahee Han),김수현(Su Hyeon Kim),한서희(Seohui Han),홍영습(Young-Seoub Hong),김기태(Ki-Tae Kim) 한국환경보건학회 2023 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.49 No.1

        Background: Few studies have assessed exposure to chemicals in the context of environmental vulnerability with a focus on exposure among populations living in certain geographical areas. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate cadmium exposure levels and kidney damage indices in environmentally and socioeconomically vulnerable populations, with further subgrouping according to economic status. Methods: Four areas were selected to represent geographical vulnerability (two environmentally vulnerable populations and two socioeconomically vulnerable populations). Among them, population groups with lower socioeconomic status (SES) were separately classified. Urinary cadmium (UCd), beta2-microglobulin (β2-MG), and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) levels were analyzed in samples from 245 residents of these four areas. Results: Geometric means of concentrations of UCd (0.97~2.02 μg/g creatinine) in all selected populations (N, 245; mean age, 67.8~70.9 years old) were higher than the national reference values (0.39 for adults and 0.78 μg/g creatinine for people in their 60s). Participants with a lower SES had higher UCd and NAG concentrations than did non-low SES participants. In the lower SES group, there was a significant association between UCd and NAG concentrations; however, there was no such correlation in the non-low SES group. Conclusions: Consistent with the findings of previous studies evaluating chemical exposure and associated health effects in specific populations, the findings of this study suggest that individuals with a low SES may be more vulnerable to exposure and related health effects.

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