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氣分과 奮氣水準이 그와 聯關된 資料의 記憶에 미치는 影響
全潤植 부산대학교 사범대학 1985 교사교육연구 Vol.10 No.-
An experimental study was conducted to find whether (1) positive and negative elevation in arousal acts as a cue for mood-and arousal-related material in memory or not. The conditions of learning (input) and test were as follows: (1) Happy-at-input/Happy-at-test (2) Happy-at-input/Sad-at-test (3) Sad-at-input/Sad-at-test (4) Sad-at-input/Happy-at-test (5) Neutral-at-input/Neutral-at-test (6) High arousal-at-input/High arousal-at-test (7) High arousal-at-input/Normal arousal-at-test (8) Normal arousal-at-input/Normal arousal-at-test (9) Normal arousal-at-input/High arousal-at-test The subjects were five hundreds and forty ninth grades of a female junior high school located in Pusan, Korea. The experimenters for this study consisted of three graduate students, and two teachers recruited from the above-mentioned high school. Six sets of stories representing happy, sad and neutral mood respectively were constructed by the author and told by the experimenters right before input(learning) and test. Learning task of a type of prose learning and test material were also constructed by the author. The results of the study were that (1) positive and negative stories induced happy and sad moods respectively, (2) the moods were accompanied by elevations in arousal, (3) the elevated arousal did not appear to act as a cue for arousal-and mood-related materials. Belatedly it was found that the material used in this study was so difficult for the subjects that it might elicit flooring effect. The fact might be the reason why the elevated arousal failed to act as a cue for arousal-related material.
全閏植 부산대학교 학생생활연구소 1978 硏究報 Vol.14 No.1
The structured learning therapy, designated as such by Dr.Arnold P.Goldstein, is the combination of modeling, role playing, and social reinforcement. The present paper introduced, reviewed and examined some existing research using these procedures with clinical population. It shows that the most significant shortcoming of contemporary psychotherapy is its consistent ineffectiveness with low working-class and poor patients. As reasons of ineffectiveness of the traditional psychotherapy for poor patients, such class linked variables as child-rearing, parental behavior, personality development, language development and usage, and the complex interaction between social class and psychotherapy were indicated. And the review of the use of the structured learning therapy procedures shows that this technigue clearly increases the adequacy of interpersonal functioning and related skills among poor patients.
STSC 프로그램이 아동들의 인지능력과 자아개념에 미치는 효과
전윤식 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 2001 敎育硏究 Vol.11 No.1
지능은 선천적 고정 불변한 것으로서 예언 가능하다는 전통적, 정태적 심리측정적 지능관은(Hernastein, 1973;Jensen, 1969, 1970 등) 지능은 변화하고 예측할 수 없다는 역동적 지능관에 의해 도전 받고 있다(Budoff, 1974;Haywood, Filler, Shifman & Chatelant, 1975;Brown & French, 1979;Hamilton, 1979;Feuerstein, Rand & Hoffman, 1979;Feuerstein & Feuerstein, 1980;Lidz, 1983).