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      • KCI등재

        베트남 체외수정 및 대리출산 법제 개관 ― 베트남 2014년 ‘혼인과 가족법’을 중심으로 ―

        이재열 ( Lee Jae Yeol ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2017 法學硏究 Vol.27 No.4

        The current Vietnamese Law on Marriage and Family(hereinafter “the Law”) was passed on June 19, 2014, by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Instead of forbidding all types of gestational surrogacy, the Law recognizes and permits giving birth through in vitro fertilization and altruistic gestational surrogacy. But the giving birth with assisted reproductive technology for commercial purpose, commercial gestational surrogacy, prenatal sex selection and cloning are prohibited. Altruistic gestational surrogacy shall be based on the voluntariness of involved parties and established in writing. The Law has stipulated Conditions for altruistic gestational surrogacy. Husband and wife have the right to ask for a person’s gestational surrogacy when they fully meet the following conditions: (1) The wife is certified by a competent health organization as unable to carry a pregnancy and give birth even with assisted reproductive technology, (2) The couple has no common child, (3) The couple has received health, legal and psychological counseling. A gestational carrier must fully satisfy the following conditions: (1) She is a next of kin of the same line of the wife or husband who asks for gestational surrogacy, (2) She has given birth and is permitted for gestational surrogacy only once, (3) She is at a suitable age and is certified by a competent health organization as eligible for gestational surrogacy (4) In case she is married, she obtains her husband’s written consent, (5) She has received health, legal and psychological counseling. A child born in case of altruistic gestational surrogacy is the common child of the husband and wife who ask for such gestational surrogacy from the time this child is born.

      • KCI등재

        상업적 대리출산의 상품화 문제에 대한 철학적 고찰

        김현수(Kim Hyunsu) 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.2

        이 글은 상업적 대리출산의 상품화 문제를 철학적 시각에서 폭넓게 고찰하는 데 목적이 있다. 오늘날 대리임신은 불임을 치료하는 의료기술인 보조생식술(assisted reproductive technology) 가운데 한 방법이며, 통상 대리출산을 함축한다. 먼저 2018년 5월 18일 서울 가정법원의 판결을검토하고 이로부터 국내에서 법률상 이타적 대리출산이 허용되는가를 확인하였다. 이에 의거하면, 자궁 대리모는 우리 법률의 해석상 허용되지 않는다. 더 나아가 그러한 행위가 선의에 의한이타적 대리출산일 경우에도 법률상 허용되지 않는 행위로 봄이 마땅하다. 다음으로 검토한 플라톤의 철인정치론에 나타난 처자 공유는 수호자 여성들의 출산을 시민 전체의 최대한의 행복이라는 목적을 위한 수단으로 삼았을 뿐만 아니라, 훌륭함과 같은 비유전적 요소가 발전적으로 전해질것이라는 그릇된 이해를 드러내고 있었다. 상업적 대리출산과 관련하여 샌델은 존중 가치와 사용가치는 다르며 인간은 사용 가치로 잴 수 없는 존중받아야 하는 존재이기에, 상품으로 취급되어서는 안 된다고 주장하고 있었다. 또한 그는 앤더슨의 모든 재화의 가치를 이익의 수단이나 사용상의 효용만으로 평가해서는 그 가치들을 비하하게 된다는 이해에 동의함으로써 모든 재화가 우리에게 주는 쾌락이나 고통을 통일된 단일 잣대로 평가하는 공리주의적 관점에 반대하고 있었다. 상업적 대리출산이 금지된 나라들에서조차 여전히 ‘아기공장’을 비롯한 불법적 대리출산의 문제가 확인되고 있었다. 프랑스의 ‘모든 여성에 대한 개방을 위한 의료보조생식(PMA)’은 대리출산문제가 다양한 방식의 가족 구성이 허용되는 사회일 경우, 보다 복잡한 논의를 요구함을 보여주고있었다. 멀지 않은 미래에 구현될 인공자궁 기술은 상업적 대리출산이 지닌 여성의 몸의 비하문제는 해소할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 그러나 그것을 앞당길 근년의 연구들에도 불구하고, 인공자궁 출산은 모체를 통한 출산과 동등한 건강한 삶의 영위가 가능하도록 최대한 높은 목표를설정하여 개발이 이루어져야만 한다. The purpose of this article is to broadly study the commercialization problem of commercial surrogacy in philosophical perspective. Today, a surrogate mother pregnancy is one of the methods of assisted reproductive technology(ART), a medical technology that treats infertility, and usually implies the birth of a surrogate mother. First, on May 18, 2018, the Seoul Family Court reviewed the ruling and confirmed whether altruistic surrogacy is allowed in Korea by law. According to this, the gestational surrogacy is not allowed in the interpretation of our laws. Furthermore, even if such an act is an altruistic surrogacy in good intentions, it is not permitted by law. Next, I examined the issue of sharing wives and children in Plato’s philosopher political system. It not only used the reproductive power of guardian women as a means for the purpose of maximal happiness of the entire citizen, but also revealed a false understanding that non-genetic elements such as virtue would be conveyed developmentally. With regard to commercial surrogacy, Sandel argued that the value of respect and use are different and that humans should not be treated as products because they are something that cannot be measured by the value of use. He also agreed with Anderson’s understanding that the value of all goods would be underestimated by evaluating them only as a means of profit or use. Through this, he was opposed to the utilitarian view of evaluating the pleasures or pains that all goods give us as a unified single standard. Even in countries where commercial surrogacy is prohibited, the problem of illegal commercial surrogacy, including “baby factories,” was still being identified. France’s PMA showed that the issue of commercial surrogacy required more complex discussions if it was a society where various ways of family composition were allowed. Artificial womb technology, which will be implemented in the not-too-distant future, is expected to solve the problem of demeaning women’s bodies with commercial surrogacy. However, despite recent years of research that will accelerate the realization of it, development of artificial womb birth should be carried out by setting as high a goal as possible to enable a healthy life equivalent to birth through the mother body.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 親子法 개관 - 2014년 혼인과 가족법과 2010년 입양법을 중심으로 -

        이재열 아주대학교 법학연구소 2016 아주법학 Vol.10 No.2

        베트남에서의 親子關係는 ‘혼인과 가족법’과 ‘입양법’에 의해 규율되고 있다. 본고에서는 베트남 친자관계에 있어서 친생자녀와 양자 및 부모와 자녀의 권리와 의무에 관하여 ‘혼인과 가족법’과 ‘입양법’의 규정을 중심으로 개관하고 우리의 민법 및 입양특례법의 내용과 비교하여 보았다. 베트남 ‘혼인과 가족법’은 부부의 혼인기간 중에 출산하거나 혼인기간 중에 포태한 자녀는 부부의 혼인중의 출생자이고, 혼인종료 시점으로부터 300일 내에 출생한 자녀는 처가 혼인기간 중 포태한 것으로 보고 있으며, 또한 준정을 규정하고 있다. 2014년 전문 개정된 ‘혼인과 가족법’은 보조생식기술과 대리출산의 규정을 신설하여 이에 관련된 부모와 자녀 사이의 법률관계를 입법적으로 해결하였다. 보조생식기술에 의한 자녀 출산은 정자공여자⋅난자공여자⋅胚공여자와 태어난 아이 사이에 부⋅모와 자녀 관계를 발생시키지 않고, 인도적 목적의 대리출산으로 출생한 자녀는 자녀가 출생한 시점부터 대리출산 의뢰인 부부의 친생자이다. 베트남 입양법은 우리의 민법과 입양특례법의 규율내용을 포함하고 있는데, 국내입양과 외국적 요소가 있는 입양으로 구분하고 있다. 또한 입양은 양자의 이익을 최우선으로 한다고 선언하고 있고, 입양가족 선택의 순위를 규정하고 있다. 원칙적으로 16세 미만인 아동이 양자가 될 수 있고, ① 완전한 민사행위능력을 갖추고, ② 양자보다 20세 이상 연장자이며, ③ 양자의 돌봄⋅양육⋅교육을 보장하기 위하여 건강⋅경제⋅주거에 관한 요건을 갖추고, ④ 훌륭한 도덕적 자격을 갖춘자가 입양을 할 수 있다. ‘혼인과 가족법’은 부모가 자녀에 대해서 갖는 권리⋅의무와 자녀가 부모에 대해서 갖는 권리⋅의무 및 미성년 자녀에 대한 부⋅모의 권리 제한을 규정하고 있다. 부모와 자녀의 권리와 의무는 ‘혼인과 가족법’⋅민법 및 기타 관련법의 규정에 따라 존중되고 보호된다. In Vietnamese Legal system, Law on Marriage and Family regulates the common child of the husband and wife and rights and obligations of children and parents. Law on Adoption provides the principles and conditions for adoption, rights and obligations of adoptive parents, adopted children and natural parents. A child who is born or conceived by the wife during the marriage period is the common child of the husband and wife. and a child who is born within 300 days from the time of termination of a marriage shall be regarded as a child conceived by the wife during the marriage period. Law on Marriage and Family stipulates giving birth with assisted reproductive technology and altruistic gestational surrogacy. No parent-child relationship shall arise between a person who donates sperm, egg or embryo and the child born with assisted reproductive technology. And a child born in case of altruistic gestational surrogacy is the common child of the husband and wife who ask for such gestational surrogacy from the time this child is born. Under the Law on Adoption, generally children under 16 years allowed to be adopted. An adopting person must fully meet the following conditions: a. Having full civil act capacity; b. Being 20 years or more older than the adopted person; c. Having health, financial and accommodation conditions for assuring the care for and nurture and education of the adopted child; d. Having good ethical qualities. The rights and obligations of parents and children under Law on Marriage and Family, the Civil Code and other relevant laws shall be respected and protected.

      • 대리모에서의 모성 결정에 관한 고찰

        이인영 ( In Young Lee ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 의료·과학기술과 법센터 2011 연세 의료·과학기술과 법 Vol.2 No.1

        The legal definition of the mother has traditionally carried an unshakeable presumption, namely, that she is the person from whose womb the child came. Traditionally, this presumption of biology, which has formed the definition of motherhood, has been the unquestioned and pervasive rule for determining motherhood. Genetics, gestation, and intent are all potential criteria for establishing motherhood. Those who advocate either genetics or gestation generally attempt to resolve the issue of motherhood within the context of gestation surrogacy, an arrangement in which an intending couple provides an egg and sperm to a surrogate who carries the child to birth. However, those who advocate intent-based parenthood argue for a generic definition of motherhood that applies to all surrogacy cases regardless of whether the surrogate or a donor provides the egg. On the one hand, despite the differences between the genetics standard and the intent standard, courts of many countries favor the intended parents in gestational surrogate motherhood arrangements and reject the contract as a legal document in and of itself. Attempting to account for the possibilities made available by new reproductive technologies, advocates of a third view of motherhood link parental rights with the pre-conception intent to become parents. On the other hand, the significant bond between mother and child, established during pregnancy, is one reason why the investment and contribution of the gestational surrogate is the bonding that occurs between the surrogate and the child she is carrying. Although significant bonding may occur between any two individuals, the combination of biological investment and the resultant bonding weighs heavily in favor of gestation as the determinant of motherhood. The goal of this paper is to examine and evaluate the different ways of determining motherhood surrounding surrogate motherhood. Scientific advances in reproductive technology yield possibilities such as surrogate motherhood that do not fit our traditional legal concepts, culturally rooted as they are in natural reproduction. In most surrogacy cases, the traditional view of motherhood presupposes that a woman who gives birth to a child is conclusively presumed to be the mother with full, uncontested maternal rights to the child. I suggest that a dual standard, namely gestation standard and the intent standard, for determining surrogacy motherhood would consider the best interests standard and that a new system of affiliation proceedings that surrogate mother or intented mother recognized the surrogate baby as her own child, should be introduced.

      • KCI등재

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