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비배우자간 인공수태시술에 따른 부모확정의 법적 문제에 관한 소고 : 영국 「인간 수정 및 배아발생에 관한 법률」 개정에 따른 관련 법적 근거 및 동의 방식을 중심으로
김은애 이화여자대학교 법학연구소 2009 法學論集 Vol.14 No.1
우리나라에서 이미 상당수 이루어지고 있는 비배우자간 인공수태시술이 윤리적, 사회적, 법적으로 문제되는 것은 이를 통해 태어나는 아이의 부모가 되고자 하는 자 이외에 생식세포 제공자가 제3자로 개입된다는 사실을 기반으로 한다. 이러한 시술에 있어 의학적 측면에서의 문제점을 제외한다면, 시술을 통해 태어나는 아이와 시술을 받은 부부 간의 법적 부모자녀관계를 어떠한 방식으로 명확하게 할 것인가와, 시술을 통해 태어나는 아이에 대해 생식세포를 제공한 자가 부나 모로서 법적 권리를 주장한다거나 반대로 법적 의무를 부여받지 못하도록 할 것인가 등이 가장 중요한 쟁점이다. 그러나 우리나라 현행 「민법」상 부모자녀관계에 관한 규정은 비배우자간 인공수태시술을 고려하여 마련된 것이 아니므로 이러한 시술의 결과로 태어난 아이와 시술을 결정하고 시행한 부부가 부모자녀관계를 안정적으로 확보할 수 있도록 하기 위한 법적 근거로서는 부적절하거나 미흡한 측면이 상당하고, 인공수태시술에 관한 전반적인 사항을 규율하고 있는 「생명윤리 및 안전에 관한 법률」역시 비배우자간 인공수태시술의 의학적 측면과 관계되는 제한 내지 금지 사항을 중심으로 하고 있을 뿐 당사자들 간의 법적 관계를 확정하는 문제에 관해서는 직접적인 규정을 두고 있지 않다. 하지만 자신들의 생식세포를 이용할 수 없어 타인으로부터 생식세포를 제공받아 임신ㆍ출산하는 방식을 통해 재생산권리를 보장받으려는 부부에게 비배우자간 인공수태시술에 따른 부모자녀관계의 확정 등에 관한 법적 근거의 미비는 자칫 비배우자간 인공수태시술을 통해 자녀를 두고자 하는 결정 자체를 자유롭게 내릴 수 없게한다. 물론 부모자녀관계 확정의 법적 문제에 관한 사항이 「생명윤리 및 안전에 관한 법률」의 규정을 통해 인공수태시술에 있어 의무화되어 있는 사전설명 및 서면동의의 과정을 통해 동의권자의 권리 항목에 해당하는 것으로서 설명되고 동의될 수 있는 가능성은 있다. 그러나 이 역시 법적으로 명확하게 규정되어 있는 내용이 아닐 뿐만 아니라, 실질적 측면에서도 사전설명 외에 상담제공의무에 관한 근거규정이 마련되어 있지 않다거나 법정 서식으로 제시되어 있는 서면동의서 또한 내용면에서 부적절 하거나 불충분한 부분들이 상당하다. 그렇기 때문에 부모자녀관계 확정의 법적 문제가 사전설명 및 서면동의의 과정을 통해 충분히 해결될 수 있는지, 그리고 그러한 동의가 부모자녀관계의 확정에 있어 법적 효력을 가질 수 있는지에 대해서는 의문의 여지가 있다. 이와 관련하여 영국은 최근 「인간 수정 및 배아발생에 관한 법률」의 개정을 통해 ‘보조생식이 개입된 경우에 있어서의 부모확정에 관한 부분’을 추가시킴으로써 본인의 동의 등 법에서 전제하고 있는 조건이 충족됨을 토대로 하여 비배우자간 인공수태시술에 따른 부모자녀관계를 확정할 수 있도록 함과 동시에 생식세포 제공자는 법적 부모로서 확정될 수 없도록 하는 기본 방식과 그 구체적인 기준에 관한 법적 근거를 마련하였다. 뿐만 아니라 동법에 규정된 바를 기반으로 하여 설립ㆍ운영되고 있는 인간수정및배아발생관할관청은 시행규정의 개정을 통해 동의를 위한 사전설명 및 상담에 관하여 구체적인 가이드라인을 제시하여 동의의 내실화를 도모함과 동시에, 동의에 이용 가능한 공식적인 서식을 적절히 제공함으로써 동의의 법적 효력을 확보할 수 있도록 하였다. 비배우자간 인공수태시술이 영국과 우리나라 모두 실제로 적지 않게 이루어지고 있고, 이에 따라 이러한 시술의 결과로 태어나는 아이와 부모가 되고자 하는 자 사이의 부모자녀관계를 법적으로 명확하게 하여야 한다거나, 반대로 그 아이와 생식세포 제공자 간에 어떠한 법적 관계도 발생하지 않음을 분명히 할 필요성에 대한 요구가 있다는 점에 대해서는 크게 다르지 않다. 그러므로 개정된 영국 「인간 수정 및 배아 발생에 관한 법률」의 보조생식이 개입된 경우에 있어서의 부모확정에 관한 부분의 구체적인 내용과, 이러한 규정에 기반하여 인간수정및배아발생관할관청이 의료기관으로 하여금 기증된 생식세포나 배아를 이용하여 인공수태시술을 받는 여성 및 그 배우자를 대상으로 받게 되어 있는 서면동의에 관한 사항을 중심으로 하여 영국에서 어떠한 방식으로 비배우자간 인공수태시술에 있어서의 부모 확정에 관한 법적 문제를 해결해나가고 있는지를 살펴보고, 이와 우리나라의 생명윤리법상의 관련 규정 및 이에 따른 충분한 설명과 서면동의의 방식을 비교ㆍ분석해봄으로써 앞으로 우리나라에서 비배우자간 인공수태시술에 있어서의 부모 확정에 관한 법적 문제를 해결해나감에 있어 적극적으로 고려될 말한 사항들을 파악해보는 것은 현 시점에서 충분한 의의를 가질 수 있다. Infertility treatments involving the assisted reproduction technology(hereafter, ART) by donor have been increased in Korea. This way to gestate and bear a child raises ethical, social and legal issues, for it includes the intervention of donor as the third party other than persons who want to be and will be parents of that child. It is required to assure the legal parenthood in order to guarantee the reproductive rights of infertile couples who want to be parents using ART. Even though persons who are offered with the treatment using donor’s gamete have to take the responsibility and obligation as parents of that child but they are exposed to the possibility of being denied of their legal parenthood. Donors should not to be provided with any legal authority over the child. In 「Civil law」 , there are provisions to determine the legal parenthood. Since these provisions have been enacted without any consideration of ART, they are insufficient and inadequate to apply to decide the legal parenthood involving ART using donor’s gamete. In Bioethics and Safety Act , there is no direct provision regarding the legal parenthood, either. But this act has the provision regarding the informed consent in the procedure of the production of embryo. According to this provision, any embryo producing medical institution shall explain the consenter’s rights to the donor in detail in order to obtain the written consent, which states the provision of the legal parenthood to the recipient and the denial of legal parenthood to the donor of gamete as the consenters. 「Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act」 of UK has been amended in 2008. It has added provisions regarding the parenthood in cases involving ART(part 2). Under this act, if the infertile couple meets the legal condition including the legal treaty as the parent in the written consent, their legal parenthood to the child who are born as the result of ART using donor’s gamete is secured. UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority provides official consent forms and the guidance in order to assure their parenthood. These consent forms and the guidance serve as the basic standard as well as the method and specific procedure to decide the legal parenthood. ART using donor has became the alternative for the infertile person who can not use his or her own gamete. In order to protect the reproductive rights of the infertile person who wants to use ART as well as to secure the legal status of the child, the legal standard and the appropriate procedure to define the legal parenthood involving ART using donor’s gamete should be prepared as soon as possible.
생식세포 기증·수증의 공적 관리 및 지원 : 영국의 인간수정및배아발생관할관청(HFEA)을 중심으로
김은애 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2009 생명윤리정책연구 Vol.3 No.1
Due to the development of the biomedical science and technology and the change of the recognition about the way to build the family, the assisted reproductive technology using the donated gamete has increased. The gamete donation and recipience is in connect with not only the human rights of the gamete donor and the gamete recipient but also the best interest of the child that is born as a result of using the donated gamete. Furthermore, the gamete and the embryo created by the fertilization are at the unique ethical status because they have a possibility to procreate the human being. So, the gamete donation and recipience has surrounded with a lot of bioethical, social and legal controversy. Therefore the gamete donation and recipience have to be treated as the domain of bioethics and law, then the public management and support system at the state level must be offered for the donor and the recipient. In 2000, Our country legislated Bioethics and Safety Law including provisions about the informed consent for in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, the procedure and the condition of the designation as the embryo producing medical clinic, the prohibition of the gamete donation and recipience for the purpose of receiving monetary benefits, property interest or other personal benefits in return, storage of the gamete and embryo and so on. In 2008, Bioethics and Safety Law was amended, so the limitation of the oocyte donation was set and the physical examination of oocyte donor was obligated to the embryo producing medical clinic. And from 2006, Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs has received the report about the present statistical condition of the usage and the storage of the gamete and the embryo in the embryo producing medical clinic based on the provision of Bioethics and safety law. But this system is not enough to manage and support the gamete donation and recipience. In UK, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority was established on the basis of UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act and has operated the public management and support system professionally and independently. According to the system by HFEA, all gamete donor and recipient have to registrate as the party of the third party reproduction, so all of the medical treatment for the gamete donor and recipient have been managed and supported by HFEA. To operate this system, HFEA offers the form to be used to record and submit as well as an information and guidance for ART, especially the donation and recipience. The gamete donation and recipience was settled down the one of the way for reproduction. Therefore to protect the human rights of the gamete donor and the gamete recipient, to connect with the gamete donor and recipience appropriately and to use and to store the gamete and the embryo properly, the state have to make an effort to do the necessary as the public management and support system for the gamete donation and recipience.
영국 인간 수정 및 배아발생에 관한 법률(HFEA) 개정의 내용 및 시사점 : 보조생식에 따른 부모의 법적 확정에 관한 'part 2'를 중심으로
김은애 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2009 생명윤리정책연구 Vol.3 No.2
The regulation on the assisted reproduction using the gamete and embryos is one of the most important issues in the field of the bioethics law and policy. As the assisted reproduction involving the third party as the gamete donor has been increased in Korea, 「Bioethics and Safety Act(hereafter, Bioethics Act」 has been enacted in 2005 and amended in 2008. Although the amended 「Bioethics Act」have provisions relevant to the assisted reproduction, most provisions deal with its medical procedures and the health of the egg donor. The legal parenthood is not properly addressed. In the UK, 「Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act(hereafter, HFE Act)」 has been enacted in 1990, and amended in 2008. The amended 「HFE Act」 consists of three parts. In particular, ‘part 2’ deals with the legal condition to authorize the parenthood in cases involving the assisted reproduction. Under this act, if the infertile couple(husband and wife, civil partners of each other, two persons who are living as partners in an enduring family relationship) meet the legal condition including the legal treaty as the parent in the written consent, their legal parenthood to the child who is born as the result of the assisted reproduction technology using donor’s gamete is secured. UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority(hereafter, HFE Authority) provides official consent forms and the guidance in order to assure their parenthood. These consent forms and the guidance serve as the basic standard as well as the method and specific procedure to decide the legal parenthood. In ‘part 2,’ there are also the provisions that regulate posthumous reproduction and surrogacy. According to these provisions, posthumous reproduction and surrogacy, even if limited, are allowed as long as the legal condition is complied with. If the person who wants to use either of these two methods fulfills the legal condition including the legal treaty as the parent in the written consent, his or her legal parenthood to the child who is born as the result of these ways is also secured. The spectrum of the parenthood has been extended by the invention of the assisted reproduction technology using the donor’s sperm and egg. Nowadays we can store the gamete and embryos that are frozen for the later use. Accordingly the cases that need for the provision to authorize the parenthood have been augmented. Therefore, we have to exert all possible efforts to prepare the legal standard and the appropriate procedure to define the legal parenthood involving assisted reproduction technology. In this respect, the amended 「HFE Act」and the relevant forms prepared by HFE Authority will be good references to seek for the legal standard and the appropriate procedure in Korea.
보조생식술에 있어 Informed Consent에 관한 연구 : 우리나라와 영국의 동의 체계 및 동의 서식에 대한 비교를 중심으로
김은애 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2012 생명윤리정책연구 Vol.6 No.1
In receiving the medical treatment service like as the assisted reproductive technology for the pregnancy and the gamete donation, Informed Consent is the most important thing to protect the right to self determination as well as to manage the human gamete and embryo. To the appropriate informed consent, the Informed Consent Form and System should be prepared appropriately. In UK, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has offered all Informed Consent Form related to using the assisted reproductive technology officially. The UK HFEA forms are classified so much according to the right holder of the consent. And the contents of these forms are concreted so much according to the details to be obtained the consent as well as offered with the explanation of the details to be obtained. In Korea, some Informed Consent Forms related to using the assisted reproductive technology has offered by the law and some Informed Consent Forms has offered by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. But some necessary Informed Consent Forms has not offered by both of them. Also, these offered Informed Consent Forms is not appropriate to protect the right to self determination as well as to manage the human gamete and embryo because they are not enough to confirm so many details to be determined by the right holder of the consent. This article analyzes the UK HFEA Informed Consent Forms and System related to the assisted reproductive technology and compares them and KOREA Informed Consent Forms and System to seek the way to improve them.
보조생식술 관련 영국 HFEA 동의서식의 내용과 의의 : 자기결정권 보장 및 생식물질 관리 관련 내용을 중심으로
김은애 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2012 생명윤리정책연구 Vol.6 No.2
The informed consent of the person related to using the assisted reproductive technology is very important to protect their right to self determination and to manage their gamete and embryo. So, the Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare has offered the informed consent form as the official form through the enforcement rule of Bioethics and Safety Act and its guidebook. Also, the UK HFEA(Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) has offered all informed consent form related to using the assisted reproductive technology officially. The UK consent form is very useful to both the institution and the right holder because the form is appropriately classified considering the different kinds of the way to treat the infertility such as the artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, the additional use of donor’s gamete/embryo, the involvement of surrogate mother as well as the position of different parties such as the woman directly involved, her spouse, the gamete/embryo donor. And the contents of UK consent form is abundant to confirm the consent holder’'s decision, so the institution is able to manage the consent holder’'s gamete/embryo accurately. The completely revised Bioethics and Safety Act will enforce from the next year. So, the Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare is preparing the draft of amended enforcement rule of Bioethics and Safety Act including the official form related to using the assisted reproductive technology. I hope that the Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare takes the opportunity to improve the Korean consent form considering the advantage or strength of the UK consent form for stronger protection of he right to self determination and more exhaustive management of the human gamete and embryo.
김은애(Eun-Ae Kim) 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2009 생명윤리정책연구 Vol.3 No.2
Due to the development of the biomedical science and technology and the change of the recognition about the way to build the family, the assisted reproductive technology using the donated gamete has increased. The gamete donation and recipience is in connect with not only the human rights of the gamete donor and the gamete recipient but also the best interest of the child that is born as a result of using the donated gamete. Furthermore, the gamete and the embryo created by the fertilization are at the unique ethical status because they have a possibility to procreate the human being. So, the gamete donation and recipience has surrounded with a lot of bioethical, social and legal controversy. Therefore the gamete donation and recipience have to be treated as the domain of bioethics and law, then the public management and support system at the state level must be offered for the donor and the recipient. In 2000, Our country legislated Bioethics and Safety Law including provisions about the informed consent for in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, the procedure and the condition of the designation as the embryo producing medical clinic, the prohibition of the gamete donation and recipience for the purpose of receiving monetary benefits, property interest or other personal benefits in return, storage of the gamete and embryo and so on. In 2008, Bioethics and Safety Law was amended, so the limitation of the oocyte donation was set and the physical examination of oocyte donor was obligated to the embryo producing medical clinic. And from 2006, Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs has received the report about the present statistical condition of the usage and the storage of the gamete and the embryo in the embryo producing medical clinic based on the provision of Bioethics and safety law. But this system is not enough to manage and support the gamete donation and recipience. In UK, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority was established on the basis of UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act and has operated the public management and support system professionally and independently. According to the system by HFEA, all gamete donor and recipient have to registrate as the party of the third party reproduction, so all of the medical treatment for the gamete donor and recipient have been managed and supported by HFEA. To operate this system, HFEA offers the form to be used to record and submit as well as an information and guidance for ART, especially the donation and recipience. The gamete donation and recipience was settled down the one of the way for reproduction. Therefore to protect the human rights of the gamete donor and the gamete recipient, to connect with the gamete donor and recipience appropriately and to use and to store the gamete and the embryo properly, the state have to make an effort to do the necessary as the public management and support system for the gamete donation and recipience.
법적 부모 규정방식 변화의 필요성 : 보조생식술에 따른 모성ㆍ부성 개념 변화와 관련하여
김은애 한국여성철학회 2009 한국여성철학 Vol.12 No.-
보조생식술의 발전 및 이용에 따라 모성과 부성의 스펙트럼이 매우 확대되고 있다. 그러나 보조생식술을 고려하여 마련된 것이 아닌 우리나라 현행 「민법」상 부모자녀관계에 대한 규정만으로는 비배우자간 인공수태시술을 이용한 경우 등에 있어 부모자녀관계를 안정적으로 확보하기에 어려움이 있다. 그렇지만 현실적으로 볼 때 우선 태어나는 아이의 복리나 최선의 이익을 보장하기 위해 아이에 대해 권한, 의무, 권리, 책임 등을 갖는 부모를 확실히 정할 필요가 있으며, 뿐만 아니라 부모가 되고자 하여 타인으로부터 생식세포를 제공받아 보조생식술을 이용하여 아이를 임신ㆍ출산한 자들, 그리고 부모가 될 의사 없이 타인의 재생산권리 보장을 위해 자신의 생식세포를 제공한 자들의 입장을 고려할 때에도 각각의 권리 내지 이익 보호를 위해 이들과 아이의 관계가 법적으로 명확히 판단되도록 하는 조치가 취해져야 한다. 이에 보조생식술에 따른 법적 부모 규정과 관련하여, 비록 부모자녀 간에 생물학적인 연관성이 존재하지 않을지라도 아이의 임신ㆍ출산을 의도한 부모가 그 결과로 태어나는 아이에 대해 자녀에 대한 부모로서의 법적 책임과 의무를 다하겠다는 적극적인 의사를 명확히 밝힌 경우에 그 부모자녀관계 인정의 법적 타당성을 적극적으로 반영할 수 있도록 그 구체적인 법적 근거와 방식이 마련되어야만 한다. 나아가 사후생식 등을 비롯하여 부모자녀관계 내지 모성 및 부성에 대한 다양한 사고를 새로이 요구하는 현실 상황에 대한 고려를 바탕으로 앞으로 과연 모성 및 부성의 개념은 어떻게 정의되어야 할 것인지에 대한 철학적 논의가 이루어질 수 있어야 할 것이며, 이를 바탕으로 법적으로는 부모자녀관계를 어떻게 확정해 나가는 것이 적절할 것인지에 대한 깊이 있는 논의도 이루어질 수 있어야 할 것이다.