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      • Computation of flow past single and multiple bluff bodies by a vortex tracing method

        박외철 University Minnesota 1989 해외박사

        RANK : 231951

        균일 流動場에 잠겨있는 2차원 bluff물체 뒤의 非定常, 剝離流動을 渦流追跡法으로 Cray-2 電算機를 사용하여 계산하였다. 먼저 渦流追跡法 자체에 대한 검토와 단일물 체 주위의 공기역학적 기초사항의 조사를 위해 여러가지 날개의 물체에 渦流追跡法을 적용하였다. 이어 後流의 상호간섭에 대한 연구를 위해 자유유동에 대하여 수직방향 으로 배열된 다수의 평판에 이 방법을 적용하였다. 날개의 물체에 관한 계산에는 여러 가지 側面比의 사각형실린더, 이등변삼각형실린더, 半타원형실린더, 圓弧를 포함하였 다. 다수 평판의 일렬 평면 또는 원형곡면배열에서는 중앙에 開口部(opening)가 있는 경우와 없는 경우에 대하여 계산하였다. 날개의 물체에 대한 계산에서는 측면비가 큰 경우 抗力係數가 실험치와 잘 일치하였다. 그러나 평판과 같이 측면비가 작은 물체에 대하여 계산한 抗力은 실험치 보다 크게 나타났다. 剝離剪斷層간의 상호작용 지연과 base cavity의 크기가 물체의 抗力과 밀접한 관계가 있음이 확인되었다. 多數평판 뒷 면에서의 後流干涉에 대한 간격비(spacing ratio)의 효과를 渦流追跡法에 의하여 예측 할 수 있었다. 간격비가 2. 0을 넘을 때는 약한 後流干涉 때문에 각 평판의 渦流發散(v ortex shedding)과 抗力이 평판 한개의 경우와 거의 같았고, 실험에서와 같이 간격비 가 2. 0이하일 때 틈流動(gap flow)이 휘어짐을 확인하였다. 多數평판의 경우 간격비가 커짐에 따라 抗力이 감소하였으며, 곡면배열의 경우 曲率이 클 수록 抗力이 작아진다 는 사실이 확인되었다. 중앙에 開口部가 있을 때는 抗力이 현저히 감소하였고, 渦流發 散이 억제되었다. 그러나 多數평판에 대하여 계산한 抗力係數는 실험치 보다 높게 나 타났다. 이것은 측면비가 작은 물체에 대하여 계산한 抗力係數가 높았던 것이 그 원인 으로 생각되므로 渦流追跡法의 개선이 요망된다. The global nuclear nonproliferation regime (the NPT regime), based on the NPT, the IAEA, the UN, and the NSG, tends to rely on the supply-side strategic options such as export controls, diversion controls, and punitive sanctions. However, in spite of its remarkable achievements, the NPT regime reveals its limitations in halting nuclear proliferation. In this situation, the demand-side strategy, based on the strategic bargaining for reducing the aspirations of a proliferator for nuclear weapons, emerges as an alternative to nuclear nonproliferation, The North Korean case of nuclear proliferation (from mid 199 1 to December 1995) is an exemplary one which showed the potential of the demand-side strategy. As the NPT regime failed to fully dissuade North Korea from going nuclear, the U.S. and South Korea stroke several bargaining deals with North Korea in order to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. North Korea tried to protect or promote its national interests by using its nuclear proliferation option as bargaining leverage. Meanwhile, the U.S. and South Korea adopted diverse strategic options which could affect the incentives and disincentives of North Korea for nuclear weapons. North Korea, South Korea, and the U.S. as bargaining parties faced a variety of uncertainties which they had to cope with in order to enhance the procedural or substantive rationality of their strategic choices. In the strategic bargaining to resolve the North Korean nuclear dispute, the patterns of uncertainty management (uncertainty ignoring, uncertainty reduction, uncertainty accommodation, and uncertainty overlooking) influenced the strategic choices of North Korea, South Korea, and the U. S.(conceding strategy, demanding strategy, and compromising strategy). Moreover, the patterns of uncertainty management also affected the bargaining outputs (conflict, cooperation, and capitulation) by influencing the combination of strategic choices of bargaining parties. Uncertainty as a critical variable had a significant impact on the dynamicity of the strategic nuclear bargaining. This research has significance in three dimensions. In theoretical terms, this research contributes to developing the managerial approach to uncertainty which is newly emerging because of the limitations of the analytic approach to uncertainty. In practical terms, this research helps the understanding of the nuclear incentives, bargaining strategies, and bargaining tactics of North Korea as a nuclear proliferator. In policy terms, this research shows the weaknesses of the supply-side options of the NPT regime, especially the IAEA nuclear inspections and the UN sanctions. Meanwhile, this research reveals the limitations and potential of the demand-side strategic options which can be selected within or beyond the NPT regime. Index Words: Analytic approach, Conflict, Cooperation, Diversion controls, Export controls, IAEA, Managerial approach, NPT, NPT regime, North Korea, Nuclear Incentives, Nuclear nonproliferation, Nuclear proliferation, Punitive sanctions, Strategic choice, Supply-side strategy, UN, UN Sanctions, Uncertainty, Uncertainty management,

      • Strategies-based intervention: Content analysis of online written discourse of in-country study abroad participants

        Kippa, Michelle Anne University of Minnesota 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215919

        This study is an exploratory examination of the culture learning experiences of university study abroad students during their time abroad as reflected in essays written during the in-country phase. I conducted a content analysis of six essays each of ten University of Minnesota students who studied in Australia for one semester and who participated in an online, strategies-based, culture learning course for which I was the instructor. It is a general understanding among international educators that in order to develop interculturally, one must go through the challenges inherent in the discomfort of negotiating the unfamiliar territory of a new culture, recognize cultural difference, and be able to accommodate it. However, Hofstede's research contends that Australia and the United States have similar cultural dimension scores. Related to that, the students included in this study predictably had experiences of lower psychological stress when considering Paige's Intensity Factors. While working with the students studying in Australia these points led to the question, "Do students studying in similar cultures to their own experience challenges or discomfort if the host culture doesn't feel new?" This developed into the research question of this study, which was "To what extent is there evidence of intercultural development as seen in the students' essays?". The students, for the most part, were able to acknowledge surface-level differences, e.g., vocabulary terminology, but less often discussed deeper cultural differences such as values and beliefs. It is my opinion based on analysis of the students' writings that all of the students wrote from ethnocentric perspectives. They claimed to be accepting of the differences between their home and host cultures, but often struggled to pinpoint said differences. Without recognition of differences between cultures' values and beliefs, it is not possible to cultivate an ethnorelative worldview. That said, many of the student development outcomes that the University of Minnesota desires for its graduates overlap with outcomes desired by study abroad programs. The University of Minnesota's student development outcomes that overlap with the University's Learning Abroad Center's desired student outcomes include independence, self awareness, resilience, appreciation of differences, and tolerance of ambiguity. These are also the major outcomes discussed in the final essays by the students in this study. In conclusion, while the students in this study struggled to articulate cultural differences between Australia and the United States, they did describe their own personal development in terms that match the desired development outcomes of both the University of Minnesota and of study abroad programs in general. These personal development outcomes are necessary steps toward building the basis of intercultural sensitivity development.

      • Bobcat (Lynx rufus) spatial ecology and harvest in Minnesota

        Kapfer, Paul Michael University of Minnesota 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215887

        The bobcat (Lynx rufus) is the most widely distributed and abundant felid in North America, whose status is primarily monitored via harvest and associated data. I used a combination of harvest and field data to investigate factors affecting spatiotemporal dynamics of bobcat harvest and spatial ecology in Minnesota. In chapter one, I investigate the socioeconomic and ecological factors that affected the number of bobcats harvested in Minnesota. I associated 32 years of bobcat harvest data from Minnesota with socioeconomic (e.g., pelt prices, license sales) and ecological variables (e.g., prey abundance, bobcat-specific index of winter severity) to determine what variables most strongly influenced annual bobcat harvest. My best model suggested that annual bobcat harvest in Minnesota was positively related to the proportion of scent stations visited by bobcats and season length, and negatively related to the proportion of days when the maximum temperature remained below the bobcat's lower critical temperature. My results differ from those of other studies that have suggested furbearer harvest is driven primarily by pelt price, and suggest that managers can influence the annual harvest of bobcats by changing season length. In chapter 2, I examine the factors affecting the spatial distribution of bobcat harvest in northeastern Minnesota. Despite a nearly three-fold increase in abundance over the last 15 years and coincident increase in harvest, the spatial distribution of bobcat harvest in Minnesota has remained relatively static. Of particular interest is the near total absence of bobcat harvest in the northeastern portion of the state because it represents one of five regions designated critical habitat for the federally-threatened Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), and anecdotal accounts suggest bobcats may threaten the persistence of Canada lynx populations. To explore potential explanations for the lack of bobcat harvest in this region I developed candidate binomial generalized linear models comparing townships where male and female bobcats were and were not harvested to determine whether hunter access and effort, climate, competition, prey abundance, or some combination thereof, accounted for the absence of bobcat harvest in this region. Top-ranked models for males and females suggest that the distribution of bobcat harvest in northeastern Minnesota is primarily determined by bobcat ecology rather than hunter effort and access. My results correspond with those of previous studies suggesting that bobcat populations can be suppressed by coyotes, that females are more reliant on snowshoe hare than males, and that white-tailed deer form an important component of the diet of bobcats at northern latitudes. In chapter 3 I use data from two GPS radio-collared sibling adult female bobcats and compare estimated home range and core area size to previously published studies of bobcat space use in Minnesota and Wisconsin and provide the first published estimate of space use overlap among sibling adult females. Social organization influences carnivore demography, space use, density and abundance. In bobcats, social organization is thought to be affected by multiple interacting factors including relatedness, sex, and prey and conspecific density. To provide baseline data on the effect of relatedness on bobcat social organization, I examined space use and overlap among two sibling, adult female bobcats in east-central Minnesota, and compared these results to previously published research. Estimated bobcat home range size was similar to that of previous studies. Home range and core area overlap was within the range of previous studies. Importantly, the use of two different methods for estimating core area suggested that the subjective use of the 50% utilization distribution would have underestimated core area size and overlap. In the final chapter, I estimate how environmental features affect the suitability of habitat for bobcat reproduction and kitten survival and estimate the extent and distribution of bobcat breeding habitat in Minnesota. Distribution models have seen widespread adoption for a diversity of conservation applications because they require minimal data yet have proven highly predictive of the environmental features tolerated by animals. However, there has been limited integration of demography and distribution modeling despite empirical evidence suggesting that the environmental conditions supportive of reproduction are a subset of those supporting survival. I developed a maximum entropy distribution model of habitat suitable for bobcat reproduction and kitten survival using locations where kittens were harvested. My distribution model had good predictive ability and results suggest that the distribution of riparian forest is the preeminent environmental feature explaining the distribution of bobcat reproduction in Minnesota. Coyote abundance, row-crop agriculture and prairie were negatively associated with habitat suitability, mirroring the results of previous studies. Percentage of the study area providing suitable habitat for bobcat reproduction ranged from 23-76%, depending on the threshold used to discriminate between suitable and unsuitable habitat. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

      • The university and the economy: An exploratory analysis of the impact of current economic activity of the University of Minnesota on the economy of the state

        Misukanis, Mark Richard University of Minnesota 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215887

        This dissertation examines the economic impact of a post secondary institution. The central reason for this study is public policy concerns. All post secondary institutions receive public funding, directly through cash grants and indirectly through student aid, and the impact of these institutions on the state's economy must concern public policy makers. An institution impacts the economy in three central ways; through current spending on compensation and goods and services, developing human capital that leads to higher lifetime incomes for students, and creating and disseminating new knowledge that improves economic productivity and leads to new goods and services. An adequate examination of the economic impact requires a careful construction of a conceptual model that includes all three ways. There are two important economic concepts not always considered in these studies in the literature. The first is that economic activity may be attributable to an institution, but this activity may not be totally new to the state. Internally generated resources simply shift activity from another location or industry in the state to the institution. On the other hand, new resources brought into the state by non-resident students, federal grants, and other related means create new activity. The second is the adequate measurement of dynamic relationships in the economy. Regional economists have developed sophisticated tools to measure changes in labor markets, wage rates and income, inter-industry relationships, and population due to new spending. An economic model that ignores these relationships will inaccurately estimate the impact of the institution and result in misleading conclusions. The conceptual model is applied to the University of Minnesota. However, the paper only presents an empirical measure of the economic impact from current economic activity. Economic activity attributable to the University of Minnesota is initially about 2% of the state total, but this drops to about 1.5% over a decade as the economy responds to new spending levels. The new activity created by the University through new resources brought into the state is only about one-third this level. For technical reasons related to import substitution this latter figure should be considered a lower bound.

      • Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use: An Examination of their Role in Pregnancy Health Behaviors and Birth Outcomes

        Gyllstrom, Marilyn Elizabeth University of Minnesota 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215887

        Objective. To characterize maternal mental health from a surveillance perspective and to specifically focus on maternal mental health and its potential relationship with prenatal substance use by: describing the co-occurrence of maternal mood and prenatal substance use; exploring the independent and interactive associations of maternal mood and prenatal substance use with infant health outcomes; and examining the relationship between maternal mood, stressful life events and prenatal tobacco cessation and maternal mood, stressful life events, postpartum depression and postpartum tobacco relapse. A qualitative study of methamphetamine use during pregnancy was designed to describe the experiences of pregnant women who had used methamphetamine immediately prior to or during pregnancy, with a specific focus on their mental health history. Methods. Surveillance data from the Minnesota Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), an on-going written/telephone survey of women who recently delivered live births in Minnesota linked to birth certificate data, comprised the dataset used to examine substance use, maternal mental health and infant health outcomes, as well as the tobacco cessation/relapse analyses. It is considered representative of Minnesota's recent mothers and infants. The Maternal Methamphetamine Study evolved from a community-based, participatory research model. Primary data collection and analysis focused on a small sample of women located in urban and rural settings in Minnesota. Qualitative methods were used to describe a population of women in out-patient therapy for methamphetamine use through county-based treatment programs. Data collection tools were designed in collaboration with researchers from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Children's Hospitals and Clinics and Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC). Qualitative data were obtained through in-person or telephone interviews and quantitative data through self-administered, written questionnaires. The University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviewed both studies. The PRAMS questionnaire has been previously reviewed and approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and MDH IRBs. The secondary analyses of PRAMS data qualified for IRB exemption, as it uses existing data and does not contain personal identifiers. The methamphetamine project was approved by the University of Minnesota IRB. Conclusions. Low maternal mood co-occurred with substance use during pregnancy, which has profound implications for the health of women and their infants. Low maternal mood during pregnancy and tobacco use were interactively associated with a two-fold higher risk of low birthweight births. Women who reported low mood during pregnancy and who abstained from alcohol use during the third trimester of pregnancy were twice as likely to have a preterm delivery compared to women who reported higher mood levels. Low mood levels and stress were associated with decreased likelihood of tobacco cessation during pregnancy. Women with a history of methamphetamine addiction reported personal and familial histories of psychological problems. In addition, methamphetamine was described as a remedy for low energy, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. Women stated they could accomplish more while on methamphetamine and it helped them cope with the demands of daily life. Thus, mental health problems and substance use co-occurred, which may have potential adverse consequences for pregnant women. More study of this complex relationship, and the resulting effects on women and their children, is important for long-term maternal and child health. Limitations. The two data sources define depressive symptoms differently, with different data collection methods. Thus, comparability between the study populations is difficult. This further reflects the lack of a gold standard measure for prenatal depression and depressive symptoms and the difficulty of measuring such symptoms during pregnancy. The question related to maternal mood during pregnancy from PRAMS is not considered a standard screening question and requires caution when interpreting results. Additionally, the women participating in the methamphetamine study are a select group of women who were identified through drug treatment programs. Public Health Implications. This proposal suggests that mental health may be important over the course of a pregnancy and during the postpartum. The innovative nature of this project relates to its exploration of maternal mental health and substance use concurrently, and their potential joint contributions to adverse maternal and infant health outcomes. In addition, it is one of the first studies to describe pregnant women in recovery from methamphetamine addiction. The results from these manuscripts provide information for local, state and federal public health agencies for program development and research allocation, and could influence their confidence in surveillance data designed to track maternal mental health.

      • President's Emerging Leaders Program at the University of Minnesota: Impact of leadership development on nonacademic staff

        Hegrenes, Lynn Joyce University of Minnesota 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215887

        This study explored the President's Emerging Leaders Program at the University of Minnesota and its impact on nonacademic staff. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of leadership development on participants' knowledge acquisition, self-awareness building, perspective change, skill development, and behavior change after involvement in this program. A phenomenological study was conducted that included a three-part series of interviews of four participants and their experiences in this professional development program. The research question asked in what ways program participation influenced the participants' leadership development in the competencies outlined above relating to interpersonal communications, service culture, talents and expertise, workplace environment, technology, and multitasking. Subjects in the study were asked to tell their story reflecting on their experiences prior to, during, and after program participation, to search for meaning in these events. The researcher used the research question to guide the participants through the interviews and to search for themes or patterns. Themes that emerged from the study incorporated continuous learning, meeting new people, relationship building, and networking. Findings of the study reflected on participants' leadership opportunities and leadership development experiences along with their experiences in the program implementation components self-evaluation, seminars, experiential projects, and coaching. The outcomes of the participants' experiences included knowledge expansion, skill development, relationship building, and self-awareness development. Recommendations are offered to university administrators as a result of this impact study about the leadership development of program participants in the year 2001--02. These included setting vision and tone to guide program values, strengthening the image of the program, strengthening the promotion of the emerging leaders and increasing marketing of the program, establishing a central network for program alumni, and encouraging and facilitating networking and relationship building of cohort members in the program. Overall, participants reported a favorable experience from program participation. All individuals spoke unequivocally about using their talents now that they have completed the President's Emerging Leaders Program. The university community must become a wise consumer of this resource for the future benefits of students, staff, faculty, and administrators in the University of Minnesota.

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