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      • Memory on the Boundaries of Empire: Narrating Place in the Early Modern Local Historiography of Yazd

        Mancini-Lander, Derek J University of Michigan 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation traces the evolution of premodern historical writing about Yazd, Iran, in order to explore the changing function and utility of local history writing as a key means of engagement in imperial affairs. Yazd had been an important intellectual, religious, and economic center in Persianate empires since Mongol times, and its notable families commanded authority and influence at court. However, by the end of the Safavid era, in the seventeenth century, Yazd had lost this standing. This study understands this decline in terms of parallel transformations that reconfigured the city's local social networks and elements of its urban morphology. It does so by comparing the different ways in which successive Yazdi authors channeled the history of the imperial realm through stories about Yazd's own people and places. This study of Yazd's local histories complicates the court-centered narrative of empire that has dominated scholarship on early modern Islamic empire and outlines a complementary history of the Islamo-Persianate world from its edge. It examines the strategies by which historians writing from the margins commemorated their city's history as a means of constructing a local sensibility and, at the same time, a sense of orientation in the world outside local places. This project structures this exploration of Yazdi historiography around a series of sites across the city that the authors presented as being constitutive of local networks of actors and, also, of the mythologies that legitimated the authority of sacred kings and their universal empires. Each chapter is fundamentally concerned with the relationship between narrative, space, and memory, and each compares the webs of narratives that Yazdi authors embed in their commemorations of these sites. Toward this end, the project charts the evolution of local strategies for "centering" the city in the larger world by examining changes in the implicit discourse on universal empire, which Yazdi historians situated in their representations of local spaces. In this way, the dissertation maps these transformations in narrative strategy onto changes in the social and topographical features of Yazd and, furthermore, correlates these with shifts in patterns of interaction between the court and the city.

      • The pursuit of gypsiness in nineteenth-century Britain

        Mancini, Michelle Marie University of California, Berkeley 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation examines the construction of gypsiness as simultaneously an intellectual puzzle, a social problem, and a literary convention. At the beginning of the century, the wandering “gypsy” was already a conventional figure of mystery. German research deriving Gypsies from India both challenged this view and provided new and more sophisticated evidence for it. While the discovery that Gypsies in every nation retained remnants of an original unique language fueled many writers' fantasies of Gypsies' secret depth, it could also stand as proof of their incorrigible rejection of the benefits of progress and sedentary civilization. As both highly literary and quasi-scientific treatments of gypsies proliferated throughout the century, these two apparently separate threads must be seen as simultaneously inhibiting and inciting each other, reflecting both a profound determination to comprehend the essence (origins, history, and present conditions) of real gypsies and an equally urgent desire to retain gypsiness itself as pure essence, a diffuse source of mystery and freedom with special relevance for practitioners of imaginative art. Walter Scott's <italic>Guy Mannering</italic> illustrates the discovery of the metaphorical flexibility of gypsiness, as the gypsy crone Meg Merrilies turns out to be a model for the modern subject: fortuneteller and trickster rather than productive worker and wandering exile rather than fully integrated member of an organic community. Dickens's <italic>Barnaby Rudge</italic> offers a critique of Scott's celebration of gypsiness, by showing the way a willfully romanticized perspective works to blind those in power to a sense of their connections and ethical responsibilities to all outsiders. The writer most responsible for the nineteenth century's romanticization of Gypsies finds a way to combine this romanticization with a deep sense of connection, but in doing so, he makes himself as eccentric and mysterious as his Gypsy friends and advocates neither charity nor assimilation but continued separate survival. Finally with George Eliot's <italic>The Spanish Gypsy</italic>, gypsiness comes to stand not as opposed to a sense of ethical responsibilities and human connectedness, but as their epitome.

      • Mechanisms of cerebellar granule cell migration impairment by methylmercury

        Mancini, Jayme Danelle Michigan State University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The cerebellum is crucial for motor and cognitive functions. Development of cerebellar granule cells is necessary for maturation of the cells with which they normally interact. Methylmercury (MeHg) prevents development of cerebellar granule cells by impairing their migration from the external germinal cell layer to the internal granule cell layer. Previous studies in rats determined that migration is dependent on N-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCC)- and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated Ca 2+-oscillations. Both of these protein channels are dependent on membrane depolarization for activation, however, the source of which is not clear. The GABAA receptor depolarizes the membrane in immature neurons and is known to be a target of MeHg even at low micromolar levels. The objective of this study was to determine mechanisms involved in regulating the Ca 2+-oscillations of migrating cerebellar granule cell that may be altered by MeHg. Migration was studied using fluorescently-tagged bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) pulse-track labeling of granule cells in organotypic slice cultures of developing cerebellum. The interactions between the GABAA receptor and VDCCs and/or NMDA receptors were investigated using acute slice preparations of developing cerebellum. The slices were loaded with a fluorescent Ca 2+-indicator dye. Laser confocal microscopy was used to analyze both the organotypic slice cultures and the [Ca2+]i in the acute slice preparations. The results suggest that the predominant subtype of NR2 subunit found in cerebellar granule cells at this stage of development, NR2B, is critical to migration. Stimulation of the GABAA receptor by muscimol increased intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) by 50.07% +/- 6 in the external germinal cell layer and opened N- and L-type VDCCs, but not P/Q-type VDCCs or NR2B-containing NMDA receptors. GABA A receptor stimulation did not cause a significant release of Ca 2+ from intracellular stores of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum or mitochondria. During continuous exposure to MeHg, the concentration at which granule cell death occurred with MeHg appears to be time- and concentration-dependent. Migration was significantly impaired by exposure to 3.0 muM MeHg for 3 days and 0.5 muM MeHg for 7 days, suggesting that MeHg impairs migration in a time-dependent manner at lower concentrations than are required to cause cell death. MeHg caused a time- and concentration-dependent increase in [Ca 2+]i in granule cells of all stages of development. Immature granule cells in the external germinal cell layer showed that an initial pulse of muscimol caused an increased [Ca2+]i by 154% relative to controls, and was significantly greater than the response to caused by application of muscimol in the absence of MeHg. The [Ca2+] i following subsequent pulses of muscimol in the presence of MeHg was greater than muscimol alone, but not as high as that in the presence of MeHg alone. In postmigratory granule cells of the internal granule cell layer pulses of muscimol in the presence or absence of MeHg did not increase [Ca 2+]i. MeHg may stimulate, and then block the mature GABA A receptor as described by other studies. Effects of MeHg on the GABA A receptor at different stages of development may be responsible for the differential changes in [Ca2+]i during MeHg exposure and disrupt the GABAA receptor-mediated activation of N- and L-type VDCCs.

      • Theories of recovery elicited from individuals diagnosed with psychiatric disabilities

        Mancini, Michael Anthony State University of New York at Albany 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study examined the personal theories and stories of fifteen adults regarding how they recovered from serious psychiatric disability. This study used qualitative, in-depth interviews. Interviews were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Symbolic interactionism provided the initial theoretical framework. Participants were consumer-providers of mental health services. “Consumer providers” were defined as persons diagnosed with a serious psychiatric disability. Current or former users of mental health services, they now provide mental health services to others with psychiatric disabilities. Participants' accounts of recovery contained a mix of stories and personal theories grounded in their lived experience. They indicated that recovery was a complex and dynamic process of personal growth, transformation and development. This process involved complex identity-related transformations resulting from interactions of environmental and personal factors. More specifically, participants indicated that the most important aspect of their recovery involved the transformation of an illness-dominated identity to an identity marked by competence and well-being. Participants identified the existence of supportive relationships, meaningful activities and effective traditional and alternative treatments as influential factors in their overall recovery from psychiatric disabilities. Recovery was also influenced by participants' own personal beliefs and expectations about their capacity to recover and live satisfying lives. The consumer providers who participated in this study provided important findings and fresh understanding about the recovery process. While symbolic interactionism was a useful theoretical framework, two other theories provided useful and important ways to interpret this study's findings. Self-efficacy theory and the theory of possible selves also enhanced understanding of the dynamics of the recovery process. Implications for future research, policy, and practice are presented in conclusion.

      • Marital closeness, functional disability, and adjustment in late life

        Mancini, Anthony D Columbia University 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Previous research has demonstrated that social support can ameliorate the negative psychological effects of functional disability, but studies differ regarding the relative importance of emotional and instrumental support. In the present study of older married persons, I use socioemotional selectivity theory (SST), a lifespan developmental theory that posits emotion's increasing importance as endings approach, to predict that emotional, as compared with instrumental, dimensions of marriage would more strongly predict adjustment at higher levels of disability. Results largely supported predictions. Marital closeness was more strongly associated with reduced anxiety and depression at higher levels of disability, while the influence of spousal instrumental support did not vary by level of disability. Overall, marital closeness was a strong predictor of reduced depression and anxiety and increased self-esteem, while spousal instrumental support's effects differed by dependent variable, were gender typed, and relatively weak. Results are discussed in the context of socioemotional selectivity theory and traditional stress-buffering models of social support.

      • A brighter shade of pink: Magnus Hirschfeld, the third sex and the sexual freedom movement in Germany

        Mancini, Elena Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New B 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Queer had a voice long before it became an avowed identity position in the late twentieth century. That voice belonged to Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935). Renowned mostly for his pioneering work as a sexologist and a gay rights activist, Hirschfeld embodied a liberal democratic ethic that allowed him to make significant contributions to some of the most pressing social issues of the late Wilhelmine and Weimar period. He devoted his life to sexual reform and social justice. Homosexuality, abortion rights, women's suffrage, the philosophical and political abolition of racism, and cultural cosmopolitanism were among the causes he embraced. Grounded in a cultural-historical approach that is sensitive to the significance of Hirschfeld's theoretical contributions and political advocacy for sexual equality, this study seeks to challenge the notion that the practical concerns of the gay and queer community are best served by queer theory. Taking issue with many queer theorists' all too facile dismissal of the emancipatory values of tolerance and Enlightenment universals in favor of the privileging of difference and narrow identity groups, my dissertation argues that a repudiation of Enlightenment universalism, most specifically the value of tolerance, will not advance the practical concerns---gay marriage, protection against hate crimes and full social and political enfranchisement---of the queer and gay community but rather ultimately lead such groups into a rights-deprived cul-de-sac. Far from advocating compromise or conformity within the queer community, my argument calls for a shift in emphasis and priorities within it that privileges equality and basic civil rights before defining narrow identity group interests. By illuminating Hirschfeld's coalitionist ethic---he formed crucial alliances with leaders of the Social Democratic Party and key organizers of minority group movements---cultural engagement, humanism and social outreach, my work not only recovers a significant piece of queer history but also furnish an ethos for the realization of practical goals within the queer community that has the potential of transforming current prejudices toward alternative sexual identities.

      • The effectiveness and cost of health delivery systems in Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, and Tanzania: Private versus public allocation, quality of service provision, and management structure

        Mancini, Dominic Joseph The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The three analyses that constitute this dissertation study the relationship between health facility operational practices, facility characteristics, and measures of service utilization, cost, and health. <italic>Chapter II</italic>. The Effect of Structural Characteristics on Family Planning Program Performance in Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria. The country data captures both supply and demand characteristics, which allowed us to measure structural effects net of demographic controls. The dependent variables were facility level service cost and contraceptive output, and total output had an endogenous influence on contraceptive cost. Both size and specialization matter. In both countries, vertical (stand alone) Family Planning facilities provide significantly more contraception than their integrated service counterparts. Larger facilities offer lower average cost contraception, especially in Nigeria. Finally, facility management has discretion over many model “control” variables, even to the point of facility location. When comparing operating authorities, it is essential to consider everything that is potentially under managerial control. <italic>Chapter III</italic>. Operating Authority and Quality in Family Planning Service Provision and Cost in Tanzania. This chapter applies the same chapter II theory and analysis to the richer Tanzania data. Unlike chapter II, Tanzania does not have a robust private sector or massive involvement of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Most of the demographic controls were insignificant, as was the effect of quality. Strong evidence of economies of scale in production is present; and, unlike the chapter II analysis, the major NGO alternatives provided contraception at a much higher cost per unit than government facilities. <italic>Chapter IV</italic>. Antenatal Health Care Quality: Does it Matter? Evidence from Tanzania. Facility quality contributes to both service utilization and healthy birth weights among the local population in this health production function model. The estimation procedure corrects for data clustering, the endogeneity of service utilization, and birth measurement sample selection. Although quality is a strong determinant of the prenatal care use, that use has little to no impact on the subsequent birth weight. Birth weight is a very inaccurate measure in Tanzania. Subjective birth size performed much closer to expectations, but is not a discriminating enough measure to capture small prenatal care health effects.

      • Engineering Designed Proteins for Light Capture, Energy Transfer, and Emissive Sensing In Vivo

        Mancini, Joshua A ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Penn 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Proteins that are used for photosynthetic light harvesting and biological signaling are critical to life. These types of proteins act as scaffolds that hold small, sometimes metal-containing organic molecules in precise locations for light absorption and successive use. For signaling proteins, this energy can be used to induce a photoisomerization of the small molecule that can turn on or off a signaling cascade that controls the physiology of an organism. Alternatively, photosynthetic light-harvesting proteins funnel this energy in a directional manner towards a charge separating catalytic component that can change this light energy into chemical energy. The protein environment also serves to tune the photophysical properties of the small molecules. This is seen extensively with the linear tetrapyrroles that are used in both photosynthetic and signaling proteins. Many efforts have been made to harness these natural proteins for societal use, including improving photophysical properties and interfacing capabilities with manmade catalytic components. Several methods of achieving improvement have entailed structurally guided mutation and directed evolution. However, these methods all have their limitations due to the inherent complexity and fragility of the natural proteins. This work presents an alternative more robust method to natural proteins. My thesis states: that man-made proteins, known as maquettes, employing basic rules of protein folding, can be designed to become light harvesting and signaling proteins that can be assembled fully in vivo providing an alternative, robust, and versatile platform for meeting the diverse array of societal "green chemistry" and biomedical needs. This in vivo assembly is carried out by interacting with cyanobacterial protein and pigment machinery, both as stand-alone units and as protein fusions with natural antenna complexes. Additionally, this work offers insight for fast and tight binding of circular and linear tetrapyrroles to the maquettes both in vitro and in vivo. Design principles are also established for increasing the amount of linear tetrapyrrole attachment to the maquette as well as modulating their photophysical properties. Fast and tight binding of cofactors, high cofactor attachment yields, and control of cofactor photophysical properties are all prerequisites for the maquettes to be successful in vivo photosynthetic light harvesting and signaling proteins.

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