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      • Shoulder movement and pain after stroke

        Hardwick, Dustin Dean Washington University in St. Louis 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Study design. Single-group repeated-measures design. Objectives. To investigate the ability of the wallslide exercise to activate the serratus anterior muscle (SA) at and above 90° of humeral elevation. Background. Strengthening of the SA is a critical component of rehabilitation for patients with shoulder impingement syndromes. Traditional SA exercises have included scapular protraction exercises such as the push-up plus. These exercises promote activation of the SA near 90° of humeral elevation, but not in positions above 90° where patients typically experience pain. Methods and measures. Twenty healthy subjects were studied performing 3 exercises: (1) wallslide, (2) plus phase of a wall push-up plus, and (3) scapular plane shoulder elevation. Three-dimensional position of the thorax, scapula, and humerus and muscle activity from the SA, upper and lower trapezius, and latissimus dorsi were recorded. The magnitudes of activation for each muscle at 90°, 120°, and 140° of humeral elevation were quantified from EMG records. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to determine the degree to which the different exercises activated the SA at the 3 humeral positions. Results. The intensity of SA activity was not significantly different between the 3 exercises at 90° elevation (p = 0.40). For the wallslide and scapular plane shoulder elevation exercises, SA activity increased with increasing humeral elevation angle (p = 0.00005) with no significant differences between the 2 exercises (p = 0.36). Conclusion. The wallslide is an effective exercise to activate the SA muscle at and above 90° of shoulder elevation. During this exercise, SA activation is not significantly different from SA activation during the push-up plus and the scapular plane shoulder elevation, 2 exercises previously validated in the literature.

      • Faculty perceptions of the role of Student Affairs staff in student learning

        Hardwick, James Dale University of Minnesota 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This study examined faculty perceptions of (1) the division of responsibilities, or roles, for student learning between faculty and student affairs staff; (2) collaborative practices between faculty and student affairs staff to increase the integration of student learning; (3) the articulation of student learning goals by faculty and their perception of institutional learning goals; and (4) the identification of institutional barriers to integrate student learning in and out of the classroom in American higher education. One hundred and sixty-seven members of the sample population (n = 300), employed by twenty Baccalaureate I and II colleges and universities, returned the <italic>Faculty Survey on Student Learning</italic>, yielding a 55% return rate for the self-administered mail survey. One hundred fifty surveys provided usable data. Faculty identified learning roles for faculty, for student affairs staff, and for both faculty and student affairs staff. The respondents supported some shared learning roles with student affairs staff though they excluded student affairs staff from having learning roles in the classroom. Faculty expressed support for collaborative practices to integrate student learning in and out of the classroom. Consistency was found between the goals faculty identified for undergraduate education and the goals faculty believed their college or university had for undergraduate education. Institutional barriers to integrating student learning in and out of the classroom were identified by faculty. Faculty workload and faculty familiarity with out-of-classroom learning and the work of student affairs staff were reported as possible barriers. Given the autonomy with which faculty and student affairs staff set separate student learning goal agendas for the institution, a model of parallel play was proposed as a conceptual model for understanding the responses in this study. Instead of faculty and student affairs staff integrating student learning practices and working in each other's areas, the parallel model suggests allowing both groups to work in their separate areas with the same learning goals as the focus of their work. Recommendations for future practice and research were also discussed to further examine the application of the parallel play model to the issue of connecting student learning in and out of the classroom.

      • "You Make It Work:” Black Women’s Gendered Racism Experiences and Coping Processes in Counseling Psychology Doctoral Programs

        Hardwick, Ja'lessa New Mexico State University ProQuest Dissertations 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        While suffering from gendered racism experiences, Black women are at a higher risk for developing chronic physical and mental health conditions. Furthermore, Black women in doctoral programs are more likely to experience inadequate support and guidance that can ultimately hinder professional development and progress. The current literature has highlighted mental health outcomes associated with chronic exposure to racism; however, within the context of counseling psychology, there is a dearth of research that examines how racism within training programs impact the mental health and professional development for Black women. This grounded theory study aims to understand and describe the process of how experiences of gendered racism and other racism experiences impact the mental health and professional development of Black women. Utilizing semi-structured interviews, via video-conferencing, Black women were interviewed and discussed their experiences of gendered racism experiences during their training in counseling psychology doctoral programs. Findings from the present study suggest that counseling psychology programs have demonstrated inconsistency between their professional values (i.e., social justice and multiculturalism) and exhibited behaviors which contribute to Black women’s experiences of gendered racism. Recommendations encourage counseling psychology to recommit to professional values and expand knowledge around sociocultural factors that impact Black women’s lived experiences. Additionally, counseling psychology is encouraged to improve strategies for recruitment and retention of Black students and faculty.

      • Behavior, Selection, and the Genetics of Adaptation during the Early Stages of Ecological Divergence

        Hardwick, Kayla M University of Idaho 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Adaptive divergence is a complex process, the outcome of which is often difficult to predict. The ecological speciation continuum has recently emerged as a framework for understanding the dynamic nature of adaptive divergence and identifying factors that facilitate or inhibit the evolution of reproductive isolation. However, the relative contributions of different factors to progress along the speciation continuum during real-world instances of adaptive divergence remain poorly understood in most systems. The White Sands system provides an opportunity to investigate how different factors influence position along the speciation continuum. White Sands, a gypsum dune field that formed recently within the Chihuahuan desert, represents a striking contrast to the surrounding desert scrubland. Three lizard species have colonized the novel White Sands environment: the Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus), the Little Striped Whiptail ( Aspidoscelis inornata), and the Lesser Earless Lizard (Holbrookia maculata). In all three species, populations on and off White Sands have diverged in a number of phenotypic characteristics and are likely in the incipient stages of ecological speciation. My dissertation research focuses on how factors such as behavior, selection, and the genetics of adaptation affect the evolution of reproductive isolation during the early stages of ecological speciation, focusing primarily on the White Sands system. In Chapter II I examined mate preference between ecologically distinct populations of S. undulatus in White Sands, dark soils, and lava flow habitats and found evidence for asymmetrical reproductive isolation. In Chapter III I investigated selection on color in H. maculata, and I found that space, time, and sex influence the dynamics of predation on lizards in White Sands. In Chapter IV I used computer simulations to demonstrate that reproductive isolation evolves more rapidly during ecological speciation when adaptation occurs from standing genetic variation compared with new mutation. Finally, in Chapter V I explored the relative roles of ecological barriers and geographic distance in generating genetic divergence between populations. I found that White Sands acts as a barrier to gene flow in both species, and that the magnitude of the effect of White Sands on genetic divergence is most likely greater in S. undulatus than A. inornata.

      • Creating a consumer's century: Urbanism and architect Victor Gruen, 1938--1968

        Hardwick, M. Jeffrey Yale University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        “Creating a Consumer's Century” is a biography of commercial architect Victor Gruen. Working in America from 1938 to 1968, Gruen fashioned Fifth Avenue boutiques, chain stores, department stores, shopping centers, and American downtowns to entice consumers. This biography looks beyond the demotic notions of the “malling of America,” the privatization of public space, postwar suburbanization, and downtown decline by explaining the strategies by which Gruen's commercial projects transformed the public realm for Americans. First working in Manhattan, Gruen used flashy facades, standardized show windows, and architecture as advertisement to lure shoppers into a glittering world of retailing. Moving to Los Angeles during World War II, Gruen took store modernization theories onto a national stage. Designing “Victory Stores” from El Paso to Philadelphia, Gruen mixed his Fifth Avenue modernism with the flamboyant aesthetic of the Southern California strip to hawk clothes to speeding “autoists.&rdquo. In reaction to the commercial strip, Gruen turned to shopping centers to refine the crass Miracle Mile, uplift its consumer-citizens, and turn a tidy profit. In the mid-1950s, Gruen successfully designed two ostentatious shopping malls for Detroit and Minneapolis suburbs. In Northland and Southdale, Gruen realized a few of his idealistic goals by including sculpture, art, fountains, aviaries, auditoriums, kiosks, and nurseries. However, he reined in his vision of public amenities to insure a generous profit for developers and retailers. Simultaneously, Gruen turned his attentions to bolstering downtown's retailing prospects. For Ft. Worth, Kalamazoo, and Rochester, Gruen gave politicians and planners colorful blueprints by which they could erect their own consumer meccas. Gruen's shopping centers, parking garages, and pedestrian malls remade downtowns as suburbs and further marginalized urban residents. Gruen's reordering of consumerism went hand-in-hand with the remaking, of the metropolis; his people's palaces redefined for Americans their positions within the political, economic, and public life of their cities and suburbs. This dissertation analyzes Gruen's remarkably prolific career to understand transformations both in twentieth-century commercial architecture, the American metropolis, and public life. Hoping to combine beauty and business, reform and retail, Gruen created a new visual vocabulary of American retailing—a hybrid of civic and commercial culture.

      • Stories of the wind: The role of Mak Yong in Shamanistic healing in Kelantan, Malaysia

        Hardwick, Patricia Ann Indiana University 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Mak Yong is a Malay dramatic art form that requires its practitioners to be storytellers, actors, singers, dancers, musicians and often healers. Traditionally trained Mak Yong performers never follow a written script, but rather improvise entire performances based upon their internalized understandings of well-established storylines and stock characters. Mak Yong tales are elaborate creations that tell the stories of demi-gods, dragon kings, sky princesses, magic kites, man-eating ogres, divine kings, and royal households. My dissertation combines theories of performance and embodiment with the study of traditional narratives and oral literature to investigate Kelantanese ways of healing through Mak Yong performances. I investigate how traditional Kelantanese performers and healers conceptualize the human body and how they employ multi-layered metaphors to heal their patients during Mak Yong/Main Puteri performances. Many of the Kelantanese patients treated through these performances have turned to traditional methods of healing only after being evaluated and treated by western trained medical doctors. Often these patients have physical and emotional symptoms of disease, yet no illness can be detected by western trained doctors. Within a healing context, a performance of Mak Yong is geared toward releasing a patient's pent-up winds, or desires, by leading the patient through the embodiment of a lead character in a Mak Yong play. Through performance a patient, embodying a character from a traditional tale, is able to dramatically link his or her mental or physical illness with the trials and tribulations experienced by the character in the tale. Mak Yong practitioners assist their patient in becoming the lead character of a play. Clothed in everyday clothing, Mak Yong actors and actresses dress the patient in their costumes, lead them into their performance space, and guide the patient through a public performance of Mak Yong. Resplendent in the enactment of a demi-god or divine king, a patient stands among simply clad Mak Yong masters. Patients imitate a master's dance movements; they are moved to weep at the beauty of their songs, and they are guided to wellness through the embodiment of their narratives.

      • Investigation of the Effect of Multiple Scales of Topography on Hyporheic Exchange

        Stonedahl, Susa Hardwick Northwestern University 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247341

        Water and waterborne solutes continuously exchange with the surrounding sediments. This process is termed hyporheic exchange. The sediments surrounding the stream are rich with biological activity, which can transform solutes carried in the water. The amount of transformation that takes place is related to the amount of time the water spends in the sediments, the composition of the sediments, and the biological communities present. In this work I investigated the hydrodynamic and geomorphic controls on exchange flow and subsurface residence time distributions. I developed a physically based multi-scale model for the relationship between stream topography and hyporheic exchange. The model predicts the hyporheic flow paths based on a priori system characteristics such as stream discharge, hydraulic conductivity, and valley slope, as well as stream channel topography of the system. From this model we get residence time distributions for water in the subsurface as well as spatially distributed estimates of the interfacial flux of water into and out of the subsurface. The model uses a Schwarz-Christoffel conformal mapping of the stream planform to align the topography with the direction of flow. Then it approximates a function for head variation based on stream topography and surface water flow variation using Fourier series and finite difference calculations. I have applied the model to two stream topographies generated in laboratory flumes, a small, ditched agricultural stream, and multiple idealized meandering stream channel planforms. Two simulations were compared with empirical datasets. The solute data compared favorably for a laboratory flume simulation as did the natural system for the longer exchange time scales. The discrepancy at short exchange time scales indicates that the tracer data characterized shorter exchange times than those captured by our model. The simulations demonstrated that all scales of topographic features contribute to interfacial flux and residence time distributions, but that ripple and dune scales tend to both contribute more than and interact nonlinearly with meanders. Simulations of the natural stream showed that groundwater input shortened hyporheic residence times and both confined the flux into the subsurface to the center of the stream and decreased the total amount of water entering the subsurface.

      • Biorefinery Processing of Diverse Protolignins to Assist Biorefinery Lignin Valorization

        Narron, Robert Hardwicke North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247341

        Carbohydrate-derived products are currently the primary and sole output of biorefinery processes. Biorefinery lignin co-products, if properly developed, are expected to supplement biorefinery income and reduce reliance upon the market of a single output product. A broad survey of biomasses have been comprehensively analyzed, focusing upon differing lignin's responses to biorefinery processing. Characterization results are intended to elucidate biorefinery lignin properties and aid biomass selection for biorefineries looking to valorize lignin. The pretreatment utilized in the investigated cellulase-based biorefinery process was autohydrolysis. Autohydrolysis is a simple pretreatment that utilizes only water, temperature, and pressure to facilitate biomass degradation and deconstruction. Chemical degradation is enabled by cleavage of hemicellulosic acetates to produce acetic acid in the water hydrolyzate ("autohydrolyzate"). Autohydrolysis was found to render minor quantities of hardwood and non-wood lignin soluble in autohydrolyzate. A method for soluble lignin segregation was developed and applied across all studied biomasses in order to elucidate this mostly unknown biorefinery lignin fraction. Autohydrolyzate-soluble lignin is of particular interest based upon its low molecular weight, low polydispersity, high phenolic functionality, and aqueous solubility. These properties are ripe for innovation of co-products based upon autohydrolyzate-soluble lignin. In addition, sequestration of autohydrolyzate-solute lignin backhandedly revealed a means of separating lignin from hemicellulosic xylooligosaccharides. These oligosaccharides are also attractive biorefinery co-products based on the existing market for similar non-digestible oligosaccharide food additives. Insoluble residues after pretreatment and cellulolytic hydrolysis are lignin enriched due to the carbohydrate-targeting unit operations preceding its generation. This material has been partially characterized to describe it relative to protolignin, with conclusions being drawn that identify key markers in protolignin that are most influential upon residual lignin's chemical and molecular properties. For both hardwood and non-wood, trends have been identified that relate lignin reactivity with monolignol constituency.

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