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      • Language and motivational cultural intelligence as determinants of expatriate turnover intention: : a study of South Korea towards a multicultural workplace

        Eng, Aileen Graduate School, Korea University 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        By going beyond the expatriate literature that is predominantly expatriate-centric, this study examines the impact of organizational-level factors, including the organizational English utilization and organization motivational cultural intelligence (MCQ), on turnover intention of 148 expatriates located in South Korea. In addition, this study investigates how individual-level factors (expatriate host country language proficiency and expatriate MCQ) moderate the direct relationship between organizational-level factors and expatriate turnover intention. Empirical findings demonstrated that organizational English utilization and organizational MCQ have negative direct effect on expatriate turnover intention, and the negative relationships were mitigated by the expatriate host country proficiency and expatriate MCQ.

      • An Evaluation on the Development of IFEZ New Songdo City : 인천경제자유구역의 발전 현황 연구 : 송도신도시를 중심으로

        YAP KAI ENG 인천대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In the wake of IMF crisis in 1997, South Korea government has created a new economic framework to boost its economic growth by designated free economic zone (FEZ). Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) was the first designated zone with 3 districts: Songdo, Yeongjong and Cheongna. Through IFEZ, the government aims were to attract more foreign direct investment, creation of balanced regional development and creation of jobs in the country. Songdo translates as “Isle of Pines” was built from reclamation of wetland from the Yellow sea and was chosen to be developed into “Northeast Asian international business hub” because of its strategic geographical location and the market accessibility to China and Japan. The government have spent enormous amount of fund to build the city from the scratch with many high-tech infrastructures embedded. Although many of the primary development plans have been completed in Songdo and state of art infrastructure are in place, Songdo still not able to attract sufficient foreign direct investment and foreigner to live in the city. Songdo initial development plan was to build a free economic zone that able to attract more foreign direct investment and foreigners to live in the city. However, failing of attracting sufficient foreign companies and investors combine with Incheon government high debt issues and other challenges has forced the major change in the landscape of Songdo development. The raising of residential apartments with the goal of building a U-City or smart city in Songdo seem to alter the development direction to becoming more like a new city development and beginning to lose its competitiveness as a free economic zone in Northeast Asian region.

      • Development of Phase Change Switches with Low Resistance in the "ON state"

        Chua, Eng Keong Carnegie Mellon University 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        Phase change materials can be used in electrical switches in addition to their use in nonvolatile memory and optical storage. One advantage of using phase change materials is that they do not require energy to maintain either the ON or OFF state thus reducing power consumption in any application. This work emphasizes the development of phase change materials for switches with low resistance in the ON state. One of the applications for switches with low ON state resistance is in radio frequency (RF) circuits. GeTe phase change materials have been identified in this work as materials with which it is possible to achieve a low ON state resistance and large dynamic range and that could be suitable for RF circuit applications. An additional contribution of this work is the demonstration of a low ON state resistance and large dynamic range GeTe-based phase change switch. The differences observed between the ON state resistances of the switch as compared to that of the sheet material are discussed, and it is noted that the ON state resistance of the switch is usually above that predicted from the sheet film behavior. Two potential sources for this discrepancy were investigated: (i) partial transformation of the phase change material and (ii) contact resistance at the interface. With regard to (i), the measurement and modelling of the reset current needed to take the switch from the low ON state resistance to the high OFF state resistance is presented. It was observed that the degree of crystallization increased with a reduction of the series resistance, identifying a mechanism for incomplete transformation. It was also observed that reduction in the resistance of the phase change material below that of the series resistance will result in a quenching effect that hinders further crystallization. With regard to (ii), the phase-change (GeTe)/dielectric (SiO2) interface was characterized using high resolution x-ray photo-emission spectroscopy (HRXPS) to infer the band offsets of GeTe in the crystalline and amorphous states relative to the band edges of SiO2. In addition, the characterization of phase-change (GeTe)/metal interfaces using HRXPS was used to infer the hole barrier height of GeTe in both crystalline and amorphous states for several electrode metals. This investigation suggested that pinning of the Fermi level due to interface states enabled ohmic contacts to be formed for metals with lower work function than would be predicted from the band offsets alone. The circular transfer length method (CTLM) was employed on sheet films to quantify the contact resistance. Finally, phase change switches with varying thickness were employed to verify the CTLM measurements and the results were shown to be comparable. The CTLM measurements were compared with theory and the contact nature was determined from HRXPS. Taken as a whole, these results suggest that obtaining complete transformation is the main challenge in producing the lowest resistance ON state, and that contact resistance need not contribute significantly to the series resistance with careful contact design and processing. The results also suggest that reducing the series resistance will help in facilitating a higher degree of crystallization as series resistance limits the crystallization by a quenching effect and also dissipates power. In the course of this study, several spurious sources of non-intrinsic series resistance were identified (such as interfacial oxidation). Several fabrication steps are presented to reduce these sources of series resistance which along with the choice of phase change material and metal contact enable the implementation of reconfigurable phase change switches for RF applications.

      • Sophistic influence: The key to interpreting 1 Corinthians 12--14

        Ng, Eng Hock Fuller Theological Seminary, Center for Advanced T 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        This dissertation is an analysis of 1 Cor 12-14 through the lens of sophistic influence and pays close attention to the historical reconstruction of the problems that arose in the church of Corinth, the problem of speaking in tongues, and the cohesiveness of chapters 12-14. After the introduction that deals with the aim and methods of approach of the dissertation, the first chapter focuses on scholarly discussion on the issues of historical reconstruction, the problem of the gift of tongues, and the cohesiveness of chapters 12-14. The second chapter demonstrates that the Second Sophistic was not only an early first century movement, but more importantly, a major movement that was not confined to Alexandria, but had permeated wider geographical areas. The third chapter shifts the focus to the city of Corinth and argues that the city of Corinth possessed all that was necessary for the Second Sophistic to flourish. With a strategic location that brought about a thriving economy, coupled with the role it played as an entertainment and administrative center, it had attracted many sophists to this city. This argument is further supported by the evidence of sophists found in the city of Corinth. The fourth chapter undertakes the study to show the striking similarities in terms of how the term aeceuu was being employed in the sophistic tradition and in the church, and how the Corinthian Christians exercised their gifts and the rivalry of the sophists. The conclusion of the study shows that sophistic influence is the backdrop in which one should interpret chapters 12-14. The fifth chapter undertakes another study comparing the gift of tongues practiced in the church of Corinth with the public discourse found in the sophistic tradition. The remarkable similarities between the gift of tongues and public discourse found in the sophistic tradition lead to conclusion of the sophistic influence in the practice of tongues in the church of Corinth. The sixth chapter carries out the exegetical study showing the cohesiveness of chapters 12-14 and argues that Paul adopts "the way of love" to counteract the sophistic tradition which had permeated the church.

      • Group I Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Signal Transduction Mediated by Beta-arrestin2 in Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity

        Eng, Andrew G Northwestern University 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR1 and mGluR5) serve as modulators of neuronal physiology and synaptic transmission and are attractive candidates for drug development to treat pathologies including Fragile X syndrome, epilepsy, chronic pain, and addiction. mGlu1 and mGlu5 receptors are seven transmembrane receptors (7TMRs) that typically engage Gq proteins and Ca2+/phosphoinositide second messenger systems to elicit diverse cellular responses to their endogenous ligand, glutamate. However, there is evidence that mGlu1 receptors retain some function when G protein signaling is inhibited pharmacologically, and this G protein inhibition-resistant aspect of their signaling activity is not well understood. In this dissertation, we show that one form of hippocampal mGlu1 receptor-dependent plasticity, which is preserved during G protein blockade, requires beta-arrestin2. The beta-arrestins (betaarr1 and betaarr2) are cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins that can regulate the activation of several major protein kinase signaling pathways in many 7TM receptor systems (for review, see Lefkowitz and Shenoy 2005) and additionally possess the ability to recruit proteins required for endocytosis (Goodman et al. 1996, Laporte et al. 1999). At wild type hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 synapses, paired stimuli delivered at low frequency for two minutes (PP-LFS) persistently increases the amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) (Frausto et al. 2011). Potentiation by PP-LFS is impaired by genetic targeting of betaarr2, but is normal in the absence of betaarr1. However, plasticity induced by high frequency stimulation (100 Hz, "HFS"), which is not specifically dependent on mGluRs (Contractor et al. 2001, Hsia et al. 1995), is normal in both betaarr1 -/- and betaarr2-/- mice. Modulation of non-synaptic, intrinsic properties of CA3 neurons by pharmacological activation of mGluR1 is differentially affected in betaarr2-/- mice, indicating that mGluR-arrestin signaling is associated with a subset of physiological processes. We identify MAPK/ERK and Src as downstream effectors of an mGluR1-betaarr2 pathway underlying synaptic plasticity. These findings are consistent with mGluR1 signaling in neurons and heterologous expression systems and with betaarr2 scaffolding activity observed in other 7TM receptor systems. In contrast, bRaf-1 and cRaf-1, which are upstream MAPK/ERK kinases, were not found to be critical mediators. Application of succinate, a putative beta-arrestin-biased agonist for mGlu1 receptors (Emery et al. 2012), did not induce or alter plasticity, although beta-arrestin signaling activation by succinate was not independently verified. Thus, kinase effectors of synaptically-activated mGluR1-betaarr2 signaling were identified but pharmacological stimulation of this pathway was not successfully achieved. Finally, we show that mGluR5-betaarr2 contributes to plasticity of hippocampal Schaffer collateral-CA1 excitatory synapses. Mice lacking betaarr2 are deficient in long term depression by synaptic stimulation (PP-LFS LTD), whereas betaarr1-/- mice exhibit normal PP-LFS LTD. Selective antagonism of mGlu5 receptors abolished PP-LFS LTD in betaarr2 +/+ and betaarr2-/- animals, which suggests that the mGluR5 subtype is critical to this type of plasticity. The results of this project support the hypothesis that betaarr2-mediated transduction of group I mGluRs signaling could occur at a multitude of synapse types in the CNS, and call for greater consideration of potential G protein or arrestin bias in rational drug design targeting the mGluRs to treat disease.

      • A case-control study of lifetime participation in recreational physical activity and changes in body size in relation to breast cancer

        Eng, Sybil May Columbia University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        Data from a case-control study were analyzed to determine the relationship between breast cancer and two factors: lifetime participation in recreational physical activity (RPA) and changes in body size. For the RPA analysis, cases were 1,504 women with newly-diagnosed breast cancer and controls were 1,555 women identified via random-digit dialing and Health Care Financing Administration rosters. For the body size change investigation, analyses were restricted to postmenopausal subjects (1,006 cases and 990 controls). A detailed questionnaire elicited information on anthropometric measures, all recreational physical activities in which subjects had regularly engaged, and other potential risk factors for breast cancer. Postmenopausal women who reported ever regularly exercising were at decreased risk of breast cancer compared to inactive women [multivariate-adjusted odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval (CI)) = 0.81 (0.65–1.01)]; this reduction in risk was lowest among those who engaged in at least 10 hours per week of RPA in the period between first livebirth and menopause. Among parous, postmenopausal women who engaged in at least 9.24 hours per week of activity in the period from menopause to reference date, the multivariate-adjusted odds ratio for breast cancer was 0.72 compared to women who were not active at this time [95% CI (0.51–1.02)]. Consideration of activity intensity did not materially alter these results. A 50% increase in postmenopausal breast cancer risk was observed in association with weight gain of 15 kilograms or more over the lifetime, defined as the period between age 20 years and the year prior to reference date [OR (95% CI) = 1.52 (1.07–2.16)]. This effect of lifetime weight gain was dose-dependent, was mainly due to gain occurring in the peri- and postmenopausal years, defined as the period between age 50 years and one year prior to reference date, and was more pronounced among women who reported that they had never used hormone replacement therapy. Those in the highest quartile of peri- and postmenopausal weight gain had more than a 100% increase in the risk of ER+PR+ postmenopausal breast cancer compared with those maintaining their weight. Weight loss of greater than three kilograms between age 20 and the year preceding reference date was associated with a 42% decreased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer [OR (95% CI) = 0.58 (0.34–1.00)]. This study is among the first to utilize detailed data on RPA and body size over the entire life course to examine the relationship between these factors and breast cancer risk. The results suggest that greater participation in RPA, particularly during middle and later adulthood, may protect against postmenopausal breast cancer. The study's findings support the hypothesis that avoidance of weight gain, particularly during the peri- and postmenopausal years, and weight loss over the lifetime may also reduce a woman's risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.

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