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      • 중국인 중급 학습자를 위한 한국어 용언 활용의 교육 방안 : 'ㅂ', 'ㄷ', 'ㅅ', '르' 어간 말음을 중심으로

        유천 동국대학교 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        In this study, I analyzed the types of errors and causes of errors appearing in the verbal conjugation of stem-final consonants of ‘-p’, ‘-t’, ‘-s’, and ‘-reu’ of the Chinese students learning intermediate level Korean by comparing the morphological construction of Korean and Chinese and attempted to propose the education method suitable for Chinese learners of Korean. Korean is an agglutinative language and Chinese is an isolating language. In Korean, which is an agglutinative language, the grammatical category is realized through the morphological change of verbs by adding the endings that have the grammatical function to verbal stems. The process of this morphological change is called conjugation. Only inflection occurs in conjugation. On the other hand, in Chinese, which is an isolating language, the lexical meaning or grammatical meaning is expressed through independent words, and there is no morphological change like conjugation. Therefore, Chinese learners of Korean encounter a lot of difficulties and make a lot of errors when studying conjugation. A survey was conducted on 30 intermediate level Chinese learners of Korean to find the error status of the conjugations and causes of errors. For the composition of the content of the survey, the irregular verbs of ‘-p’, ‘-t’, ‘-s’, and ‘-reu’ and the corresponding regular verbs and endings of ‘-da, -ne, -go, -deoni, -nya, -so, -(eu)ni, -(eu)nikka, -a/eoseo, and -at/eotda’ were selected. As a result of the survey, many errors occurred with these conjugations. The underlying cause of conjugation errors was due to the fact that Korean is an agglutinative language with the morphological change like conjugation while Chinese is an isolating language without the morphological change like conjugation. In addition, conjugation errors can be classified into the errors in stems and errors in endings. The types of errors in the stem are mainly the confusion between irregular stems and regular stems and the omission error of ‘r’ in the conjugation of ‘reu’. The causes of these errors are as follows. First, errors occur as the process of combining stems and endings is not properly understood. Second, errors occur as the conjugation system of stems is not properly understood. Third, errors occur as the fact that verbs change by the change in conjugational endings is not well known. The content of education was widely divided into four parts depending on the analysis of the causes of errors. First, the generation process of conjugation has been described. In this process, first, learners are made to be aware of what conjugation is, and then are made to be aware of the conjugation system. Second, the alternation of verb stems has been described. In this process, regular conjugation and irregular conjugation have been explained to learners. Learners are made to be aware of the fact that the alternation of stems occurs not only in irregular conjugation but also in regular conjugation based on the phonological rules. And then, they are also made to be aware of the stem alternation forms of ‘-p’, ‘-t’, ‘-s’, and ‘-reu’ regular verbs and irregular verbs. In addition, learners are made to be aware of how the word where alternation is realized is selected depending on the phonological environment. Third, learners are made to be aware of the phonological phenomenon that is applied to conjugations. Fourth, the conjugational ending system has been proposed to make learners be aware of it.

      • 재한 중국 유학생의 온라인 수업 만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        유천 경일대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The subject of this paper is the survey of online course learning satisfaction of Chinese students in Korea, mainly based on the academic pressure, achievement motivation, language ability, ICT ability, learning environment, self-directedness, learning investment, and self-efficacy of international students in Korea. Influencing factors and mediating effects of satisfaction. The main structure and content of the thesis are as follows: In the first chapter, the thesis first narrates the necessity, purpose, research significance and research questions of the research topic. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the learning adaptability environment and learning satisfaction of international students. This research is based on cognitive theory, learning engagement theory and expectation confirmation theory. The first purpose of the research is to reveal the impact of the adaptive ability of international students on learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of adaptive abilities that may affect learning satisfaction, and to further clarify the role of learning engagement and self-efficacy in this process. Second, through this study, some theories of the current learning environment of foreign students in Korea in the field of self-adaptive education research can be improved, and strategies to improve college students' learning satisfaction can be formulated. The research content is the influence and mediating effect of academic pressure, achievement motivation, language ability, ICT ability, learning environment, self-directedness, learning engagement, and self-efficacy on learning satisfaction. The background of the research is based on the period of Omicron virus, domestic and foreign higher education faced emergencies, and during the period when online course education measures were implemented, online course teaching has been greatly developed, and the mental health problems of international students emerged. This study has practical significance and value for the use of network courses. Then, it is necessary to find out the factors that affect the online teaching satisfaction of international students, understand the ways in which these factors affect the satisfaction and the methods to improve the online learning satisfaction of international students. In order to achieve this research purpose, this study proposes the following three research questions: 1. What are the factors that affect the satisfaction of Chinese students studying online courses in Korea? Are academic pressure, achievement motivation, learning environment, self-directedness, language, ict ability, learning engagement, and self-efficacy the core factors of learning satisfaction? 2. How do these factors affect the online course learning satisfaction of Chinese students in Korea? To what extent do they affect the learning satisfaction of online courses for Chinese students in Korea? 3. Do learning engagement and self-efficacy mediate the effects of academic pressure, achievement motivation, learning environment, self-directedness, language, and ICT ability on learning satisfaction? Is there an interaction between self-efficacy and learning engagement? The second chapter, literature review, mainly describes and defines previous studies on academic pressure, achievement motivation, language ability, ICT ability, learning environment, self-directedness, learning engagement, self-efficacy, and learning satisfaction. . The paper discusses and summarizes the academic pressure, achievement motivation, language ability, ICT ability, learning environment, self-domination and other factors that affect learning satisfaction, and makes a mediating effect on learning investment and self-efficacy. Some expected guesses were made. The third chapter, the research method of this chapter is mainly to put forward the research model and hypothesis for the anticipation and guessing of the research, and determine the design and demonstration method of this research. In the first part of this chapter, the model and assumptions are put forward, and the operational definition of the research and the scale used are determined. Then the paper makes a detailed description of the research methods, sources of research objects, and research design. The research method used in this paper is quantitative research, and the research objects are 466 overseas students in Korea. The research is divided into two parts, one is the prediction sample part, which mainly conducts reliability and validity test and factor analysis on the sample to determine an optimized research perspective. The second part is the formal sample research part. It mainly conducts regression analysis experiments on formal samples to demonstrate the assumptions in the third chapter. The fourth chapter, the main content of this chapter is the research results. The study first analyzed the prediction samples, and conducted the following experiments: reliability and validity test and factor analysis. After testing, the study tested the reliability and validity of the scale and conducted exploratory factor analysis. The research validity results meet the experimental requirements, and get 3 adaptive scale rotation factors, 3 learning input rotation factors, and 1 satisfaction factor. Second, in the part of formal investigation and analysis, the research conducted a reliability test first, and the results were 0.903, 0.947, 0.936, 0.965. The reliability values are good and meet the requirements of this research. The next step of research is the analysis of influencing factors. The research is divided into 5 parts: 1) The influence test of learning satisfaction of online courses for Chinese students studying in Korea. In this test, the regression analysis of academic pressure and achievement motivation emotional support, language and ICT ability support, learning environment and autonomy support on learning satisfaction shows that non-cognitive characteristics have no significant impact in the study, but academic pressure and Achievement motivation emotional support, language and ICT ability support, learning environment and autonomy support have a significant impact on learning satisfaction, and the detection model M2 and M3 adjust R2 without variation, so hypothesis H15-H21 is established. 2) Analysis of the mediating effect of online learning self-efficacy and learning engagement. The research was done separately: a) test of the influence of personal factors of international students on self-efficacy b) test of the impact of self-efficacy on the satisfaction of online learning of foreign students c) test of the mediating role of self-efficacy in three experiments, and the results verified the hypothesis H7- H14. The mediating effect of learning input: The study tested the impact of foreign students’ learning input on online learning satisfaction; (b) tested the mediating effect of learning input in three experiments, respectively verifying hypotheses H1-H6. Finally, the research verified the impact path of the verified model. In the verification results, the research found that adaptive ability, self-efficacy, and learning engagement have a significant impact on learning satisfaction. Self-efficacy has a significant influence coefficient on learning input, but the value of the influence coefficient is low. Findings: All research hypotheses were accepted. The fifth chapter is the discussion part of this article. The content mainly summarizes three research results: 1) Discussion of the factors that affect the learning satisfaction of international students 2) Discussion of the mediating role of learning self-efficacy and learning engagement 3) Discussion of the chain mediating role of learning self-efficacy and learning engagement. Finally, the study believes that academic pressure (-), achievement motivation, language ability, ICT ability, learning environment, self-directedness, learning investment, and self-efficacy of international students can predict learning satisfaction and are positively correlated. The sixth chapter is divided into four parts: the first part is the writing of the summary of the research results; the second part is the inspiration and suggestion; the third part is the innovation of this research; the fourth part is the limitation of the research. First, the summary of the research results, which mainly clarifies the research context and describes the research results. Second, the better the academic pressure, achievement motivation, language ability, ICT ability, self-directedness, and learning environment of the international students in the discussion part, the greater the impact on the students' learning input and self-efficacy, and the greater the achievement of learning satisfaction. high. This is consistent with the research views of scholars. According to cognitive theory, the environment, cognition and behavior promote each other and influence each other. Therefore, self-adaptive ability, learning engagement, self-efficacy, and learning satisfaction, that is, learning outcomes, will be greatly influenced and changed by mutual promotion. When verifying the regression path, the study found that self-efficacy has a significant impact coefficient on learning input, but the value of the impact coefficient is not high, and the explanatory degree of the impact of self-efficacy on learning input is low. The research suggests that in the influence of self-efficacy on learning engagement, there are unknown factors that reduce the impact of self-efficacy on learning engagement. Third, the suggestion part mainly focuses on improving language and ICT ability adjustment. Teacher guidance, mainly learning atmosphere and incentives. Students' self-regulation mainly refers to the self-regulation of learning goals and psychological endurance. Fourth, the restrictive part mainly discusses the shortcomings of the paper's research from the cognitive perspective of the research object and describes the future research direction.

      • 글로벌 金融危機이후 韓中 鋼鐵產業 發展趨勢의 比較

        유천 인천대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문에서는 글로벌 금융위기가 한·중 철강산업에 미친 영향, 한·중 철강산업의 역사적 기술, 생산, 투자 등의 발전, 그리고 금융위기 이후 한·중 철강산업의 변화 특징을 분석하고 있다. 중국의 철강산업은 2000년대에 들어서면서 외국기업 유입의 가속화, 주택건설 붐, 서부대개발(西部大開發) 정책, 북경올림픽 준비, WTO가입 등에 따른 지속적인 수요증가로 매년 20%-30%의 조강생산 증가가 이루어지고 있다. 중국은 생산이 수요를 초과하면서 2006년부터는 철강 순수출국으로 전환하고 있다. 생산기술 또한 점차 개선되고 안정되면서 저급 강재뿐만 아니라 중·고급 강재까지도 경쟁력을 확보해 나가는 추세이다. 한국경제에 있어서도 철강산업은 해방이후 고도성장을 해온 한국 국내 기간산업이라고 할 수 있다. 최근 몇 년 한국 국내 철강산업의 성장세는 둔화되었으나, 2007년 부가가치 기준 제조업에서 차지하는 비중은 여전히 높은 9% 수준에 달하고 있다. 2008년 9월 미국의 투자은행 리먼 브라더스가 파산하면서 본격화된 글로벌 금융위기는 세계경제에 엄청난 파장을 야기하고 있다. 산업화 과정에서 중요한 역할을 담당해 온 철강산업은 이번 글로벌 금융위기에서 많은 충격을 받았다. 자동차와 조선 등 철강수요산업의 생산이 빠르게 둔화에 따라 철강산업은 생산량을 감소하였고 수출입도 감소하였다. 하지만, 금융위기 및 불황 이후 내수 진작을 위한 각국의 대규모 부양 조치를 실시하였으나 철강경기에 진간접적인 영향을 미칠 것이다. 중국 정부의 적극적인 지원에 힘입어 중국철강산업은 꾸준하게 혁신역량을 축적해오고 있으며, 산업구조도 조정하고 있다. 불황을 통과하고 있는 중국 철강산업은 강재소비도 증가하고 있고 철강생산도 확대하고 있다. 최근 발표한 제12차 5개년 규획의 세부 내용에 따르면 향후 중국 철강산업은 대형화와 고부가가치화로 철강대국에서 철강강국으로 전입하고 있다. 한국 철강산업은 이번 글로벌 금융위기를 통과해서 녹색성장방향으로 진입하고 있으며 온실가스 및 에너지배출의 감소를 위해 노력하고 있다. 투자방면으로는 환경설비투자의 비중은 증가하고 있다. 원재료 확보를 위해서 브라질, 캐나다에 대한 투자가 크게 증가하고 있다. 또는 금융위기 이후 한국철강 산업은 친환경 및 자원 절약형기술 개발 강화 및 적극적인 도입하고 있다. 총괄적인 말하자면, 한국 철강산업은 불황에 대응하여 수익악화를 방지하는 데 역점을 두고, 자원저감에 관련 기술개발과 투자를 진행하고 중국철강산업은 정부 주도로 집중적으로 철강산업의 구조적인 문제를 해결하면서 권역별 6대 철강그룹이 모두 세계10대 철강사에 오를 것이다.

      • 중국 금융감독관리제도에 관한 연구

        유천 세종대학교 경영전문대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        중국 금융감독관리제도는 중국 금융시장의 형성과 함께 만들어졌다. 중국 경제발전, 사회제도 등의 특수성으로 인해 중국 금융감독관리제도와 금융구조의 변천은 서방 선진국과 다른 특징을 나타낸다. 가장 중요한 차이점은 중국 금융감독관리제도는 정부가 주도한다는 점이다. 제2장에서는 중국 금융감독관리제도 변천 과정의 특징과 운영원리를 분석했고 금융구조 발전과정을 통해 금융감독관리제도의 현황을 설명한다. 개혁개방 이전 고도의 계획경제체제로 인해 금융감독관리제도가 거의 없었고 인민은행은 감독과 경영의 이중 기능을 가지고 있었다. 개혁개방 이후 1979년부터 정부는 일련의 금융법률, 법규를 통과시켰고 금융기관과 금융감독기관을 건립하였다. 비록 현재 금융시장은 아직 보완 중이지만, 시장화 정도는 이미 크게 강화되었다. 금융상품, 금융기관의 수량과 종류가 많아지고 시장 점유율이 날로 증가하면서 여러 가지 금융혁신이 나타났다. 제3장에서는 금융감독관리제도의 4개 주요 문제 - 금융 사각지대, 감독 중복, 국경 간 감독, 거시건전성 감독에 대해 정책제안을 하였다. 금융구조의 변천으로 기존의 금융감독이 금융구조의 새로운 변화에 적응하지 못할 때 여러 가지 금융감독관리제도 문제가 일어난다. 새로운 금융수단과 금융기관이 나타난다. 그래서 기존의 금융감독관리제도는 이를 대응할 수 있는 규범이 없어서 이애 대해 감독 할 수 없게 된다. 감독 시각지대가 나타난다. 분업 감독 모드 아래에서 혼업 경영이 나타나면 동일 금융기관이 여러 금융감독기관의 감독를 받게 되고 감독 중복이 일어나며 지금도 낭비하고 금융 체제의 효율성을 낮춘다. 금융개방 정도가 심화되면서 금융국제화 추세가 현저해지면 국경 간 감독 문제가 나타난다. 금융구조의 끊임없는 심화 변천에 따라 금융기관 간의 리스크 관리 관련정도는 이미 대폭 심화했고 금융리스크 관리의 전염성이 높아졌다. 한 개체의 금융리스크 관리가 시스템적 리스크 관리를 유발하는 가능성이 커졌다. 그러나 금융감독관리제도는 여전히 미시건전성 감독를 위주로 하며 거시 시스템적 리스크 관리에 대한 감독관리제도가 부족하다. 현재 중국 금융감독관리제도에 대한 검토는 미래를 준비하는 정책 대비를 위해 필요하다. 중국의 경제발전, 사회제도 등의 특수성으로 인해 중국 금융감독관리제도와 금융구조의 변천은 서방 선진국과 다른 특징을 나타냈다. 가장 주요한 차이점은 중국 금융감독관리제도는 정부가 주도한다는 점이다. 이에 금융감독 중에 나타난 문제에 대해 분석하고 현재의 금융감독관리제도와 미래에 대한 합리적인 전망을 종합해 미래 금융감독에 대한 구상을 제안하였다. 즉 혼업 경영의 추세에서 분업 감독 모드를 대부제 체제 의 혼업 감독 모드로 변화할 것을 제안한다. 이는 어쩌면 제일 완벽한 최적의 금융감독관리제도일 것이다. 비록 일부 문제가 존재하지만, 중국의 금융감독은 끊임없는 진보했고 국가 금융안전 유지 보호하며 금융 발전 촉진하는 면에서의 공로는 무시할 수 없다. 금융구조가 경제발전에 따라 변천하면서 금융감독관리제도도 함께 최적화하고 변천해야 한다. 본 논문에서처럼 중국 금융감독관리제도의 현황을 평가 분석하고 연구하는 것은 중국의 금융감독관리제도를 선진화하는 데 기여할 것이다.

      • 국제 시장에서 중국 중소기업의 문제점 및 개선 방향

        유천 전북대학교 일반대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The international market has been experiencing a high-speed of development. Due to this fact, China's international competitiveness has also attracted the world's attention. Behind this amazing achievement, 99% of China's SMEs have made their enormous contributions. The further development of SMEs is playing an important role in China's economic growth. Despite this, many of the SMEs are facing serious issues, which affect the development of SMEs development, such as over taxes, the increasing costs of labor, and the lack of talent in human resources. As a result, the problem of industrial overproduction becomes more severe, where as financial debt has shown snowballing growth. For the financial sector, the prevalent of banks can be seen as a particularly prominent problem. Consistent with this,since 1978's reform, China's economic growth was archived the average of 10% increase every year, but since 2011 it's growth has started to slow down, thereby resulting in a single digit number. Accordingly, in 2013, China decreased its economic growth target by 7.5% less than before. From this context, for the future for China's industrial structure, as well as a bright and healthy future, China should strengthen basic market competitiveness, its capital needs strong government policy support. Accordingly, the first purpose of study is to identify the status and development of Chinese SMEs. The second purpose of study is to review the literature on problems concurrently faced by SMEs in China. The third purpose is to analyze success stories and a variety of literature by SMEs on issues regarding the proposed solutions, and the formation of strategic directions. Current problems faced by SMEs in China are as follows: First, SMEs need protection policy. Second, it is necessary to improve the financial system for SMEs. Third, the Chinese government should reduce excessive high taxes. Fourth, production costs, labor costs rise. Fifth, investment senior personnel training aspects. As a result, China's SMEs in the international market have become competitive following the strategic direction of the business. First, the government should be concerned with the proposes regarding the development of active countermeasures. The government should stand behind the companies to provide support and preferential tax, and should improve the financial system for SMEs, in order to encourage and promote the development of SMEs. Second, SMEs should actively play to their strengths to expand overseas, promote foreign economic cooperation, as well as quality, technical innovation, development, and an improved management capacity.

      • 중국 TV홈쇼핑시장의 특성에 관한 연구

        유천 건국대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The thesis will not only discuss the starting period of TV shopping in China, its initial process of development and characteristic and present situation of TV shopping market in China, but analyze strategy and influence of development of the future TV shopping. The research results are as below: Fist of all, the characteristics of initial process of TV shopping are: 1. Scale of operation of initial period is small, the usage of computer is rarely and little effect. 2. Variety kind of product, low quality and high price. 3. TV Programme Making and Broadcasting: small scale, system of accounting is unreasonable, customers are dissatisfied. 4. Lack of after service system, hard to return with high charges by customers. 5. False advertisements attract many customers fall victim. As a result of above problems, the TV shopping is not so popular during starting period. As time goes on, these problems are solved one by one and the TV shopping market in China is developing steadily. On one hand, home shopping as a new retail mode in China arises from the starting period of earning profit in fast, violent and short time to rational development of growth gradually. New channel of TV shopping mostly are joint venture. So its enormous room for growth in Chinese TV shopping market is watched closely by foreign TV shopping industry. The foreign partner will bring into capital funds, experience and organization of source of goods. Sino-foreign joint ventures of home shopping are like QVC, HSN, CJ, LG and so on. Home TV shopping enters the golden age from August of 2006 in the direction of development. Follow-up tracing quality and goods information: On the other hand, the current characteristic of Chinese home shopping market is: 1. large market. 2. network of customer and degree of public concern are big. It has huge base and space of strategy development. 3. Diversification of goods. 4.Cash and plastic in payment are accepted. 4.Goods can be returned with on charge. Service of follow-up tracing quality and goods information is comprehensive. Suggests for future development: 1. Making a developing strategy for home shopping according to the demand of Chinese consumer. The way to do this is the development of new product and ideas. During the developing period, pay more attention to the characteristic of products, make good ads by using effetely the curiosity of consumer and interesting of new goods. 2. Problems on Socialist countries invest abroad market will have much room to research. China is a socialist country; law is different from other countries. Before developing the abroad market, it is necessary to establish law and regulation in order to serve the developing strategy. 3. The internal basic infrastructure and management systems are very important. So in order to satisfy customer demand, it is necessary to control consumer information and stock of distribute center, reduce personnel and operating costs, strengthen and build high-efficiency distribution system, good after service system and channel of home shopping. 4. TV shopping relies on the development of radio or television program. So system of Broadcast and TV programme needs more improvement. 본 논문은 중국 TV 홈쇼핑의 도입 및 초기 발전과정 상의 특성과 최근 현황의 특성을 분석하고 미래의 바람직한 방향을 제시하는 데 목적이 있었다. 그 연구결과를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 먼저 TV홈쇼핑 초기 도입과 발전과정에서 나타나 특징은 다음과 같이 정리되었다. 첫째, 초기에는 홈쇼핑의 경영규모가 작고, 인터넷 사용자가 많지 않아서 영향이 미미했다. 둘째, 제품의 품질에 비하여 가격이 비싼 편이어서 고객이 많지 않았다. 셋째, 홈쇼핑 방송 제작 규모가 작고, 결재 체제가 불합리하여 고객의 호응을 제대로 얻지 못 하였다. 넷째, 애프터서비스 체제가 미흡하였고, 상품의 반환도 쉽지 않았다. 따라서 상품 반환 시 비용이 증대되었다. 다섯째, 과도한 허위광고로 고객들이 외면하는 경우도 발생하였다. 이러한 특징들 때문에 초기에 TV홈쇼핑은 인기를 끌지 못했던 것이 사실이다. 그러나 시간이 지남에 따라 이러한 문제점들이 해결되면서 중국에서 TV홈쇼핑은 점차 안정적 비즈니스로 정착되어 가게 되었다. 한편 최근 시장 상황을 살펴보면 중국TV홈쇼핑은 새로운 소매 형식으로 중국 시장에서 자리 잡아 가고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 초기 단기간에 고소득을 획득하려는 방식에서 이제 체계적이고 합리적인 경영방식으로 전환하고 있다. 이를 위해 새로 등장한 홈쇼핑 채널들은 대부분 합자경영방식을 채택하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 해외 홈쇼핑업체들이 중국 홈쇼핑 시장의 발전 잠재력을 주시하고 자본과 기술을 투입하여 중국시장에서의 활로를 모색하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그 예로 중국 홈쇼핑업체에서는 QVC、HSN, 동방CJ, LG등 해외의 유수한 업체들과 제휴하고 있다. 이러한 추세에 따라 중국홈쇼핑은 2006년 8월부터 TV업체, 기업과 소비자 등 3자 모두가 이득을 보는 경영방식을 도입함으로써 황금기를 구가하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 현 단계 중국 TV홈쇼핑시장의 특징은 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 시장규모가 크게 확대되고 있으며, 둘째, 고객의 요구를 수용할 수 있도록 경영방식을 개선하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 셋째, 상품 종류도 다양화되고 있다. 넷째, 결재 방식에 있어서도 신용카드 사용이 가능하게 되었고, 다섯째, 환불도 가능하고, 배송비도 없는 등 여러 가지 측면에서 경영방식이 크게 개선되고 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 향후 발전을 위해서 다음과 같은 점들은 개선내지는 고려되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 첫째, 중국 소비계층의 수요를 인식, 개발하고 홈쇼핑의 대중화를 위한 전략을 구축해야 할 것이다. 그러기 위해서는 신상품과 아이디어 개발이 요구된다. 그리고 호기심과 새로운 것에 관심을 갖는 중국인의 성향에 맞게 광고를 통해 제품의 특성, 효과, 사용 후 효능 등을 소비자에게 쉽고 효과적으로 이해시킬 수 있는 광고 제작이 이루어져 한다. 둘째, 해외에서 중국의 TV홈쇼핑시장에 진출할 경우 사회주의 국가로서의 중국의 제반 특성을 고려한 방안이 더욱 강구되어야 할 것이다. 중국 대륙의 법률은 다른 나라와 상당한 차이가 있어 사회주의 색채가 강하고, 중국만의 문화적 특색이 내포되어 있다. 따라서 중국 시장에 진출하려면 먼저 중앙 및 지방의 법률규정을 충분히 이해하고 중국의 정부정책 및 유통관련 법제 동향에 부합하는 유통전략을 세워야 할 것이다. 셋째, 내부적으로는 채널별로 인프라 구축을 위한 시스템 마련이 중요하다. 이를 위해, 고객사와의 정보 연계와 효율적인 재고관리로 물류센터 내 인원과 운영비용을 절감하게 되었다. 다른 시스템과의 인터페이스가 뛰어나고, 멀티 사이트 통합관리 및 다중 언어를 지원하며, 고객의 요구에 맞게 단기간 개발이 가능하기 때문에 경제적이고 효율적인 물류시스템 강화와 콜센터의 확립은 중국에서 홈쇼핑채널이 성공할 수 있는 가장 기본적인 시스템이라고 본다. 넷째, 방송 시스템에 대한 좀 더 적극적인 이해가 필요하다. TV홈쇼핑은 유통과 방송이 결합된 복잡한 형태이며, 타 유통방식에 비해 방송에 의존하는 것이 절대적이기 때문에 방송 특유의 제작과 유통구조를 잘 이해하여야 한다.

      • 관계적 계약이론의 무역계약 적용에 관한 탐색적 연구 : CISG를 중심으로

        유천 경희대학교 대학원 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        International sales contracts are private ordering with binding force by the agreement by the free will of the trading parties, and classical contract theory has been applied as a norm. However, as globalization accelerates due to the development of IT technology and transportation, the legal environment surrounding international commerce has also changed structurally, and classical contract theory is reaching its limit. In particular, as the global value chain is being discussed as a source of competitive advantage for firms, the classical approach to emphasizing the authority and obligations of trading partners has reached a point where they are no longer able to keep up with the reality, and the perception of sales contracts has resulted in the minimum obligation to trade. Moreover, despite the declaration of Gilmore (1974) that the autonomy contract law was dead with the emphasis on the social context of the sales contract, there is a lack of discussion on this matter in international commerce field. This study is designed to identify the application of the relational contract theory to international sales contracts. Two analytical models are set up: one is qualitative and the other is quantitative research. The first model has developed a mutuality-flexibility frame based on theoretical considerations to analyze the application of relational contract theory to CISG, and analyzed the CISG clauses. And then the decision, the contents of the judgment on the case of each issue is interpreted from the viewpoint of the relational contract theory. The second model is to identify the characteristics of the relational contract theory through the content analysis of the CISG using text mining technique. It collects and analyzes 81 decisions of China’s ruling CISG published on the homepage of the UNCITRAL. Cluster analysis is conducted based on the claim contents and losers. Topic modeling is conducted based on the LDA algorithm for each cluster to derive detailed topics. Then, semantic network analysis is conducted by detailed themes and the centrality index is derived and analyzed. For ‘fundamental’, containing the characteristics of relational contract theory, the semantic network is separately analyzed and interpreted in comparison with individual cases in the cluster. As a result of the analysis, the following CISG clauses were applied to relational contract theory: Fundamental breach of contract (Article 25), the principle of good faith (Article 7), the acceptance of binding power of commerce customs such as usage and practices (Articles 8 and 9), the restriction of the possibility of offer cancellation (Article 16), the change of contract (Article 29), the suspension right (Article 71), and the right of early termination of contract (Article 72). Also, the text mining results of 81 decisions on China's CISG cases showed that relational contract theory turned out to be in application. 1) The academic implications The academic implications of this study are as follows. First, the theoretical discussion of international sales contract is expanded into relational contract theory. This study confirms that relational contract theory is applied to international norms of the international sales contracts. This suggests that not only classical contract theory but also relational contract theory should be discussed in the study of the international sales contracts. Therefore, relational contract theory is a new theoretical background to be applied to the international commerce. The second is that it should be applied in parallel with the relational contract theory in the interpretation of CISG as an international trade norm. The results of this study show that relational contract theory is applied not only to CISG provisions but also to international trade claims. Especially in the case of non-fundamental breach of contract, it is more so in explaining the international trade claim that the interpretation by the relational contract theory is better explained than the classical contract theory. Therefore, it is believed that it will be more comprehensive study on the interpretation of CISG when the relational contract theory represented by the norm of mutuality and flexibility is interpreted in parallel with the viewpoint of confrontation between obligations and rights based on the existing classical contract theory. The third is to expand the discussion and scope of international trade claims research by applying relational contract theory. This study found that CISG is based on the fundamental breach of expected profits on the responsibility of claims in international claims, and that the agreement at the time of the conclusion is a factor in the process of establishing, implementing and ending the contract, and that the contents of the contract are gradually confirmed according to the progress of the contract. This means that a new approach is needed in the study of the cause and responsibility of international trade claims because the relational contract theory should be considered in terms of the obligation of the trading party under the contract and the claim of the other party's breach of the contract. For example, there is the obligation to respond to the request for change of the contract content and the obligation to conclude the contract. Finally, it is a quantitative study of international trade claims. The study of the traditional trade claims was mainly conducted by qualitative research. This is because qualitative research is suitable for interpretation of legal texts applied to the ruling case and case analysis accordingly. However, this approach has a limitation that is difficult to identify the common characteristics of many cases of judgment. This study conducted text mining to quantitatively analyze the contents of the international trade claim judgment, and not only was the coherence secured, but also the relational characteristics of the judgments belonged to the cluster. The application of this methodology is expected to give new implications to the method of studying international trade claim cases. 2) The managerial implications The practical implications of this study are as follows. First, CISG should be actively used as an applicable law of international sales contracts. The CISG is an international norm for international sales contracts that apply to more than two-thirds of global trade amount (UNCITRAL, 2016). The importance of CISG is increasing in major trading partners in Korea, including China and the United States. In China, it has not only greatly influenced the formation of China’s domestic contract law, but also has an important position in China’s international trade and legal practice (Yongping & Weidi, 2008). The results of this study show that CISG complements the interpretation of international sales contracts through relational contract theory. And we recognize the possibility of changing the contents of the contract and confirm that the contract is being regulated so that the contract can be maintained unless it violates the fundamental breach of the contract. This principle of contract maintenance means that CISG should be adopted as a compliance law for firms that are highly dependent on international trade. This is because not only the formation of trade contracts but also the implementation and termination must be secured to realize the expected profit. In addition, since the proportion of exports is high, it is more likely that it is in a disadvantageous position in trade transactions. Therefore, the active use of CISG as a standard of international sales contracts will contribute to stable and predictable trade transactions of firms. The second is the practical use of the mutuality - flexibility frame in international trade claims. Preventive measures are very important because the occurrence of international trade claims causes direct losses. However, the international sales are not possible to prevent claims completely because it has high uncertainty due to internationality, cultural differences, long distance, and long-term period. However, according to this study, the application of flexibility can be an effective means of preventing claims. This is because if a problem arises, it can be supplemented before it is extended to a claim, or if a problem is expected, it will provide additional opportunities for the trading party to fulfill its obligations by requesting and accepting the change of the contract. Therefore, in the event of a problem in international commerce, the international sales manager will be able to prevent unnecessary claims and complete the transaction to pursue mutual benefits by considering whether the problem violates the expected profit through trade and whether it is flexible. To do this, it is necessary to recognize that buyers and sellers of international trade are in a relationship that must complete projection through cooperation with organic partnerships with common social purposes. Finally, it is the introduction of trade management based on relational contract theory. From a relational point of view, international trade is defined as an activity in which a common economic goal is achieved when exporters and importers cooperate with each other successfully to achieve contractual content, which enhances corporate competitiveness and performance (Dwyer et al., 1987; Lambe et al., 2000; Leonidou et al., 2014; Bodlaj et al., 2017). However, trade management from the existing classical point of view is centered on the confrontation between rights and obligations, and it is difficult to actively respond to the mutuality and flexibility norms required from the relational point of view. In order to overcome this, it is necessary to revise the business manual for trade management of the firm and to educate about the relational viewpoint. In particular, the international trade contract is the beginning of the contract, and since the details are confirmed through implementation, efforts are required for continuous management of the transaction after the conclusion of the contract. Therefore, the introduction of the relational viewpoint in the international trade management is expected to contribute to achieving the original expected profit through trade and acquiring a competitive advantage. 3) Limitations and Further Research Despite the implications above, this study has the following limitations. First, it is the limit of the subject. This study was conducted on 82 cases published on the UNCITRAL homepage among the CISG application cases in China. This is the data released by the Chinese court, and it is difficult to regard it as a representative example of the whole claim of China. The second is an indirect confirmation of the application of CISG's mutuality and flexibility in text mining results. This is because not only does not mention mutuality and flexibility directly in the judgment, but also there are situational aspects. In future studies, research on international commerce should be carried out from a relational point of view by overcoming these limitations. First, it is necessary to study the analysis by expanding the analysis target to many countries such as the United States and Europe. China, the subject of this study, is the world's largest exporting country, and in the case of import-oriented countries such as the United States, the application of relational contract theory to trade contracts may be different. In particular, the United States not only applies CISG directly to transactions with the parties to the Convention, but also follows common laws, and the court's ruling may appear different. The second is the application of relational contract theory to international commerce research. The trading partner of international commerce is a firm. Therefore, relational characteristics play an important role not only in the international sales contracts but also in the relationships between firms that perform transactions (Canon et al., 2000; Jap & Ganesan, 2000). Third, further research is needed on the level of application of mutuality and flexibility. The results of this study confirmed that mutuality and flexibility are applied in CISG provisions, individual rulings, and overall judgments, but no research has been conducted on what level of mutuality and flexibility were being applied. The fourth is an extension of the case study of text mining techniques, especially in the case of a more direct way to extract the meaning of the judgment. Finally, it is a study on the perception and utilization of the relational contract theory viewpoint for managerial views. Based on theoretical discussions, this study identified the relational contract theory applied to trade contracts through CISG provisions and case analysis. Therefore, the approach from the perspective of the manager is expected to complement the usefulness of this research.

      • 중국에서 출판된 한국어 교재의 오류 분석

        유천 대진대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This abstract was analyzed vocabulary and grammar errors in the Korean books published in China, indicated that the cause of the error and correct representation review is to uncover. For 21 centuries within China, the Korean education active since 2005, much of the Korean books has been published. However, in these books seem to have many problems. The abstract were analyzed vocabulary and grammar errors in 13 target species in the Korean books published in China. First two chapters of the errors were analyzed using vocabulary. Vocabulary for the errors was common in textbooks. Categories noun and pronoun divided by this error, verb and adjective error, other errors were divided into analysis. These correspond to correct something that was present. Morphology and Syntax errors in grammar errors as failure, contribute your opinion, Morphology of errors, errors in the main survey, the ending of a word of the errors, salon errors were analyzed in terms of three kinds. Syntactic errors, errors in the errors in the honorific, tense error, other errors were analyzed in three aspects. Replacement of the main investigation of the failure investigation, research, and omit the addition of looked around. The ending of a word of the errors terminated the ending of a word and the focus of the two isn't the ending of a word were analyzed. Raising the subject and object honorific of the error analysis was primarily raising. In the past tense, present and future in terms of these three have seen the error appears. Finally, the other error was a simple analysis. Others in the Inactive errors for the error, the order of words in a sentence we can find an array of issues and looked awkward sentences. Analyzes the causes of these errors appeared they were presented with the correct representations. Language is very important to the learner. Even here, the error is difficult to distinguish between learners. Learn more from the learning process, it can cause errors and the result may be difficult to communicate in the end. Therefore, when the materials is compiled vocabulary and grammar errors to avoid the drop to ensure the accuracy of the statement will be. 이 논문은 중국에서 출판된 한국어 교재에 나타난 어휘와 문법의 오류를 분석하고 그 오류가 나타난 원인을 검토하여 올바른 표현을 밝히기 위한 것이다. 21세기 들어 중국 내에서의 한국어 교육이 활성화됨에 따라 한국어 교재들이 2005년 이후 많이 출간되었다. 그러나 이런 교재들에는 많은 문제점이 보인다. 이 논문에서는 중국에서 출판된 한국어 교재 13종을 대상으로 어휘와 문법의 오류를 분석하였다. 먼저 2장에서는 어휘 사용의 오류를 분석하였다. 어휘에 대한 오류는 교재 대부분에 가장 보편적으로 나타난다. 이를 품사별로 나누어 체언 오류, 용언 오류, 기타 오류로 분석하였다. 체언에 대한 오류는 명사와 대명사를 중심으로, 용언에 대한 오류는 동사와 형용사를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이들에 대응하는 올바른 것이 무엇인가를 제시하였다. 문법 오류에서는 형태론적인 오류와 통사론적인 오류로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 형태론적인 오류에서는 주로 조사의 오류, 어미의 오류를 분석했고, 통사론적인 오류에서는 높임법 오류, 시제법 오류, 기타 오류 세 가지 측면에서 분석하였다. 조사의 오류에서는 주로 조사의 대치, 조사의 첨가 및 생략을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 어미의 오류에서는 종결어미와 비종결어미에 중점을 두고 분석하였다. 높임법의 오류에서는 주체 높임과 객체 높임을 주로 분석하였다. 시제에서는 과거, 현재, 미래 이 세 가지 면에 나타나는 오류를 살펴보았다. 마지막으로 기타 오류를 간단하게 분석하였다. 기타 오류에서 피동에 대한 오류, 문장에서 낱말의 순서 배열 문제와 어색한 문장을 찾아보았다. 이런 오류들이 나타난 원인을 분석하여 이들에 대한 올바른 표현도 같이 제시하였다. 학습자에게 교재는 매우 중요하다. 교재에 오류가 있다 하더라도 학습자들은 구별하기 힘들다. 그대로 익히게 되면 학습 과정에서 더 많은 오류를 일으킬 수 있고,결국에는 의사소통에 지장을 초래할 수도 있다. 그러므로 교재를 편찬할 때 어휘와 문법의 오류를 피하고 문장의 정확성을 떨어뜨리지 않도록 해야 될 것이다.

      • 중국 모바일 게임의 한국 시장 진출 성공 사례에 대한 연구 : "진삼국대전"을 중심으로

        유천 상명대학교 일반대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 스마트폰의 등장으로 세계 모바일 게임 시장의 규모가 계속 커지고 있다. 특히 중국 모바일 게임 시장 규모가 커지면서 게임 수출량도 점점 증가하고 있다. 2013년 중국 모바일 게임의 매출액은 112.4억 위안(약 1조 9천억 원)에 달하여 전년대비 246.9% 증가하였다. 이에 따라 모바일 게임의 해외 진출도 급격하게 증가하고 있다. 세계 주요 모바일 게임 시장 중의 하나인 한국은 약 3,500만대의 스마트폰 보유 대수와 한국 소비자들은 문화콘텐츠 제품에 대한 구매력이 매우 높아 중요한 시장이라고 할 수 있다. 한국의 중국 시장 진출에 관한 연구가 많은 것과 비교하면 중국 모바일 게임 업체의 한국 시장 진출에 관한 연구는 적은 편이다. 앞으로 중국 게임회사의 한국 시장 진출이 많아질 것으로 전망된다. 이에 따라 중국 모바일 게임회사가 한국 시장에 진출할 때의 전략 및 방식 등에 대해 연구할 필요성이 높아지고 있다. 본 연구는 중국의 한국 모바일 게임 시장 진출을 위한 현지화 요소, 유통 채널, 결제 시스템 등을 조사하고 분석하여 한국 모바일 시장의 특성을 파악한다. 본 논문에서는 성공적으로 한국 시장에 진출한 '진삼국대전'을 분석하여 한국 시장 진출 성공 요인들을 도출한 다음 한국 모바일 시장의 특성과 비교해서 중국 기업의 한국 모바일 게임 시장에 진출 시 고려해야 할 점을 제시하고자 한다. As smart phones have been pushed out recently, the market scale of global mobile games has increased constantly. Especially, the Chinese mobile game market is also increasing and the export volume is gradually increasing. In 2013, the sales volume of mobile games reached RMB 11.24 billion(1.9 trillion South Korean won), a 246.9% increase from that of 2012. At the same time, the export volume of mobile games is also rapidly increasing. Korea has become an important market in the field of mobile games with an inventory of 35 million smart phones and high purchasing power. There is much research about Korean enterprises entering into the Chinese market, but little reseach about Chinese mobile game enterprises entering into Korea. It is predicted that more and more Chinese game companies will enter into the Korean market in the future, so it's necessary for chinese mobile game companies to study the strategies and methods for entering the Korean market. Through investigation and analysis of localization factors of Chinese enterprises entering the Korean market, distribution channels and payment systems, the characteristics of the South Korean mobile game market are introduced. Through analysis of a mobile game case successfully entering into the South Korean mobile game market, it deduces its successful causes and then compares again with market features, concluding the factors which must be considered when Chinese enterprises enter into the South Korea mobile game market.

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