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      유아복 구매자들의 가치집단에 따른 의복구매행동



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This research subdivided the groups of baby clothes purchasers by consumer value factors in order to study clothing behavior by the value group of baby clothes purchasers and to examine differences in shopping propensity, pursuit benefits, evaluation ...

      This research subdivided the groups of baby clothes purchasers by consumer value factors in order to study clothing behavior by the value group of baby clothes purchasers and to examine differences in shopping propensity, pursuit benefits, evaluation criteria, and utilization of information sources depending on the value groups.
      1. A total of three factors - the pursuit of a stable life, the pursuit of achievement, and the pursuit of pleasure - were derived by conducting a factor analysis on the value dimensions of baby clothes purchasers. The value types of baby clothes purchasers were classified into three groups - the group of the pursuit of achievement, the group of the pursuit of stability and pleasure, and the passive group as the result of conducting cluster analysis on the basis of three types of personal value factors.
      2. In the difference of shopping propensity by the value group, the group of the pursuit of achievement and the group of the pursuit of stability and pleasure were found to be the group having economical shopping propensity. In the difference of pursuit benefits by the value group, the passive group appeared to be the group in pursuit of fashion, and it could be seen that the group of the pursuit of achievement and the group of the pursuit of stability and pleasure were highly interested in the pursuit of individuality and practicality.
      3. In the evaluation criteria of clothes by the value group of baby clothes purchasers, the group of the pursuit of achievement was found to consider physical criteria as important evaluation criteria, and the group of the pursuit of stability and pleasure was found to consider aesthetic criteria as important evaluation criteria. In the utilization of information sources by the value group of baby clothes purchasers, the passive group was found to be influenced most by market-oriented information sources.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      9 고애란, "의류제품에 대한 혜택세분화와 정보원사용 및 상점선택행연구" 19 (19): 811-825, 1995

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