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      • 한중 FTA가 우리나라 제조업에 미치는 영향 분석

        鄭常恩 한중경상학회 2014 한중경상연구 Vol.13 No.1

        우리나라는 1992년 중국과 수교한 이래 20여년간 급속한 경제교류의 증대를 경험하였다. 우리 제조업은 대중국 경제교류 증대를 통해 매출증대와 산업구조 고도화 등의 효과를 창출 했다. 많은 사람들이 우려하던 중국발 산업공동화도 별다른 문제가 되지 않았다. 최근에는 한 중 FTA가 양국간 주요 이슈로 부각하고 있는데, 우리나라 다수의 제조업체들은 한중 FTA 로 중국시장이 열리면 많은 이익을 거둘 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 한 중 FTA가 전기전자, 자동차, 철강, 섬유 등 우리나라 주요 제조업에 미치는 영향을 무역구 조, 분업구조, 관세 및 비관세 비교 등을 통해 분석하였다. 분석 결과 한중 FTA가 우리나라 제조업에 긍정적인 영향을 끼칠 것이라는 일반적인 견해와 달리 제조업 업종에 따라 그 영향 이 상이할 것으로 전망된다. 전반적으로는 한중 FTA가 우리나라 제조업에 새로운 기회요인 이 될 것으로 보이며 이를 위해서는 양국 분업구조의 재편, 중국 내수시장 공략 확대 등이 필요할 것으로 보인다.

      • 중국의 사회공평지수 분석을 통한 지구별 격차 연구

        강희정 한중경상학회 2014 한중경상연구 Vol.12 No.2

        After the Sixteenth Communist Party Congress in China, the policy of government has been changed, the development paradigm of give a serious consideration not only economic growth but also protection of environment. The new development paradigm of China is called as sustainable development strategy with scientific approach to development This paper shows the comparative analysis for the standard of social fairly index classified the China by district or area. In the future, the total standard of scientific development classified the China by area will show a rising tendency, and inter-area gab reduce scale because of the harmonious and sustainable development policy of chinese government. But the gab as result of inequality development policy during 30 years over, need a long time for change and regulation. they will be decided by an equality of economic growth, a speed of technological innovation, a reform of social system, a will of chinese government.

      • 战略忍耐 - 奥巴马政府对朝政策解析 -

        李家成 한중경상학회 2014 한중경상연구 Vol.12 No.2

        In the context of North Korea facing multiple pressures of regime handover, economic hardship, military containment, diplomatic isolation, international sanctions, North Korea’s political variables increase, and North Korea is not willing to give up its nuclear weapons, it is hard to implement the military strike and diplomatic negotiations are paralyzed, the United States is no strategy to solve the nuclear issue, the Obama administration had to bear and wait in the wings, to take the “strategic patience” in close consultations with the six party talks allies’ policy to North Korea, determined that before North Korea abandons military provocation and nuclear weapons in a sincere attitude, and make substantial concessions, on the one hand, ambivalent engagement, reluctant dialogue, conditional compensation, ignore and drag to change; on the other hand, strongly presses, strengthens alliance, coldly treats, retreat in order to advance, to brake, press to change. This policy is to maintain the status quo strategically, correct the status quo tactically, highlights the Obama government to resolve the North Korea issue lack of confidence, interest is greatly reduced, helpless and weak, want to wait for the dust to settle before action. However, strategic patience will only make the six party talks continue in a lockout, the relations between the two countries are difficult to achieve substantive progress, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula will continue to interrupt, the North Korean nuclear will be fixed and permanent.

      • 韩国文化产业发展经验及对中国的启示

        谭红梅,李雪 한중경상학회 2014 한중경상연구 Vol.13 No.1

        In 1998,South Korea officially proposed"the culture founds a nation"thestrategy.South Korea believed that,the promotion cultureindustry most mportantly reveals the native place culture charm. Founds a nation in the strategy in the implementation culture,SouthKorea extremely pays great attention to the cultural industry theinteraction relations which develops into with other industriesaltogether roosts,fuses and grows.Using the cultural productinfluence,has raised the South Korean fashionable clothing heat, thecosmetology heat as well as the good food in the overseas is hot.Since 1999,South Korea"the culture has founded a nation"thestrategic implementationeffect to be remarkable,the yearly averagegrows 30%above,2,002 yearscultural industry scale to achieve 15.7billion US dollars,the overseas export500 million US dollars,occupies the world market share 1.5%.And plans in2007 to realize theoverseas to export 10 billion US dollars,achieved the worldmarketshare 5%,advances into to the world culture industry Fifth. South Korea's experience indicated that,the cultural industry maybecomethe economical development core propelling force,moreover,this also is a goalwhich can realize through government's vigorouslyimpetus.China and SouthKorea have the very big difference in thenational condition,but the cultural tradition is actually similar.South Korean this kind takes the culturalreconstruction,is worth us by the cultural development promotion economy modernization procedurestudying with the model.

      • 中韩自由贸易协定(FTA)的构建及其前景预判

        吴可亮 한중경상학회 2014 한중경상연구 Vol.13 No.1

        当前,双边和区域自由贸易区的建立已成为世界经济发展的一个主要趋势。在东北 亚经济一体化面临诸多困难,迟滞不前的情况下,率先谈判并建立中韩FTA已成为推 动东北亚区域经济一体化的关键步骤。中韩两国间顺利开展且日益密切的经贸合作为 中韩FTA的建立奠定了坚实的基础。中韩FTA是互惠互利的,其所实现的将是一种双 赢的结果。2012年5月2日,中韩两国宣布正式启动自由贸易协定谈判。中韩自贸区建 设进入新的阶段,目前中韩之间已进行了12轮FTA谈判。中韩FTA推进过程中面临着 诸多的障碍因素:韩国的农业保护政策,敏感产业的抵制,美国因素,中韩间业已存 在的历史认知问题和领土纠纷,韩国国内的政治力量反对,等等。中韩之间将在两年 时间里达成一个高水平的FTA。

      • 儒教文化对韩国经济发展的影响及启示

        文华 한중경상학회 2014 한중경상연구 Vol.13 No.1

        儒教价值是解释东亚地区迅速崛起的具有代表性的理论。它的核心内容是儒教文 化。儒教具有多样性、深奥的哲学以及人类普遍原理和超时代价值规范。新时期,对 儒教的重新解释和继承将成为韩国经济克服资本主义缺陷,获得经济可持续发展的制 度保证。

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