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      • Heavy Metal Accumulation in Edible Ferns as Ecological Indicators

        Jin Soo CHANG,Hye Kyung KIM 한국생태공학회 2011 한국생태공학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        깨끗한 환경에서뿐만 아니라 오염된 생태 환경에서도 군집을 이루며 잘 자라는 고사리는 오염된 환경을 측정하는 식물 지표로 알려져 있다. 고사리의 중금속 오염 복원 능력은 광범위하게 연구보고 되고 있으며, 오염 물질이 많은 정수시설, 쓰레기 매립장, 인공습지, 폐광산 등에서 고사리를 이용한 환경 오염 정화 연구들이 계속 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 중국 길림성 연변조선족자치주의 재래 시장과 마트에서 판매되는 식용 고사리에 대한 중금속 농도 평가와 생태 지표종으로서의 가능성을 조사 하였다. 길림성 주변에서 수확되는 고사리는 연길시 재래시장인 서시장과 주변마트에서 비닐포장 형태로 또는 노점상에서 노출된 형태로 판매되고 있었다. 샘풀들은 15곳의 판매점에서 선정 하였고, 샘풀 Ef4의 경우, 잎의 농도는 1.445 mg/kg Cr 과 22.294 mg/kg Cu 이었고, 줄기에서의 농도는 1.334 mg/kg Cu, 21.724 mg/kg으로 각각 조사 되었다. 모든 샘플에서 chromium과 copper는 중국 기준치보다 높은 농도로 나타났다. 이상의 결과로 식용 고사리의 수확지인 길림성 주변 식용고사리 농장은 중금속으로 생태 환경이 오염 되었음을 알 수 있었다. 이번 결과를 통해, 식용 고사리를 통한 중금속의 생태 지표종 가능성을 재 확인 할 수 있었으며, 재래시장에서 판매되는 식용 식품의 생태 지표종 가능성을 확인 할 수 있었다. 정부는 음식 문화에 따른 외래 농수산물 수입에 대하여 생태 지표종을 적극적으로 활용해야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 중금속 축적이 뛰어난 식용 고사에 대한 위해성 평가를 통해 음식 문화에 따른 생태 지표종 가능성을 확인하는데 그 의의가 있다고 하겠다. Edible ferns are good ecological indicators for heavy metal accumulation in foods at markets and supermarkets, which has become a widespread problem in China. We examined the relationship between potential exposure to heavy metal and possible ecological indicators from ferns packed in plastic bag and unpacked at Yanbian Seo traditional market and supermarkets. Heavy metals accumulation of edible ferns was observed in Changbaishan edible ferns farmed in volcanic areas and plastic bag packed. Specifically, 1.445 mg/kg Cr and 22.294 mg/kg Cu were observed in the leaves and 1.334 mg/kg Cr and 21.724 mg/kg Cu were observed in the stems, respectively. The levels of chromium and cooper by beans standard, which is lower than Chin’s vegetables standard were high. The levels of metals observed can pose human risk if consumed through the food chain. Based on the results of this study, edible ferns are useful ecological indicators of the exposure of humans to heavy metals via foods purchased in markets and supermarkets. However, further studies evaluating these bioindicators should be conducted to confirm an effective means of assessing food culture.

      • 강우유출수 처리습지 관리를 위한 참조습지의 퇴적물 특성 평가

        김영윤(Young Ryun Kim),이석모(Suk Mo Lee),성기준(Kijune Sung),손민호(Min Ho Son) 한국생태공학회 2016 한국생태공학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        In order to provide basic information for the design, operation and management of stormwater wetland for nonpoint pollution control, seasonal changes in soil properties of the reference wetland in the lower Nakdong river basin were analyzed for about two years. The reference wetland had morphological features that could increase the retention capacity due to deep water depth and long aspect ratio. Organic matter, total nitrogen and avaliable phosphorus concentrations were higher in growing season (GS) than in non growing season (NGS), but no significant differences were observed between them. It seems to be affected mainly by influent load of organic matter rather than the internal vegetation cycles. Soil pH was significantly higher in GS than in NGS, probably due to the consumption of the hydrogen ions during the reduction of nitrate and iron (III) ions under the reducing conditions. Cation exchange capacity concentration showed similar variation with pH, but no significant difference was observed between seasons. The activity of dehydrogenase was significantly higher in GS, presumably due to the abundance of organic matter in the soil layer and a favorable temperature environment for microbial activity. In future study, it will be necessary to include biogeochemical indicators such as C:N:P ratio and various extracellular enzyme activities in order to utilize the reference wetland for the developmental and functional evaluation of the stormwater wetland.

      • 녹조 발생 수역에서 식물성 플랑크톤의 출현양상 및 광학적 특성

        김흥민(Heung Min Kim),장선웅(Seon Woong Jang),윤홍주(Hong Joo Yoon) 한국생태공학회 2016 한국생태공학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to improve the water quality of river management ability by measuring water quality and reflectance in areas where algal bloom occur. The study obtained field data on the Dodong dock of Nakdong River on July 29th 2015, where algal bloom occurs frequently. Using spectrometer from green algal bloom occurred waters and obtained the reflectance of the algal bloom and clear water. Also, the researcher conducted field investigation and quantity analysis of 18 sites. In the investigated area, species composition of phytoplankton emerged in the investigated water showed to be 16 species of 5 classification group. Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae are dominant in study area. Among the Cyanophyceae, Microcystis sp. and Anabaena sp. appeared as dominant species. Optical characteristics of green algal bloom and clear water showed a different pattern at NIR band. In the case of clear water, while a constant reflectance, green algal bloom water showed 0.7 or more reflectance at NIR band. These field spectral data can be used for remote sensing of detect algal bloom.

      • 도시재생과 연계한 옥상녹화에 따른 생태효율성 평가

        이수륜(Su Ryun Lee),황보윤지(Yun Ji Hwang Bo),정용현(Yong Hyun Chung) 한국생태공학회 2021 한국생태공학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        This study focused on the energy consumption by buildings that are the main source caused of GreenHouse Gas(GHG) which makes climate change and choosed green roof as a method to reduce energy use. Because green roof is classified as an eco-friendly construction method due to the effects of air purification, mental stability of plants and removal of fine dust. However, it requires the injection of many materials, which make problem about potential environmental pollution. Besides, it has disadvantage that cannot be revitalized well despite high investment costs. Cool roof which is low material and relatively inexpensive can be effective, but that is also made of artificial materials and need to be repainted with a short life cycle, which is a potential environmental concern too. This study research to find out what more sustainable construction methods through environmental, economic and eco-efficiency assessments of green roof and cool roof are, and what pros and cons are. This research period was set 40 years, while extensive cool roof and water-based cool roof were adopted and conducted.

      • 부산 육상 지역 탄소보유량 및 경제적 가치 평가

        정세화(Sehwa Jeong),성기준(Kijune Sung) 한국생태공학회 2021 한국생태공학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Studies on estimating and assessing carbon storage related to natural-based solutions that reduce carbon by utilizing ecosystems, one of the carbon neutral strategies to cope with climate change, are being conducted. In this study, assessment of carbon storage and economic value of terrestrial area area in Busan were conducted using the Carbon model of InVEST, an ecosystem service-based assessment model. As a result of the study, it was found that the current terrestrial area increased from the past time due to the development of coastal stations and urban areas, but the amount of carbon storage decreased. Dong-Busan and Gijang-gun, which have the largest area, had the highest carbon storage per unit area. In the case of Gijang-gun, the rate of reduction in carbon storage was the largest among administrative districts. In order to realize carbon neutrality in Busan, it is necessary to minimize the impact on the carbon storage capacity of important ecosystems by comparing the current status of carbon storage and the amount of carbon changes caused by development.

      • 강원풍력발전단지의 에머지 평가

        김가람(Ka ram KIM),강대석(Dae seok KANG) 한국생태공학회 2010 한국생태공학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The emergy methodology was applied to the evaluation of Gangwon Wind Park in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, Korea, to assess its feasibility and sustainability in the emergy perspective. The wind park is the largest wind power plant in Korea with a capacity of producing 98 MW of electricity with 49 2MW-class wind turbines. Total emergy required to produce 8.01×10¹⁴ J/yr of electricity in 2008 was calculated as 4.21×10¹⁹ sej/yr. The solar transformity of the electricity produced was 5.25 ×10⁴ sej/J. The emergy yield ratio of the electricity production was calculated as 3.85, indicating that the wind park contributed to the Korean economy 3.85 times the emergy investment for the wind park. The construction and operation of the Gangwon wind park caused little stress to the surrounding environment with the environmental loading ratio of 0.35. The wind park was evaluated as a sustainable system with the emergy sustainability index of 11.0. Even though the wind power plants in Korea are not yet economically feasible without the government subsidy for their electricity sales, the emergy evaluation of the Gangwon Wind Park suggested that wind power could provide a viable option for the Korean alternative energy portfolio in the emergy perspective.

      • 축산농가 인근 강우유출수 처리습지의 장기운영에 따른 수질변화 및 처리성능 변동 특성

        김영윤(Young Ryun Kim),정직영(Jik Young Jung),임정혁(Jung Hyuk Im),이석모(Suk Mo Lee),최성화(Seong Hwa Choi),손민호(Min Ho Son) 한국생태공학회 2016 한국생태공학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Water quality data acquired from 80 monitoring cases for last 9 years were analyzed to identify characteristics of variation on the treatment performance at the stormwater wetland. The surrounding areas of the wetland were mainly used for livestock pen and mechanic factories paved with permeable materials. Annual precipitation was in the range of 96 and 131 days with the highest values observed in 2014. Daily precipitation which was recorded less than 30 mm was 97 times, accounting for 85%, and 251 days as the annual interevent time. Suspended solids (SS) concentrations on an annual basis were increased for the first 3 years after wetland was constructed and then maintained its trend at some degrees. The concentrations of COD and TOC were also demonstrated similar patterns to the case of SS till 2011, and then decreased. As for TN, TP, the concentration of N and P in dissolved phases were increased which was not the case for the particulate phase showing decreasing pattern, and this finding could be attributed to the loading activities of livestock waste waters. Results of water quality variation caused by precipitation size were turned out that analyzed constituents were increased in the range below 60 mm but decreased above 60 mm except phosphorous, which could be explained by the flushing effect. Treatment performance during interevent period to deal with SS, COD, TN and TP on an annual basis was turned out with values of 31.9(± 26.3)%, 16.4(± 8.3)%, 33.8(± 20.6)% and 34.1(± 23.4)%. It was observed that annual performance was varied depending on the interevent period, precipitation size and input loads. In addition, it is critical to understand that the treatment performance was decreased as amounts of nutrient loadings were increased, which was also caused by the expansion of livestock pens and limited storage capacity from increased deposition of sediment. In order to improve treatment performance of wetland, it is worthwhile of noticing two points: 1) increasing storage capacity by maintaining dredging facilities properly and 2) reducing input loads with an aid of strict regulations. Also, an alternative strategy to improve treatment capacity could be wetland expansion.

      • 서낙동강 지역의 농업용수 염해피해기준 설정에 관한 연구

        김진만(Jin Man KIM),김영윤(Young Ryun KIM),곽혜민(Hye Min KWAK) 한국생태공학회 2010 한국생태공학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        West Nakdong River area raises salinity of underground water of rivers according to seawater inflow. Using limited agricultural water without other water resources can often cause growth disorder. Korean water quality standards for the protection of agricultural water uses were originally derived based on management of public water resource. They were not prepared to protect crop plants from salinity, therefore standard of salinity management is required for agricultural uses. In this research, through comparison with foreign agricultural water quality standard and literature investigation, electrical conductivity(EC) proposed by suitable agricultural water salinity standard in West Nakdong River area. The advantage of Electrical conductivity(EC) is that field automatic measurement can receive convenient and stable data by real time. EC standard established by the corelation of EC concentration and crop production, range from stable(below 1 dS/m) to moderate (1~5 dS/m), severe(above 5 dS/m). Also proposed a salinity management guidelines for user and administrator’s which applies agricultural water salinity standard. Therefore, using this standard and guidelines can help reducing salt damage of crops and contribute in efficient utilization of water resources in West Nakdong River area.

      • Ocean Circulation for Shellfish Aquaculture Area, Gamak Bay

        오현택(Hyun Taik OH),박성은(Sung Eun PARK),이용민(Yong min YI),김혜진(Hye Jin KIM) 한국생태공학회 2014 한국생태공학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Gamak bay is the 4th largest oyster aquaculture area in Korea. However, recently oyster farms in Gamak Bay have been slowly devastated by continuous pollutant loading, red tides, typhoons, and dense aquaculture facilities. For a better understanding of environmental factor influencing oyster production and the management of oyster stocks in Gamak Bay, it is important to understand and verify current, tide, wind features during fall. The fall circulation in Gamak Bay is examined using the Princeton Ocean Model and is focused on the tidal motion to examine the effect of wind on in Gamak Bay. For the simulation of fall circulation, we simulated the POM the 45 days. Using the 3 largest rivers and sewage treatment plant discharge as a forcing term, salinity concentrations in sea waters, we simulated the salinity field of Gamak Bay and have shown that these discharges affect the salinity and flow field in inner Gamak Bay. For the simulation of fall circulation, we simulated the POM for each month. Comparison with observation and POM simulation, the model corresponds well to the observed velocities at several layers in Gamak Bay.

      • 정화토양의 토양질 평가

        이용민(Yong Min Yi),성기준(Kijune Sung) 한국생태공학회 2022 한국생태공학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Since the use of the remediated soil is undetermined, the quality of the soil should be appropriately evaluated according to its future use. In this study, we developed a soil quality assessment method that can be applied to soils after the remediation process. Soil quality was assessed based on soils that require productivity for use in agricultural fields and landscaping in uncontaminated, contaminated, and remediated cases using soil washing, landfarming, and thermal desorption. The results showed that the quality of soil washing treated deteriorated the most compared to landfarming and thermal desorption-treated soil, assessed based on the case of use as field soil. In the case of thermal desorption, the range of reduction was smaller than that of soil washing, but soil quality decreased slightly after remediation. However, in the case of landfarming, there was no change in soil quality after remediation. The soil quality indices calculated for landscaping also decreased the most in the soil washing because organic matter and pH decreased during the process. In the case of thermal desorption and landfarming, all the soil quality decreased due to contamination, but it increased slightly after remediation. The two indices applied in this study, SQIT and SQIA, showed similar trends, suggesting that both can be used for soil quality evaluation. Further research is needed on how much the soil quality evaluation results presented in this study can reflect the various services the soil ecosystem provides, that is, the actual soil functions in these soils.

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