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      • 코로나 시대, 전화위복인가? 모로코 모바일 뱅킹 사례

        에세트제레미 ( Jérémie Eyssette ) 부산외국어대학교 아프리카연구센터 2021 아프리카학 연구 Vol.1 No.2

        코로나19 팬데믹은 아프리카 전체 단일 전자 화폐, IMF 발행 특별 인출권(SDRs)과 같은 금융의 디지털화 및 모바일 보험, 모바일 소액금융, 모바일 뱅킹과 같은 소비자중심 서비스에 대한 관심을 다시 불러일으켰다. 본 논문의 목적은 코로나19 위기가 모로코 모바일 뱅킹 환경에 있어 어떻게 원동력이 되었는지 살펴보는 것이다. 우선 모바일 뱅킹의 기술적 측면과 경제적 영향에 대해 정의 내릴 것이다. 학술논문의 평가를 통해 사하라이남 지역과 영어권 아프리카가 비대면 송금의 선두주자로 여겨지는 반면, 모로코는 지리적으로 중동북·아프리카(MENA)와 북아프리카 국가에 위치해 있기 때문에, 또 단순히 뒤쳐져 있다고 간주되기 때문에 종종 도외시된다는 것을 추론할 것이다. 다음으로, 모로코 정부가 국민들의 모바일 뱅킹 사용을 유도하기 위해 도입한 장려책들을 다룰 것이다. 극소기업 대상 세금 면제, 더 낮은 수수료 부과, 모바일 보조금 등을 예로 들 수 있다. 연구 결과에 따르면 다양한 제안과 법적, 구조적 재정비 덕분에 상당 수준의 발전이 있었다. 그러나 모로코가 모바일 뱅킹으로의 전환을 통해 경제적인 혜택뿐만 아니라 사회적 혜택을 얻기 원한다면, 여전히 남아있는 기술에 대한 불신을 없애고 은행계좌가 없는 시민들에게 다가가야 한다. 또한 도시와 지방 간의 격차를 해소하고 지나친 현금 인출 문제를 해결하도록 더 노력해야 할 것이다.

      • 집단 기억을 전달해주는 콩트: -아프리카 사례 연구-

        페리알필랄리 ( Filali Férial ) 부산외국어대학교 아프리카연구센터 2021 아프리카학 연구 Vol.1 No.2

        젊은 세대에게 우리의 가치와 전통, 노하우를 전달해주려는 것은 모든 시대를 넘어 모든 문화에서 해야 할 일이다. 이는 개인이나 인간 사회, 기억의 전통을 회생시키는 중요한 요소이다. 이런 전달 체계는 흉내낼 수 있는 모델(모방)부터 실현될 수 있다. 전달이 지배하는 사회에서 이미 이런 부분은 중요한 요소였다. 구두 전통이 지배하는 아프리카사회에서는 과학과 기술의 엄청난 진화를 경험하고 있다. 콩트는 전달 매체의 중요한 통로가 되고 있으며, 사회의 응집력과 세대 간의 대화를 쉽게 해주고 있다. 마찬가지로 젊은 세대에게 꼭 필요한 것을 획득할 수 있도록 해줘야 한다. 그것은 발전을 조화롭게 하는 것이며, 우리의 무형문화유산이 보존되고 보존해야 하는 것이다. 옛 선인과 기억의 지킴이 그리고 젊은 세대들이 서로 꺼지지 않도록 연결고리를 구축해야 한다. 콩트를 구두 혹은 디지털 형태로 전환하여 홍보함으로써 달성할 수 있다. 알다시피 아프리카인들은 기술 지식을 갖고 있지 못하고 세계 강국들의 선한 의지에 기대고 있기 때문에 쓰여진 것이 가장 신뢰할 수 있는 것이다. 그것은 영구적 위협이 되는 ‘블랙 아웃의 다모클레스 검’의 멍에 하에 있다. 역사는 과거와 과거의 가치, 전통의 백지(table rasa)가 필연적으로 해로운 결과를 초래했다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 개별 세대는 인간 경험이든, 세계의 지식이든, 도덕적인 혹은 정신적인 가치가 되든 이전 세대에서 얻은 것을 필요로 함이 명백하다. 투아레그족의 속담: 누구든 자신이 어디에서 왔는지를 모르는 사람은, 어디로 가고 있는지를 알 수 없다…

      • 역사적 기념물로서 리비아 대수로 공사(GMR) 영향의 중간평가

        심의섭 ( Shim Ui Sup ) 부산외국어대학교 아프리카연구센터 2021 아프리카학 연구 Vol.1 No.2

        The GMR was planned in five stages 40 years ago and successfully operating now without much damage in the civil war. The GMR is considered as the largest irrigation project in human history. The Dong-A Construction should be recorded as the representative company in the GMR construction. GMR’s positive performance helped expand green areas in the north and west to improve daily life in Libya. The problem is the limitation of underground fossil water resources that can be continuously produced.

      • 말리 공화국 교육환경 변화를 위한 방법론 -코랄레 마을을 중심으로-

        장훈태 ( Chang Hun-tae ) 부산외국어대학교 아프리카연구센터 2022 아프리카학 연구 Vol.2 No.1

        Among the people of the African Republic of Mali, the parents’ generation has great hopes for their children’s education. In fact the chiefs and village elders of African tribal societies expect that their children and young people will have more opportunities to receive a minimal education. However most people receive unequal access to education. Moreover the budget for education expenses is insufficient and the education infrastructure is not good. The reasons for this poor educational environment in the Republic of Mali include lack of education funds, insufficient number of teachers or untrained teachers, insufficient number of classrooms, poor learning materials, ignoring children with disabilities and discrimination based on gender. Other reasons include the distance between home and school, hunger and malnutrition and the high cost of education. Also most African countries are at risk of conflict or conflict. Due to these various reasons the educational society of the Republic of Mali is exponentially collapsing. Despite the efforts of parents and local communities to overcome this, education in Mali is generally not good. The most fundamental cause is the country’s lack of interest and investment in education. It should be remembered that ‘education is not afraid of failure’ as a way to change the educational environment in the Republic of Mali to solve this problem. To this end, education infrastructure should be established, educational policies should be systematically established, and curriculum for the next generation should be designed and implemented. There are many other ways to overcome Mali’s education problems, but few are practically feasible in Mali. In this thesis, focusing on the village of Corale in koulikoro state, I will examine whether education in Mali can be sustained from a negative area to a positive area. Furthermore I would like to consider what is needed to create a better educational environment.

      • 알제리 독립 전쟁 당시 알제리 여성과 저항의 메커니즘

        임기대 ( Lim Gi-dae ) 부산외국어대학교 아프리카연구센터 2022 아프리카학 연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This article notes that the lives of Algerian women cannot be explained within the framework of the Islamic state or only by the religious framework of Islam. We are paying attention to the appearance of Algerian women, which are invisible in terms of human rights, which is a universal value of mankind. To this end, we look at the process of change in modern Algerian history, introduce several cases of individual women, and shed light on the role of women in the Algerian people’s protests. Overall, we are looking at the past and present activities of women in Algeria. Some of the women played a key role in the process of the independence war. These women play a spiritual role in connecting Algeria’s past and present. And they are showing how women resist and must resist power and oppression in Algeria. In this context, this article examines how Algerian women relate to the "Hirak," or popular protests, that is, in Algeria today. Through these women’s activities, we look at how the mechanism of resistance takes place in Algeria.

      • 말리 공화국 도곤(Dogon)족 사회에서 전통적 상속체계의 사회적 기능 고찰

        장훈태 ( Chang Hoon Tae ) 부산외국어대학교 아프리카연구센터 2021 아프리카학 연구 Vol.1 No.2

        Through this thesis we will understand the inheritance system which is one of the traditional community social cooperation and social system in the Republic of Mali, West Africa and also examine the cultural value standards for them. It will be a good opportunity to see whether the rules of coexistence of West African society and the democracy of tribal societies are being strengthened or activated. In particular this thesis will examine only the inheritance of traditional tribal societies, reconciliation and religious rules within the family community and the social function of chief and administrator who move tribal communities in order to understand the inheritance system of Dogon tribe society. If death vacancy occurs within the Dogon tribe community, social continuity for reproduction establishes a system of transmission. In Dogon society, In Dogon society, inheritance is the responsibility of the family, the kinship and the family as a whole. In the Dogon people, the sole right to inherit is the eldest son of the parents and the father does not inherit any property from his children. On the other hand the inheritance is never passed on to the son when the mother dies and her brother or the woman of the family takes the inheritance right. The condition of inheritance in Dogon society is very diverse and complex and they have an inheritance culture that values tradition and custom. Thus the inheritance of Dogon society has been passed down through various channels through long tradition, custom and the organizational hierarchy of the village community. In addition their inheritance system can be said to be inheritance and succession through traditional religious system and custom. Dogon people believe that the inheritance laws of Islam and Christianity follow the inheritance system according to the scripture and teaching but this presents difficulties for those who hold traditional religion to accept the process of change in the inheritance system. However there is mutual respect for diversity within the tribal society. Despite these changes, they value what is passed down by tradition and custom and their conclusive resolution has an inheritance system according to traditional family custom.

      • 보츠와나 바롤롱족의 전통문화

        김해영 ( Kim Hai-yung ) 부산외국어대학교 아프리카연구센터 2022 아프리카학 연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This study discusses the racial characteristics of the Barolong people of Botswana and the characteristics of Goodhope, the administrative capital of the Barolong people, and examines the traditional political culture centering on the Barolong chief system and Kgotla. Next, it is discusses the totem, house structure, cattle farming, wedding ceremony, and traditional dance, which are traditional life customs in the daily life of the Barolong people. In Africa, Botswana represents a middle-income country due to its stable political system and economic growth based on diamonds. With the efforts of political leaders at the time of independence from the British protectorate, political democratization, which is rare in Africa, has been achieved and economic growth is continuing. Botswana’s politics developed around eight Tswana-speaking tribes. Of the eight representative tribes, the Barolongs, who live mainly in the southern region, are divided into two countries, South Africa and Botswana. It can be said that it was a result of the division of borders with Botswana’s independence. The Barolong of Southern Africa are a tribe of Tswana, speaking a Bantu language(i.e. Setswana), and are scattered in South Africa centered on Mafeking and southern Botswana. The Barolong people of Botswana are centered in the village of Good Hope, where the chieftain resides, and the descendants of Kgosi Lotlamoreng Montshiwa continue the traditions of the Barolong people. This study discusses the history of Barolong tribe, focusing on it’s traditional culture that has been maintained to this day, relying on data and literature review. In this study, as the term is used locally, the chief is also called Kgosi.

      • 토고의 종교 -부두교의 진화와 인식에 대한 고찰-

        무흐루디빈에스더 ( Mooh Ludivine Esther ) 부산외국어대학교 아프리카연구센터 2022 아프리카학 연구 Vol.2 No.1

        본고는 토고의 종교에 관한 연구이다. 토고는 공식적으로 세속주의 국가이지만 기독교와 이슬람의 영향을 많이 받고 있다. 또한, 토고는 타종교와 다른 부족민에게 자신의 종교적 신념과 정체성을 강요하지 않기 때문에 부두교, 기독교, 이슬람이 조화롭게 공존하는 국가이다. 이는 타 종교를 존중하고 수용하는 부두교의 특성 때문이다. 하지만, 서구의 매체에 의해서 부두교는 악의적인 종교로 세계에서 낙인 받고 있다. 부두교는 다른 종교와 마찬가지로 사랑과 공동체 그리고 치유를 염원하는 종교이다. 편향된 서구 이데올로기가 아닌, 부두교는 토고의 문화유산과 정체성으로 존중되고 인정되어야 한다.

      • The Foundations and Characteristics of Moroccan Diplomatic Practice during the 19<sup>th</sup> Century

        ( Mohammed Bouazza ) 부산외국어대학교 북아프리카연구센터 2023 아프리카학 연구 Vol.3 No.1

        The Moroccan diplomatic practice celebrates a long history that extends as old as the Moroccan state and its heritage, which made it embrace distinctive elements of the expertise and experience it has accumulated, and the traditions and customs it has enshrined, which determined its Moroccan character, with all that this means in acknowledging its specificity and history, as it is easy to reveal this specificity when looking at the course of development of Morocco's foreign relations since ancient times, and monitoring Moroccan regimes in their continuation and development, and the nineteenth century remains the clearest period in which Morocco revealed this Morocco's international character was manifested through the number of diplomatic agreements and treaties it signed and the number of countries with which it had relations, so that Morocco, through its diplomatic approach, was able to maintain its political presence until 1912, when it lacked the means of force and resistance sufficient to repel foreign invasion.

      • “Ibn Tumart Political Sufi”

        ( Marzie Mozafari ) 부산외국어대학교 북아프리카연구센터 2023 아프리카학 연구 Vol.3 No.2

        Sufism, is a method based on the etiquette of conduct, to cultivate the soul and renounce the world to reach the truth and perfection of the soul. However, a group of Sufis were associated with political rulers. The Sufis were the guidance of the rulers in the form of advice, and the rulers took advantage of their advice. The Sufis also advised rulers. They helped the rulers resolve war-related tensions and conflicts between the two competitors. A different group of Sufis aimed to rule and take control of society. This article described the lifestyle of one of them. Ibn Tumart was a controversial Sufi in Morocco in the 12th century (1080-1130 AD). his aim was to defeat the Almoravids and gain control of Morocco. He did everything he could to gain power. Finally, he achieved his objective and founded the Almohad Islamic government.

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