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      • KCI등재후보

        만경강산 (萬頃江産) 참게 부유유생인 Megalopa 에 관한 생태학적 연구

        유봉석,김중래 ( Bong Suk Ryu,Choong Rae Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 1969 생태와 환경 Vol.2 No.3·4

        At the point of view in the territorial speciality of the Man gyeong river, the appearance frequency of the megalopas of Eriochier sinensis has been observed during the time of May to August in 1969. 1. The megalopa begins to appear on 11th of May and has the prime of appearance from June 22nd to July 6th. The last stage of it is the middle of August. Mean while water temperature and specific gravity have little affection to the amount of appearance. 2. The highest amount of megalopa`s appearance is before and after two hours in the flood tide and the lowest reaches a marked decline in the ebb. 3. The rate of appearance shows 47.4% in the day time and 52.6% in the night time, so few difference is between day and night. 4. Most of megalopas are chiefly swimming in the upper layer. When the wave is severe and at night, some of them center about the middle or lower layer. But 60% and over has a contribution near the surface even in such a time.

      • KCI등재

        한국산 짱뚱어 Boleophthalmus pectinirostris의 생태와 생활사

        유봉석,김익수,최윤,RYU Bong-Suk,KIM Ik-Soo,CHOI Young 한국수산과학회 1995 한국수산과학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        한국산 짱뚱어 Boleophthalmus Pectinirostris의 생태와 분포를 검토하기 위하여 1978년부터 1994년까지 우리나라 서남해 연안 17개 지점에서 표본을 채집하여 소화관 내용물, 초기발생, 체장조성, 그리고 저질, 수온, 염분, 서식공등의 서식환경과 분포지를 검토하였다. 전장 20mm 이상의 저서생활 단계에서 소화관 내용물은 대부분 규조류로서 식물성이었다. 산란기는 5월 하순부터 8원 중순이었고, 산란성기는 6월 중순에서 7월 하순으로 나타났다. 부화 직후 자어의 전장은 3.0-3.4mm로서 이 시기에는 유영생활을 하다가 전장 16mm에 이르면 저서생활을 시작하며, 부화 후 만 2년이 되면 성어로 성장하였다. 본 종은 간조시 평균 4-5시간 노출되는 조간대 연이질$(mud 96\%)$에 분포하는데, 이온이 $16^{\circ}C$ 이상을 유지하는 5월에서 11월까지 이면상에 나타나 활동을 하고, 나머지 기간은 휴지기로서 YL자형의 서식공내에서 동면하였다. 한편 서식공내의 염분은 거의 일정하게 $9-11\%o$를 유지하였다. 국내에서 짱뚱어의 분포지는 서해안과 남해서부 연안의 조간대에 제한 분포하였으나, 간척 매립 등의 생태계 변화로 서식지 및 서식 개체수가 현저히 감소되고 있는 추세이다. Ecology and life History of the mudskipper, Boieophthaimus pectinirostris were investigated based on the specimens collected from the Korean roasts from 1978 to 1994. The spawning of this species takes place during the period from June to August. Prolarva hatched from egg was 3.3mm in total length, and began to bottom life in TL 16.0mm of 40 days after hatching. The stomach contents were principally diatoms. In the foraging behavior, this species were conducted at the wet soft mud on the upper tidal zones. The burrowing observed in the intertidal mud flat was YL type. B. pectinirostris is restricted to western and southwestern coast of Korea, but their habitats and individuals are being reduced by the result of reclimation to tide land.

      • 韓國産 말뚝망둥어屬(Periophthalmus) 魚類의 形態的 特徵

        유봉석(Bong-Suk Ryu) 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 1994 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        1983년부터 1987년 사이에 서해와 남해의 연안에서 채집한 Periophthalmus속 어류의 표본을 검토하여 이들의 어태적 특징을 재기재하고 분류학적으로 논의하였다. 즉, 우리나라 Periophthalmus속 어류는 이미 발표된 말뚝망둥어 Periophthalmus cantonensis와 이들과는 형태적으로 차이를 보이는 Periophthalmus sp.의 2집단의 출현하는데 Periophthalmus sp.는 제1등지느러미가 현저히 작고, 그 주변부에 흑색띠가 나타나지 않으며 제2등지느러미 연조수가 10-11개,*렬인수가 72-80개로서 말뚝망둥어 P.cantonensis와는 차이가 있음이 재 확인되었다. The genus Periophthalmus collected from the west and south coasts of Korea, from 1983 to 1987 is reviewed and discussed taxonmically. Among them, Periophthalmus sp. is distinguished morphologically from P. contonensis and other species of the genus Periophthalmus. The external features of Periophthalmus sp. are similar to those of P. cantonensis. However, it is clearly observed that Periophthalmus sp. is differ from P cantonensis in marginal band and height of 1st dorsal fin, membrane of pelvic fin, number of longitudinal scales and number of 2nd dorsal soft rays.

      • 농어 養殖試驗과 病害

        유봉석(Bong Suk RYU),김영길(Young Gill KIM),김백균(Baek Kyun KIM) 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 1994 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        An experiment on the rearing and disease control of sea bass(Lateolabrax japonicus) using 4 net cages with holding capacity of 96m³ was carried out at the reservoir of the Korea Salt Industry located at Sonyeon-ri, Okgu-up, from April 5 to December 8, 1984. The growth rate, feed conversion rate, disease control and environmental parameters were investigated and the feasibility of cuIturing this species was discussed. The water temperature, total ammonia and specific gravity ranged from 8.0 to 27.5, 0.5 ppm to O.8 ppm, and 1.017 to 1.018, respectively. The average feed coefficiency (F.C) in all was 2.3 as F.C. 2.4 using shrimp, F.C. 2.3 using goby, and F.C 3.2 using the assorteel feed of trout feed and offals. Eighteen times and three times growth rate were recorded in the fishes of average body weight 16.6g and 300g, respectively. The fishes of average body weight 300g, owing to its good growth, could be produced up to the marketable size of 1kg. The production of 6,980kg using the cage capacity of 75m³ with stocking density of 10 kg/m³during the experiment period of 253 days was found to be economically viable.

      • KCI등재후보

        수종의 (數種) 농약이 뱀장어 치어에(稚魚) 미치는 영향에 관하여

        유봉석 ( Bong Suk Ryu ) 한국하천호수학회 1968 생태와 환경 Vol.1 No.1

        1. 6 kinds of agricultural pesticides which were spread or scatered over rice paddies, vegetable gardens and orchards in order to exterminate vermin or other diseases had an immediate influence on the elvers death. 2. Among 6 kinds of agricultural pesticides examined, Folithion & Aldrin was the most poisnous, and killed the elver within 3 minutes at 1.0ppm, on the other hend, Bla-es was the least noxious, it took 40 minutes to die for the elver at 1.0ppm. E.P.N, PTA-B, C.D.R was in sequence. 3. The life span of the elver in water pollution with agricultural pesticides was 5 hrs and 36 minutes with temperature at 26-28c. Therefore, it is concluded that the elver can not sustain life is the water of irrigation ditches affected by the agricultural pesticides which flow into them.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국산 (韓國産) 짱뚱어속 ( Boleophthalmus ) 근사종의 (近似種) 분류에 관한 비판적 연구

        유봉석 ( Bong Suk Ryu ) 한국하천호수학회 1990 생태와 환경 Vol.23 No.3

        This note reanalyzed specimens and data of Boleophthalmus sp. (Ryu, 1979), Scartelaos gigas (Iwata and Jeon, 1987), Scartelaos gigas (Chu etwu, 1985) for critical note on the classification of Boleophthalmus and its one allies. It is found that Boleophthalmus sp. must be substituted to Scartelaos sp. The following characteristics are useful for taxonomy of them; Pectoral finrays, body depth in percentage of standard length, body depth in percentage of head length, snout length in percentage of head length (Wu, 1985), caudal peduncle depth in percentage of caudal length (Wu, 1985), type of upper jaw teeth and below jaw teeth, colar type of 1st dorsal fin, colar type of head part. These characteristics may be splited into three forms as shown in the next key; 1a. Mandibular teeth obiquely notched Scales small, about 100 L.I. ........................................................................... Boleophthalmus 1b. Mandibular teeth pointed, scales minute, rudimentary, about 200 in L.I ..... .................................................................. Scartelaos ... 2 2a. Dorsal fins V, -I, 25-27. head part of with yellow colar of band. Lower side of head with barbels .............................. S. gigas Chu et Wu 2b. Doreal fins V, -I, 24-25. head part of with white colar of three band. No barbels on head...............................................................S. sp

      • KCI등재후보

        참게 생식량과 환경요인에 관하여

        유봉석 ( Bong Suk Ryu ) 한국하천호수학회 1970 생태와 환경 Vol.3 No.1·2

        The author has examined a new experiment of breeding in a crab, Eriocheir sinensis for the purpose of its cultivation. The experiment has been estabilished in the district of Oc-Koo during the four months from June to September in 1968. A number of basical environmental factor in the habitate of Eriocheir sinensis which takes influence upon the biomass of them was investigated and the results are as follows. 1. The biomass of Eriocheir sinensis is chiefly restricted within 20∼30cm, water depth which is able to have a respiration in the air. 2. E. sinensis has chiefly a night-travelling, but it travels night and day when the depth of water is under 40∼50cm depth, and smuggles itself in nest when over the above. 3. The optimum water temperature in the habitate of E. sinensis is 20∼25℃. The marginal living limit ranges from under 7℃ to over 35℃. 4. The component bottom sediment in the habitate of E. sinensis are the mixed places of very coarse sand 23.3%, coarse sand 25.7%, fine sand 45.1% and clay 5.8%.

      • KCI등재후보

        운암 (雲岩) 저수지산 빙어의 생태연구 (生態硏究) - 1. 산란기의 척추골수와 체장조성 -

        유봉석 ( Bong Suk Ryu ) 한국하천호수학회 1972 생태와 환경 Vol.5 No.3·4

        This paper had dealt with the numbers of vertebrae, body length composition Hypomesus olidus (Pallas) of spawning season obtained from the Woonam Reservoir in march, april, and may 1972. 1. The same tendency was also seen in the relationship bewteen the body length and the head length. 2. There is a tendency of decreasing in ratio of the head length to the body length as the latter increased. 3. Mean body length Hypomesus olidus from Woonam of spawning season was 80. 6mm. 4. The mode of number of vertebrae was 56, 54-57 possessed more than 83% of the whole numbers and mean number of vertebrae was 55.92.

      • KCI등재후보

        운암저수지산 (雲岩貯水池産) 빙어의 생태연구 (生態硏究) - Ⅱ. 운암저수지 빙어의 산란환경에 대하여 -

        유봉석 ( Bong Suk Ryu ) 한국하천호수학회 1974 생태와 환경 Vol.7 No.1·2

        Observation indicated that the spawning ground of the pond-Smelt is located near estury of each of stream pouring into the reservoir and the environment and element of each main spawuing ground in Woonam-Reservoir in March 10 th to 31 th, 1973. 1. Main spawning ground in Woonam-Reservoir covered all around influxing pellucid stream ranging five tributaries, Hakam-li, Swangam-li, Chungun-li, especially Hakam-li and Swangam-li were regarded as main spawning ground. 2. The environment and element of main spawning ground in Woonam-Reservoir consisted of 20∼40㎝, 50∼60㎝/sec of surface current and compositing sand on bed. 3. The quantity of spawning pond-smelt for each hour showed the lagest quantity of spawning from 15;00 hrs. to 17;00 hrs. except this period. the quantity of its spawning ground showed decrease.

      • 韓國産 짱뚱어屬(Boleophthalmus)近似種의 分類에 關한 批判的 硏究

        유봉석(Ryu Bong Suk) 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 1994 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        This note reanalyzed specimens and data of Boleophthalmus sp. (Ryu, 1979), Scartelaos gigas (Iwata and Jeon, 1987), Scartelaos gigas (Chu etwu, 1985) for critical note on the classification of Boleophthalmus and its one allies. It is found that Boleophthalmus sp. must be substituted to Scartelaos sp. The following characteristics are useful for taxonomy of them; Pectoral finrays, body depth in percentage of standard length, body depth in percentage of head length, snout length in percentage of head length (Wu, 1985), caudal peduncle depth in percentage of caudallength (Wu, 1985), type of upper jaw teeth and below jaw teeth, colar type of 1st dorsal fin, colar type of head part. These characteristics may be splited into three forms as shown in the next key; 1a. Mandibular teeth obiquely notched Scales small, about 100 L.I. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Boleophthalmus lb. Mandibular teeth pointed, scales minute, rudimentary, about 200 in L.I. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Scartelaos ... 2 2a. Dorsal fins V, - 1,25-27. head part of with yellow colar of band. Lower side of head with barbels‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥S. gigas Chu et Wu 2b. Doreal fins V. - 1, 24-25. head part of with white colar of three band. No barbels on head ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥S. sp

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