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      • KCI우수등재

        운동역학 : 우수 역도선수 인상동작의 운동역학적 분석

        김용재(YongJaeKim),이중숙(JoongSookLee) 한국체육학회 2001 한국체육학회지 Vol.40 No.3

        본 연구는 역도의 인상동작에 대한 운동 역학적인 요인을 분석하여 경기력 향상과 상해 예방을 위한 자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 운동 역학적인 요인을 분석하기 위하여 하이 스피드 비디오 카메라(high speed video camera)를 이용하여 동작을 촬영한 후 영상분석을 통하여 바벨의 수직변위와 동작 단계별 소요시간 그리고 동작 단계별 모멘트를 분석하였으며, EMG system을 이용하여 얻은 근전도 자료로써 근육의 활동전위를 분석하였다.피험자는 역도 국가 상비군 선수 남 · 여 각 4명씩, 총 8명을 선정하여 역도 동작의 메카니즘을 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.1. 인상동작에서 바벨의 수직변위는 남·여 선수들 모두 4단계에서 바벨의 수직변위가 가장 높게 나타났다.2. 역도동작에서 바벨의 수직변위는 잡아채기(4단계)동작 시간이 짧을수록 인체분절의 최대신전효과를 증대시켰고 바벨의 부가적 상승높이를 증가시킬 수 있는 주된 요인으로 나타났다.3. 역도동작에서 소요시간은 시간이 짧을수록 효율적인 것으로 분석되었다.4. 척추기립근(S5, S1)에서 몸통 하방으로 작용하는 모멘트는 2단계에서 신근 모멘트의 급격한 증가를 나타내었다.5. EMC 분석 결과 남자 역도선수의 인상동작에 있어서 공통적으로 외측광근(1st-step), 대퇴이두근(2nd-step), 승모근(4th-step), 척주기립근(2nd-step) 순으로 근육의 활동전위가 높게 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to prepare some useful data for the improvement of weightlift performance ability and the prevention of injury by analyzing the biomechanic in snatch of weightlifter.Biomechanic variables were analyzed with the aid of the visual materials with a high speed video camera, such as the displacement of barbell, the time during the motion and moment of the snatch motion. The analysis of EMG data by the EmG system revealed the action potential of muscles.The subjects for the research were 8 in male and female Korean national team weightlifter ; 4 of them male, 4 of female in both sexes.The analytic results of the mechanism of the snatch motion were as follows:1. The vertical displacement of barbell in the snatch, both male, female weightlifter group had the highest vertical displacement of barbell in the 4th step.2. The vertical displacement of barbell in the clean, there was little difference between male and female weightlifter.3. The vertical displacement of barbell in the weightlifting, the more time of 4th step got short, the more maximum extension effect of body segment large. It was the main reason to increase the added rising height of barbell.4. The time during the motion in the weightlifting, it was efficient to use possible the shorter time.5. The moment was loaded in elector spinae(L5, S1) joint, there was showed a rapid increase of extension moment in the 2nd step.6. In the EMG analysis, snatch in male weightlifter, commonly was very higher used in order of vastus lateralis muscle(lst step), biceps femoris muscle(2nd step), trapezius muscle(4th step), and elector spinae(2nd step).

      • KCI우수등재

        운동역학 : 핸드볼 점프슛과 스텝슛 동작의 운동학적 분석

        조승제(SungJeCho),윤양진(YangJinYoon),서국응(KukWoonSeo),정미라(MiRaJung),김용재(YongJaeKim) 한국체육학회 1998 한국체육학회지 Vol.37 No.3

        핸드볼의 점프슛과 스텝슛동작시 오른쪽 상지분절의 변위, 각도, 선속도, 소요시간 운동량을 상호 비교하여 이들 두 동작간의 던지는 패턴의 형태를 세밀히 분석하여 일선 코치들의 경험을 통해 전달된 동작을 보다 구체적인 지도 방법에 적용될 수 있게 명확한 모델을 제시하며 슛동작 간의 특성을 파악하여 경기력 향상에 도움을 주는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구에 동원된 피험자는 선수 경력8년 이상의 대학 남자 핸드볼 선수 5명이었다. 비디오를 이용한 3차원적 영상분석법을 통해 핸드볼 점프슛, 스텝슛 동작의 국면별 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 각관절 중심 속도 및 볼 속도는 몸통-상완-전완-손-볼의 순으로 신체 분절 전이의 속도가 점차 증가되었으며 백스윙시 각 관절 중심속도 및 볼 속도는 스텝슛에 비해 점프슛이 높게 나타났다. 공중 동작시 최고 체공 시간은 동일하였으며, 슛의 거리와 운동량은 점프슛이 스텝슛 보다 크게 나타났으며, 점프슛의 경우 볼의 속도를 증가 시키기 위해 백스윙과 릴리즈시의 각이 클수록 더 유리하며 스텝슛의 경우는 허리활용면에서 원만하지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 소요시간은 점프슛 동작이 스텝슛 동작 보다 긴 것으로 나타났다. This research has been done by 5 male handball players in P University who has played at least for 8years. Through the 3-dimensional motion analysis, the differences of phrases of jump shoot, step shoot was analyzed according to the speed of each joint, degree, momentum, and released time. And then the relative differences and characters of two motion has been examined closely like this. 1. The center speed of each joint and ball has shown that the speed of body segment increased as the order of trunk-upper arm-lower arm-hand-ball. The final speed transmitted to the ball showed that the jump shoot was 23.09m/sec. It was a little more faster than in the jump shoot. 2. When back swinging, the speed transmitted to the each joint of jump shoot showed higher than that of step shoot. 3. In flight, jump shoot means duration of flight and step shoot means the distance between two steps. The longest time of duration of flight showed the same in two motions. 4. The distance of jump shoot of sub-C was 232cm. It was longer than that of step shoot of sub-B 134cm. 5. In momentum, the step shoot of sub-B was 264.38kg·m/sec. It was higher than that of jump shoot of sub-C 348.17kg·m/sec. 6. After researching the transition of degree when shooting, the research shoved that in the case of jump shoot, it was more advantageous when enlarging the angle of back swing and releasing to increase the speed of ball. At this moment, the angle of elbow was 133.84° at back swing and 160.41° at releasing. But in the case of step shoot, the angle of elbow was 121.12° at back swinging and 148.26° at step shoot. It showed that the waist couldn`t be efficiently used when step shoot comparing to jump shoot. 7. The released time showed that when jump shoooting, sub-C was 0.25sec at back swinging and 0.58sec at releasing. When step shooting, sub-E was 0.22sec at back swinging and 0.55sec at releasing. Sub-E showed the longest released time all of the case. For efficient jump shoot, fexibility and higher power should be maintained if flight time and vertical height will be high. Also, taller than lower handball players should be advantage in the game. In the step shoot, first, distance between two step should be short in the view of the fexibility of waist and agility, second, the angle of elbow should be quickly high from backswing to release.

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