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        "작은 생물의 세계" 수업 주제에 대한 초등학생들의 후속흥미 분석

        김래현 ( Lae Hyun Kim ),임채성 ( Chae Seong Lim ),김재영 ( Jae Young Kim ) 한국생물교육학회 2014 생물교육 Vol.42 No.4

        Interest is one of the most important factors in science education. The issue that most students are not interested in science so much has been actively discussed by many researchers until now. However, most studies have addressed about factors of students`` interest and analyzed process of interest. This study analyzed elementary school students`` interests after regular science lessons of Small Organisms`` World. The follow-up interests of the students on the topic were grouped into three categories: the extended-developed-deepened (EDD) type, the simply expanded-maintained (SEM) one and stoped or decreased (SD) one. These categories had specific distinguishing features. The EDD type contained detailed and creative descriptions, which are individually different, and was associated with need for cognition, prior knowledge, subsequent science learning, and individual student``s experience. Additionally, the students who belong to this category generated scientific questions on the basis of observations during their science lessons. SEM type had something in common, not specific, simple redescription of prior class activities. So they did not expand or apply what they have learned to new situation or area. The SD type consisted of the simple copies of what they have learned or short-answers. The reasons for their answers were not appropriately addressed because they didn``t have any interest on the topic. Most of the follow-up interests of the students on Small Organisms`` World were related to situational interest rather than individual interest. Based on these findings, implications for supporting students`` interests on scientific topics in science teaching and learning situations are advanced.

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