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        EST profiling을 통한 당근(Daucus carota var. sativa)의 종모 형성에 관련된 유전자 분석

        황은미(Eun-Mi Hwang),오규동(Gyu-Dong Oh),심은조(Eun-Jo Shim),전상진(Sang-Jin Jeon),박영두(Young-Doo Park) 한국원예학회 2010 원예과학기술지 Vol.28 No.6

        Carrot is one of the useful crops used abundantly in cooking in Western as well as Asia regions such as China and Korea. However, seed coats have hairs which should be removed to increase germination rate. Furthermore, because of seed hairs, farmers face several additional losses, such as time consumption, manpower, capital and so on, for seed handling. To prevent these problems, study of gene related hair formation using short-hair seed lines is required. We analyzed genes related to hair formation from seed through expressed sequenced tag (EST) profiling, based on the fact that the development of carrot seed hair is related to cellulose synthesis pathway in secondary cell wall synthesis stage. To study the gene expression related to hair formation of the carrot seed, a cDNA library was constructed by using the early maturation stage of the short-hair line (659-1) and hairy seed line (677-14). In short-hair (659-1) and hairy seed (677-14) lines, results from of EST profiling through BLASTX search analysis using the NCBI database showed that 172 and 224 unigenes had significant homology with known protein sequences, whereas 233 and 192 unigenes were not, respectively. All ESTs were grouped into 16 categories according to their putative functions. Twenty nine unigenes among all ESTs were considered to be genes regulating seed hair development from cellulose synthesis pathway during secondary cell wall synthesis stage; in results, 14 unigenes related to seed hair development were found only in hairy seed line.


        당근 종모 형질 관련 EST profiling과 이를 이용한 EST-SSR 및 SNP 마커 개발

        오규동(Gyu-Dong Oh),황은미(Eun-Mi Hwang),심은조(Eun-Jo Shim),전상진(Sang-Jin Jeon),박영두(Young-Doo Park) 한국원예학회 2010 원예과학기술지 Vol.28 No.6

        Carrot (Daucus carota L. var. sativa) is one of the most widely used crops in the world. Moreover it is an important crop because of its high content of β-carotene, well-known as the precursor of vitamin A carotenoid. However, seed-hair which is generated in epidermal cell of seeds inhibits absorption and germination. For that reason, carrot seeds are commercialized after mechanical hair removal process. To overcome such cumbersome weaknesses, new breeding program for developing hairless-seed carrot cultivar has been needed. Therefore, in this study, cDNA libraries from seeds of short-hair seed phenotype CT-ATR615 OP 666-13line and hairy seed CT-ATR615 OP-CK1-9 line were constructed and expression patterns related to generation of seed-hair were analyzed by comparison of EST sequences. Differential EST sequence results between two lines were classified into FunCat functional categories based on the results of BlastX search. Higher expression quantities belonging to metabolic category were shown on short-hair seed line than hairy-seed one. Differential expression quantities between those two lines in the protein folding and stabilization, subcellular localization categories were supposed to contribute variously on the generation of seed-hair. We confirmed 50 and 59 SSR sites, and 2 SNP sites by analyzing EST sequences in two lines; thereafter, we designed SNP and SSR primer sets from these EST sequence information as a molecular marker. These markers are thought to be used in research of molecular markers for classification of carrot family and related to various traits, as well as seed-hair characteristic.


        당근 EST 염기서열을 이용한 종자모 형질 관련 SNP 분자표지 개발

        오규동(Gyu-Dong Oh),심은조(Eun-Jo Shim),전상진(Sang-Jin Jun),박영두(Young-Doo Park) 한국원예학회 2013 원예과학기술지 Vol.31 No.1

        Carrot (Daucus carota L. var. sativa) is one of the most extensively used vegetable crops in the world and a significant source of nutrient because of its high content of β-carotene, well known as the precursor of vitamin A carotenoid. However, seed-hairs generated and elongated from the epidermal cell of seeds inhibit absorption and germination by various factors such as carotol and so on. Accordingly, mechanical hair removal process is essential before commercialization of carrot seeds. Because of this process, producers will have additional losses such as time consuming, manpower, capital and so on. Furthermore, physical damage of seeds causes irregular germination rate. To overcome such cumbersome weaknesses, new breeding program for developing hairless-seed carrot cultivar has been needed and studies for molecular markers related to seed-hair characteristic is needed for a new breeding program. Therefore, in this study, cDNA libraries from seeds of short-hair seed phenotype CT-SMR 616 OP 659-1 line, hairy-seed phenotype CT-SMR 616 OP 677-14 line and short-hair seed phenotype CT-ATR 615 OP 666-13 line, hairy-seed phenotype CT-ATR 615 OP 671-9 were constructed, respectively. Furthermore, 1,248 ESTs in each line, total 4,992 ESTs were sequenced. As a result, 19 SNP sites and 14 SNP sites in each of 2 combinations were confirmed by analyzing these EST sequences from short-hair and hairy-seed lines. Then we designed SNP primer sets from EST sequences of SNP sites for high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. Designed HRM primers were analyzed using hairy seed phenotype CT-SMR 616 OP 1040 line and short-hair seed phenotype CT-SMR 616 OP 1024, 1025, 1026 lines. One set of HRM primers showed specific difference between the melting curves of hairy and short-hair seed phenotype lines. Based on this result, allele-specific (AS) PCR primers were designed for easier selection between hairy-seed carrot and hairless seed carrot. These results of HRM and AS-PCR are expected to be useful in breeding of hairless seed carrot cultivar as a molecular marker.

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