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      • KCI등재

        도심 저층 공동주거의 공유공간의 적용과 유형에 관한 연구

        허청,박항섭 한국문화공간건축학회 2016 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.56

        The spaces in which people live can be classified as public, private, and common, each with features of semi-public and semi-private milieus. This study identifies how the spatial structure of common spaces of urban low-rise housing complexes can mitigate many social problems by acting as a community center in order to improve civic quality of life, social communication, and social bonds. In other words, the common space acts as a transition space between private and public spaces. With respect to the common spaces in urban low-rise housing complexes, residents often exhibit a feeling of ownership as they define their own boundaries. In terms of planning the common space, the aspects of spatial utilization and construction complexity seem to endow these spaces with a publicness as an interface for social communication. Importantly, spatial utilization includes accessibility, comfort, and functionality, while space construction can create openness, connectivity, enclosure, and unity. Applying these concepts to housing complexes can create extended spaces, continuity of mediating process, changed perception of boundaries, and organic interconnectivity. Implementing such a common space may enable neighbors to share ownership through colonization of the common area and create a residential community through natural interactions. The common space is expected to be a solution for social problems characteristic of urban living.

      • KCI등재

        종합병원 로비공간의 치유환경에 관한 연구

        이유정(Yu-Jung Lee),오준걸(Joon-Gul Oh) 한국산학기술학회 2018 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.19 No.5

        과거 병원은 치료만 목적으로 하여 최소한의 공용공간을 확보하여 계획되었지만, 현대 병원은 치유환경의 중요성이 높아지면서 공용공간이 늘어나고, 환자와 보호자와 의료진을 고려하여 계획된다. 또한 로비형태가 홀형에서 발전하여 스트리트형이나 컨코스형으로 계획되면서 공용면적이 증가했다. 과거병원과 다르게 접수, 대기, 수속공간에서 발전하여 현대병원은 상업,취미,문화공간으로 사용된다. 본 연구의 목적은 종합병원의 치유환경 요소를 선행연구에서 도출하여 치유환경 평가방법을 분석의 틀로 세워, 병원 로비공간의 치유환경을 로비 평면형태를 중심으로 분석, 평가한다. 병원 로비는 여러 행위가 이루어지는 중요한 공간으로, 병원 로비 평면타입별 각 3개의 사례를 비교분석한다. 연구의 결과로 스트리트형이 홀형보다 로비치유환경이 더 좋은 것으로 나타났지만 접근성, 옥상정원, 휴게공간의 분석결과는 비슷하다. 이는 사례대상이 대형종합병원이기에 충분한 공간이 계획되어 로비형태와 크게 관련 없는 요소로 사료된다. 스트리트형 중에서도 아트리움이 선형인 사례가 4면형 아트리움보다 오픈체적비가 크기에 로비의 공간감과 자연채광 유입효과가 크다. 또 로비평면이 홀형일 때, 단면이 중정형이면 오픈체적비가 큰 것을 보아 로비의 평면 형태도 중요하지만, 단면형태도 중요한 것으로 분석된다. In the past, hospitals were planned with a minimum of public space for the sole purpose of treatment. On the other hand, modern hospitals have more public space as the importance of the healing environment increases and are planned taking into consideration the patients, guardians, and medical staff. In addition, the lobby shape is developed from a HALL type and planned as a STREET type or CONCOURSE type, increasing the public area. Unlike past hospitals, which were used as reception, waiting, and procedure spaces, modern hospitals are used as commercial, hobby, and cultural space. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the healing environment of the hospital lobby based on the shape of the plane surface by deducting the elements of general hospitals" healing environment from preceding studies as a framework. The hospital lobby is an important place where many actions occur. Therefore, 3 types of cases were evaluated based on the plane form. As a result of the study, the STREET type showed a better healing environment than the HALL type, but the accessibility, roof garden, and resting place showed similar results. Because the case was based on a large general hospital, which had sufficient planned space, the factor has little to do with the style of the lobby. Among the STREET types, the linear atrium showed a better result in terms of the sense of space and inflow effect of natural lighting than the four-sided atrium because the linear atrium has large open volume ratio. When the lobby plane is the HALL type, a cross section of the courtyard had a large open volume ratio. Therefore, the shape of the cross section is as important as the plane form of the lobby.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 신축된 군청사의 설계주체와 평면구성의 특징

        김명선(Myungsun Kim) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.7

        이 연구의 목적은 일제강점기 계획되거나 신축된 공통형 군청사 및 개별형 군청사의 설계주체를 구체적으로 밝히고 공통형 군청사의 평면구성을 기준으로 개별형 군청사의 평면구성 특징을 도출하는 것이다. 연구방법은 국가기록원 소장 군 청사 관련 도면, 그 해제, 조선총독부와 각 도가 주고받은 문서, 조선총독부관보 및 직원록, 신문과 잡지의 기사·도면·사진 등을 분석하는 문헌연구방법이다. 공통형 군청사의 설계주체는 1910년대에는 조선총독부 직속 건축조직이었고, 늦어도 1926 년 이후는 도 소속 건축조직이 가담했다. 개별형 군청사의 설계주체는 도 소속 건축조직이었다. 두 조직의 설계자 개인의 이름과 관등도 몇몇 확인할 수 있었다. 그런데 도 소속 설계조직이 공통도면을 군의 사정에 맞게 변형하는 것도 당시에는 ‘설계’로 지칭되었다. 도 소속 설계조직은 군 업무에 필요한 실들을 사무공간-부속공간으로 분리 배치하는 방식을 유지하면 서 건물 전체 규모를 일제히 축소하거나 확대하는 방식으로 공동도면을 활용하기도 했다. 개별형 군청사의 평면구성은 공통 형과 공통점 및 차이점을 동시에 가지는데, 차이점은 개별형 군청사 설계자인 도 소속 건축조직의 능력과 개성에서 비롯된 것으로 보인다. The purpose of this study was to discover who designed the common type and the individual type Goon office buildings in the Japanese colonial period, and to determine how the individual type's space-compositions were compared with the common types. The study used the literature research method. The method used an analysis of the digital images of the Goon office buildings kept in the national archive of Korea, the annotation of the images, the official documents between the Japanese government-general of Korea and To, the employee's registers of the Japanese government-general of Korea, and newspapers or journals from the Japanese colonial period. The designers of the common types were the engineers of the building-construction part in the Japanese government-general of Korea and also those in To. The space-composition of the individual types was similar to and also different from the common types at the same time, and the difference was attributed to the designers' ability and their preferences.

      • KCI등재


        JIN, HAI-LAN,PIAO, YONG-JIE Chungcheong Mathematical Society 2015 충청수학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        A continuous and non-decreasing function ${\psi}$ and another continuous function ${\phi}$ with ${\phi}(z)=0{\Leftrightarrow}z=0$ defined on $\mathbb{C}^+=\{x+yi:x,y{\geq}0\}$ are introduced, the ${\psi}-{\phi}$-contractive or expansive type conditions are considered, and the existence theorems of common fixed points for two mappings defined on a complex valued metric space are obtained. Also, Banach contraction principle and a fixed point theorem for a I-expansive type mapping are given on complex valued metric spaces.

      • KCI등재

        On Fixed Point Theorem of Weak Compatible Maps of Type(γ) in Complete Intuitionistic Fuzzy Metric Space

        Park, Jong-Seo Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems 2011 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of FUZZY LOGIC and INTELLIGE Vol.11 No.1

        In this paper, we give definitions of compatible mappings of type(${\gamma}$) in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space and obtain common fixed point theorem under the conditions of weak compatible mappings of type(${\gamma}$) in complete intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. Our research generalize, extend and improve the results given by Sedghi et.al.[12].

      • KCI등재

        On Fixed Point Theorem of Weak Compatible Maps of Type(γ) in Complete Intuitionistic Fuzzy Metric Space

        Jong Seo Park 한국지능시스템학회 2011 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of FUZZY LOGIC and INTELLIGE Vol.11 No.1

        In this paper, we give definitions of compatible mappings of type(γ) in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space and obtain common fixed point theorem under the conditions of weak compatible mappings of type(γ) in complete intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. Our research generalize, extend and improve the results given by Sedghi et.al.[12].


        Novel SVPWM technique for three-level T-type Z-source inverters

        Singh, Satwant,Sonar, Santosh The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 2021 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.21 No.2

        In this paper, a new SVPWM switching technique, named ZSVM_1TI, has been proposed for a three-level (3L) T-type Z-source inverter (ZSI). ZSVM_1TI is based on three main modifications of the existing PWM techniques for 3L inverters. First, the existing SVPWM of a 3L ZSI has been modified to double the frequency of the null interval. After that, an improved version of the maximum boost control (MBC) has been proposed based on modified SVPWM to eliminate the problem of the sixth frequency ripple components of inductor current with the existing MBC technique of ZSIs. Finally, a new switching pattern of a reduced common-mode voltage (CMV) PWM technique has been proposed to increase the switching frequency of the impedance network so that the size of the passive elements can be reduced. The proposed ZSVM_1TI has been compared with the existing PWM technique in terms of the size of the impedance network, the dc-link utilization, and the inductor current ripple profile. The above-mentioned findings have been successfully validated using theoretical analysis, simulations, and experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        On Fixed Point Theorem of Weak Compatible Maps of Type(γ) in Complete Intuitionistic Fuzzy Metric Space

        박종서 한국지능시스템학회 2011 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of FUZZY LOGIC and INTELLIGE Vol.11 No.1

        In this paper, we give definitions of compatible mappings of type(γ) in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space and obtain common fixed point theorem under the conditions of weak compatible mappings of type(γ) in complete intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. Our research generalize, extend and improve the results given by Sedghi et.al.[12].

      • KCI등재


        K. Kumara Swamy,T. Phaneendra 경남대학교 수학교육과 2020 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications Vol.25 No.2

        A common coupled fixed point theorem supported with an illustrative example,and a related problem of existence of solution of system of Fredhlom type integral equations,are presented for two mappings, which satisfy mixed weakly monotone property in a partiallyordered b-metric space.

      • KCI등재


        Hai-Lan Jin,Yong-jie Piao 충청수학회 2015 충청수학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        A continuous and non-decreasing function ψ and another continuous function φ with φ(z) = 0 <=⇒ z = 0 defined on C + = {x + yi : x, y ≥ 0} are introduced, the ψ-φ-contractive or expansive type conditions are considered, and the existence theorems of common fixed points for two mappings defined on a complex valued metric space are obtained. Also, Banach contraction principle and a fixed point theorem for a I-expansive type mapping are given on complex valued metric spaces.

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