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      • KCI등재

        Frontier Maps from the Late Joseon Period and the Joseon People’s Perceptions of the Northern Territory

        강석화 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2008 Korea Journal Vol.48 No.1

        Joseon peoples territorial consciousness was constantly changing according to Joseons diplomatic relations with China and the Jurchens, or to the cartograph- ers historical consciousness and political orientation. When the Mt. Baekdu Demarcation Stele was erected in 1712, diverse opinions were presented with regard to this issue. Some regarded the Tumen river that was referred to on the stele as being one and the same with the Dumangang river, while others pointed out that despite the two rivers sources being different, they still converge at a certain point in the end. Still others viewed the two rivers as separate, even assuming the existence of another demarcation river between the two countries. Changed perceptions of boder regions are faithfully reflected in the borderregion maps of the late Joseon period. In the maps that are presumed to have been drawn prior to the erection of Mt. Demarcation Stele, the northern territo- ry is roughly or erroneously illustrated, while in the maps that were later pro- duced, the location of the Seonchullyeong pass is clearly marked. In the maps describing the topographies of Joseon and the Chinese northeastern area, there are margin notes that refer to the Seonchullyeong pass as 280 km north of the Dumangang river or as the border of Goryeo. This tells us that the Joseon peoples active appropriation of the old areas of the ancient states permeated in the maps they produced.

      • KCI등재

        韓ㆍ中경계지역 문화유산을 이용한 박물관 전시구축의 교육적 활용

        오일환(Il-Whan Oh) 한국콘텐츠학회 2011 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.11 No.1

        문화유산은 민족의 삶과 지역성을 함축하고 있는 역사적 상징이다. 한중경계의 압록강과 두만강 지역에는 다양한 민족의 문화유산이 분포하고 있다. 이에 한중간의 경계에 분포하고 있는 문화유산에 대한 연구는 우리 민족의 정체성과 역사적 문화의식을 확립하고 이를 교육적으로 활용하기 위해서 매우 중요하고 시급한 연구과제이다. 그러나 중국이 고구려의 문화유산을 세계문화유산으로 등재하고 동북공정을 본격적으로 추진하면서 고구려와 발해 뿐 아니라 조선시대와 근현대의 역사문제와 문화유산을 둘러싸고 우리나라와 갈등을 야기하고 있다. 본 연구는 한중경계지역의 문화유산에 대하여 문헌학적인 연구보다는 박물관에서 시각적인 자료활용과 교육학습의 연계를 위하여 문화사적 인문경관의 전시콘텐츠 구축과 이를 활용한 교육적 학습방안을 찾아보았다. 이러한 연구결과를 통하여 근대국가에 대한 영토인식 뿐 아니라 세계문화유산에 대한 중요성을 인식할 수 있으며 동북공정에 대한 실질적인 이해를 학습할 수 있다. 그리고 웹이나 앱의 구축을 통한 역사문화 관광자원으로 활용할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 박물관의 전시자료를 활용한 학습프로그램에 따라 동북지역에 대한 한중간의 문화적 특징을 이해할 수 있다. Cultural heritage is the historic symbol implying the life of people and regionality. Accordingly, the study on cultural heritage along the border between Korea and China is a very critical and urgent task for educational purposes as well as to secure historic and cultural awareness and national identity. The border area between Korea and China is classified into the areas along Aprok River and areas along Tumen River where the cultural heritage of various ethnicities is scattered. Accordingly, this study tried to find the approaches to implement and use the exhibition contents for educational purposes as well as visual applications rather than a literary study on cultural heritage in the border area between Korea and China. The results of this study will be the opportunity to enhance the practical understanding of the modern states as well as to learn the cultural awareness of the territory of a modern state and people's awareness of the importance of world heritages. Furthermore, the results of this study will be used as the resources for historic and cultural tours on the web or applications and help to understand the cultural features of Korea and China in the northeastern region as well as historic awareness in educational programs using exhibition materials in a museum.

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