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      • KCI등재

        풍력자원평가용 윈드큐브 라이다와 렘텍 소다의 비교·검증 : 포항가속기 원격탐사 캠페인

        김현구(Kim Hyun-Goo),정진화(Chyng Chin-wha),안해준(An Hae-Joon),지영미(Ji Yeong-mi) 한국태양에너지학회 2011 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.31 No.2

        The remote-sensing campaign was performed at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory where is located in a basin 6㎞ inland from Yeongil Bay. The campaign aimed uncertainty assessment of Remtech PA0 SODAR through a mutual comparison with WindCube LIDAR, the remote-sensing equipment for wind resource assessment. The joint observation was carried out by changing the setup for measurement heights three times over two months. The LIDAR measurement was assumed as the reference and the uncertainty of SODAR measurement was quantitatively assessed. Compared with LIDAR, the data availability of SODAR was about half. The wind speed measurement was fitted to a slope of 0.94 and R² of 0.79 to the LIDAR measurement. However, the relative standard deviation was about 17% under 150m above ground level. Therefore, the Remtech PA0 SODAR is judged to be unsuitable for the evaluation of wind resource assessment and wind turbine performance test, which require accuracy of measurement.

      • KCI등재후보

        풍력자원평가용 윈드큐브 라이다와 메텍 소다의 비교·검증 - 김제평야 원격탐사 캠페인

        김현구,조강표,안해준,전완호 한국풍공학회 2012 한국풍공학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        The technical trend of wind resource measurement in Europe and North America is employing a ground-based remote sensing such as LIDAR or SODAR in addition to a meteorological tower to reduce measurement uncertainty. This paper presents uncertainty assessment of Leosphere WindCube LIDAR and Metek PCS.2000-64 SODAR through a mutual comparison from a field campaign at Gimje Plane. Compared with LIDAR, the data availability of SODAR decreased about 80% at 200m altitude which distort mean wind profile, but after filtering out missing data, mean wind speed profile of SODAR was well fitted to a logarithmic profile. The wind speed measurement of SODAR was fitted to a slope of 0.94 and R2 of 0.94 to the LIDAR measurement. The relative standard deviation of mean wind speed error and standard deviation of wind direction error were evaluated to be 14% and 25 degrees, respectively over the whole measurement heights. 유럽 및 미주의 풍력자원조사는 풍황탑에 라이다 및 소다와 같은 지상기반 원격탐사를 병행하여 측정불확도를 경감하는 방향으로 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 서해안 김제평야에서 원격탐사 캠페인을 수행하였으며, 풍력자원평가용 원격탐사장비인 윈드큐브 라이다와 메텍 PCS.2000-64 소다의 상호비교를 통하여 측정불확도를 평가하였다. 소다는 200m 높이에서 자료가용률이 80%로 저하되었으나 결손자료를 처리한 후 라이다와 동일한 로그법칙 풍속분포를 나타내었으며 두 측정장비 간의 평균풍속은 기울기 0.94, R2=0.94로 상관성이 높게 접합되었다. 그리고 풍속오차의 상대표준편차 및 풍향오차의 표준편차는 각각 14%와 25도로 전 측정높이에 대하여 균일하게 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        풍력자원평가용 윈드큐브 라이다와 씬텍 소다의 비교.검증 - 잠실 원격탐사 캠페인

        김현구(Kim, Hyun-Goo),김동혁(Kim, Dong-Hyuk),전완호(Jeon, Wan-Ho),최현정(Choi, Hyun-Jeong) 한국신재생에너지학회 2011 신재생에너지 Vol.7 No.2

        The only practical way to measure wind resource at high-altitude over 100 m above ground for a feasibility study on a high-rise building integrated wind turbine might be ground-based remote sensing. The remote-sensing campaign was performed at a 145 m-building roof in Jamsil where is a center of metropolitan city Seoul. The campaign aimed uncertainty assessment of Leosphere WindCube LIDAR and Scintec MPAS SODAR through a mutual comparison. Compared with LIDAR, the data availability of SODAR was about 2/3 at 550 m altitude while both showed over 90% under 400 m, and it is shown that the data availability decrease may bring a distortion of statistical analysis. The wind speed measurement of SODAR was fitted to a slope of 0.92 and R² of 0.90 to the LIDAR measurement. The relative standard deviation of wind speed difference and standard deviation of wind direction difference were evaluated to be 30% and 20 degrees, respectively over the whole measurement heights.

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