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      • KCI등재

        몽골의 침략과 고려 무인정권 및 삼별초의 ‘島嶼海洋戰略’

        姜鳳龍(Bong-yong Kang) 동양사학회 2011 東洋史學硏究 Vol.115 No.-

        Facing invasion by the Mongol Empire in 1231, Goryeo immediately relocated its capital from Gaegyeong to Ganghwa Island and moved its people there for safety (called “ip-bo”, 入保). Goryeo’s move to Ganghwa Island exploited the Mongols weakness: attacking over water. As the relocation mainly aimed to secure the sea route by using the island as a strategic foothold with which repel the Mongols, the strategy can be called the “Island-Marine Military Strategy”. The initial Mongolian military strategy had ravaged parts of the Korean peninsula. The second military operation, launched in1250s, focused on attacking the coastal areas and islands of Goryeo to little effect. Thus, the Mongolians intensified the pressure on Goryeo by alternating between armed incursions and peace talks. The Goryeo scholars who had insisted on peace with Mongolia gained greater influence, and Goryeo struck peace with the Mongo Empire in 1270, whereby the capital was moved back to Gaegyeong. However, some military officials, in what was known as the “Sambyeolcho” (a special capital defense unit), refused to surrender and relocated to certain islands (Jin Island and Jeju Island) off the southern shore of the Korean peninsula. They brought the nearby islands and coastal regions under their control and continued to resist the Mongolians for another three years by re-launching the “Island-Marine Military Strategy.” The end to their resistance came with the capture of Jeju Island in 1273 by the Mongolians. However, the Sambyeolcho forces and their sympathizers had not been completely annihilated. Some of the Sambyeolcho forces escaped from Jeju Island and reached Okinawa, while local forces stationed around other islands and coastal regions remained a considerable threat to the Mongolians and Goryeo. In response, the Mongols and Goryeo took the drastic action of ordering “Gongdo”(moving people off the islands) in order to drive out the remaining forces of the rebellion from the islands and coastal regions. In conclusion, the Mongol invasion of Goryeo in the 13th century, which had served as the foundation for their war against East Asia to conquer the Southern Song Dynasty and Japan, led to “Gongdo” following an almost 40 year-long struggle. In retrospect, this move appears to have been a prelude to the imminent “Haegeum” (ban on maritime activities) and the other examples of “Gongdo” seen in East Asia in the 14th century.

      • KCI등재

        왕건의 서남해 도서지방 경략과 해양사적 의미

        신성재 ( Shin Seong-jae ) 한국중세사학회 2017 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.51

        This article attempts to examine Wang Kun’s conquest of southwestern island regions of Korean peninsula and its maritime significance. The main focus was laid on the status of southwestern isles and its strategic assets and values, as well as the implications of islets conquest from a maritime perspective. The study results are as follows. When Wang Kun was having designs on the southwestern isles, there were various sea powers coexisting in the region. Some maintained their independence by fiercely resisting outside forces, while others were guaranteed of their vested rights by cooperation. Still few others were subdued to a particular regime from an early stage. Such conditions and patterns of their existence became the direct background for Wang Kun’s conquest. The primary reason for the conquest was not only to dominate sea powers, but also the awareness that the region had substantial strategic assets and values. The southwestern isles area, centering around Jindo island, was easy to defend and also functioned as an useful base for the expansion of marine networks. Coincidentally, the islets produced massive amounts of salt and horses, which was crucial for the war cause. There were many local people who could be utilized as navy personnels as well. Wang Kun fully understood these importances of southwestern island zones, which made him to eagerly secure them. From a maritime perspective, Wang Kun’s conquest of southwestern islets worked as a decisive engine for the unification of the Later Three Kingdoms. Ironically, the sea routes pioneered from such endeavor later generated Gyeonhwon’s escape from Naju to Songak. Salt, horses, and men gathered from the isles ultimately became the human and material sources for the unification, which also can be attributed to some marine significance. Moreover, conquest of the islands largely influenced the establishment of tax transport system and provincial governing after the unification. Southwestern islands conquest may have also accumulated naval activities and large-vessel oriented shipbuilding industry, which in turn affected the operation of king Hyeonjong and later shipbuilding during the Mongol invasion period. Furthermore, the event may also have fostered the progress of large ship construction and related naval tactics during later Goryeo and early Joseon ages.

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