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      • 農機械運營形態別 投資效果分析에 關한 硏究 : 忠南論山地域 새마을機械化營農團을 中心으로 Mainly on the Case Study of Saemaeul Farm Mechanixaion Groups in Nonsan Area, Chungnam Province

        林栽煥 충남대학교 새마을연구소 1988 새마음 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        The Korean economy has been developed rapidly in the course of implementing the five year economic development plans since 1962. Accordingly the industrial and employment structure have been changed from the traditional agriculture to modern industrial economy. In the course of implementing export oriented industrialization policies, rural farm economy has been encountered labour shortage owing to rural farm population drain to urban areas, rural wage hike and pressure on farm operation costs, and possibility of farm productivity decrease. To cope with the above problems the Korean government has supplied farm machinery such as power tillers, tractors, transplanters, binders, combines, dryers and etc. by means of the favorable credit support and subsidies. The main objectives of this study are in identify the investment effects of farm mechanization such as B/C and Internal Rate of Return by machinery and operation patterns, changes of labour requirement per 10a for rice culture since 1968, partial farm budget of rice with and without mechanization, and estimation of labour input with full mechanization. To achieve the objectives Saemaeul farm mechanization groups, common ownership and operation, and farms with private ownership and operation were surveyed mainly in Nonsan granary area, Chungnam province. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The national average of labor input per 10a of paddy has decreased from 150.1 Hr in 1965 to 87.2Hr in 1985 which shows 42% decrease of labour inputs. On the other hand the hours of labour input in Nonsan area have also decreased from 150.1Hr to 92.8Hr, 38% to that in 1965 during the same periods. 2. The possible labor saving hours per 10a of Paddy was estimated at 60 hours by substituting machine power for labor forces in the works of plowing, pudding, transplanting, harvesting and threshing, transporting and drying. The labor savings were derived from 92.8 hours in 1986 deducting 30 hours of labor input with full mechanization in Nonsan area. 3. Social benefits of farm mechanization were estimated at 124,73won/10a including increment of rice(10%): 34,064won, labour saving: 65,800won, saving of conventional farm implements: 18,000won and saving of animal power: 6,870won. 4. Rental charges by works prevailing in the area were 12,000won for land preparation, 15,000won for transplanting with seedlings, 19,500won for combine works and 6,000won for drying paddy. 5. Farm income per 10a of paddy with and without mechanization were amounted to 247,278won and 224,768won respectively. 6. Social rate of return of the machinery were estimated at more than 50% in all operation patterns. On the other hand internal rate of return of the machinery except tractors were also more than 50% but IRR of tractors by operation patterns were equivalent to 0 to 9%. From the view point of farmers financial status, private owner-operation of tractors in considered uneconomical. Tractor operation by Saemaeul mechanization groups would by economical considering the government subsidy, 40% of tractor price. 7. Farmers recommendations for the government that gained through field operation of farm machinery are to train maintenance technology for rural youth, to standardize the necessary parts of machinery, to implement price tag system, to intercede spare parts and provide maketing information to farmers by rural institutions as RDA, NACF, GUN office and FLIA.

      • 大學環境의 效率性

        姜湘哲 충남대학교 새마을연구소 1984 새마음 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        Ⅰ. The Necessity of this Research At the Korea Education Center some years ago, the writer examined the results of the overall evaluation conducted for 9th grade students in public school and selected a school whose students’ achievement was high in spite of the students’family status being very low, and analyzed the environment of school. This school was located in a small rural village to which it took the students 40 minutes to travel by bus. This co―ed school consisted of 1,000 students and 20 teachers(including 4 women teachers). The education status of students’parents was low. Their educational and cultural background was very poor. In spite of such a poor environment, the students’ achievement was nearly equal to that of schools in big cities. The writer was much interested in the reason for the high achievement of this school. It was discovered that the cause was entirely school effectiveness. This finding reveals that a well―managed school can improve students’ achievement. The average age of the teachers of the school was 35 (the average age of the teachers of the province was 44―45). Most of the teachers had graduated from teachers’college. The principal of the school, aged 40 used to be a teacher of science and mathematics, a researcher, and a supervisor. He summarized educa­tional policy as follows : “The word extra―classroom work in the schools of big cities is a word of luxury for our rural school The average schooling of students’ parents is only the elementary level...Our teachers have been making utmost effort to each and share what they know with their students all the time...” The principal’s professional knowledge and intellient educational ideas, and the concerted efforts of the teachers, have produced “somebodies”out of the waste land and created something out of little. There is not better lesson than this case. There are many similar cases around us. Jae―un Kim(1952) interviewed 200 persons who were engaged in creative writing. All of them came from the rural areas and overcame poverty and difficulty. There are some other case studies concerning the achievement test administered by the Ministry of Educa­tion. A student whose initial was J was admitted to his high school with the lowest score, but he was later awarded a scholarship as he was promoted to higher grades. The Korean gold medalists at the Summer Olympic Games held in Los Angels belong to such a group and the persons in the biography of self―made men also belong to this group.

      • 새마을精神과 傳統的 改革思想

        閔東根 충남대학교 새마을연구소 1983 새마음 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Ⅰ. The Saemaul Spirit The Saemaul Spirit, as the late President Park Chung-hee said, is the racial soul inherited from our forefathers and serves as a basis of our nation-al spirit re-established in this nation under the ideals of democracy :human respect, self-help, self-government and self-support. The seamaul Spirit is the spirit of diligence, self-helf and cooperation ; that of autonomy, independence and self-defense ; and that of the creation of a new history. That is to say that the Saemaul Spirit is defined as a movement to create a better living with a new environment under the spirit -ual revolution ― a spirit of diligence, self-help and cooperation, starting from a love of hometown and sublimating that love into patriotism. The ideas of the Saemaul Spirit are reform, creation, development, reason, diligence, self-help and cooperation in addition of love and sacrifice which are the indispensable, fundamental spirits embedded in the Saemaul Movement. In compliance with the practical aspects of the Saemaul Spirit, the Saemaul Movement, having been launched in the rural area and gradually expanding to the urban areas, has three fields : (1) National ethics and the improvement of attitudes (2) Improvement of one’s immediate environment (3) Increase of products and profits The main goal the Movement as it was set up was to transform our traditional agrarian society into a modernized industrial society as follows : (1) To construct a economy under which the people in the rural and urban areas can make a good living (2) To enjoy life of culture with mental soundness along with physical affluence (3) To make a good living for everybody, including a nation and a brethren (4) To pave the way toward a good living forever-from the present to the future (5) To pave the way toward the peaceful unification of our fatherland, rooted in freedom and democracy Ⅱ. Traditional Reform Thought As shown in the Tangun myth, our ideal of national foundation lay in providing for welfare of the people. Our nation has been called ‘A Nation of Virtuous Men’or ‘A Wise Nation in the East’. The ‘Tong-i’s’ regarded as our ancestors were peaceful in nature, left their gates open at night without fear of thieves, and loved modesty. It is said that Confucius, having observed that his doctrines were not practiced in some way, desired to come to Tong-i, far- a way country across the sea. Our country has such a good climate and soil that the people have had no difficulty in engaging in farming. That is the reason why our ancestors respected virtue, had an optimistic attitude, and made little effort in economic, productive activities . As a result, our people came to live in poverty, which gave rise to evil practices in their life. During ancient times and the Koryo dynasty, ardent patriotism spread but there was no reform in the thinking of the people. During the Yi dynasty, on the contrary, the reformist ideas spread widely among the people. Some scholars of the positive school were widely known: Chung Do-jun(1337-98), Yang Sung-ji (1415-82), and Yi-I (1536-84). A. Improvement of Life Attitudes Chung Do-jun criticized in his book, “Bulsi Japyun,” Buddha for begging in Sawisong and monks for idling away their lives and for only consuming food and clothing. He called the monks the ‘moths of the earth.’ Scholars of the positive school urged people not to idle away their lives, doing such things as playing chess and go, gambling, and committing adultery. They also urged the yangban class to engage in commerce and industry. In addition, the scholars of the positive school advised people not to believe in divination ; the ‘Four Pillars’of the year, month, day, and hour of their birth ; divination by configuration of the ground; shamanism, etc., depending on such factors of fortune and luck. Since ancient times, we could observed the laudable custom of mutual aid among people who were called ‘neighbor cousins.’Such scholars as Yi Hwang, Yi Yul-gok, Ryu Hyang-won, An Jung-bok established the hyang-yak, local ethical codes, which said that one must discharge his filial duties, respect his elders, instruct his descendants, get along amicably with neighbors and help neighbors in adversity. Yang Sung-ji advocated a simple wedding ceremony, Suh Kyung-dok advised that the government revise mourning codes in order that the king may not wear mourning dress for three years. The scholars advised that people to save, saying that there were three important factors to becoming rich : (1) do their best in farming (2) love thriftness (3) refrain from depriving others of anything They also urged the government officials to exert themselves not to wasted government properties. During the Koguryo dynasty there were no jails at all, since those who committed crime were destined to die and their wives and descendents were destined to serve as servants. The scholars taught the people to observe laws properly, to pay taxes on the date due, and to engage in labor service, They advised them to compose sound music that induced a peaceful and pleasant mood and to discard contemporary music, whose melodies were lecherous and sad. During the Silla dynasty, the hwarang were faithful to their parents and loyal to their nation. They loved the five patriotic ideals, loyalty, filial piety, faith, bravery, and wisdom. B. Improvement of One’s Immediate Environment The scholars of the positive school criticized white clothes, (which sym-bolized mourning), long sleeves, thick socks in summer, poor straw bedding for peasants, slow walking with trailing shoes, undressed children under ten, and impure soy sauce which acquired impurities in the manufacturing process. During the golden age of the Silla dynasty, there were 178, 936 houses in the capital ; during the reign of King Hun-Kang and one had a straw roof. Chung Yak-yong (1763-1836) advocated the improvement of dwelling by using tile roofs. The scholars encouraged the people to widen and maintain roads, plant trees along streets, construct strong bridges, and improve carts for smooth transportation. C. Increase of Products and Profits King Sejon of the Yi dynasty published a book on farming which promoted the improvement of agricultural technology, the expansion of irrigation, and the survey of farm land. The king made great efforts to relieving the poor and enforced the hwan-gok-bup, a law for the loan of cerial grains for the benefit of the poor. Yang Sung-ji made four suggestions to improve farming to the king. (1) construct dikes and dams (2) get rid of idle and lazy people (3) refrain from killing cows unlawfully (4) store seeds Yi-I suggested improvement in the farmland system, the reclamation of waste land, the encouragement of production, etc. Ⅲ. Conclusion Our nation, as a cultured race, has survived alien invasions with wisdom and a righteous spirit. Our nation has inherited fine ideals and thoughts : human respect, democratic policies, a social relief system, respect for the aged, filial piety, village festivals, a collective farming system, hyang-yak etc. At this we are determined to participate in the creative and productive projects with the spirit of diligence, self-help and cooperation. The Saemaul Spirit has brought tremendous success and fruits to the people in both the rural and urban communities. The achievement of the movement are reflected in a spiritual revolution that traces its development from the long inherited traditional structure of Korean thought and consciousness on which we can build a new environment, atmosphere and image of the nation.

      • 農村새마을 靑少年會 活性化에 對한 小考

        金文圭 충남대학교 새마을연구소 1986 새마음 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        The 4-H club of this country was introduced from U.S.A. in 1947, and it formed the basis of democratic citizen and contributed to the rural development by the way that rural teenagers activated the idea of Head, Heart, Hand, and Health. It was renamed ‘the Samaul Teenagers’Club’in January 1979, and now it makes a boast of its majestic appearance as a deep-rooted evergreen tree. It is desirable that the Club toward 2000s should be reared as an undertaking agriculture for the rural development. Rearing undertaking for the successors of farmers and fishermen should be promoted positively. So, rearing the Club is necessary. With the farmer’s example of success as the central figure, we should get the faith firmly into them that they can live well without being envious of others, if they complete the regular course in the Club industriously and faithfully. In the sense, I propose the following. 1. Completion of subject: We should make one person complete one subject and encourage his or her desire on raising of crops and breeding of domestic cattle in order that he or she can cultivate the power of observation through participating in the personal farming. 2. Solution of the uncertain prospect of rural communities: We live ourselves in the unreliable age. Through the farmer’ example of success, we should get the faith into them that they can get the price certainly, if they make efforts diligently. 3. Active support of the mechanized farming organization: Now, government should assist them for the sake of mechanization, because agriculture has been recognized that it has to be mechanized. Thus, the operating training of farming machinery has become the object of envy among the members of the Saemual Teenagers’ Club. 4. Scientification of agricultural technique: Agriculture is a synthetic science. So, from raising of crops, feed, agricultural chemicals, dairy farming to floriculture, the greatest quantity of good quality should be produced without mistake. 5. Sensitive information of circulation: The modern agriculture is a commercial agriculture. The agriculture not to make even is no use. The price of the expect-ed time of shipment has to be able to be predicted before raising or breeding. 6. Formation of growing area: The area has to be formed that a crop can be forwarded jointly, and also that they can exchange information each other. 7. Strengthening of support of successors of farming: In the case that the member of the Saemaul Teenagers’ Club wants farming, he or she should be selected and supported preferentially. 8. Supply of scholarship to agricultural schools: It is desirable to allow the member of the Club the scholarship preferentially. 9. Application of the training facilities of agriculture high schools: It is desirable to secure the mechanical equipment necessary for agricultural education in the nation-wide agricultural high schools, and to establish the system that the youth can receive short-term training during the summer and winter vacation. 10. It is demanded that the member of the Club receive the operating training of one kind of machine every year, including the subject of the operating training of agricultural machine during camping education. And yearly editing of textbook appropriate to the subject of camping education is demanded. 11. It is demanded that rename ‘the Eub-Myeon Saemaul Teenagers’Club’ as ‘the Eub-Myeon Young Men’s Club’. 12. The 4-H study club of university should be reared actively. It is time a graduage of university should be the leader of the rural Saemaul Movement.

      • 各種 自生組織의 새마을運動 連繫方案에 관한 硏究

        徐海吉,申允杓,權寧駿,崔秉翼 충남대학교 새마을연구소 1985 새마음 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        Ⅰ. The Theoretical Background The theoretical background of this research is related to the following three branches, because this research is achieved with interdisciplinary approach by the four researchers who differ in a major field of study: 1. Philosophy: For the purpose of activation of the Saemaul Campaign by all sorts of self­generating organization, this research deals with the logic, the history of creation, the practical science, and the spirit necessary for the development of this country. 2. Scientific and technical education: This education has played a role as a tractor. And, this has to be continuously intended by the Saemaul Campaign in the future. 3. Organization theory: The percept of a self­generating organization and a organization formation theory, the purpose of a community development, and development strategies are based on the organization theory. Ⅱ. The Necessity of this Resaerch Inhabitants and organizations of a community are interdependent, and they have various changes toward the welfare of the community as their basic purpose. Therefore, it is necessary that the ways are explored that promote the cooperative connection among all sorts of organizations and that offer information on the effectiveness of the community development. There are various research on the Saemaul Campaign by all sorts of formal or informal organizations, governmental organizations, self-governing bodies. However, any positive investigation on the connection between all sorts of self-generating organizations and the Saemaul Campaign has not been found by now. Furthermore, as inhabitants have taken the initiative of the Saemaul Campaign since 1980, the effective connection between inhabitants and self-generating organizations,between self-generating organizations, or between self-generating organizations and driving organizations of the Saemaul Campaign has become an important task. Ⅲ. The Purpose of this Research So as to develop the Saemaul Campaign intensively, that is, to establish a welfare society, the frame of development strategies have to be explored that can regimentate effectively inhabitants' capacity in planning, execution, evaluation of the movement by self-generating organizations. On this account, this research has the following as its purpose: 1. This grasps actual conditions of all sorts of self-generating organizations and investigates their rate of participation in the Saemaul Campaign. 2. This explores the ways that reconsider rate of contribution of self-generating organizations in the Saemaul Campaign. Ⅳ. The Method of this Research The research materials necessary for the achievment of the purpose have been collected by the following ways: 1. Investigation of literature: To consider the various precedent studies on the Saemaul Campaign, the community development theory, administration (organization theory), philosophy (spiritual aspect), and science (technical education and environment protection). 2. Investigation of actual conditions: To examinate the purpose of establishment, members, administration, contents of activity, and rate of contribution on the Saemaul Campaign of self-generating organizations. 3. Investigation of opinions: To explore the ways of the effective connection between self-generating organizations and the Saemaul Campaign, by making members of self-generating organizations and scholars an object of this examination.

      • 새마을운동의 歷史的 背景과 哲學的 根據

        徐海吉 충남대학교 새마을연구소 1986 새마음 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        The historical characteristic of the Saemaul Movement has a double concept. One is the relation of the Saemaul Movement and our historical view, and the other is the characteristic of ‘what should be’and the creativity that the Movement has. The former has been inherited in our traditional thought of the Big Three Spi­rit of the Saemaul Movement. For example, the spirit of self­help can be found in the fraternity, the help­neighbor farming team, the exchange of labor, and Hyangyak. The spirit of cooperation can be gathered from the code of Silla chivalry. Also, the spirit of diligence can be inferred through several cases. In this traditional thought, we can find the context of the spirits of the Saemaul Movement. Though they say that our history is eternal, the history has been interspersed with poverty and disdain. Here, the Saemaul Movement has a double characteris­tic, in the point that it has to be manifestation of historical consciousness. One in the context of history, and the other is the problem whether the Saemaul Movement can be revelation of historical consciousness to overcome a difficult situation that may be come soon again. In the view of the latter, the Saemaul Movement has to be changed with the problem of how to cope with the difficult his­tory, and it has the characteristic of ‘what should be’that should solve the cri­sis. One this account, the historical characteristic of the Saemaul Movement is brought into relief to other level. History is classified into the actual and the fatal. The history of the Saemaul Movement belongs to the latter. And, the characteristic of ‘what should be’as the following is immanent in the historical view of the latter: 1. The Saemaul Movement has to be integration of national will. 2. The Saemaul Movement has to be the national movement that has nationality. 3. The Saemaul Movement has to be the movement that realizes the welfare state by creating an advanced fatherland. 4. The Saemaul Movement has to be the movement that fixes democratization and accomplishes the unification of fatherland by infusing strong anti­communistic ideas into the minds of the public. The above principles are a practical movement. This movement is a cornerstone of creation of an advanced fatherland and is extending beyond the seas as the movement of internationalization. This movement has a philosophical ground, and this philosophy is the product of the history. Only on the philosophical ground, a movement has a self­basis as a movement. The historical and philosophical significance of the Saemaul Movement is in that it regards history as the fatal and that is has to reveal creative history only in the history. The Saemaul Movement has to be the practical movement of every people and the movement of the unification of fatherland. Furthermore, it has to be intended to the movement of world peace. Also, th Saemaul Movement has to make firm its position has the royal road of the movement of advancization.

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