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      • 植物의 Anthocyanin 色素

        朴鍾喜,徐錫洙,鄭容子 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1982 藥學硏究誌 Vol.16 No.1

        Anthocyanin pigments of three plants were identified as the following; cyanidin-3, 7-diglucoside and delphinidin-3, 5-diglucoside from Rubus coreanus Miquel, cyanidin-3-rhamnoside-5-glucoside from Iris rossii Baker, and pelagonidin 3, 5-diglucoside from Veronica caninotesticulata Makino.

      • The Penetration of Local Anesthetics into the Phospholipid Liposomal Membrane as Studies by Fluorescence Quenching

        Han, Suk Kyu,Rho, Young Jae,Lee, Jeong Hee 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1992 藥學硏究誌 Vol.26 No.2

        The local anesthetics procaine, tetracaine benoxinate, benzocaine, dyclonine, pramoxine, and proparacaine were found to quench the fluorescence of the probes N-octadecyl naphthyl-2-amine-6-sulfonic acid and 12-(n-anthroyloxy)stearic acid in the presence of liposomal membrane. The local anesthetics showed diversified abilities of quenching the fluorescence probes labeled into the phospholipid liposomal membranes, and their quenching abilities were quite different from their quenching abilities in the fluorescence probes in solution. This leads us to investigate the distribution profile of the local anesthetics in the liposomal membrane. The Stern-Volmer equation for fluorescence quenching was modified for the liposomal membrane system, and analysis of the quenching data employing the equation showed that the local anesthetic drugs locate mainly on the surface of the liposomal membrane. However, as the hydrophobicity of the local anesthetics increased, the more effectively they penetrate into the hydrocarbon interrior of the liposomal membrane.

      • Effect of Protein Denaturants on Cloud Point and Krafft Point on Nonionic Surfactants

        HAN, SUK KYU,LEE, SANG MYUNG,KIM, MIN,HANS SCHOTT 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1990 藥學硏究誌 Vol.24 No.2

        The effects of a variety of protein denaturants (seven ureas, three thioureas, acetamide, and guanidinium chloride) on the cloud point and Krafft point of polyoxyl 10 cetyl ether were investigated. All additives raised the cloud point in direct proportion to their concentration in the range 0 to 0.5m. From 0.5 to 1.0m, the cloud point increases were less than proportional to additive concentration. Owing to increased micellar solubilization, higher degrees of alkylation of the ureas and thioureas resulted in greater cloud point increases. Urea, methylurea, thiourea, and acetamide did not change the Krafft point, while the more highly alkylated ureas and thioureas produced modest decreases. Cloud point increases and Krafft point decreases represent salting in of the nonionic surfactant. At comparable concentrations, all additives increased the cloud points of polyoxyl 10 cetyl ether and of octoxynol 9 to the same extent, even though octoxynol 9 is more polar owing to the presence of a benzene ring. This indicates that the changes in cloud point are due predominantly to the interaction of the protein denaturants with the hydrated polyoxyethylene shell of the nonionic micelles, and that the hydrocarbon core is not involved. The efficiency of denaturants to salt in nonionic surfactants, as shown by increases in cloud point, was proportional to their efficiency to denature proteins, as shown by reductions in the molar absorption coefficient of the Soret band. This observation documents the similarity between the clouding phenomenon of polyoxyethylated surfactants and the denaturation of proteins.

      • Arachidonic acid cascade와 세포간 정보전달

        정해영 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1989 藥學硏究誌 Vol.23 No.2

        Hormone이나 신경전달물질 등의 세포의 인자정보가 세포내에 전달됨에 따라 장기나 세포에서 특유의 생리활성물질이 신속히 생성되어, 그 주변조직이나 세포에 작용해서 세포기능을 조절한다. 이러한 물질들을 autacoid라고 하는데, 그 중 1군의 화합물에 arachidonic acid 대사산물이 있다. 이 arachidonic acid에 유래하는 생리활성물질들을 eicosanoid 혹은 prostanoid라고 부르고 이 arachidonic acid를 모체로 만들어지는 관련 화합물의 생합성 경로를 arachidonic acid cascade 라고 한다. Prostanoid는 생체내 거의 모든 조직에서 만들어져 세포기능의 발현과 조절에 중요한 역할을 하며, 현재 생물학에서 의약학 영역에까지 큰 주목을 받고 있는 생물 정보전달물이다. 본 고에서는 prostanoid의 역사, 구조, 생합성, 생리활성 및 receptor 와 정보전달의 mechanism 에 대해서 개설하고자 한다.

      • Solubitities of Alkylparabens in Aqueous Solution of Ureas

        Han, Suk Kyu,Lee, Jeong Hee 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1993 藥學硏究誌 Vol.27 No.2

        The solubilities of methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl and n-hexyl parabens in aqueous solution of alkyl derivatives of urea, methylurea, 1,3-dimethylurea, ethylurea and tetramethylurea were measured, and the free energies of transfer of the paraben from water to the aq solution of urea derivatives were calculated. The results of these experiments showed that the solubilities of the paraben were enhanced in proportion to the concentration of the urea derivatives, and solubility-enhancing abilities of the urea derivatives increased with substitution with more and longer alkyl chains of urea. These results have been ascribed to binding between the parabens and urea derivatives in aqueous solution.

      • Effect of Local Anesthetics on the Fluidity of Liposomal Membrane

        Han, Suk Kyu,Kim, Nam Hong,Lee, Yong Soo 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1986 藥學硏究誌 Vol.20 No.1

        The effects of local anesthetics on the phase transition of liposomal lipid bilayer made of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine was investigated with differential scanning calorimetry. The thermograms of the liposomal bilayer incorporated with procaine, lidocaine, tetracaine and dibucaine, respectively were obtained and the sizes of cooperative unit of the transition were calculated from the ratio of the van't Hoff enthalpy change to the calculated enthalpy change of the transition. The results showed that incorporation of local anesthetics into the liposomal bilayer reduced the transition temperature at which the transition from solid state to liquid-crystalline state occurs, and broadened the thermogram peaks. Local anesthetics also significantly reduced the size of cooperative unit of the transition. This means that they might have significant fluidizing effects on the biomembrane. The sizes of cooperative unit were successfully correlated with pharmacological activities and the critical micelle concentrations of the local anesthetics. These correlations might be ascribed to a possible hydrophobic interaction between the biomembrane and the drugs involved in their pharmacology.

      • 麻黃의 歷史

        박종희,정지형,박상일 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1997 藥學硏究誌 Vol.31 No.2

        Ephedrae Herba is listed in 'Shen Nung Pen Tsao Ching(神農本草經)' as a medium-grade drug. The green haulms are harvested in the fall and dried. Ephedrae herba is one of the oldest and most widely used traditional Chinese medicines and is used as a diaphonetic, antiasthmatic, and diuretic. The origin of Mahung(麻黃) is the dry haulms of Ephedrae sinica stapf, E. intermedia Schrenket C. A. Meyer or E. lguisetina Bge.(Ephedraceae).

      • Anatomical Study of Aconitum chiisanense Nakai from Korea

        Park, Jong Hee 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1994 藥學硏究誌 Vol.28 No.1

        한국산 Aconitum속 식물중의 하나인 Aconitum chiisanense Nakai지리바꽃을 조직학적으로 검토한 결과 母根에 있어서 대형의 石細胞 및 內皮細胞가 특징을 나타내었다. 우리나라에서 신경통, 류마치스 및 중풍등의 치료 약물로 널리 이용되고 있는 한약 草烏를 전국에서 구입한 시장품과 지리바꽃을 비교 검토한 결과 시장품 草烏에는 부분적(10%)으로 지리바꽃의 지하부가 함유되어 있었다. The tuberous roots of a Korean aconite, Aconitum chiisanense Nakai, was studied morphologicallly and anatomically. They have some prominent anatomical features, e.g., large stone cells, endodermal cells and scarce cortical stone cells are in the mother root. Chinese traditional crude drug named "Cho O(草烏)", which has been used as a remedy for apoplexy, dyspepsia, neuralgia and chronic rheumatis, was collected from several herb markets in Korea and compared anatomically with the tuberous roots of A. chiisanense. Some specimens from markets were identified to the Aconitum chiisanense.

      • 民間藥 「머루줄기」의 生藥學的 硏究

        朴鍾喜,李相祿 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1992 藥學硏究誌 Vol.26 No.2

        Korean folk medicine 「Meo Ru Jul Ki」 has been used to cure common cold, cough, abdominal pain after child birth and diarrhea in Korea. The botanical origin of the crude drug has been no pharmacognostical confirmation on it. To clarify the botanical origin of 「Meo Ru Jul Ki」, the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the stems of Vitis species growing wild in Korea i.e. Vitis amurensis Ruprecht, Vitis flexuosa Thunb. and Vitis thunbergii S. et Z. var. sinuata (Regel) Rehder growing wild in Korea were examined. As the result, it was made clear that 「Meo Ru Jul Ki」 from Korea was derived from the stem of Vitis amurensis and Vitis thunbergii var. sinuata.

      • Synthesis and Taste of Syn-Oximes of Some Aromatic Aldehydes and Oximacetic Acid Derivatives of Syn-Oximes : Syn-Oxime 및 Oximacetic Acid 誘導體의 合成 및 甘味性에 關하여

        Kim, Young-Mi 부산대학교 신약개발연구소 1982 藥學硏究誌 Vol.16 No.1

        Benzaldehyde oxime類의 甘味性에 관한 연구 결과 ortho 혹은 meta 위치에 치환기를 가진 benzaldehyde로부터 유도된 syn-oxime은 치환기의 성질에 무관하게 전혀 감미성을 나타내지 않는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 또, 문헌에 감미단(glcophore)으로 보고되어 있는 oximacetic acid 유도체를 합성한 후 그 염을 만들어 용해도가 높은 감미성화합물을 합성코져 하였으나 합성된 oximacetic acid 유도체들은 모두 감미성을 나타내지 않는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 결과 oximacetic acid group은 감미단이 아니며 oxime類 화합물이 감미를 나타내는데는 free-hydroxyl group이 필수적임을 알 수 있었다. Substituent effects on the sweetness of benzaldehyde oximes were investigated in continuation to our previous studies. Ortho or meta-substituted benzaldehyde oximes were devoid of sweet taste regardless the nature of the substituents. Based on literature survey, several acetic acid derivatives of syn-oximes were prepared, expecting them to elicit sweet taste. Contrary to the expectation, they were devoid of sweet taste suggesting that oximacetic acid was not a glucophore as it stated in the literature. Thus it is concluded that it is essential for syn-oximes to have free oxime-hydroxylgroup to elicit sweet taste.

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