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      • 韓國 海産監藻類 : 1. 東海岸 1. East Coast

        李祺完 濟州大學校海洋資源硏究所 1982 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        著者는 1981年 1월 8일부터 15일까지 東海岸에서 採集된 監藻를 동정하여 모두 25種을 確認하였고, 이들중 Agmenellum thermale (Kueting) Drouet & Daily, Schizothrix lacustris A. Broun, Plectonema terebrans Bornet & Flahault, P. norvegium Gomont, Spirulina major Kuetzing, Kyrtuthrix maculans (Gomont) Umezaki 의 6種은 韓國新産種이었다. This study deals with the blue-green algae (Cyanophyta) which were collected at six stations on the East Coast of Korea from January 15, 1981. Total blue-green algae obtained are 25 species, belonging to 6 families and 15 genera. Among them, six species such as Agmenellum thermale, Schizothrix lacustris, Plectonema terebrans P. norvegium, Spirulina major, and Kyrtuthrix maculans, are new to Korean algal list.

      • 眞珠조개, Pinctada fucata의 稚貝生産 및 養殖에 關한 環境學的 硏究-(4) 種苗量産化에 關한 基礎的 硏究

        盧暹,卞忠圭 濟州大學校海洋資源硏究所 1987 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        진주조개 Princtada fucata의 種苗生産技術開發을 위하여 室內水槽에서 殼高 51.5∼95.0㎜되는 母貝 982尾를 使用하여 各種 産卵誘發刺戟을 實施하고 母貝 反應率, 産卵生態, 各 發生段階에 達하는 積算水溫과의 關係를 調査하였다. 幼生期의 먹이生態를 알기 위하여 먹이生物의 種類, 投飾密度에 따른 名 幼生期의 食量, 成長, 生殘率, 海水比重에 따른 幼生의 耐性, 採苗器의 種類와 設置方法에 따른 附着數의 差異를 比較하였다. 附着稚貝를 利用하여 120日 海中育成을 實施하고 中間育成에 適當한 稚貝의 크기와 채롱내의 適正收容密度에 대하여 調査한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 産卵誘發刺戟中 40∼60分의 干出刺戟後 直射光線을 利用한 水溫上昇方法이 가장 效果的이였으며, 이때의 母貝 反應率은 12.35∼59.42%였다. 2. 08:00∼09:00시에 産卵誘發刺戟을 實施한 경우 반응시간은 干出刺戟後 1∼3時間後인 10:00∼12:00시 사이로서 反應個體의 77.12%가 이때에 집중적으로 産卵하였다. 3. 水溫 21.7∼29.3℃ 範圍에서 名 幼生期에 이르기까지 水溫(X)과 孵化時間 (Y:Tro-chophore, D狀幼生 : 分, 초기각정기 이후 幼生 : 日)과의 사이의 關係式은 다음과 같이 表示되었다. Trochophore 幼生 : Y =-21.0113 X + 876.7249(r= 0.9733), D狀幼生 : Y =-21.9782 X + 1719.5152(r=0.9303), 初期殼頂期幼生 : Y=-0.7163X + 25.3230(r=0.9752), 殼頂期幼生 : Y=-1.0108X + 37.5844(r=0.9586), 成熟仔貝期 : Y=-0.6569X + 31.6218(r=0.8523). 4. 먹이生物로서 P. lutheri + C. simplex를 混合하여 먹인 것과 P. lutheri, C. simplex, Chlorella sp.를 單一먹이로 飼育한 경우 孵化後經過日數(X)에 따른 殼長(Y)의 成長 關係式은 Y =7.050X + 56.0477 (r=0.9939), Y =6.6881X + 55.6323 (r=0.9911) Y =4.3864X + 58.1607 (r=0.9687), Y =0.5829X + 71.8874 (r=0.9801)로 表示되었다. 5. P. lutheri의 密度에 따른 名 段階別幼生의 攝食率과의 關係에서 求해진 最大攝食量(MF)과 이에 도달하기 위한 適正먹이密度(OF)는 孵化後 1∼5日 幼生은 MF=418.76±34.95 cells/ml OF=6692.31 cells/ml 孵化後 6∼10日 幼生은 MF=1237.60±42.53 cells/ml OF=12958.39 cells/ml 孵化後 11∼15日 幼生은 MF=4891.00±297.88 cells/ml OF=45269.02 cells/ml 孵化後 16∼20日 幼生 MF=17639.33±460.37 cells/ml OF=45269.02 cells/ml 孵化後 21∼25日 幼生 MF=40651.33±444.95 cells/ml OF=56183.25 cells/ml였다. 6. 굴貝殼, Nylon 그물, PVC 平板을 利用한 採苗器材質에 따른 附着幼生數의 差異는 보이지 않았으나 採苗器의 設置方法에서는 垂直方向보다 水槽底面에 水平으로 깔아둔 方法이 현저하게 많은 편이었다. 7. 海中 中間育成에 適合한 크기는 生殘率의 견지에서 5㎜以上의 크기가 바람직하였고, 殼長 10㎜以內의 크기인 120日間의 飼育에서 채롱(φ20×20cm)의 收容密度 1∼6 個體/㎠에서의 成長 및 生殘率은 類似하게 나타났다. In order to develop the technique for seed production of a pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata, the successive experiments including the spawning induction, larval development, feeding ecology and growth of larvae, spat collection in rearing tank and culture of young pearl oysters in the sea were carried. Results obtained by these experiments are summarized as follows. 1. Stimulation with water temperature raised by heat of sunshine after exposing adults in the air for 30 to 60 minutes was most effective in spawning induction of P.fucata. 12.35∼59.24% of adults tested were spawned by this method. 2. Adults reacted in 1 to 3 hours after receiveing the stimulation of exposure and 77.12% of them spawned. 3. In a range of temperature, 21.7℃ to 29.0℃, relationships between water temperature(X, ℃) and time required(Y, trochophore and D-shaped larvae in min., after early umbo larvae in day) for development of each larval stage were expressed by following formulae; Trochophore ; Y =-21.0113X + 876.7349 (r= 0.9733) D-shaped ; Y =-21.9782x + 1719.5152 (r=0.9303) Early umbo ; Y=-0.7163X + 25.3230 (r=0.9752) Umbo ; Y=-1.0108X + 37.5844 (r=0.9586) Fully grown : Y=-0.6569X + 31.6218 (r=0.8523) 4. When the larvae after hatching were fed with three species of food organism, relationships between feeding duration (X, days) and growth of shell length (Y, ㎛) were expressed by following formulae ; Pavlova lutheri ; Y =6.6881X + 55.6323 (r=0.9911) Chaetoceros simplex ; Y =4.3864X + 58.1607 (r=0.9687) P.lutheri+C. simplex ; Y =7.050 + 56.0477 (r=0.9939) Chlorella sp. ; Y =0.5829X + 71.8874 (r=0.9801)

      • Spawning Pattern of a Mesopelagic Micronektonic Fish, Diaphus suborbitalis, in Suruga Bay, Japan

        Go,You Bong 濟州大學海洋資源硏究所 1981 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        Breeding season and vertical migrating difference between mature male and female of the abundant myctophid fish, Diaphus suborbitalis, in Suruga Bay, are described. Season of high maturity stage in testis is from June to September. Females possess only oogonia or oocytes of peri-nucleous throughout the year. On the bases of maturity stage of male and seasonal changes in size composition, it is shown that main breeding season of the species is from summer to autumn. Mature female probably dose not undertake diel vertical migration and stays in the waters deeper than 100m depth, indicating no expatriation outside the bay. Males mature at one year from hatching. Biological minimum size is about 50㎜ SL in male, but obscure in female.

      • 감성돔, Mylio macrocephalus (Basilewsky)의 種苗生産에 關한 硏究

        李定宰,盧暹 濟州大學校海洋資源硏究所 1987 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        1986年 5月에 全南 得粮灣近海의 小形定置網에서 漁獲된 自然産 감성돔 Mylio macrocephalus(Basilewsky)을 對象으로 種苗生産技術開發을 위하여 濟州大學校 海洋資源硏究所에서 組織學的生殖巢發達, 人工採卵, 受精 및 仔稚魚飼育을 實施한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 體長 30cm 以內의 個體에는 雌雄同體가 나타나며 成長함에 따라 性은 뚜렷이 區分된다. 2. 卵巢는 많은 卵巢小囊으로 構成된 1 雙의 囊狀型이며, 卵巢小囊上皮에서 卵原細胞가 增殖分裂한다. 初期卵母細胞는 核膜 주위에 여러개의 分散仁이 分布한다. 800㎛m 內外의 完熟卵母細胞에는 核膜의 消失이 일어나며 細胞質에는 卵黃과 油球가 충만된다. 3. 精巢의 皮質層에서 精原細胞가 分裂增殖하며 精巢가 發達됨에 따라 精原細胞, 精母細胞, 精細胞, 精子의 層狀排列이 뚜렷해진다. 4. 産卵된 알은 無色透明한 球形 分離浮性卵으로서 卵徑은 0.87±0.04mm였으며 直徑 0.23 ±0.01mm 되는 1個의 油球를 가지고 있다. 5. 成熟한 親魚로 부터 人工窄出한 알이 受精方法에 따른 平均受精率은 乾式에서 89.28%, 濕式에서 88.38%였고, 平均孵化率은 47.56%, 69.66%였다. 6. 受精卵의 發生은 水溫 18.5∼20.2℃에서 46時間 20分, 水溫 16.8∼19.0℃에서 51時間만에 孵化하였다. 7. 孵化仔魚의 平均全長은 1.98±0.13㎜이며 筋節數는 10±12=22였고 油球는 卵黃의 後端, 肛門앞에 位置하였다. 8. 먹이로서 Artemia salina의 幼生과 Tigriopus japonicus의 幼生을 對象으로 調査한 全長 10.2㎜, 15.7㎜稚魚의 選擇性指數의 範圍는 前者의 경우 +0.26∼+0.30, 後者의 경우 -0.52∼-0.76으로서 Artemia salina가 높게 나타났다. 9. 全長 7∼10㎜ 範圍의 감성돔 稚仔魚의 攝食에 必要한 照度는 2,000 lux 內外였고 全長 15㎜ 의 稚魚는 300 lux 內外였다. 10. 감성돔의 孵化率 經過日數(D)에 따라 全長(T)의 成長은 72日까지는 T=0.4069D+0.1425(r=0.9929), 72日부터 195日까지는 T=0.6373D-6.8028(r=0.9737)이었다. 11. 經過日數(D)와 體重(W)과의 사이에는 ??의 指數曲線式으로 表示되었다. 12. 全長(L)에 對한 體重(W)의 相對成長은 ??의 關係式으로 表示되었다. Artificial seed production of black porgy were performed in the rearing aquariums of The Marine Resources Research Institute, Cheju University by using adult fish caught by a small set net in the coastal waters of Deug Yang and Wan-do Bay from January to May 1986. 1. Hermaphrodite individuals are observed among the yount fishes less than body length in 30cm. 2. The ovary consisted of a pair of saccular structure with numerous ovarian sacs branched toward the median cavity. Oogonia divided and proliferated along the germinal epithelium of the ovarian sac. In the Young oocytes with basophilic cytoplasm distributed many scattering nucleoli along the nuclear membrane. When the oocytes growing to 500∼800㎛ in diameter, muclear membranes are gradually disappear and most of cytoplasms were filled with yolk granules and oil drops. 3. Testis cortex was composed of several testicular lobuli and spermatogonia divided and proliferated along the germinal epithelium of the testiclar lobuli. With development of germ cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and sperms are arranged toward the germinal cavity. 4. Fertilized eggs of black porgy are buoyant, spherical, colorless, contains oil globule, isolating pelagic in quality and measuring 0.87 ±0.04mm in diameter. 5. Mean fertility and hatching rate were 89.28% and 47.56% in dry method, 88.38% and 69.66% in wet method of artificial fertilization. 6. The time required for hatching of eggs were 46.2 hours at 18.5-20.2℃ and 51 hours at 16.8-19.0℃ of water temperature. 7. The newly hatched larva of 1.98 ±0.13mm specimens has 10 (abdominal) + 12 (caudal) = 22 myotomes. The oil globule located at the posterior end of the yolk mass in front of the anus. 8. On the food selection indices calculated by the feeding results of juveniles, in the range of total length from 10.2mm to 15.7mm were+0.26∼+0.30 in the larva of Artemia salina and -0.52∼-0.76 in the larva of Tigriopus japonicus.

      • 西歸浦 沿岸海水의 海洋化學的 特性

        朴吉淳,梁千益,崔永贊 濟州大學校海洋資源硏究所 1986 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        1981年 10月부터 12까지 3 個月間 西歸浦 앞바다의 水質을 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 西歸浦 沿岸은 蚊島와 森島를 連結하는 곳을 中心으로 沿岸水와 外海水가 만나는 潮境域이 形成되고 있으며 이 潮境域을 中心으로 沿岸쪽의 營養鹽 濃度가 窒酸鹽을 제외하고는 外海쪽보다 낮다. 西歸浦 沿岸은 韓國 南西海 沿岸에서처럼 11月경이면 成層이 破壞되어 沿直混合이 일어나 表層과 底層의 營養鹽 濃度가 均一해진다. 窒酸鹽과 燐酸鹽 사이에는 좋은 相關關係 (r=0.76)를 갖고 있으며 窒酸鹽=7.63 ×燐酸鹽 - 0.31, N : P=7 : 1 이었다. In the coastal region of Seogwipo, a tidal front where coastal and offshore water are met is thought to be formed in the area where Mun Do and Sam Do are connected. The concentration of nutrients in the surface layer is higher in offshore water than those of coastal seawater except for the nitrates. In this region stratified state is broken in November as in off the southwest coast of Korea, and become homogeneous in the distribution of each constituents. This homogeneous state is maintained in December as well. Linear regression equation is nitrate = 7.63 ×phosphate - 0.31(=0.76), and N : P=7 : 1.

      • 소라 Turbo (Batilus) cornutus에 奇生하는 吸蟲類와 奇生率에 關하여

        李定宰 濟州大學校海洋資源硏究所 1986 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        1985年 8月부터 1986年 7月까지 濟州島에서 소라 Turbo(Batilus) cornutus에 奇生하는 吸蟲類, 奇生率, 吸蟲이 賢臟에 미치는 組織病理에 關하여 硏究하였다. 소라의 賢腔에 奇生하는 吸蟲類는 Proctoeces ichiharai이였고, 消化腺, 生殖巢 및 腸에서 1種의 未同定 Cercaria를 발견하였다. P.ichiharai는 濟州市 塔洞沿岸産 소라에만 奇生하였으며 奇生率은 25∼80%(평균 56.3%)로 높았다. 宿主當 奇生 吸蟲數는 最高 24個體였고 平均은 3.23個體였다. 소라의 殼高別 奇生하는 吸蟲의 體長間에는 相關關係가 없었으며, 모든 크기의 吸蟲이 奇生하고 있었다. 이것은 季節과 關係없이 吸蟲이 宿主에 계속하여 奇生함을 의미한다. 口吸盤과 腹吸盤의 平均比는 1:1.5로 腹吸盤이 크며, 卵巢의 形態는 三葉型과 여러모양의 楕圓型으로 각각 66.7%와 33.3%였고, 精巢는 前精巢와 後精巢로 構成되며 後精巢가 다소 컸다. 腸은 腹吸盤의 上部에서 分技되어 後端 가까이 이르며, 排泄管은 後精巢 부근에서 分技되어 腹吸盤 兩側을 지나 食道 附近에 이른다. 成熟卵의 크기별 組成頻度에서 長徑 77.5∼82.5㎛이 가장 높고 未成熟卵은 體長 3mm 以下의 個體에서 發生할 수 있었다. P.ichiharai가 奇生하는 賢腔 後部의 上皮層은 脫落되고 化生과 增生現象이 뚜렷하고 賢組織의 變色과 部分的인 組織파괴도 나타났다. The infection of parasitic trematodes, infection rates and the histopathlogical effects of the adult trematode on the renal coelom and tissue of the top shell, Turbo(Batilus) cornutus (Gastropoda, Turbinidae) collected in Cheje Island were examined from August 1985 to July 1986. Proctoeces ichiharai reported by Shimura and Egusa in 1979 found in the renal coelom of top shell being taken in Cheju Island and also found an unidentified cercaria from the gonad, digestive gland and intestine. T.cornutus collected in five localities of Cheju Island coast were examined, and the adult P.ichiharai found only at near coast of Cheju city. It's monthly infection rates are the range of 25-80%(mean ; 56.3%). The highest number of parasite in one host top shell was 24 individuals (mean ; 3.23). It seems that the areas in which top shell infected with P.ichiharai dwell are very limited. The relationships between top shell size and P.ichiharai body length was not found. This means no seasonality in the intensity of infection and in size-frequency distribution. The mean ratio of oral and ventral sucker was 1:1.50, and the ventral sucker was more larger than the oral sucker. The ovarian shapes are trilobate and variable globular shapes. The rates of trilobate and globular types were 66.7% and 33.3% respectively. Testes are composed with two testes of the anterior and posterior testes. The intestine are separated into two branches at the upper part of the ventral sucker extends to anterior and the ventral sucker, and runs to the dorsal side. It's ends to the posterial part of the body as the intestinal caecum. Excretory tube being shaped seperated into two arms at the level of the posterior testes extends to anterior to ventral sucker and runs to the dorsal side of the oesophagus. In the size-frequency distributions of the mature eggs, the dominant egg size was 82.5 ㎛ in longest diameter. The immature eggs were found in those of body length under 3mm P.ichiharai. The histopatholagical effects of the adult P.ichiharai on the renal coelom of T.cornutus showed a metaplasia and hyperplasia in the epithelium. The color of the kidney was discoloration and the tissue of renal parenchyma was examined a partial destruction.

      • 濟州島 沿岸의 水中騷音 -Ⅰ : 濟州港과 楸子島사이 Between Cheju Harbor and Chuja Island

        鄭龍晋,邊昌翊,徐斗玉 濟州大學校海洋資源硏究所 1986 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        濟州港과 楸子島를 연결하는 線上의 3個點을 測定位置로 하여 水中騷音을 測定하고, 이것을 測定周波數에 따른 音壓準位로 分析한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1) 濟州港과 楸子島 사이의 水中騷音은 夜間에 높고 晝間에 낮으며, 測定點에서 音壓準位의 平均値의 差는 測定點 A, B, C에서 各各 3.7∼14.0 dB, 6.3∼9.1 dB, 10.0∼15.3 dB 였다. 2) 測定點에 對한 수직적인 平均音壓準位는 周波數 75Hz의 水深 20m, 50m, 100m에서 A는 各各 105.7 dB, 107.2 dB, 107.5 dB, B는 各各 105.7 dB, 103.9dB, 105.9 dB, C는 103.0 dB(20m), 105.8 dB(50m)였다. 3) 測定點에 對한 수평적인 平均音壓準位는 周波數 75Hz의 水深 20m, 50m, 100m에서 各各 104.8 dB, 105.6 dB, 106.7dB였다. 周波數 75∼5000Hz에서 音壓準位의 平均은 水深 20m, 50m, 100m에서 各各 83.3 dB, 84.4 dB, 85.9dB였다. 4) 3個 測定點에서 周波數 75Hz 最高値의 平均音壓準位는 測定點 A, B, C에서 各各 108.4 dB, 107.4 dB, 108.1 dB였다. Underwater ambient noises were investigated at three stations (A, B and C) connected to a straight line from Cheju harbor to Chuja Island. The underwater ambient noise was present as a sound pressure level for each measured frequence. The results were as follows: 1) The underwater ambient noises were high at nighttime but low at daytime. The differences of each value of average sound pressure level at station A, B and C were 3.7-14.0 dB, 6.3-9.1 dB and 10.0-15.3dB, respectively. 2) The vertical sound pressure level of each station was measured at 20m, 50m and 100m in the depth of water. The values of station A 105.7dB, 107.2dB and 107.5dB, respectively. The Values of station B were 105.7dB, 103.9dB and 105.9dB, respectively. The values of station C were 103.0dB at 20m and 105.8dB at 50m. 3) Each value of horizontal sound pressure level at station A, B and C was 104.8dB at 20m, 105.6dB at 50m and 106.7dB at 100m in the depth of water. Each mean values of sound pressure level from 75 to 5000Hz was 83.3dB at 20m, 84.4dB at 50m and 85.9dB at 100m in the depth of water, respectively. 4) Each mean values of maximum sound pressure level at 75Hz was 108.4dB at station A, 107.4dB at station B and 108.1dB at station C.

      • 제주도 東南方 신천沿岸域 海水의 理化學的 特性과 底質分布

        崔永贊,高基源,金尙賢 濟州大學校海洋資源硏究所 1987 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        신천 沿岸域에서 1986年 6月부터 1987年 3月까지 調査된 沿岸海水의 物理的 特性과 營養鹽類및 低質分布를 要約해 보면, 1) 夏季에 평화천과 포구에서 陸水가 流出되며, St.7 및 St.1에서 예상되는 湧泉水가 沿岸域으로 流出되기는 하지만 流出水가 外海域으로 멀리 확장되지 못하고 있었다. 2) 冬季에는 全 調査 海域이 34.40 ?? 以上의 高鹽水와 1月의 15.1℃, 3月 15.3℃ 以上의 高鹽水가 全 水層을 구성하고 있는데, 이러한 海水는 對馬暖流水의 直接的인 流入이 冬季에 두드러지게 나타나는 結果로 볼 수 있다. 3) 亞窒酸∼窒素는 0.10∼0.70 ㎍-at/ℓ의 농도 폭이였으며, 夏季에 낮고 冬季에 높은 傾向과 전분공장앞, 浦口, 河川 앞 海域에서 높은 편이었다. 4) 窒酸∼窒素는 1月에 가장 낮은 농도였으며 대체적으로 0.3∼3.5 ㎍-at/ℓ의 높은 濃度폭을 나타내고 있다. 5) 燐酸∼燐 및 窒酸∼窒素는 11月에 全 調査期間中 가장 낮은 濃度와 均一한 分布를 보이는 것으로 보아 外洋水와 내만수의 完全混合이 이루어지고 있다고 생각된다. 6) 調査地域의 堆積物相은 자갈함유모래(gravelly sand), 자갈함유씰트질모래(grevelly silty sand), 자갈함유뻘질모래(slightly gravelly muddy sand)로 細分되나 자갈함유모래가 主로 分布한다. 7) 調査地域 堆積物의 平均粒度는 -1.37∼1.5φ였으며, 分級은不良(平均.1.41φ)하고 positive skewed한 傾向을 나타냈다. 8) 海水中의 總浮遊物質의 含量은 表層에서 平均 11.33mg/ℓ, 5m 層은 12.26mg/ ℓ로 나타났으며, 平和川 주변지역에서가 비교적 높은 함량치를 나타냈다. The physical characteristics and the distribution of nutrient and bottom sediments were surveyed from June 1986 to March 1987 in Sincheon coastal area and the results could be summarized as follows. During Summer, fresh waters were inflowed into the sea from Pyoung Hwa Stream and nearby port. Although some expected spring waters are flowed out of site 7 and site 1, the waters could not be extended far away into off-shore area. During Winter, high salinity of more than 34.40?? and high temperature water of 15.1℃ and 15.3℃ in January and March respectively were showed all over the water strata. Such water characteristics seem to be the result of influences by Tsushima Warm Currents direct, inflow in Winter. The distribution of nitrite-nitrogen was lowest in June and July (0.10∼0.20 ㎍-at/ℓ) while highest in March (0.30∼0.70 ㎍-at/ℓ). Nitrate-nitrogen was lowest in January and showed rather high concentration with the range of 0.3∼3.5 ㎍-at/ℓ.Phosphate-phosphorous and nitrate-nitrogen showed the lowest concentration together with homogenous distribution in November throughout the all survey period. This seems to indicate the complete mixing of out sea water and in shore water during this month. The sediments could be subdivided into three textural classes, namely gravelly Sand, gravelly silty Sand, and slightly gravelly muddy Sand, but gravelly Sand are the main component. The average grain-size of sediments in surveyed area was -1.37∼1.5φand poorly sorted (average 1.41φ) and showed the tendency of positively skewed. The concentration of total suspended matter in the surveyed sea water were average 11.33 ㎎/ℓand 12.26 ㎎/ℓ in the surface and 5m below surface and showed comparatively concentration near Pyoung Hwa Stream area.

      • 제주도 東南方 신천沿岸域의 動物플랑크톤群集과 生物量

        高有峰 濟州大學校海洋資源硏究所 1987 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        1. 1986年 6月부터 1987年 3月까지 7회에 걸쳐 MTD플랑크톤네트로 약 10分間 표층예인한 결과 요각류가 76%, 魚卵과 미충류가 각각 4.6%, 화살벌레가 3.6%정도 출현하였는데, 어떤 특수한 生物그룹이 조사해역중 어느 特定區域에만 出現하는 양상은 보이지 않았다. 2. 출현개체수의 月別變化는, 조사기간중 전체平均이 52.2개체/㎥로서, 6月초순이 제일 적고 (16.3개체/㎥), 늦여름부터 증가하기 시작 9月에 最大値(137.8개체/㎥)를 보였으며 가을부터 겨울에 걸쳐 감소하기 시작했다. 3. 요각류중 周年에 걸쳐 優占種으로 나타나는 것으로는 Paracalanus parvus, Acartia clausi를 들수 있고, Calanus sinicus, Onceaea media 등도 개체수는 적지만 출현율이 높았다. 4. 類似度는 3區域 모두 각각 周年에 걸쳐 출현하는 生物그룹과, 어느 特定의 계절을 중심으로 출현하는 生物그룹으로 되는 2개의 群으로 나눌 수 있었다. 5. 多樣度指數 및 情報量指數는 모두 다양한 生物그룹이 출현하는 늦여름에서부터 가을에 걸쳐 높고 여름과 겨울에 낮았다. 6. 조사기간중의 생물평균 습중량은 11.64mg/㎥로서 계절변동이 심하여, 6∼7月에 낮아 0.72∼1.46mg/㎥, 9月 1日에 최고치 32.7mg/㎥, 11月에 29.9mg/㎥, 1月과 3月에 각각 9.0mg/㎥, 6.7mg/㎥로 측정되어, 本調査海域의 低次生産力은 대단히 낮은 것으로 判明되었다. Monthly collections of zooplankton populations were obtained with MTD plankton net between June 1986 and March 1987. Copepods comprise about 76% to the total individual, fish egg and appendicularia 4.6% respectively, and chaetognaths 3.6% Paracalanus parvus and Acartia clausi were dominant species of copepods during all the seasons and Calanus sinicus and Oncaea media occurred frequently in spite of few individuals. Diversity index(λ) and information indices (H', H") were high from late summer to autumm when various zooplankton groups occurred, but low in summer and winter. Mean number of individuals were 52.2inds./㎥, while the lowest and the greatest numbers were 16.3inds./㎥ early in Jume and 137.8inds./㎥ in September. Mean wet weight per ㎥ was 11.64mg, indicating that the low level productivity was very low.

      • 眞珠조개 (Pinctada fucata)의 稚貝生産 및 養殖에 關한 環境學的 硏究-(2) : 天然採苗와 越冬飼育 The Seed Collection in Natural Habitat and the Wintering

        卞忠圭,盧暹,全得山 濟州大學校海洋資源硏究所 1986 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        1. 慶南 閑山灣內에 있어서의 眞珠조개 (Pinctada fucata) 浮游幼生의 出現時期는 7月 中旬에서 8月 下旬까지 盛期를 나타내었고 D型幼生에서 Umbo 幼生으로 成長하는데 12月 內外가 經過되었다. 2. 1月부터 6月까지의 眞珠조개의 成長은 5月까지는 別差가 없었으며 6月부터는 成長差를 나타내었다. 3. 越冬期間의 斃死率 範圍는 西歸浦쪽 地先이 0.3-2.5%였고 巨文島 地先에서는 0.6-5.5%였다. 4. 濟州道 西歸浦 港口內의 4月의 平均水溫은 15.3℃ 였고 1月에서 3月까지의 平均水溫 範圍는 14.5-15.2℃로서 13℃를 上廻하고 있었다. In Hansan bay, drifting larvae of peal oyster (Pinctada fucata) appeared most abundantly from mid July to late August in 1985. The transition from D shape larvae to Umbo stage larvae required 12 days approximately. Mortality in winter were ranged 0.3-2.5% and 0.6-5.5% at Seogwipo culture bed and Komun Do culture bed respectively. At the harbor area of Seogwipo in Cheju Do, the average water temperature were ranged 14.5-15.2℃, recording 13℃ at the lowest from January to March. It rised to 15.3℃ in April.

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