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      • KCI등재

        日本의 國有林施業 展開에 관한 考察 : 施業計劃 方針을 中心으로 Emphasis on the Management Plan and Regulation

        崔麟和 江源大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1993 Journal of Forest Science Vol.9 No.-

        본 연구는 우리나라 國有林의 施業計劃의 體系化와 바람직한 發展方向의 수립에 기여하고자 日本 國有林의 施業計劃 方針에 대한 史的 展開過程을 검토, 고찰하였다. 戰前期 日本의 國有林 施業은 土地純收穫과 森林純收穫 合倂體系의 施業方針에 의해, 주로 作業級 및 伐採列區를 수반한 小面積의 皆伐作業과 간이한 面積平分法, 그리고 절충적인 中長期의 輪伐期가 채용되어져, 法正林 思想이 점차 정착되었다. 戰後期에는 이전의 合倂體系의 施業으로부터 企業的 經營이 전개되었다. 高度成長期에는 豫想成長量의 伐採와 大面積 皆伐作業에 의해 掠奪的 施業이 추구됨에 따라, 본래의 施業法 및 法正林思想은 부정되었고, 그 결과 森林의 荒廢를 초래하였다. 低成長期에는 減量經營에 의한 放置的 施業과 不況의 深化에 의해, 森林資源의 保續生産을 곤란하게 하였다. 그러므로, 금후의 國有林 施業은 地力을 維持하여 森林資源의 再生産과 環境의 保全을 동시에 실현할 수 있는 施業法을 確立시켜 나가야 한다. 伐出과 更新의 통일을 기하고, 立地條件에 最適한 作業法 및 收穫規整法의 채택 등, 제반 조건의 종합적 고려를 통한 集約的 施業體系의 確立이 필요하다. 또한, 森林資源의 機能的 특성상, 森林에 대한 보다 적극적인 投資의 擴大가 이루어져야 한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the historical development process on management plan and regulation in Japan in order to contribute to the systmatic management plan of national forest in Korea. Before the World War Ⅱ, remarkable national forest management plan in Japan was introduction of the normal forest ideas by the management plan of the combination system of maximum forest rent and maximum soil rent, employing the clear-cutting of small area, simplified area-period method, and about 70-80 years rotation. After World War Ⅱ, enterprise management was developed from the previous combination system. During the rapid economic development period, the original working system and normal forest ideas were not recognized, so that the destructions of forest and environment were resulted from the yield of future increment and clear-cutting of large area. During the slow economic development period, on the other hand, the reproduction of forest resources was difficult, as the result of the negligent management system and the depression of management. Future management system of national forest, therefore, should establish the working system and the management plan for the purpose of both forest resources reproduction and environment maintenance, simultaneously.

      • KCI등재

        森林資源化를 위한 山村問題硏究 : 江原道를 중심으로 with Kangwon province as the central region

        權五福,禹鍾春 江源大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1993 Journal of Forest Science Vol.9 No.-

        우리나라에서 國內木材消費量은 과거 20-30년 동안에 급격하게 증가했고 최근에는 休養을 위한 森林利用, 水源涵養과 國土保全을 위한 保安林의 必要性이 점차로 증대해가고 있다. 그러나 森林을 조성해야할 森林所有者들이 山村에서 都市로 移動하고 있으므로 森林에 대한 社會의 욕구를 충족시키기 위한 森林活動이 어려워지고 있으며 따라서 都鄙化問題가 중요한 政策課題로 되어있다. 本 論文은 森林資源化를 위하여 山村問題를 분석한 事例硏究이다. Domestic timber consumption has increased dramatically in the past few decades in this country. In addition, there is increasing demand for recreational opportunities in the forest areas and concern for watershed management and soil conservation. However, it is difficult to satisfy these demands for forest resources because many of woodland owerners who make such demands possible move from mountain villages to modern cities. Therefore, whether or not it is in the public interest to invest in rurbanization is a central policy question. This is a case study which deals with mountains village problems for making forest resources.

      • KCI등재

        木材의 硬度에 關한 硏究

        洪淳一,李元用 江源大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1992 Journal of Forest Science Vol.8 No.-

        This study was performed to investigate the hardness of wood related to the wood surface, sap and heartwood, early and latewood, specific gravity, annual ring width and moisture content on major Korean tree species such as Pinus koraiensis, Abies holophylla, Larix leptolepis and Quercus valiabilis. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The arithmetic mean values of wood hardness on cross section were respectively 8.0 ㎏/㎟ on Quercus valiabilis, 7.4 ㎏/㎟ on Larix leptolepis, 5.1 ㎏/㎟ on Pinus koraiensis and 4.7 ㎏/㎟ on Abies hollophylla. 2. Generally hardness of wood on cross section was greater than the others and the proportion of cross section hardness to radial was respectively 2.8 on Quercus valiabilis, 2.6 on Larix leptolepis, 3.8 on Pinus koraiensis, and 4.1 on Abies holophylla and that proportion was tend to be decrease as specific gravity increased. 3. It was recognized that the hardness of sap and heartwood was different from each of the tree species and generally heartwood hardness was somewhat greater than sapwood. 4. Generally latewood hardness with in a ring was greater than earlywood and the proportion of earlywood hardness to latewood decreased as specific gravity increased. 5. The relations between hardness of wood and specific gravity show a high positive correlation on all sample tree species. 6. The values of hardness decreased with increasing annual ring width. 7. Hardness of wood on Abies holophylla was greatest in oven dried wood and it was decreased as moisture content increased, but not changed with moisture content abve F.S.P.. The proportion of oven dried wood hardness to green are respectively 3.0 on cross, 2.4 on radial and 1.9 on tangential section.

      • KCI등재

        樹木의 同化産物의 生産과 消費에 關한 硏究(X) : 너도밤나무와 상수리나무 苗木의 光合成涑度와 呼吸速度 및 CO₂收支에 미치는 窒素와 燐酸의 施肥效果 Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Photosynthesis, Respiration, and CO₂Balance in Fagus crenata and Quercus acutissima Seedlings.

        韓相燮 江源大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1992 Journal of Forest Science Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on photosynthesis, respiration, and CO₂balance in Fagus crenata and Quercus acutissima seedlings. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The photosynthesis rate of leaves was increased by the increase of nitrogen content, but not increased by the increase of phosphorus content. 2. The respiration rates of leaves and woody organs were increased by the increase of nitrogen and phosphorus contents. 3. The undesirable or negative CO₂balance in Fagus crenata seedlings appeared over 30˚C condition.

      • KCI등재

        江原道産 참나무科 4 樹種의 推定乾燥스케쥴

        박종수,김수창 江源大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1994 Journal of Forest Science Vol.10 No.-

        江原道産 참나무科 4樹種의 乾燥特性을 파악코져 100℃에서 急速乾燥를 실시하여 乾燥中 含水率과 乾燥經過 初期割裂(木口割裂과 表面割裂), 찌그러짐, 內部割裂 등의 乾燥缺陷을 調査하여 推定乾燥스케쥴을 作成한 結果는 다음과 같다. 乾燥時間別 乾燥中 含水率은 初期含水率이 높은 板材일수록 急速한 曲線的 減少를 나타내었고 乾燥 所要時間이 길었으며 굴참나무가 乾燥中 割裂의 發生量이 가장 크게 나타났으며 구해진 推定乾燥스케쥴은 T5 - C₂였다. 또한 모든 樹種의 木理方向別 收縮率은 接線方向(T) > 放射方向(R) > 纖維方向(L)의 順位였으며 急速乾燥法에 의한 收縮率이 정상적인 收縮率보다 크게 나타났다. This study was carried out to estimate drying schedule of Fagaceae four species grown in Kangwon-Do by oven-drying at 100℃ which aimed to elucidate the characteristics such as current moisture content, drying process, initial check, collapse and internal check during drying. The results were summerized as follows ; Current moisture content of each board showed a rapid drying curve with the hight initial moisture content of board and species with the high initial moisture content took long to do drying. Appearance of checks for Quercus variabilis were extremely severe and estimated schedule was T5 - C₂. The shrinkage rate of grain direction was in the order of tangential direction > radial direction > longitudial direction and the shrinkage rate of oven-drying at 100℃ was bigger than normal shrinkage rate.

      • KCI등재

        담팔수깍지벌레의 蟲態別 生育 特性과 樹上分布樣式

        金鍾國 江源大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1995 Journal of Forest Science Vol.11 No.-

        담팔수깍지벌레(신칭)는 雌蟲만이 존재하는 産雌性 單位生殖을 하며 孵化한 幼蟲은 3령을 경과하여 成蟲이 된다. 本 깍지벌레는 1年에 2世代 경과하고 第 1世代 分散幼蟲은 5月初旬 부터 6月中旬까지, 第 2世代는 8月上旬부터 10月上旬까지 발생하였으며 최성기는 발생초기에 나타났다. 1齡 分散幼蟲은 10時부터 14時 사이에 가장 많이 成蟲體 腹部로부터 이탈하였으며 분산한 1齡幼蟲은 8時間 이내에 90%이상의 個體가 담팔수 잎에 정착하였다. 本 種은 담팔수 잎 裏面에 주로 分布하였으며 樹間別의 個體郡 密度의 分布差가 크게 나타났다. 성충기의 경우 樹冠下部의 密度가 높았으며 方向間의 密度差는 나타나지 않았다. 葉單位의 分布는 약한 colony性을 갖는 集中分布型으로 判明 되었다. This study was carried out to investigated the developmental characteristics and spatial distribution of mango shield scale, Protopulvinaria mangiferae injuring to Elaeocarpus sylvestris(Lour.) This mango shield scale is parthenogentic. The oviparous female have three larval stages and adult. This species has two generation a year. The crawlers of the 1st generation emerged from late may to middle July, and those of the 2nd generation from early August to early October. Their emergence reached its peak in early part of the occurrence period. The crawlers disperse from 10 to 14 o'clock from ventral side of the adult and more than 90% had settled with in 8 hours on the leaves of E. sylvestris. The larvae and adults were distributed contagiously between trees. The adult densities were higher in the lower part of the crown than those in the middle or upper parts. But differents in densities were not significant among four directions. The distribution of the adult scales per leaf cluster showed an aggregation with a slightly colonized pattern.

      • KCI등재

        彌矢嶺 龍村川 河床堆積地의 年代學的 硏究

        전근우 江原大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1991 Journal of Forest Science Vol.7 No.-

        山地流城에 있어서의 土石移動은 滯留過程과 移動過程으로 구분되며, 과거로 부터의 변화과정을 반영하고 있는 현재의 지표면의 특성을 분석하기 위하여는 원인과 결과를 분명히 하여야 한다. 여기서 원인이란 단위시간 안에서 유역특성을 구성하는 요인인 地形, 地質, 氣候, 植生, 土地利用 등을 의미하며, 결과란 流域안에서 발생하고 있는 山沙汰, 땅밀림, 河床變動 등을 말한다. 본 연구는 조사대상지인 山地急流河川에 있어서 상기 원인중 地形(河川徵地形)과 植生(同齡林分)을 분석하여 결과로서 존재하는 河床變動을 해석하는데 필요한 기초자료를 얻고저 하였다. 그 결과 河床堆積地의 침입수목의 年輪解析으로부터 河床變動에 대한 空間的(堆積高)·時間的(滯留期間) 分布에 대한 객관적인 자료를 얻을 수 있었다. 따라서 이를 기초로하여 流域間 또는 區間間의 地表變動의 特性을 時·空間的으로 해석하므로서 보다 객관적인 防災對策을 수립할 수 있을 것이다. Based on the topographical and vegetational indicators on sediment movement of Yongcheon River, the movement occurence years were estimated. 1. The cross sectional shapes of deposits in torrential stream are stepped and even-aged forests tend to be established on each step. 2. Generally the older the forest age is, the higher the height of step from the lowest base tend to become. 3. The ages of trees indicate the year when deposition occured, and so may be useful as plant indicator to get chronological information.

      • KCI등재

        森林의 公益機能 評價와 그 改善方案

        尹英活,徐玉河 江原大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1991 Journal of Forest Science Vol.7 No.-

        The modern society has increased the needs for both public benefits of forests and the economic functions of forest products. The increased public interest and concern for forests have been resulted from rapid growth of urban population, high industrialization, deterioration of environment, and etc. It is essential to evaluate the productive and environmantal functions of forests with a scientific criteria. The purpose of this study is to introduce the scientific evaluation method of such functions of forests, and to discuss its uses and limitations.

      • KCI등재

        直接深索法을 이용한 理論的 生長函數의 適用

        徐玉河 江源大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1992 Journal of Forest Science Vol.8 No.-

        Three theoretical growth equations, i.e., the Mitscherlich, the Gompertz, and the Logistic equation, were applied to the radical stem growth of 50 jack pines (Pinus banksiana Lamb.).For the determination of the parameters in these equations, NELDER-MEAD's method was used, which is one of the direct-search methods of optimization. It has been known to be very convenient in dealing with the issues related to optimization, specifically where the number of parameters are less than 6. It was found that although all the equations did not appropriately work as expected, the Mitscherlich equation revealed the least discrapancy from the obsered value among three. Using these equations and the first certain period data, i. e., 35, 55, 75 years, the predection of radius of age 95 was investigated. Comparing to the observed value, the most valid equation was the Mitscherlich, and the next were the Gompertz and the Logistic, in order.

      • KCI등재

        公有林 經營合理化에 關한 硏究 : 太白市 公有林을 中心으로 A Model Analysis of Taebaek City Area

        崔鍾天,金東周,徐榮完 江源大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1993 Journal of Forest Science Vol.9 No.-

        본 연구는 江原道 道有林과 太白市 市有林의 經營實態와 문제점을 파악하고 그에 대한 개선 방안을 제시하는데 있으며 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 江原道 道有林은 25,896ha, 太白市 公有林은 550ha였으며, 太白市 公有林 중 道有林은 470ha, 太白市 私有林은 80ha로서 그의 관리는 太白市에서 담당하고 있다. 2. 太白市 公有林 550ha를 현지 조사한 결과 창죽동 산 1-2번지의 443ha를 제외하고 나머지 107ha는 32개 지역으로 小規模로 分散되어 있었다. 3. 창죽동 산 1-2번지에 소재하고 있는 산림의 경우 석탄공사에서 대부를 받아 석탄을 채취하고 있으며, 나머지 公有林은 小規模로 分散되어 있어 山林經營 生産基盤이 취약하고 經營管理 상태는 매우 열악한 것으로 나타났다. 이와같은 점을 고려해 볼 때 太白市 公有林의 合理的인 經營을 위해서는, 첫째, 小規模로 分散되어 있는 公有林을 團地化 할 필요가 있고, 둘째, 體系的인 經營 計劃을 수립하여 지속적인 木材生産이 가능하도록 유도하여야 하며, 세째, 自然休養林 造成을 고려한 合理的 山地利用 體系를 강구하여야 할 것이다. The situation and the problems of the management of public forest owend by Kangweon provincial and Taebaek municipal governments were investigated throughout literature and field survey. The results were as follows; 1. Kangweon provincial forest is 25,896ha and Taebaek municipal forest is 550ha, which consists of Kangweon provincial forest, 470ha and municipal forest, 80ha. Taebaek city is responsible for the management of the province-owned forest in its administrative district in addition to its own forest. 2. Except San 1-2Changjookdong(443ha) which is leased by Dai Han Coal. Cooperation for mining coal, the remaining forest(107ha) consists of 32 scattered, small-area forest lands. 3. Due to small area and dispersal of municipal forest, the management base for forest production is not sound and the management at present is nearly absent. Based on these actual conditions, the following suggestions are provided for the rationalization for the municipal forest management. First, scattered, small-scale forests should be gathered to prepare a management complex. Second, the sustaining production of timber should be attained through the estblishment of systematic management plan. Third, the reasonable system for forest land utilization shoule be established in consideration of the recreational use of public forest.

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