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      • 超音波의 放射壓에 關한 理論的 考察

        崔勝平,曺判尙 朝鮮大學校 文理科大學 1973 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        Rayleigh was the first man who in 1902 discussed the theoretical radio pressure of ultrasonic waves; in the usual conditions of the experiment, Langevin's radio pressure was observed in 1932. This paper attempts to discuss the radio pressure of sound waves. The lengths of physical things are long enough compared with sound wave length so that the influence of diffraction is negligible. in this condition, the experimental measurement of radio pressure using the things that absorb sound waves shows the radio pressure is determined only by crossection of things perpendicular to the sound wave direction, and the things which completely reflect sound waves have a different radio pressure according to the shapes of things.

      • A Study on Ecological Distribution,Habitat and Ecological Niche of Sinonovaculata Constricta along the River Yeongsan

        Park,Bong-Seop,Cho,Nam-Kee,Kim,Hyo-Seong 朝鮮大學校 文理科大學 1975 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        榮山江 流域의 sinonovaculata constricta의 生態的 分布 實態調査와 生活場所 및 生態的 地位에 관한 硏究 중에서, 다음과 같은 成果를 얻었기에 여기 보고한다. 1. 地域別 分布狀況 實態調査에 있어서는 第2地域 및 5地域은 接息率이 가장 높고, 第3地域과 6地域은 저조하다. 2. 距離別 分布狀況은 둑에서 201m~600m 사이가 接息에 가장 적합하고, 둑가와 강가가 저조하다. 3. 殼長別 分布狀況은 40mm以下가 많고 클수록 數量이 적었다. 季節에 따라 殼長의 變化가 심하다. 4. 地域別 成長平均値에 있어서는 각 地域이 비슷하나, 第6地域이 綜合平均 16.83mm로서 현저하게 적다. 5. 底質은 Sinonovaculata constricta의 크기와 色彩, 그리고 接息率에 따라서 다르고 細土 95% 以上이 接息에 좋았다. 6. 比重은 1.013~1.019였으며, 그보다 낮거나 높을 때는 거의 죽어 버린다. 7. 水深은 1.44m~2.3m이며, 第3 및 6地域은 조금 깊어 2.6m로서 殼皮는 단단하나 接息率은 좋지 않다. 8. 干潟地의 路出時間 調査에 있어서는 3時間에서 4時間 30分이며, 늦거나 빠른 곳에서는 接息率이 저조하다. 9. 水溫은 底層水溫이 8℃~20℃로 水深이 얕기 때문에 變化가 심하다. 10. 遂明度는 40~60Cm로 탁한 편이다. 11. 浮遊生物은 Plankton이 總16種 중 植物性 Plankton이 11種이고, 動物性 Plankton이 5種으로서 食物은 풍부하다고 본다. 12. 流速測定 調査에서는 4~21m이며, 역시 流速이 빠른 곳은 接息率은 저조하다. 13. 潛入의 깊이는 90Cm 以下이나, 그것은 Sinonovaculata constricta의 크기 혹은 季節에 따라 다르고 물이 쓴 直後와 든 直後에는 潛入이 아주 얕다. 14. 天敵은 6種類가 발견되었다. 물론 天敵이 있는 곳에는 接息率이 극히 적었다. 15. 分布率은 榮山江 流域에는 고루 많은 分布率을 차지하고 있으며, 특히 春期에는 적은 Sinonovaculata constricta가 많고 數量도 많았다.

      • 大學生의 體育觀

        朴春琴 朝鮮大學校 文理科大學 1973 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        Recently it is encouraging that the Educational circles put an emphasis on the importance of athletics to promote the physical trainning in the primary and secondary school. At this university, gymnastics has been found to be ignored almost, that drives us into investigation of the collegians' View-point about athletics and realities in the Curriculum.

      • 新粒子理論에 對한 Topology의 應用

        曺判尙 朝鮮大學校 文理科大學 1973 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        No attempts have been made to explain the theory of elementary particles by means of topology. And yet concept of multiplicity of topology and Fibrebundle's theory correspond to: ① The selection rule of decay numbers of elementary particles ② And the problems about the frequent occurence of the state of electric charge of elementary particles in a high energy region. Part I of this paper attempts to apply topology connection with the above¹, and Part II does the same with the above² The results from the attempt are in agreement with the experimental data.

      • 珍島犬의 保育事業上의 問題点에 對하여

        曺南基 朝鮮大學校 文理科大學 1973 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        Jindo dog is of Korean origin and has been seasoned to the Korean climate, especially that of Jindo island. Having power to resist diseases, the dog is very easy to raise and take care of. Moreover, it is not so expensive to keep the dog. As for the use of the dog, it can be used for either a watch-dog or a hunting-dog. However, the number of the dog has been decreasing these days. The authorities concerned should immediately take some proper actions upon the matter for the preservation of the dogand for its scientific breeding, improvement, and raising. 1) It is needed to emphasize strongly, by the administrative system, the importance of the improvement of the Jindo dog, its raising and management, breeding a model breedon the native island, etc. The administrative system should see that a scientific way and technics of raising the dog be developed and be taught to the farmers and inhabitants of the island. 2) The system should also support those who try to specialize themslves in raising the dog as an enterprise until the enterprise grows reasonably large in scale. 3) The authorities concerned should see that, to fix a best breed, centralizing of the effort in one place is far better for the best results than dispersing theeffort in smaller different places. On top of this, the dealing with the dog should be carried with an apropriate document of the dog history, and under the supervision of (and in presence of) the superintendent who has the judicialpower. On the other hand, a research institute should be established to take full charge ofscientific experiments on breeding and raising. 4) It is recommendable to create funds of the farmers own to rely upon rather than to depend on the government subsidies. 5) It is also recommendable to invite and welcome comments and suggestions from dog keepers and people in the field. The comments and suggestionsshould be accepted through the Jindo dog preservation and Breeding Association so as to help enlighten the farmers, find out general and hereditary characteristics of the dog, and make a successful research on the unknown diseases.

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