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      • 평생교육 진흥을 위한 여성단체 교육활동에 관한 연구

        김영숙 明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 1991 論文集-明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 Vol.1 No.-

        Modern Society is changing more rapidly than any other Socity in the past. For this reason research into a new type of educational system is required to quarantee Continuous learning throughout one's life-time Our nation has stipulated the goal of life-long Education, and to realize this goal, has established a law related to Non-formal Education. The nation is carrying out various types of Non-formal Education. The purpose of this research is to clarify how the education of women's groups should be understood so that Non-formal education in women's can be succesful. To approach this study, the type of education given and the contents of that education given to women who were participating in women's groups were analysed. Further differences in how variables in individual background effected the education, were analysed In the study, questionnaires which were modified from questionnaires once used to Survey middle-aged women on the contents of adult education (Referance ; Lee, Sang-Eun, 1985) were distributed to the subjects. These were distributed to 500 women who were participating in women's groups, Collected and analysed. Next, the data form questionnaires was processed using a 'Single Frequency Analysis' and a 'Unitary Distribution Analysis'. Results from the study are as follow ; 1. Most participants in the education of women's groups are single women, senior high school graduates, or members of nuclear families. Women considered to be middle class or in the higher social classes showed a high rate of participation. 2. The needs of an effective program of women's education-Such as the number of instructors, the numbers of participants (trainees), the expenditure for education, the frequency of lectures and the methods of education-showed significant differences form the Present State of women's education. 3. The Contents of the education required by women were concentrated on the professions, technical education, liberal education and education about health and hygiene. 4. The variables of the individual backgrounds which impacted significantly on the type of education required were age, marital states, living situation and the life-styles of the families. 5. Specifically evaluated were, consumer education, training for Social participation, women's roles in communities, conversations between family members, the mental health of family members, education in the profession, aritistic education, etc. The variables in participants backgrounds were age, education, marital status, living situation and the composition of families. 6. The contents of the education given by women's groups were centered on education upon civic life. The contents were developed and executed according to the demands and necessities of actual life. The women's group sometimes revised or improved their educational programs through joint discussions by the members of groups. Based on the results mentioned above, the following conclusions were reached. First, though at present the education provided by women's groups is generally focussed on professional and technical education. In the future a more liberal or family based education should be implemented. Second, detailed education in required in areas such as consummer education, training for Social participation, improving conversation between the family members, the mental health of family, professional education, artistic education, etc. Third, the variables in the individual backgrounds of each participant determine the type of education needed. Accordingly, programs should be developed and offered considering the individual backgrounds of the participants. Fourth, the content of education for women must be developed based on the needs of the participants rather than being determined by other Social necessities.

      • 재외한국인 자녀교육의 개선방안연구 : 일본 및 동남아시아 지역의 한국학교를 중심으로

        이종현 明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 1991 論文集-明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 Vol.1 No.-

        More and more south koreans have moved to foreign countries as international exchanges have increased in various fields. In this regard, the korean goverment became to realize that the most important for the overseas koreans is education than any other support or guidances and has searched many sides of educational policies which are applicabel to the academic institution for the korean students. Especially, The korean goverment has been doing its best for operation of the overseas korean schools which are aimed at the education of the koreans in foreign countries, and 17 korean schools have opened in Japan, South-east Asia, Middle-east Asia and the united states of America. The purpose of this research is to see actual condition of the education for the korean children overseas and to find out better and hopeful ways for the education of overseas korean childern. To accomplish the goal of research, the necessity of education for overseas korean, the contents and the method of education are reviewed with various booklets and data ; And the teacher's background, the condition on the educational facilities and finance, the condition on abtaining teaching materials and implements, the condition on the demand or the supply of teachers and trainning for them, the condition on the curriculum and the guidance and the condition on the result of overseas korean education were examind. Further difference among those korean schools in Japan, Taiwan, Honkong and Indonesia were analysed. In the study, questionnaires which were modified from questionnaires once used to survey on the "Education of the overseas korean schools" (Referunce : Kim, Ki-suk, 1984) and the "enhancement of education for overseas koreans" (Referance : Educational innovation council, 1987) were distributed to the subjects. These were distributed to 190 teachers teaching in overseas korean schools, collected and analysed. Next the data form questionnaires ws processed using a "single Frequency Analysis", a '(X^2)-test' and a 'unitary Distribution Analysis.' Results form the study are as follow : 1. Most teachers in overseas korean schools are married, 10 years of teaching experience but under two years of teaching experience in the overseas korean children education. 2. School facilities, finance and teaching materials were insufficient. 3. More teachers were required especially in Hongkong and Taiwan. The working condition and wages for the teachers were insufficient in most of the korean schools. The necessity of special training for teachers were also highly called upon. 4. Most of the overseas korean schools have no counsellor for students. Home country visit program for students showed positive results. 5. The traditional-cultural education as well as korean language class were required and most of the korena students studying in the korean schools were proud of being koreans. 6. Schools and other educational organizations were needed and goverment support were also highly required to improve overseas korean education. Based on the results mentioned above, the following conclusions were reached ; 1. It is very necessary to launch a long term project which could improve overseas korean education and goverment financial support is also required for the betterment of school facilities. 2. the operation of curriculum should be provided which can fitting to the characteristic of respective countries and teaching materials should be developed jointly by the korean goverment and the teachers in the overseas schools. 3. Securring more teachers and improving their working conditions are highly required. More effort for the improvement of the quality of teachers through the special trainings and education are also required. 4. Extension of the home country visit program is also required for the overseas korean students. Organizing the PTA and the informal education programs are also required to improve the quality of the overseas korean schools. 5. Especially, Importance of theaching korean tradition and language should be stressed at the national education level. 6. Extension of the overseas korean educational organizations and schools are highly required. In the future more efforts should be made to have more participants in those educational organizations.

      • 한국에서의 헤겔철학사상의 수용

        林錫珍 明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 1991 論文集-明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 Vol.1 No.-

        아마도 한국에서의 대학제도와 또한 이 나라에서의 전반적인 사회문화적 상황에 대하여 사람들은 극히 막연한 표상을 갖고 있을 것으로 생각된다. 따라서 우선 무엇보다도 먼저 밝혀두어야만 할 것은 한국의 대학은 수백년의 역사를 가진 교육을 승상하는 인문주의적 전통을 배경에 두고 있다는 것이다. 여기에 곁들여서 개국 이후로는 물론 자연과학분야에서의 정신적 토양 위에서 헤겔 내지 그의 사생과 철학에 대한 연구가 오늘의 한국에서 그토록 활발해질 수 있었다는 것은 어떻게 보면 너무나 순리에 닿는 불가항력적 의미를 안고 있다고 할 수 있겠다.

      • 民衆神學의 誤謬

        元鐘興 明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 1991 論文集-明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 Vol.1 No.-

        Today, there are many theologies. Some theologies, like liberation theology and minjung thelogy which are based on situation ethics, are liberalism. It is said that the pure gospel does not come from situation ethics, but comes from the sovereignty of GOD. Of course soeiety and churches are responible about the occurrence of liberation thelogy. For example, pastors of South America enlightened the people to thform society. South America had been ruled by Spain for 300 years and the pasters knew the poverty of South America and asserted liberation theology. The pastors of South America, however, didn't preach the salvation of spirit but preach the salvation of society and "Social Gospel." Minjung theology of Korea criticized he problem of poverty and peasant life but it is wrong. The evangelical principles admit the authority of Bible and spiritual revolution of human beings. Liberalism has digressed from the Bible and confused our faith and destroyed nations, just as North Korea saw its opportunity and invalede South Korea. For example, the theologians of liberation thelolgy in Vietnam asserted social gospel and became a sacrifice of the Communist party. This chapter criticizes the conflicts of Minjung theology and the theologies that are not evangelical principles and explains the theology of evangelical principles. The evangelical principles are these as follows. We are sent to preach not sociology but salvation ; not reform but redemption, not culture but conversion ; not progress but pardon ; not renovation but revival ; nto resusitation but resurrection ; not a new organization but new creation ; not democracy but the Gospel ; not civilization but chirst. We are ambassadors not diplomats.

      • 靑少年 餘暇活動의 意識과 價値觀에 關한 硏究 : 中 · 高 · 大學生의 反應을 中心으로

        閔俊基 明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 1991 論文集-明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 Vol.1 No.-

        Ⅰ. Introduction The purpose of this apply recreation for youth guidance. Today the youth problems are significant as social problems. This study is to analyze the causes of the youth problems and to find solutions for the problems. Out of numerous points, This study will mainly concern the following lists of questions. (1) Why do we have the current juvenile problems? (2) Is(the) school recreation corducted in desirable way(s)? (3) Is(the) family recreation corducted in desirable way(s)? (4) (How the youth enjoy the leisure fine?) How the youth develop the leisure activities? Ⅱ. The significance of the problem I restrict my attention (analysis) within analyzing the youth behaviors and finding solutions for youth guidance through the recreation activities which they desire. (1) I will show the youth behaviors by analyzing their conciousness of living. (2) I will analyze the recreation activities for youth guidance. (3) I will examine the family recreation and I will examine the problems (if any). (4) I will find the solutions by analyzing the overall situation of school recreation programs. Ⅲ. The methodology of the research A. The methodology of the research. This study, using the relevant references and the surveys, analyze the overall situation of the juvcnile cansciousness of living, the juvenile leisure activities and recreation. B. The process of the research This study analyzes the leisure activities and recreation for some middle. school students, high school students and university students in a certain location and(in a certain duration) C. The duration of the research This study was conducted during Apirl 1, 1989 and May 20, 1990. The details are as in table Ⅰ-Ⅱ. Ⅳ. The findings and interpretation of the research The study investgated the youth in general situation of the youth life and the desire and the necessity for recreation (1) The youth life and their views for recreation (2) Their satisfaction of leisure (3) Programs and types of motivation(incentives) (4) The activities and the satisfaction from home recreation (5) The need for recreation education e. t. c. Ⅴ. Conclusion From this study, we can conclude that the juvenile problems are mainly affected by ① family ② school ③ the regional society. The juvenile problems can be solued when these three elements are well harmonized.

      • 指示關係에 關한 實在論과 反實在論의 對立

        李鐘權 明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 1991 論文集-明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 Vol.1 No.-

        인인간은 언어적인 행위를 통해 언어 밖에 어떤 것을 타인에게 정달하거나 표현한다. 언어가 표현하는 언어밖의 어떤 것과 언어간의 관계 - 이를테면 의미관계와 지시(refer 혹은 denote)관계가 그러한 관계 가운데 하나이다. 우리는 언어를 사용함으로써 어떤 언어적 표현이 지시하는 것에 관해 이야기하고 또한 어떤 언어적 표현이 의미하는 바를 전달하게 된다. 그런데 그와 같은 의미 관계 내지는 지시관계가 어떤 관계인지를 설명하기란 그러한 문장의 일견상의 단순함에도 불구하고 그렇게 쉬운 일이 아니다. 과거 대부분의 철학자들은 언어와 언어가 나타내는 것 사이에는 모종의 확정적인 대응관계(correspondance)가 존재한다고 생각해 왔다. 그들은 그와 같은 대응관계를 그림과 그림의 모델 내지는 거울에 비친 영상과 실물간의 관계에 비유하여 '그림(picturing)', '반영(mirroring)'등의 용어들을 사용하기도 했다. 언어적 표현가운데 특히 문장은 그것에 의해 의미되는 것, 혹은 그것에 대응되는 것이 언어밖에 존재하는 실재와 일치할 때 참(truth)이라는 의미론적 속성(semantic property)을 획득하며 그렇지 못할 경우 거짓이라는 속성을 갖게 된다. 금세기에 그러한 대응적인 견해를 들고 나온 대표적인 철학자가 바로 프레게와 비트겐슈타인이다. 프레게에 의하면 모든 언어적인 표현은 부류가 서로 다른 두 가지 대사과 이중적인 의미론적 관계를 이루고 있다. 그중 하나는 지시 관계로서 어떤 언어적인 표현과 지시 관계에 있는 대상을 프레게는 그 표현의 지시체(Bedeutung ; reference)라고 불렀다. 지시 관계와는 또 다른 의미론적 관계를 맺고 있는 대상을 프레게는 그 언어적 표현의 의미(Sinn:sense)라고 정의했다. 그에 의하면 한 언어적 표현은 그것의 의미를 나타낸다(express). 지시체라든가 의미(Sinn)는 그것이 어떤 성격의 것이건 간에 객관적인 실체이다. 프레게에 있어 참과 거짓은 문장의 지시체로서 궁극적으로 기본적인 의미론적 성분인 원자술어와 단칭명사의 지시체에 의존한다. 비트겐슈타인의 경우 기본문장(elementary sentence)들은 논리적공간에 존재하는 사태를 나타내는 바. 그들이 어떤 사태를 나탸내는냐 하는 것은 그 문장을 이루는 기본성분인 이름이 어떤 대상을 지시하며 (bedeutung), 또한 그 이름들이 그 문장에서 어떤 식으로 결합되어 있느냐에 좌우된다. 기본문장에 대응되는 사태와 실재(Reality)와의 일치여부에 따라 그 문장의 진위가 결정된다. 그런 의미에서 사태를 문장의 진리조건(truth condition)으로 봄직한데 비트겐슈타인은 문장의 진리 조건을 그것의 의미(Sinn)와 동일시한 듯한 흔적이 있다. 이상의 논의로부터 우리는 다음과 같이 말해도 좋을성 싶다. 한 문장의 진리조건은 그 문장을 이루는 궁극적인 단위와 언어밖에 존재하는 대상들간의 지시 관계와 그 부분들이 그 문장에서 어떤 방식으로 결합되어 있느냐에 의해 정의할 수 있는 이른 바 투영규칙(projective rule)에 의존한다. 또한 그러한 진리조건과 언어 밖의 세계의 본성에 의해 그 문장의 진위는 결정된다. 따라서 우리는 각 문장의 진리치가 그 문장의 부분들의 지시 관계와 투영규칙에 이해 어떤 식으로 결정되는 가를 보여주는 이론을 수립할 수도 있을 것이다. 그런 이론이 확립됐다고 했을 때 그것을 우리는 어떻게 평가해야 할 것인가? 하나의 입장은 지시개념은 진리개념에 선행하는 것으로 보는 것이다. 그럴 경우 문제의 이론은 지시 관계를 바탕으로 진리개념을 정의하는 혹은 설명하는 이론이 된다. 그러한 이론, 다시 말해 진리론을 통해 진리개념을 지시개념으로 환원된다. 이 입장에서는 지시개념이 진리개념을 전제하지 않고도 독립적으로 이해된다. 그 이유는 보통 올바른 지시 관계가 언어외에 존재하는 실재적인 (real)관계라는 데서 찾아진다. 따라서 이 입장은 그러한 실재적이라고 생각되는 관계에 관한 이론을 바탕으로 지시개념을 확립한 뒤 진리개념을 정의해야 한다는 주장으로 나아가기 쉽다.

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