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      • 8-비트용 병렬 디지탈/아날로그 변환기에 관한 연구

        金炯來 건국대학교부설 산업기술연구소 1977 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        In this paper, the 8-bit D/A Converter is designed and fabricated. D/A Converter which is most important in digital systems is consisted of a register, a Analog switch, a level amplifier, a ladder network and a Operational amplifier and these parts are mentioned too. In this experiment, resistor in ladder network is used within 0.05% to get a high accuracy. It is found that error of D/A Converter is less than 0.019% and it means a good agreement with a theory. It is expected that D/A Converters are many kinds used in all Digital systems and Analog system, so it needs more researches that D/A Converter can be to get a excellent accuracy and a fast conversion speed.

      • LP方法을 利用한 音聲信號의 解析

        金炯來 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1986 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        Recently, the study on the analysis or the synthesis of speech signals for the computer system and the artificial intelligence was performed before the footlight. In this paper, it was dealt with the analysis of speech signals. In many varieties of techniques for the speech signal processing, it was adapted the L.P. method which was one of the most widely used and the most important techniques. It was studied preprocessings for the speech signal also. It was developed the algorithm of the analysis too. As the results, it were obtained the autocorrelation coefficients and the linear prediction coefficients and it was found that the experment was agreed well with the theory.

      • Identification of a Alkaline Protease Producing Streptomyces and Production Conditions for the Enzyme

        Yi,Dong Heui 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1985 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        토양에서 分離한 Streptomyces屬 菌株 YS-331同定 및 alkaline protease 生産條件을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 菌의 형태, 배양, 생리적특성으로부터 同定한 결과 Streptomyces fulvoviridis였다. 酵素生産을 위한 탄소원으로서는 sucrose가, 질소원으로서는 peptone이 가장 우수하였다. 생산최적 initial pH와 온도는 각각 8.0과 25℃였으며, sucrose 1.5%, peptone 0.15%, K₂HPO₄ 0.1%, MgSO₄ㆍ7H₂O 0.05%, NaCI 0.05% 組成의 培地에서 4~5일간 배양하였을 때 효소생성량이 최대에 達하였다. A microorganism capable of producing alkaline protease was isolated form soil and identified as Streptomyces fulvoviridis on the morphological, cultural and physiological characteristics. For the enzyme production, sucrose and peptone was favorable as carbon nitrogen source, respectively. The enzyme production was slightly increased by magnesium salt. but depressed markedly by silver, lead and mercuric salts. Optimal initial pH and temperature for the enzyme formation was pH 8.0 and 25℃, respectively. The production of the enzyme reached at maximum after 5 days cultivation in the medium containing 1.5% sucrose, 0.15% peptone, 0.1% K₂HPO₄, 0.05% MgSO₄ㆍ7H₂O and 0.05% NaCI.

      • 도형인식을 위한 Scene Analysis에 관한 연구

        金炯來 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1985 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        In this paper, it was studied about the process of the scene representation for the pattern recognition. First of all, it was transformed an analog picture into a digital picture using a C.C.T.V. camera, and then digital data were represented by adopting the spatial smoothing method to get rid of the noise effect. Using the spatial differentiation method, the digital data were represented again to find a outline of figures for the pattern recognition. It was developed the algorithm of the pattern recognition and was developed also the soft-ware of this algorithm for microcomputer system. It was found that the result of this algorithm was agreed well with the theory.

      • 生物學的 水處理에 있어서 好氣性 微生物의 活性度 評價를 위한 TTC 測定方法에 관한 硏究

        南相虎 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1987 논문집 Vol.12 No.-

        An unified TTC-test method based on the principles dehydrogenase enzyme kinetics was experimentally developed to assess the microbial viability and activity in aerobic biological treatment systems. The results revealed clearly that: 1. the wavelength optimum is around 480nm. the TF standard solution shows the lineality without any statistical adjustment. 2. for TF extraction, the ethanol 90% up produces a good result. 3. the sludge floc dispersion does not significantly affect the TF formation. 4. for stopping the enzyme reaction, the sulphuric acid 98% is more effective than the ethanol 95%. 5. the dilution waters such as distilled water, BOD dilution water, phosphate buffer, effluent but tri-buffer are equally applicable. 6. the temperature optimum is 37℃ and is thus in the range of mesophiles. the temperature of samples in test-tubes can be reached to 37℃ within an hour in case of water bath, but not effective in case of incubator. 7. the PH optimum is 8.6. the restabilization of TF level with the PH adjustment of samples arrives at the end of one and half an hour. 8. the dissolved oxygen interferes in the reaction of TTC-dehydrogenase. the removal of DO in samples can be achieved by the microbial respiraion during the warming-up. 9. the optimum concentration of TTC is 2% and is not apparently toxic to microorganism. 10. the TF level varies with organic substrate concentration. 11. the optimum incubation time is 30 minutes. On the basis of the results obtained, an interim TTC-test procedure is proposed.

      • Studies on Extremely Halophilic Bacteria Isolated from Salted Fish Ferment(Jokal) : Part Ⅰ. Morphological and Physiological Character

        Kwon, Tae Jong,Chung, Ho Kwon,Yi, Dong Heui 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1983 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        食品에서 分離된 好鹽性 微生物에 關한 硏究는 매우 많으나 韓國 固有의 젓갈의 微生物에 관한 硏究報告는 매우 稀少하다. 젓갈의 種類別 또는 産地別 微生物相을 調査하고 菌株의 形態的 生理的 特性을 확인하기 위하여 여러 가지 젓갈에서 25株의 好鹽微生物을 分離하여 實驗한 結果는 다음과 같았다. 1.젓갈의 好鹽性 微生物群은 어느 種類나 好鹽性 球菌類 高度好鹽性 桿類 그리고 高度好鹽性 酵母類의 不規則的인 混合相을 이루고 있었다. 2.分離된 細菌菌株는 大部分 高度好鹽性이었으나 지금까지 報告에서 알려진 高度 好鹽性 細菌類와 같이 25% 以上의 食鹽을 반드시 生育에 必要로 하지는 않았다. 3.球菌類는 耐鹽濃度範圍가 거의 均一하였으나 桿菌類는 不規則的이면서 高度 好鹽性을 나타내고 넓은 耐鹽範圍를 나타내는 菌株도 있었다. 4.各 菌株의 DNA의 Guanine과 Cytosine 含量比는 桿菌類는 旣히 報告된 好鹽性 細菌菌株와 거의 一致하였으나 球菌類는 약간 낮은 値를 나타내었다. 5.桿菌 菌株는 西歐地域에서 報告된 Halobacterium salinarum 그리고 Halobacterium halobium 으로 同定되었으며 Halobacterium citrovorum 의 特性을 갖는 菌株數도 많았다. 또 好鹽細菌에서 보기드문 糖類 資化性 菌株가 있었으며 이들은 비교적 낮은 鹽濃度에서 더욱 잘 生酸을 하는 性質이 있었는데 새로운 種으로 提案된 Halobacterium saccharovorum의 特性을 갖고 있었다. 6.球菌類는 Halococcus morrhuae로 同定되었고 一部는 Micrococcus halobius의 特性을 갖고 있었다. Studies of halophilic microorganism isolated from salted food were aboundantly reported lately, but a few works on halophiles from salted fish products were reported in Korea. 25 strains of halophiles were isolated from a various kinds of salted fish ferment(jokal) containing about 25% of NaCl which was collected from all over Korean sea side area.

      • 高分子의 配向結晶化

        尹文求,張瑛燾 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1983 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        The morphology of polymers crystallized from oriented melt is distinctly different from classical solution-grown single crystals or from the spherulitic texture growing out of quiescent melts. In practice, most polymer processing operation involve crystallization from an oriented state. Melt spinning, blowing and injection moling of crystalline polymers are good examples of such processes. From a technological point of view, therefore, these phenomena are important ones for study because they are closly related to the final properties of the products. The present paper deals with the requirments of an appratus for measuring flow-induced crystallization of polymers and the development of morphology in the crystalline structure associated with flow-induced molecular orientation.


        Hahn, Young Ho 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1983 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        有限解析法(Finite Analytic Method)은 微小要素 內에서 解析的 方法으로 函數形態를 求하고 任意節點에서의 函數값을 周園節點에서의 函數값의 線型對數式으로 表示함으로써 問題를 數値解析化하는 方法이다. 本稿에서는 Navier-Stokes方程式을 有限解析法으로 풀고 그 演算구조를 유도하였다. 實際計算例는 次回에 提示될 것이다.

      • 타일의 尺度調整에 대한 硏究

        서치고 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1982 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        The mass production of buildings demands standardization of material and industrialization of building elements for a quick and accurate construction. In this paper, it is researched the standardization of title, and so following results are obtained. We use the modular sized tiles, we can save many construction time and costs of building. Accordingly, we will save the time in the design affairs and will make the harmony in the wall and opening. These results are caused less time wasted in cutting and placing materials at the construction site.

      • CAD시스템을 고려한 RC造建物 構造設計 人力改善에 관한 硏究

        曺鐵鎬 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1983 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        The computer is a unique tool. Structural engineering is concerned with the design of the works of man for adequate strength and stiffness. These requirements are to be achieved without impairing the intended primary function of the structure, and at a minimum of cost. The structural conception thus must evolve as a result of deliberations between experts of all types and with due regard for functional, aesthetic, and economic considerations. Thus, detailed planning for a building should be preceded by studies involring city planners', owners, users, architects, structural engineers, and the different types of engineers. In such cases, the architect is frequently the owner's delegate and the structural engineer will be responsible to him, although sometimes in primarily industrial projects their role is reversed. Once the structural configuration has been arrived at, load criteria must be established and the internal forces and de deformations determined in a preliminary way. If unfavorable response is indicated for the structure, requiring undue member size or expense for proper functioning, then it may be necessary to modify or alter the original concept to arrive at a better design. This process should be continued until an optimal design results, only then should precise calculations of stresses and deformations he made in order to enable final design of the structural components for adequate strength and stiffness. Computer analysis can be readily applied at all scales of activity to the most minute structural detail. This system is developed by which almost all the usual structural calculations in connection with buildings of up-to 30 story. Structural engineers benefit from this system at preliminary and working design stages as they can obtain various necessary for their design more efficiently. In addition, the output data is so arranged as to be readily presented in a usual format for structural calculation. Therefore, by adding supplementary information manually, this output can be submitted as formal structural calculation, if so desired, at the end of working design. The program is developed in an effort to utilize a computer effectively for an automated sequential processing of structural design, drafting and structural analysis for building projects. It is inconvenience for us to use numbering system in joints and members. We need improvement of input datas for using CAD system in structural design of reinforced concrete buildings. This paper shows about improvement of input datas.

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