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      • 全北方言의 格助詞 硏究 : 完州·鎭安·任實郡을 中心으로 within the limits of Wanju, Jinan and Imsil area

        李太永 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1983 國語文學硏究 Vol.- No.14

        This thesis aims to study the morphological, syntactic and semantic aspects of case-marker in Jeon-buk dialect. Its contents are: 1. Introduction 2. The case and case-marker 3. The roles of case-marker 4. The grammaticalization of Verb'Kada(go)' 5. Conclusion To prove these, I will explain especially on 3 and 4, which are the main theme of my thesis. Firstly, the roles of case-marker is as follow: 「-i/ka」 and 「-kkes??」 mark Nominative. There are two construction of 「-ika」: One is a construction of 「suffix '-i'+No-minative case-marker '-ka'」 and another is that of 「Nominative case-marker 'i' + particle '-ka'」. 「-e/-i/-i/-y??」 marks Locative but 「-eka」, 「-eda」, 「-es??」 are different from 「-e」 in its role: Generally, Npe :'The goal of movement' Npeka :'The location of existence' Npeda :'The goal of activity' Npes?? :'The starting point of movement' 'The location of activity 「-ki/-ke」 marks Dative but 「-kika」, 「-kis??」, 「-kida」, 「-kiro」 are different from 「-ki」 in its role. Also, 「-hante/-hanti」, 「-Pogo」 play a role as a Dative case-marker. But 「-hante/-hanti」 is used more frequently than 「-ki」 and in view of this, we know that the role of 「-ki」 is weakening in this dialect. 「-??l/-l??l」 marks Accusative. 「-??l/-l??l」 used in intransitive sentence is prescribed as a particle, but 「-??l/l??l」 used in intransitive sentence is prescribed as particle, but 「-??l/-l??l」 attached to a stem of verb in transitive sentence is not a particle but an Accusative case-marker of attachment-transformation. 「-??ro/-ro」 marks a Instrument, Material, Direction, Time, Method, Qualification, Means, Cause, and a Criterion of comparison. Secondly, 「-ka(s??)」, the particle that Verb '-kade' is grammaticalized, operates as particle having a role of 'Indicative emphasis'. The generation of this 「-ka(s??)」is due to insufficiency of particles which emphasize upon the preceeding NP. The process of the grammaticalization of Verb 'kada' is as follows: ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) (α: case-marker) This 「-ka」 seems to have the same grammatical role as particle 「-ka」(17th century) which changed into a Nominative case-marker (19th century). The process that particle 「-ka」 operates as a Nominative case-marker is as follows: ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요)

      • 고속액체 크로마토그라피에 의한 수용성 비타민의 분석

        조인호,황재순,이준용 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1983 基礎科學 Vol.6 No.1

        Using HPLC, the author separated the components of water-soluble vitamin contents in samples and measured the quantities of them. The results was as follows: 1. It was obtained to have good separation of ascorbic acid (C), Nicotinamid, thiamin HCL(B_1), Pyridoxin(B_6), Riboflavin(B_2), Caffein in the acid solvent, and whose peaks made possible to measure the quantities of each substances. 2. In base solvents, it was possible to separate the above substance, but not proper to measure since the peaks were not sharp. 3. The sharp indicated the various components in samples were good resolution in acid solvent. 4. The separation and measurements of water-soluble vitamins in samples were experimented in acid and base solvent. Compare with classic methods that needed long hours, it was possible to measure within 90min, including the process of solvent exchange.

      • 李箱 小說의 文體 硏究

        李鍾和 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1983 國語文學硏究 Vol.- No.13

        The difficulty understanding Lee-Sang's world of literature is not in his queer life, but in the peculiar uses of words in his works. It may be reasonable in theses on him that everyone should search for the secrecy of writing hinted by his literary style. But there are few theses that have dealt with the style of Lee-Sang as a leading topic. And most of theses on him have had a tendency to remain within the line of superficial observations till now. Under these conditions, I analysed Lee-Sang's short stories in the method of semantic stylistics and of statistics for the scientific objectivity. I selected 10 works from Lee-Sang's short stories, and 2 works from each writers such as Kim- Yu Jeoung, Kim-Dong In, Lee-Hyo Seuk, Chai- Man Sik, and compared them with each other. The main subject of this thesis consists of two chapters. In chapter one, I analysed the vocabulary of the work, especially put emphasis upon the analysis of a part of speech, meaning, and colour words. In chapter two, I analysed the kinds of the metaphor and its functions and the imagery made by metaphor. And then, I synthesized the minor conclusions to excavate the consciousness of Lee-Sang and his writing habits. By the use of the above-mentioned methods, I could reach the following conclusion. 1. The common motif of his literature is the conflict of SELF and the exploration of proper form of existence of SELF, between morality of 19th century and material civilization of 20th century as an efferminate intellectual. 2. After all, he failed in finding out the proper form of existence of SELF, and he wrote his works in compensation for the despair. As the result of this compensation, he concealed his true character and revealed disguised one in his works, and arranged several literary devices(for instances, his excessive norminal style, sentences consisted mainly of narratives, miscellaneous overtones, metaphors and images) to disguise his disguised character. 3. It is appropriate for naming the process mentioned above as "the double paradox" and "The Law of Diminishing Returns" applied to most of his short stories weaken the expressiveness of his literary

      • Comparison of Principal Component Analsis and Correspondece Analysis on Numerical Taxonomic Study of Cladonia

        Park, Seung-Tai,Hong, Seong-Cheol 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1985 基礎科學 Vol.8 No.1

        Cladonia屬 地衣植物 16種을 6個國 標本室에서 수집하여 14個 分類學的 特徵을 조사했다. 이 特徵을 實 測値로 나타낸 real data와 特徵의 有無에 의한 dummy data를 主素分析法과 對應分析法 比較하였다. 두 data에 대한 集落區分은 podetia 모양에 따라 컵모양의 podetia 집락과 가지모양의 Podetia 集落區分되었고 두分析法의 結果는 dummy data 에서는 비슷한 양상을 나타냈으나 real data에서는 서로 다른 양상을 나타냈다. 수리分類에서는 dummy data를 이용하는 것이 效果的이였으며 두 分析法중에 主素分析法이 全變量을 해석 하는데 있어서 유용한 方法으로 나타났다

      • 古小說에 나타난 道仙的 超越意識 硏究

        柳奇玉 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1984 國語文學硏究 Vol.- No.20

        The purpose of this thesis is to examine the transcendental consciousness of the Taoism and elucidate it's meaning in the ancient novel. In the ancient novel, many supernatural persons appear and the supernatural time and space develop naturally. They have their background in the Taoism. But it seems that literary study necessiates the fundamental and complicate approach rather than such simple illumination, because it can't be denyed that literature, at any point of view, is the production of an age. In the view of fundamental factor from which Taoism originate, I can argue that, when the thought for Sinsun (神仙) is in vogue, such supernatural being and power believed by people as religious element. When Taoistic elements were used in the literature, people of that age does not regard it as irrational and fictional element but rational and non-fictional element. Therefore, in the literature, it must be translated into reasonable facts in itself. Main ideas in my thesis are as follows: First, it is the distinct fact that the process of a hero birth, the development of events and the final act are ordered by the heaven. To put it concretely, hero's life is ordered by Okhwangsangjea(玉皇上帝). Thus, the thinking and ideas which frequently come out in the ancient novel originate in the Taoism. The Taoistic person gives organistic relation to the story by introducing heavenly order into earthly process of the life. Therefore, we can know the cause-effect and the necessity of it's accident according to him. In the most ancient novel, there are mainly the Taoistic view of birth and death in the purpose of disregarding the peril of human's life. Second, for the most part, the desirable time and space that appear in the ancient novel is recognized as fairly land and such a world was mainly fairly land-oriented. For the Taoism in itself is realistic and is concerned whth the pursuit of realistic profit. Another reason is that fairy land is recognized as eternal world where there is no death. Third, in the ancient novel, the typical romantic element is due to the supernatural world of Taoism. The Taoistic person, transcendental being surmounts the limit of a reality through supernatural spirit. Such trancendence of the life and death acquired by the longevity and immortality causes the absence of tragedy.

      • 8구체·10구체 향가형식이 記紀長歌에 미친 영향 : 句體論을 中心으로

        金鍾圭 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1984 國語文學硏究 Vol.- No.22

        This study examined in view of phrase style theory that Hyang Ga (鄕歌) form of 8 phrase style and 10 phrase style had an effect an GiGi(記紀) song. In the part of instruction, mentioned a necessity which have some relation to Hyang Ga and Gi Gi long song for the study of Korean ancient folksong, Besides, the motive of study already Pointed out that Korea and Japan relation history of ancient times was necessary to correct understanding. In the part of Subject, Chapter one, these research showed human and cultural exchange between Korea and Japan which made the basis of rebuke evident data. Especially, the arrival theory of Gi-Ma race (騎馬民族) be accounted much of. Chapter two, it described character of GiGi and much falsehood. Chapter three, spoke the nature in relation to general character and Hyang- Ga that GiGi have as an ancient song. Chapter four, showed an instance of GiGi long song which have 10 phrase Hyang Ga form as the original form, especially, Viewed CiRa Gi (新羅) song as an evidentary datum. Chapter five, showed songs which 10 phrase Hyang Ga form Proved the phenomenon of change of an odd number phrase, it took place as a necessity in process of making a native. Chapter six, showed the phrase song of God and king with long song of multiple forms compounded by each song form. Chapter seven, mentioned GiGi long song which have bearing on Hyang Ga form of 8 phrase style as the original form. Chapter eight, 8 phrase Hyang-Ga form showed GiGi long song which have relation to phenomenon of change, which took place while making a native in Japan. Chapter nine, in Japan of ancient times, Hyang Ga form of 10 phrase style showed folksong to reflect on the real state which exists in the form of an oral music in itself, though Hyang Ga, more or less, has broken away form the construction of phrase style about words form. In conclusion, GiGi long song of Hyong Ga System takes up 76 Percent of GiGi long song, and Hyang Ga form of 8 phrase and 10 phrase style mentioned that it's being had a great effect on the growth development of GiGi long song.

      • 南原地域語의 音韻論的 硏究

        蘇江春 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1983 國語文學硏究 Vol.- No.15

        The purpose of this thesis is to describe a phonological system and a phonological process in the Namwon areal dialect, especially focusing on synchronic phonological connection. Phonemes are set up by means of minimal pairs, complementary distribution, phonetic similarity, and free variation, which are structural criteria. The adeguacy of the phonemes was verifed in terms of excluding abstract morphophonemes in describing phonological process. One of theses phonemes can be analysed into smaller units-distinctive features-on the strength of the Prague school's assertion that a phoneme is a bundle of distinctive features as following : [consonantal], [vocalie], [sonorant], [nasal], [anterior], [grave], [strident], [continuent], [aspirate], [tense], [labial], [high], [low]. In this thesis, phonologicel (morphophonemic) rules were distinguished from morpheme structure constraints. The former are feature value changing rules and are applied to the position where a morpheme is connected with another morpheme. The latter are not feature value changing rules and are applied to the position of the intra-morpheme. After that the phonological rules were ordered but morpheme structure constraints were not. This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter Ⅰ contains the purpose of this thesis, the history of this areal dialect, the methodology of this study and the method of field work. Chaptor Ⅱ sets up the phoneme inventory which is divided into segmental phonemes and supra-segmental phonemes. The former include vowels, consonants, liguids and glides that are used in this area. This chapter also deals with the distinctive features and segmental structure constraints. These constraints are based on phonological strength which was verified in the process of describing phonological rules. Chapter Ⅲ discusses semental seguence constraints and the phonological rules concerned with vowels and consonants. In the phonological rules concerned with vowels, various vowel phenomena are examined and regularized: vowel harmony, ??-deletion, glideformation, vowel deletion and contraction, and assimilation such as umlaut, sibilation and labialization. In the phonological rules concerned with consonants, various consonant phenomena are examined and regularized : vocalization, consonant deletion and weakening, neutralization, consonant cluster simplification, aspiration, obstruent unreleasing, palatalization, nasalization, liguidization, and assimilation to the point of articulation. This chapter also deals with the ordering of above-mentioned rules and the morpheme structure constraints which appear in the position of the intra-morpheme. In chapter Ⅳ, as a conclusion, what has been discussed so for is summarized and problems that have not been fully discussed are mentioned.

      • 李朝傳奇小說의 特性에 關한 硏究 : 中國傳奇小說과의 對比를 中心으로 compared with the Chonki stories of China

        柳鍾國 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1981 國語文學硏究 Vol.- No.2

        The object of this thesis is to investigate the characteristics of th Chonki stories of the Yi dynasty, comparing them with those of China. In order to grasp the characteristics of the Chonki stories of the Yi dynasty, first, I explained the basic concepts of 'Chonki', and then, using those concepts as criteria, I classified the Chonki stories of the Yi dynasty and established their boundaries. Besides this, I analysed many Chonki stories of both countries. Compared with the counterparts of China which had close connection with those of the Yi dynasty, the works selected as the Chonki stories of the Yi dynasty had some common as well as different traits ; some of the more conspicuous follow: First, the heroes in the Chonki stories (both Chinese and Yi dynasty's) have eminent talents and comely figures. But the heroes of the Yi dynasty Chonki's, reflecting the projections of the unfortunate authors' themselves, live in obscurity or ill fate all their lives. Second, the georgraphical settings are in Chosun, and the time is one of great social upheaval. They faithfully depict contemporary social phonomena. Third, the themes show complacent adjustment defiance, criticism and satire to the current society and the establishment. Fourth, not only traditional Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shamanism but also the idea of free love and idealism are conspicuous in the genre. Fifth, allegorical and satirical elements are distinct. These are the points which distinguish the Chonki stories of the Yi dynasty from the counterparts of China. A plot based on a single event in a chronological time sequence is the distinctive feature of this genre. This and that the authors identify clearly, and that the stories are written in Chinese, and that the authors usually add a moralizing essay in his own persona are the points shared by both country's Chonki's These points in commoness and their discrepanies prove that the formal elements of the Chonki stories of Yi dynasty, such as ; structure and plot, are similar to those of China, but, that the elements of content, such as ; personality of the characters, setting, theme, thought, etc, are different from those of China. In addition to this, the Chonki stories of the Yi dynasty, being quite different from the prose fictions written in Hangul (Korean), have some peculiar characteristics. First, the Chonki stories of the Yi dynasty, though they are well-organized short stories, are intelligentsia literature written in Chinese which express the seamy side of human life realistically. Secondly, they are literature which depict an unfortunate man and his tragic fate and naturally express the negative vision of life in realistic terms. Considering the points mentioned above, we must abandon the timeworn conception that the Chonki stories of the Yi dynasty are unrealistic and fantastic stories. Moreover, the main reason why the subject matters sometime appear unrealistic is because the stories partially inherit folktale conventions.

      • 數種 韓國産 제비꽃 花紛의 形態學的 硏究

        황성수,김경식 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1985 基礎科學 Vol.8 No.1

        Pollen surface sculptures of 14 Viola species in Korea were investigated under a scanning electron microscope. It was found that sculpture patterns have diagnostic value on the classification of violets. On the basis of scupture patterns following groups were distinguished : (1) V. verecunda A. Gray which has scabrate surface. (2) V. acuminata Ledeb. and V. grypoceras A. Gray which have areolate surface. (3) V. patrinii DC. which has rugulate surface. (4) V. chaerophylloides W. Becker which has psilate surface. (5) V. albida Pal. V. seoulensis Nak., and V. yedoensis Mak. Which have foveolate surface. (6) V. orientalis W. Becker, V. keiskei Miq. and V. mandshuriea W. Becker which have verrucate sunface. Pollen surface sculpture patterns demonstrated that Ser. Chinensis of Maekawa & Hashimoto's system was assumed to be heterogenous group and V. albida may be a hybrid between W. chaerophylloides and V. seoulensis or V. yedoensis.

      • Normal Coordinate Analysis of the Argon Matrix Isolated SF_6 Molecule

        Jeon, Jong-Sin,Lee, Jong-Myung 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1985 基礎科學 Vol.8 No.1

        매트릭스에 고립된 SF_6분자의 진동수에 개스상태의 SF_6 단일분자에 비해 낮은 진동수로 이동한다. 그뿐아니라, 개스상태일때 축퇴되어있던 진동수들이 각각 몇개의 띠로 분리된다. 본 논문은 개스상태의 SF_6분자에 대한 진동수를 이론적으로 계산하였으며, 그에 따르는 진동방식도 분석하여 보았다. 매트릭스에 고립되었을때는 SF_6와 그것을 둘러싸고 있는 아르곤 원자들과의 상호작용을 고려하여 계산하였다. 개스상태일때는 하나를 제외하고 나머지가 축퇴되어 있는 여섯가지 형태의 기본 진동수를 얻었으며, 매특릭스내에서는 비축퇴된 진동수를 확인하였고, 그에 따르는 진동방식도 분석하여 보았으며 얻은 계산치와 실험치를 비교 검토하여 보았다. The vibrational frequencies of the matrix-isolated SF_6 are shifted to lower frequencies in camparison with those of the gas phase. Moreover, the vibrational frequencies of SF_6 monomer in argon matrix are shifted to lower frequencies and splitted into several bands, respectively. We have calculated the frequencies of SF_6 monomer in the gas phase and matrix-isolated one in consideration of the SF_6-argon interactions. And we have obtained six fundamental frequencies having degeneracy in the gas phase and the splitted ones of the degenerated modes in argon matrix. And then we have analysed the normal modes of SF_6 in both cases and campared with the works of others.

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