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        Comeró,n, Sé,bastien,Elmegreen, Bruce G.,Knapen, Johan H.,Sheth, Kartik,Hinz, Joannah L.,Regan, Michael W.,Gil de Paz, Armando,Muñ,oz-Mateos, Juan-Carlos,Mené,ndez-Delmestre, K IOP Publishing 2011 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS - Vol.738 No.2

        <P>NGC 4013 is a nearby Sb edge-on galaxy known for its 'prodigious' Hi warp and its 'giant' tidal stream. Previous work on this unusual object shows that it cannot be fitted satisfactorily by a canonical thin+thick disk structure. We have produced a new decomposition of NGC 4013, considering three stellar flattened components (thin+thick disk plus an extra and more extended component) and one gaseous disk. All four components are considered to be gravitationally coupled and isothermal. To do so, we have used the 3.6 mu m images from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies. We find evidence for NGC 4013 indeed having a thin and a thick disk and an extra flattened component. This smooth and extended component (scale height z(EC) similar to 3 kpc) could be interpreted as a thick disk or as a squashed ellipsoidal halo and contains similar to 20% of the total mass of all three stellar components. We argue it is unlikely to be related to the ongoing merger or due to the off-plane stars from a warp in the other two disk components. Instead, we favor a scenario in which the thick disk and the extended component were formed in a two-stage process, in which an initially thick disk has been dynamically heated by a merger soon enough in the galaxy history to have a new thick disk formed within it.</P>


        Comeró,n, Sé,bastien,Knapen, Johan H.,Sheth, Kartik,Regan, Michael W.,Hinz, Joannah L.,Gil de Paz, Armando,Mené,ndez-Delmestre, Karí,n,Muñ,oz-Mateos, Juan-Carlos,Seibert, IOP Publishing 2011 The Astrophysical journal Vol.729 No.1

        <P>If thick disks are ubiquitous and a natural product of disk galaxy formation and/or evolution processes, all undisturbed galaxies that have evolved during a significant fraction of a Hubble time should have a thick disk. The late-type spiral galaxy NGC 4244 has been reported as the only nearby edge-on galaxy without a confirmed thick disk. Using data from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S(4)G) we have identified signs of two disk components in this galaxy. The asymmetries between the light profiles on both sides of the mid-plane of NGC 4244 can be explained by a combination of the galaxy not being perfectly edge-on and a certain degree of opacity of the thin disk. We argue that the subtlety of the thick disk is a consequence of either a limited secular evolution in NGC 4244, a small fraction of stellar material in the fragments which built the galaxy, or a high amount of gaseous accretion after the formation of the galaxy.</P>


        ARRAKIS: atlas of resonance rings as known in the S<sup>4</sup>G

        Comeró,n, S.,Salo, H.,Laurikainen, E.,Knapen, J. H.,Buta, R. J.,Herrera-Endoqui, M.,Laine, J.,Holwerda, B. W.,Sheth, K.,Regan, M. W.,Hinz, J. L.,Muñ,oz-Mateos, J. C.,Gil de Paz, A.,Men&eac Springer-Verlag 2014 Astronomy and astrophysics Vol.562 No.-

        <P>Context. Resonance rings and pseudorings (here collectively called rings) are thought to be related to the gathering of material near dynamical resonances caused by non-axisymmetries in galaxy discs. This means that they are the result of secular evolution processes that redistribute material and angular momentum in discs. Studying them may give clues on the formation and growth of bars and other disc non-axisymmetries. Aims. Our aims are to produce a catalogue and an atlas of the rings detected in the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S<SUP>4</SUP>G) and to conduct a statistical study of the data in the catalogue. Methods. We traced the contours of rings previously identified and fitted them with ellipses. We found the orientation of bars by studying the galaxy ellipse fits from the S<SUP>4</SUP>G pipeline 4. We used the galaxy orientation data obtained by the S<SUP>4</SUP>G pipeline 4 to obtain intrinsic ellipticities and orientations of rings and the bars. Results. ARRAKIS contains data on 724 ringed galaxies in the S<SUP>4</SUP>G. The frequency of resonance rings in the S<SUP>4</SUP>G is of 16 ±1% and 35 ±1% for outer and inner features, respectively. Outer rings are mostly found in Hubble stages −1 ≤T≤ 4. Inner rings are found in a broad distribution that covers the range −1 ≤T≤7. We confirm that outer rings have two preferred orientations, namely parallel and perpendicular to the bar. We confirm a tendency for inner rings to be oriented parallel to the bar, but we report the existence of a significant fraction (maybe as large as 50%) of inner features that have random orientations with respect to the bar. These misaligned inner rings are mostly found in late-type galaxies (T ≥4). We find that the fraction of barred galaxies hosting outer (inner) rings is ~1.7 times (~1.3 times) that in unbarred galaxies. Conclusions. We confirm several results from previous surveys as well as predictions from simulations of resonant rings and/or from manifold flux tube theory. We report that a significant fraction of inner rings in late-type galaxies have a random orientation with respect to the bar. This may be caused by spiral modes that are decoupled from the bar and dominate the Fourier amplitude spectrum at the radius of the inner ring. The fact that rings are only mildly favoured by bars suggests that those in unbarred galaxies either formed because of weak departures from the axisymmetry of the galactic potential or that they are born because of bars that were destroyed after the ring formation.</P>

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