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      • Journalistic Heritage of Karel Čapek

        Jiř,í,Peš,,ka(이르지 페쉬츠카) 아시아·중동부유럽학회 2007 동유럽발칸학 Vol.9 No.1

        본 논문은 카렐 차페크의 작품에서 지속적인 화제가 되고 있는 중요한 부분인, 저널리즘 유산에 대한 연구이다. 이미 중학생 시기에 신문 기고가로 활동했던 초창기의 삶과 작가로서의 세계관을 형성하는 데 결정적인 영향을 미친 대학 시절뿐만 아니라 저널리스트로서의 차페크의 생애를 시대별로 접근하고 있다.카렐 차페크는 실용주의 철학과의 밀접한 관계가 있음을 증명하는 몇 가지 연구를 단행했는데 그는 여기에서 실용주의야말로 강압적인 혁명적 방법을 동원할 당위성을 배제한 지식과 실제 행동의 두 가지 차원 모두에서, 사람들에게세계를 형성하고 변화시킬 가능성을 제공한다고 보았다. 이 논문에서 본문의 중심 부분은 차페크가『Národní listy[나로드니 리스트], 민족지(民族誌)』와『Lidové noviny[리도베 노비니], 국민신문』라는 유명한 체코의 양대 신문사에서 편집부원으로 일할 당시의 저널리스트의 경력을 소개 하고 있다. 현실 세계의 다양한 국면에 관심을 기울인 그의 기고문들은 체코슬로바키아 제 1 공화국의 평화롭고 또 극적인 시간들을 사실적이고 자세하게 묘사한 시대의 반사경과도 같은 것들이었다. 체코슬로바키아 제 1 공화국의 대통령 토마쉬 가리그 마사리크의 절친한 친구이자 국민으로부터 존경받는 한 인물(마사리크)과 또 자신의 저서들에 대한 해설자 역할을 했던 카렐 차페크는, 체코슬로바키아 민주주의 정권의 대표적 상징 그 자체가 되었다. 결과적으로 그는 이와 같은 자신의 입장과 철학에 반대하는 극우파와 극좌파 성향의 저널리즘 양측의 표적이 되었다. 나치 독일로부터 위협받는 매우 위태로운 시기에 있어 민족과 정치, 문화의 역할과 지식인들의 사명에 대해 이야기하고 있는 차페크의 훌륭한 저널리즘 유산은 우리에게 여전히 감동의 한 부분으로 메아리친다. This essay is dedicated to an important and constantly topical part of the Karel Čapek´s work, to his journalistic heritage. The text follows the periods of Čapek´s career as a journalist in a chronological order, but it also mentions his very beginnings as a newspaper contributor at the age of a junior high school student. His university years are taken into account as well, because that time had the decisive influence on the forming of the author´s view of the world. Karel Čapek wrote then some studies demonstrating his close relation to the philosophy of pragmatism, in which he saw an approach giving the people the possibility to shape and change the world on both knowledge and practical action level without the necessity of using violent revolutionary methods. The main part of the text makes the readers acquainted with the Čapek´s engagement in editorial staffs of two renowned Czech newspapers Národní listy and Lidové noviny. His contributions dedicated to a immense number of aspects of the surrounding reality are a true and detailed time mirror of the quieter and more dramatic periods of the Czechoslovak First republic. Karel Čapek, the close friend and the respectful expounder of the personality and the work of T.G. Masaryk, the first president of the Czechoslovakia, became himself the almost symbolistic representative of the democratic regime. He had to face the oppositional views from the side of both the extreme right and left wing orientated journalism. His brilliantly formulated contemplations on the role of nation, policy, culture and the tasks of the intellectuals in the time of endanger and peril from the side of Nazi Germany remain the most impressive part of Čapek´s journalistic heritage.

      • Believers on the Territories of Central Serbia, Vojvodina and Bosnia and Herzegovina and Faith-based Tourism

        Snež,ana Besermenji,Tatjana Pivac,Ksenija Wallrabenstein,Miroslav Vujič,ić 세계문화관광학회 2010 International Journal of Culture and tourism Resea Vol.3 No.1

        On the territories of Central Serbia, Vojvodina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a result of rich history, Christian and Islamic religions developed as the most dominant ones. Christians in this region are represented by members of Catholic affiliation and Orthodox affiliation (their religious affiliation is usually related to their ethnic group, so Islamic believers are usually Bosnians and Roma, Orthodox believers are mainly Serbs and Montenegrins, whereas Catholic believers are most often Croats and Hungarians). After the end of SFRY, a country of socialist system which used to "ban" religion, by forming new national states on the territory of former SFRY, religion became a significant element in these societies, as well as in the lives of many individuals. In this paper, through a questionnaire survey, we will try to find out to what extents religion today is an important element in personal lives of the people in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and if their "return" to religion contributed to an increased interest in religious tourism.


        Snež,ana Besermenji,Tatjana Pivac,Miroslav Vuja&#269,ić 세계문화관광학회 2009 Conference Proceedings Vol.10 No.0

        An archaeological site is a cultural asset representing either soil or surfaces under water, which comprise remains of buildings and other estates, tomb remains as well as artefacts from previous historical periods bearing high cultural and historical significance. Numerous archaeological sites show the potential to become tourism products within cultural tourism, since they provide unique evidence on history and previous life styles. However, a few archaeological sites have undergone tourism valorisation. H du Cros model for tourism valorisation will be applied to certain examples to highlight successful tourism valorisation of archaeological sites from the aspect of tourism. Moreover, subindicators in tourism sector that analyse market attractiveness and importance factors in tourism product design as well as management sector that analyses cultural significance and robustness will be applied.

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