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        Transgenic Rice Plants Overexpressing BBTI4 Confer Partial but Broad-spectrum Bacterial Blight Resistance

        Zhiqian Pang,Zhuangzhi Zhou,Dedong Yin,Qiming Lv,Lixiang Wang,Xiao Xu,Jing Wang,Xiaobing Li,Xianfeng Zhao,Guanghuai Jiang,Jinping Lan,Lihuang Zhu,Songnian Hu,Guozhen Liu 한국식물학회 2013 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.56 No.6

        Plant Bowman-Birk type bran trypsin inhibitors(BBTI) belong to a family of serine protease inhibitors thatinhibit trypsin activity and play roles in plant developmentand defense responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Inthis study, transgenic rice plants overexpressing BBTI4 (OXBBTI4)were generated. Reverse-transcription polymerasechain reaction and western blot (WB) analysis demonstratedthat the BBTI4 mRNA and protein levels were significantlyincreased in OX-BBTI4. Notably, two BBTI4 protein formswith different molecular weight (18 kD and 28 kD) wererevealed by WB analysis. In non-transgenic plants, BBTI4-28kD and BBTI4-18kD were mainly expressed in roots andleaves, respectively, while in transgenic OX-BBTI4 plants,both protein forms were expressed constitutively. Subcellularanalysis revealed that BBTI4 is localized in the cytosol. Moreover, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) inoculationexperiments demonstrated that transgenic OX-BBTI4 riceplants conferred partial but broad-spectrum Xoo resistance. InOX-BBTI4 transgenic rice plants, the expression of OsPR3 andOsPR10a proteins was induced and gradually increased afterXoo infection, while the expression of OsPR1a, OsPR1b andOsPR-pha remained unchanged. Taken together, these resultssuggest that BBTI4 may play a role in rice resistance to Xoo,and OsPR3 and OsPR10a may be involved in the OX-BBTI4-dependent partial Xoo resistance response.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Hydrodynamic Disturbance on Vegetation Development in Coastal Salt Marshes: A Model Study in Jiangsu, China

        Chen Zhipeng,Luo Feng,Zeng Jingwei,Dai Jiancheng,Zhou Guanghuai,Li Ruijie 한국해양과학기술원 2023 Ocean science journal Vol.58 No.1

        Salt marshes are now known to improve coastal safety by attenuating waves and stabilizing the bed. Meanwhile, for salt marsh conservatin and restoration, a great deal of research has been done on the establishment mechanism of vegetation in salt marshes. However, research on the efects of hydrodynamic disturbance on the development of salt marsh vegetation is limited. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the hydro-morphodynamic process afects the establishment and expansion of plants in salt marshes and to simulate the establishment process. First, we used a 2D fnite-element model to simulate hydro-morphodynamics in the selected tidal fat in Jiangsu, China. We then defned the variables describing the frequency and magnitude of hydrodynamic disturbance and quantifed the efects of disturbance on plant establishment using Spearman correlation coefcients. Finally, the vegetation development process was further analyzed using a logistic regression model, and the vegetation development in the study area was simulated from 2017 to 2021. The results show that salt marsh vegetation colonization has a relatively high correlation with fooding time and bed shear stress (ρ>0.6), and bed shear stress is the main hydrodynamic disturbance parameter limiting further expansion of salt marsh vegetation. The method combining hydrodynamic modeling and logistic regression has the potential to be used to identify hydrodynamic disturbances in future salt marsh restoration and management processes and to help design appropriate restoration measures.

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