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      • KCI등재

        Transcriptome-based Discovery of AP2/ERF tRanscription Factors and Expression Profiles Under Herbivore Stress Conditions in Bamboo (Bambusa emeiensis)

        Yuanqiu Li,Chaobing Luo,Ying Chen,Ximeng Xiao,Chun Fu,Yaojun Yang 한국식물학회 2019 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.62 No.4

        Bambusa emeiensis is one of the most economicallyimportant bamboos, yet the yield and quality of this bamboospecies continue to be challenged by insect herbivores. APETALA2/ethylene responsive factors (AP2/ERF) comprise alarge family of plant transcription factors regulating numerousbiological processes and playing critical roles in plantdefence responses. In the present study, 47 AP2/ERF genes wereidentified and classified in the B. emeiensis herbivore-inducedtranscriptome. Based on AP2 domain numbers, conservedamino-acid residues, motif analyses and phylogenetic trees andBeAP2/ERF proteins were grouped into four subfamilies,namely AP2, ERF, Dehydration-responsive-element-binding(DREB) and Soloist, and these subfamilies consisted of nine, 23,14 and 1 proteins, respectively. Amino-acid residue sequencesof the AP2 domain in B. emeiensis were conserved comparedwith those in Arabidopsis thaliana. Expression analyses revealedthat the treatment (herbivore damage) and control groupsexhibited different expression patterns, and majority of BeERF/DREB genes were significantly and differentially expressed inthe transcriptome, as verified using quantitative real-time PCR(qPCR). Finally, eight genes were selected for further PCRanalyses of tissue-specific expression, of which the four tissuesexhibited different expression patterns. Our data indicated thatthe genes encoding the ERF/DREB subfamily of B. emeiensisplay critical roles in its response to herbivores.

      • KCI등재

        Carbon Storage of Exotic Slash Pine Plantations in Subtropical China

        Ling Jin,Yuanqiu Liu,Jinkui Ning,Liangying Liu,Xiaodong Li 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2019 Journal of Forest Science Vol.35 No.3

        Exotic conifer trees have been extensively planted in southern China because of their high apparent growth and yield. These fast-growing plantations are expected to persist as a considerable potential for temporary and long-term carbon sink to offset greenhouse gas emissions. However, information on the carbon storage across different age ranges in exotic pine plantations is often lacking. We first estimated the ecosystem carbon storage across different age ranges of exotic pine plantations in China by quantifying above- and below-ground ecosystem carbon pools. The carbon storage of each tree component of exotic pine (Pinus elliottii) increased significantly with increasing age in Duchang and Yiyang areas. The stem carbon storage except <10 years in Ji’an areas was the largest component among all other components, which accounts for about 50% of the total carbon storage followed by roots (∼28%), branches (∼18%), and foliage (∼9%). The mean total tree carbon storage of slash pine plantations for <10, 10-20 and 20-30 years across three study areas was 3.69, 13.91 and 20.57 Mg ha-1, respectively. The carbon stocks in understory and forest floor were age-independent. Total tree and soil were two dominant carbon pools in slash pine plantations at all age sequences. The carbon contribution of aboveground ecosystem increased with increasing age, while that of belowground ecosystem declined. The mean total ecosystem carbon storage of slash pine plantations for <10, 10-20 and 20-30 years across China was 30.26, 98.66 and 98.89 Mg ha-1, respectively. Although subtropical climate in China was suitable for slash pine growth, the mean total carbon stocks in slash pine plantations at all age sequences from China were lower than that values reported in American slash pine plantations.

      • KCI등재

        Carbon Storage of Exotic Slash Pine Plantations in Subtropical China

        Jin, Ling,Liu, Yuanqiu,Ning, Jinkui,Liu, Liangying,Li, Xiaodong Institute of Forest Science 2019 Journal of Forest Science Vol.35 No.3

        Exotic conifer trees have been extensively planted in southern China because of their high apparent growth and yield. These fast-growing plantations are expected to persist as a considerable potential for temporary and long-term carbon sink to offset greenhouse gas emissions. However, information on the carbon storage across different age ranges in exotic pine plantations is often lacking. We first estimated the ecosystem carbon storage across different age ranges of exotic pine plantations in China by quantifying above- and below-ground ecosystem carbon pools. The carbon storage of each tree component of exotic pine (Pinus elliottii) increased significantly with increasing age in Duchang and Yiyang areas. The stem carbon storage except <10 years in Ji'an areas was the largest component among all other components, which accounts for about 50% of the total carbon storage followed by roots (~28%), branches (~18%), and foliage (~9%). The mean total tree carbon storage of slash pine plantations for <10, 10-20 and 20-30 years across three study areas was 3.69, 13.91 and $20.57Mg\;ha^{-1}$, respectively. The carbon stocks in understory and forest floor were age-independent. Total tree and soil were two dominant carbon pools in slash pine plantations at all age sequences. The carbon contribution of aboveground ecosystem increased with increasing age, while that of belowground ecosystem declined. The mean total ecosystem carbon storage of slash pine plantations for <10, 10-20 and 20-30 years across China was 30.26, 98.66 and $98.89Mg\;ha^{-1}$, respectively. Although subtropical climate in China was suitable for slash pine growth, the mean total carbon stocks in slash pine plantations at all age sequences from China were lower than that values reported in American slash pine plantations.

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