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      • 고추 및 土壤에 處理한 Fenvalerate의 殘留消長

        徐鎔澤,姜鍾國,沈在漢 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1986 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate the persistence of fenvalerate on pepper plants and soil. The results obtained were summarized as follows; Persistence of fenvalerate on pepper was investigated by spraying the fenvalarate 5%,EC at the level of 300g a.i./㏊ at 53 and 100 days after transplanting and monitoring its residue upto 35 days after the spray. The degradation patterns of the insecticide, regardless of spraying time, showed similar trends. The degradation patterns of the insecticide was sharply degraded at p days after spraying and slowly degraded thereafter. The mean of half-life of fenvalerate was 6.3 days. There was little difference between spraying times. Persistence of fenvalerate in sterilized and nonsterilized soils was investigated by ap-plying the fenvalerate 5%. EC at the level of 1.8㎎/kg and monitoring its residue upto 56 days after the treatment. Fenvalerate was more rapidly degraded under nonsterilized soil and hardly degraded in sterilized soil. The residue of fenvalerate in nonsterilized soil at 56 days after the treatment was 0.49㎎/㎏.

      • 새로운 잔류분석법을 이용한 제초제 Pyributicarb의 토양 및 볏짚, 현미중 잔류량평가

        이강봉,서용택,심재한 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1992 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.27 No.-

        A new method was performed to determine the residue amounts of pyributicarb. Persistence of pyributicarb in rice cultivated soil under the different soil texture was studied by spraying the herbicide pyributicarb at the rate of 160 g a.i /10a at 10 and 20 days after transplanting. The analysis for residues conducted upto 90 days after the final application. The decomposition rate was varied with soils and conditions. The half lives of pyributicarb in Kwangju and Iri field conditions for 1 times application were 15 and 38 day, respectively. In two times application fields of pyributicarb, the half lives were 20.7 and 38 day, respectively. The disappearance of pyributicarb in laboratory conditions was remarkably slow compared to those of those of field tests. The residue amounts of pyributicarb from brown rice and rice straw were <0.006 and <0.007ppm regardless of application times.

      • 菜蔬栽培地 土壤과 菜蔬類의 有機鹽素系 殺蟲劑의 殘留評價

        金喜權,徐鎔澤,沈在漢 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1984 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        菜蔬栽培土壤과 菜蔬類의 有機鹽素系 殺蟲劑의 殘留量을 評價하기 爲하여 GLS로 分析하여 얻은 結果는 다음과 같다. 土壤總平均殘留量은 상치土壤(0.166ppm), 시금치土壤(0.158ppm), 마늘土壤(0.105ppm), 쑥갓土壤(0.095ppm), 고구마土壤(0.080ppm), 배추土壤(0.063ppm), 아욱土壤(0.046ppm), 토마토土壤(0.027ppm) 順으로 높았다. 菜蔬의 總平均殘留量은 상치(0.038ppm), 시금치(0.022ppm), 마늘(0.015ppm), 아욱(0.013ppm), 고구마葉(0.012ppm), 당근(0.009ppm), 오이(0.008ppm), 배추(10.007ppm), 쑥갓(0.002ppm), 토마도(0.002ppm)順으로 높았으며, 土壤中의 總平均殘留量이 菜蔬中의 總平均殘留量보다 5~10倍 높았다. 菜蔬中의 總平均殘留量은 土壤中의 總平均殘留量에 比例하였다. α-BHC, γ-BHC는 土壤試料 및 菜蔬試料 全體에서 檢出되었다. 한편 PCNB, heptachlor, p, p'-DDE, dieldrin은 土壤試料에서는 平均殘留量 範圍가 栽培作物에 따라 各各 ND~0.004ppm, 0.001~0.017ppm, T~0.031ppm, T~0.032ppm이었으나 菜蔬試料에서는 거의 檢出되지 않았다. 供試菜蔬의 BHC, DDT汚染이 廣範圍하였지만 全體的인 殘留分의 水準은 FAO/WHO가 奬勵한 食品中 BHC, DDT 殘留許容限度인 0.5ppm, 1.0~7.0ppm에는 훨씬 未達하였다. Evaluation of levels of organochlorine pesticide in vegetables and agricultural soil samples were analysed by GLC equipped with electron capture detector. The result obtained were summarized as follows; Total mean residues of organochlorine pesticide in soil increased in the order of tomato soil(0.27ppm), cucumber soil(0.042ppm), marsh mallow soil(0.046ppm), cabbage soil(0.03ppm), sweet potato soil(0.080ppm% carrot soil(0.090ppm), crown daisy soil(0.095ppm), garlic soil(0.105ppm), spinach soil(0.158ppm), and lettuce soil(0.166ppm). Total mean resideues of organochlorine pesticide in vegetables increased in the order of crown daisy(0.002ppm), tomato(0.002ppm), cabbage(0.007ppm), cucumber(0.008ppm), carrot(0;009ppm), sweet potato leaf (0.012ppm.) marsh mallow(0.013ppm) garlic(0.015 ppm) and lettuce(0.038ppm). Levels of residue in soil was 5~10 times higher than those of vegetables. The similar trend appeared between levels of residue in soil and those of vegetables. α-BHC and γ-BHC were detected in all soil and vegetable samples. The mean residue levels of PCNB, heptachlor, p, p'-DDE and dieldrin in all soil samples were ND~0.004ppm, 0.001~0.017ppm. T~0.031ppm and T~0.032ppm, respectively, but those of in vegetable samples were hardly detected. In spite of high detection frequencies of BHC and DDT in vegetables, the levels of BHC and DDT pesticide residue in vegetables were found fairly low and were far lower than the tolerences for respective vegetables recommended(0.50ppm, 1.0~7.0ppm) jointly by FAO and WHO of United States.

      • 土壤에서 PCNB의 殘留消長과 微生物 活性에 미치는 影響

        曺日奎,沈在漢,徐鎔澤 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1988 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        PCNB를 土壞에 處理하여 PCNB의 分解樣相, 殘留消長, 微生物, 生菌數 및 酵素生性에 미치는 影響을 經時的으로 調査하여 얻는 結果를 要葯하면 다음과 같다. 湛水土壞에서의 半減期는 7.9日이었고 非湛水土壞에서는 22.5日로서 湛水土壞에서는 분해가 非湛水土壞에서보다 빨랐다. 減菌湛水土壞에서의 半減期는 82.4日이었고 減菌非湛水土壞에서는 89.9日로서 減菌土壞에서는 非減菌土壞에서보다 分解速度가 緩慢하였다. 非湛水土壞에 PCNB를 5㎍/g濃度로 處理한 45日 후에 PCNB의 약 46%가 그 分解産物인 pentachloroaniline(PCA)으로 變換되었으며 減菌土壞에서는 PCA가 確認되지 않았다. PCNB가 微生物生菌數 에 미치는 影響을 조사한 結果 bateria와 fusarium,屬菌은 藥劑의 影響을 받지 않았고 actinomycetes와 fungi는 약간의 沮害를 받았다. 또 PCNB가 效素活性에 미치는 影響은 phoshoatase, protease, dehydrogenase 및 ß- glucosidase의 順으로 沮害率이 增加하였다. This study was carried out to investigate the persistence and the biodegradation pattern of pentachloronitrobenzene(PCNB) in soil. The effect of PCNB on soil microorganisms and enzyme activities were also determined. The results obtained are summarizexi as follows . Half-life of PCNB was 7.9 days in unsterilized submerged soil and 22.5 days in unsterilized moist soil. However, half-life of PCNB was 82.4 days in sterilzed submerged soil and 89.9 days in sterilized moist soil. PCNB was more rapidly degraded in unsterilized submerged soil than in sterilized soil. Loss of PCNB in unsterilized submerged, moist soil was accompanied by an increase in pentachloraniline (PCA), the principal degradation product, residue. But PCA was not detected in the sterilized soil. About 46% of the original PCNB was degraded in 45 days incubation in unsterilized submerged soil, which was evidenced by the production of PCA. Of the effect of PCNB on soil microorganisms and enzyme activities, number of bacteria and fusarium in soil was nearly unchanged, that of actinomycetes and fungi was decreased, and that of pythium was decreased strongly. The effect of PCNB on me activities in soil increased in the order: phosphatase<pro-tease<dehydragenase<ß-gluccsidase.

      • 단감에서 Deltamethrin의 안전사용기준 설정을 위한 잔류량 평가

        심재한,이강봉,서용택,양광록 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1990 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        Deltamethrin의 단감 재배기간중 살포횟수 및 처리시기에 따른 잔류수준을 시험하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. Deltamethrin의 잔류분석 회수율은 단감시료에 대해 0.1ppm과 1.0ppm에서 각각 평균 90.20%, 90.73%를 보였고 검출한계는 0.01ppm이었다. 2. Deltamethrin의 단감에서의 잔류는 Mills 등의 방법으로 분석한 결과 수확 3일전 6회 처리구에서만 0.16ppm으로 잔류 허용기준을 초과하였고 이로 미루어 deltamethrin의 단감중 안전사용은 수확 3일전 5회 이내의 사용으로 추천할 수 있었다. The effects of application number on the persistence of deltamethrin in sweet persimmons was analyzed. Deltamethrin EC(1%) was sprayed on the sweet persimmon trees at regular intervals (400 L/10a, 1,000 times diluted deltamethrin EC was sprayed on 60th, 45th, 30th, 15th, 7th, 3rd days before harvest). The procedure of residue analysis was based on the multiresidue analytical method using a polarized acetonitrile solution as the extracting solvent. Residue of deltamethrin were determined by alternate eluate (acetonitrile, hexane, dichloromethane 1.5 : 48.5 : 50 v/v) from the Florisil column to gas chromatographic analysis (ECD). Residue level of deltamethrin in sweet persimmons were proved to 0.16 ppm when the deltamethrin EC (1%) was sprayed 3 days before harvest. The recoveries were above 90% in spiked sweet persimmon samples, regardless of concentration.

      • n-CdS_(0.46)Se_(0.54)/p-Cu_92-x)S_(0.46)Se_(0.54) 이종접합 태양전지의 제작과 그 특성에 관한 연구

        유상하,최승평,이상열,홍광준,서상석,김혜숙,전승룡,윤은희,문종대,신영진,정태수,신현길,김택성,유기수 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1994 基礎科學 Vol.16 No.-

        승화방법에 의해 CdS_0.46Se_0.54 단결정을 성장하여 결정구조를 조사하고, Van der Pauw 방법으로 Hall effect를 측정하여 carrier density의 온도 의존성과 mobility의 온도 의존성을 조사하였다. 성장된 CdS_0.46Se_0.54 단결정을 치환반응하여 n-CdS_0.46Se_0.54/p-Cu_2-xS_0.46Se_0.54 이종접합 태양전지를 제작하였다. Spectral response, 전류-전압특성 및 전력변환 효율을 조사하여 그 결과로부터 개방전압은 0.48V, 단락 전류 밀도는 21mA/㎠, fill factor와 전력변환효율은 각각 0.75와 9.5%를 얻었다. CdS_0.46Se_0.54 single crystal was grown by a sublimation method. The crystal structure and the temperature dependence of carrier density and mobility of CdS_0.46Se_0.54 single crystal were studied. Heterojunction solar cells on n-CdS_0.46Se_0.54/p-Cu_2-xS_0.46Se_0.54 were fabricated by the substitution reaction. The spectral response, the J-U characteristics and the conversion efficiency of the n-CdS_0.46Se_0.54/p-Cu_2-xS_0.46Se_0.54 heterojunction solar cells were studied. The open-cricuit voltage, short-circuit density, fill factor and conversion efficiency of n-CdS_0.46Se_0.54/p-Cu_2-xS_0.46Se_0.54 heterojunction solar cells under 80mW/㎠ illumination were found to be 0.48V, 21mA/㎠, 0.75 and 9.5%, respectively.

      • Study on the Mechanism of Fungicidal Action of Metaxinine.

        Suh,Yong-Tack 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1980 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        Pythium과 Phytophthora屬의 驅除를 위한 침투성 殺菌劑로 알려진 Metaxinine(CCA-48988)의 殺菌作用機作을 알기 위하여 Metaxinine에 處理된 Phytophora citrophthora菌絲의 成長率, 蛋白質 含量, 蛋白質分劃과 pool分劃에서의 放射能, 呼吸率, pool에서의 遊離 Amino酸 및 放射能으로 표지된 菌絲의 放射能漏出을 測定하였으며 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. Metaxinine에 의한 菌絲의 生長阻害는 培養 10時間 以後에 나타났다. 2. 0.5 및 1.0 ppm Metaxinine處理에 의한 蛋白質 含量의 減小比率은 5時間 培養에서 各各 8.97 및 14.9% 였고 10時間 培養에서는 59.6 및 67.7%였다. 3. Metaxinine處理는 pool에서 放射能을 蓄積시켰으나, 放射能物質이 蛋白質로의 轉移를 阻害시켰다. 4. Metaxinine은 呼吸率에는 別影響을 주지 않았다. 5. 모든 Amino酸의 含量은 Metaxinine處理된 菌絲에서 더 높았다. 6. Metaxinine은 菌絲의 漏出을 惹起시키지 않았다. In order to find out the mechanism of fungicidal action of Metaxinine(CGA-48988), which is known as systemic fungicide for the control of Pythium and Phytophthora spp., growth rate, protein content, radioactivity in the protein fraction and in the pool, respiration rate, free amino acids content in the pool, and the efflux of radioactive metabolite in the mycelium of Phytophthora citrophthora were determined under the presence of metaxinine and the results were summarized as follows. 1. Growth inhibition was appeared after 10 hrs. incubation. 2. The percentage reduction in the protein content by 0.5 and 1.0 ppm. Metaxinne treatments were 8.97 and 14.9% at 5 hrs. incubation and 59.6 and 67.7% at 10 hrs. incubation. 3. The higher radioactivity was accumulated in the pool but the turnover of radioactivity into protein was inhibited by Metaxinine treatment. 4. Metaxinine showed no effect on the respiration rate. 5. Contents of every amino acid were higher in the pool of Metaxinine treated mycelium. 6. Metaxinine does not induce the leakage of mycelium.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Metabolism of 14C - Endosulfan in Carp(Cyprinus carpio L .)

        Suh, Yong Tack,Shim, Jae Han,Lee, Kong Bong 한국농화학회 1991 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.34 No.4

        Fish (Cyprinus carpio L.) were treated with LC_(18) concentration, 4.49 ng/㎖ of ^(14)C endosulfan to study the absorption and metabolism. In an in vivo test, endosulfan was motabolized (65∼80%) in the tissues, only the endosulfan ether was identified indicating that it is the main metabolite of detoxification in carp. However, in an in vitro test endosulfan was converted to the endosulfan α-hydroxyether, endosulfan alcohol and endosulfan ether; the largest quantities were present in tissues where the principal metabolites were endosulfan alcohol and endosulfan ether. The maximum absorption time for tissues (head, muschle, and gut) occured after 8 h exposure. However, the maximum distribution time in liver and kidney was 15 min, 3 h respectively. Radioactivity in the tissue decreased rapidly during the 8 h after treatment. The amount of total recovered ^(14)C-activity in liver, kidney and muscle or fish was about 80∼90% during the 8 h, after application. The non-extractable radioactivity was increased after 8 h exposure (27∼31%). When endosulfan was incubated with the fish liver, kidney and gut preparations, it was metabolized to water solube and organosoluble metabolites. The addition of NADPH resulted in rapid conversion of endosulte to the metabolites in an in vitro test. The rate of metabolism of endosulfan in liver, kidney and gut supplemented with NADPH as a cofactor was higher in the 105,000 g soluble fraction than microsomes.

      • KCI등재

        살충제분해에 관여하는 동양종꿀벌의 효소활성에 관한 연구

        서용택,심재한 한국환경농학회 1989 한국환경농학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        東洋種꿀벌 (Apis cerana F.)에 對한 殺蟲劑의 毒性 및 解毒能力을 調査하고 농약한계 사용량 결정에 기여하기 위하여 7가지 대표적인 살충제의 꿀벌에 대한 독성 및 해독효소의 활성을 조사하였다. 효소 활성은 해독효소로 알려진 microsomal oxidases, glutathione S-transferasecs, esterase와 DDT-dehydrochlorinase를 조사했고 成蟲일벌의 中腸을 사용하여 측정하였다. LC_(50)치의 측정 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 공시 살충제중 DDT가 19ppm으로 毒性이 가장 낮았고 EPN이 0.75ppm으로 毒性이 가장 强했다. 2. 準致死濃度의 農藥이 成蟲일벌의 microsomal oxidase에 미치는 영향은 malathion 및 demeton S-methyl 처리가 aldrin epoxidase활성을 저해시켰고 N-demethylase활성은 carbayl 처리구에서 增大되었다. 3. Glutathione S-transferase(DCNB conjugation)활성은 diazinon과 malathion처리구에서 증대되었다. 4. Esterase는 malathion 및 permethrin처리구에서 α-NA esterase 活性의 沮害를 보였고 carboxylesterase와 AchE 활성은 거의 영향이 없었다. 5. DDT-dehydrochlorinase 활성은 carbaryl, malathion과 demeton S-methyl 처리구에서 저해를 보였다. This study was conducted to investigate insecticide toxicities to a honeybee, Apis cerana F. being raised in Korea and its detoxifying enzyme activities. In order to determine the appropriate usage of insecticides, median effective dose and detoxifying enzyme activities to seven insecticides were observed. Various detoxifying enzymes, including microsomal oxidases, glutathione S-transferases, esterases, and DDT-dehydrochlorinase were assayed in the midguts of adult worker bees as the enzyme source. Of the insecticides used, LC_(50) value in DDT treatment was the highest as 19ppm, and that in EPN treatment was the lowest as 0.75ppm. Sublethal exposures of honeybees to various insecticides had some effects on microsomal enzyme activities. Aldrin epoxidase activity was inhibited by malathion and demeton S-methyl treatment. N-demethylase activity was induced by carbaryl treatment. Of the glutathione S-transferases, aryltransferase(DCNB conjugation) activity was significantly induced by diazinon, and moderately induced by malathion. Of the esterases, α-NA esterase activity was moderately inhibited by malathion and permethrin. Carboxylesterase and acetylcholinesterase activity were not affected by the sublethal exposure of honeybee to the insecticides. Sublethal exposure of honeybee to the insecticides had no effect on DDT- dehydrochlorinase activity, except carbaryl, malathion and demeton S-methyl were inhibited.

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