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        Study on Volume Reduction of Radioactive Perlite Thermal Insulation Waste by Heat Treatment with Potassium Carbonate

        Yi-Sin Chou,Bhupendra Singh,Yong-Song Chen,Shi-Chern Yen 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.1

        Perlite is one of the major constituents of the radioactive thermal insulation waste (RTIW) originatingfrom nuclear power plants and, for proper waste management, a significant reduction in its volume isrequired prior to disposal. In this work, the volume reduction of perlite is studied by high-temperaturetreatment method with using K2CO3 as a flux. The perlite is ground with 0e30 wt% K2CO3, and differentialthermal analysis/thermogravimetric analysis is used to monitor the glass transition temperature(Tg) and weight loss. The Tg varied between ~772.2 and 837.1 C with the minima at ~643.5 C with theaddition of ~10 wt% K2CO3. It is observed that compared to the pure perlite the volume reduction ratio(VRR) increases with the addition of K2CO3. The VRR of 11.20 is observed with 5 wt% K2CO3 at 700 C, ascompared to VRR of 5.56 without K2CO3 at 700 C. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanningelectron microscopy are used to characterize perlite samples heat-treated without/with 5 wt% K2CO3 at700 C. Moreover, the atomic absorption spectroscopy indicates that the proposed heat-treatmentprocedure is able to completely retain the radionuclides present in the perlite RTIW.

      • KCI등재


        ( Wai Yi Chou ),( Chun Man Sin ),( Wai Ip Lam ),( King Ping Chan ),( Ka Man Ma ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2014 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.33 No.-

        홍콩 교육당국은 90년대부터 적극적으로 정보통신기술을 이용한 학습을 추진 하였다. 그러나 전자학습이 소학교 학생들의 연필을 잡고 한자를 쓰는데 있어 어떤 영향을 미칠 것인가에 대해서는 여전히 많은 논쟁이 있다. 전자교재를 교육의 보조도구로 활용하는 방안은 이미 20년을 넘도록 추진되고 있으나, 오직 학자들만이 가끔씩 이 변화가 가져오는 이익과 손해에 대해서 관심을 가지고 있을 뿐이다. 본 연구는 두 개의 소학교에 있는 네 개 반의 5학년 학생 80명을 연구 대상으로 삼아, 녹화와 분석을 통해 학생들의 한자쓰기를 상하구조, 좌우구조, 전포위구조, 반포위구조 등으로 분류하고, 계량화하였다. 이 때 비교실험군(전자학습반)과 통제군(전통학습반)으로 나누고 학생들의 한자 쓰기 필순의 습관과 틀리게 쓰는 상황이 각기 다르게 나타는 상황과 한자 쓰기 퀴즈와 면담의 내용 까지도 실험 내용에 포함시켰다. 연구를 통해 우리는 대조군과 실험군에서 암묵적으로 사용하는 한자쓰기와 필순에 별다른 차이가 없음을 발견하였다. 하지만 실험조의 낮은 수준의 학생들은 암묵적 쓰기에 있어서 대조군의 낮은 수준의 학생에 비해 현격하게 낮은 결과를 나타내었다. 교사 심층 면담을 통해 전자학습이 학생들의 한자 쓰기에 부정적 영향을 미치고 있으며, 합리적인 하자교육의 운용과 평가, 학교 공부를 통해 이를 감소시키거나 없앨 수 있음을 알았다. 바대로 얘기하자면 보조적인 교수 학습 전략이 부족하다면 낮은 수준의 학생들은 한자를 학습하는데 부정적인 영향이 계속 될 가능성이 있으며, 학습에 부담을 증가시킬 수 있다는 것이다. 때문에 교사는 전자학습의 보조적인 전략을 운영할 때에도 많은 주의를 기울여야 한다. The Hong Kong Education Bureau has been actively promoting e-learning since the 90s. However, it is still debatable whether the use of electronic media for learning is of negative influence to primary students` handwriting for Chinese characters. Ever since the adoption of e-learning, few scholars have paid ample and close attention to the pros and cons derived from the change. This research is based on four classes of 80 primary five students in total as subjects, through video recording and analysis of the performance of students` handwriting specifically by approaches such as evaluation of top-bottom, left-right and whole-surrounded, semi-surrounded structure of Chinese characters. To measure and compare between the experimental group (learning Chinese characters through electronic materials) and the control group (learning Chinese characters through traditional materials), handwriting of Chinese characters including order of strokes and seriousness of characters mistakes, were studied to see the difference. The research data includes the interviews of the teachers and the results of the Chinese characters writing test. The findings of this research, generally speaking, is that the experimental group has no significant difference in dictation ability and stroke order compared to the control group. However, low-achieving students in the experimental group are found to have lower dictation abilities than that of the control group. The teachers interview show that if the strategies, assessments and assignments of the teaching of literacy are well coordinated, the negative effect of e-learning on writing Chinese characters may be diminished or even eliminated. On the contrary, the insufficiency of corresponding strategies and the subsequent workloads may cause negative effect of learning Chinese character for low-achieving students. Therefore, teachers have to be careful while using corresponding strategies for teaching Chinese characters.

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