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        A Buddhist Critique of the So-called “Dignity of Life” and “Death with Dignity” from the Perspective of Temporality

        Yao-ming TSAI 금강대학교 불교문화연구소 2021 불교학 리뷰 Vol.29 No.-

        본 연구는 『아함경』으로 알려진 불교 문헌에 근거하여 ‘삶의 존엄성’과 ‘존엄사’를 시간성의 관점에서 비판적으로 탐구하려는 것이다. 관련 주제에 대한 분석은 ‘존엄성’, ‘삶’, ‘죽음’과 같은 몇 가지 핵심 개념을 정의하고 명확히 하는 것에서 시작한다. 그 후 존엄성을 삶이나 죽음과 연결하는 것이 적절한가에 대한 비판적인 검토가 이어진다. 강조하려는 요점은 비록 존엄성이라는 개념이 시간적인 맥락 속에서 경험되는 사회적이고 문화적인 범주에서는 중요한 역할을 할 수 있지만, 시간성이 결여된 생사의 과정(윤회)이라는 범주에서는 매우 큰 어려움에 직면한다는 것이다. 만일 ‘삶의 존엄성’과 ‘존엄사’라는 문구가 당연한 것으로 받아들여진다면, 잘못된 용어 적용 범주의 오류를 범하게 될 수 있고, 따라서 생명윤리나 생사학의 상호 연관된 담론은 우리를 기만하거나 오도할지도 모르는 것이다. 나는 생사의 과정(윤회)이 무엇보다 존엄성이나 모욕에 관한 것이 아니라, 오히려 우리가 갇혀 있는 괴로움과 그 갇혀 있는 괴로움의 지멸에 관한 것이라고 주장한다. 본 연구의 비판적 통찰은 삶과 죽음의 어려운 상황에 대처하도록 철학도의 마음을 열어 줄 수 있을 뿐 아니라, 삶과 죽음의 철학과 관련된 향후 연구에 있어 지침이 될 수 있을 것이다. This study, drawn from Buddhist scriptures known as the Āgama-sūtras, critically investigates “dignity of life” and “death with dignity” from the perspective of temporality. The analysis starts by defining and clarifying some key concepts such as dignity, life, and death. This is followed by a critical examination of the appropriateness of connecting dignity either with life or with death. A point that should be emphasized is that although the concept of dignity can play a significant role in the social and cultural categories experienced in a temporal context, it encounters enormous difficulties in the category of the process of life-and-death devoid of temporality. If the phrases “dignity of life” and “death with dignity” are taken for granted, then the fallacy of misplaced categories of terminological application can be committed, and therefore the correlated discourses of bioethics or thanatology may be deceptive or misleading. I argue that the process of life-and-death is, first and foremost, neither about dignity nor about indignity, but about entrapped suffering and the cessation of the entrapped suffering. The critical insight of this study may not only be able to open the mind of the students of philosophy to tackle difficult situations in life-and-death, but also serve as a guideline in the future studies related to philosophy of life-and-death.

      • KCI등재

        The Ineffable Reality of the World and the Turning of the Dharma Wheel: An Exploration of Pedagogical Strategies in the Prajñāpāramitā-sūtras

        Yao-ming Tsai 금강대학교 불교문화연구소 2020 불교학 리뷰 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper mainly focuses on the issue of the reality of the world and the way in which the reality of the world is demonstrated. The usage of languages is never confined within the sphere of everyday life or phenomenal world. Buddhist teachings, especially the Prajñāpāramitā-sūtras, use whatever language to demonstrate and elucidate the ineffable reality of the world. For example, space is invariably declared as empty and such technical terms with negative prefixes as not-arising (an-utpāda) and not-ceasing (a-nirodha) are adopted to express the meaning of space. Whatever terminology may be used to point to the reality, but the reality cannot be identified as or contained in conventional construction. Concerning the gap revealed by the ineffability of the reality, i.e., what is left by the insufficiency and inadequacy of discourses, meditative practices and insightful wisdom may take over to fill up.

      • KCI등재

        An Examination of Temporality in Mindfulness Meditation

        Yao-ming Tsai 금강대학교 불교문화연구소 2020 불교학 리뷰 Vol.28 No.-

        Mindfulness meditation is a way to steady the mind from the ground up and maintain awareness of the actual activities of one’s body, feelings, mind, and related factors. Nowadays, more and more people emphasize present-moment awareness as a key feature of mindfulness exercises and consequently regard mindfulness as the art of being in the present moment. However, from a temporal perspective, the present is constantly fluctuating. To what extent is mindfulness about present moment awareness and what role do the past and future play in that awareness? This paper seeks to address this issue by exploring the Satipaṭṭhānasutta (The Discourse on the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness) and other Buddhist texts on meditative practices. If mindfulness is to be developed to its maximum capacity, including meditative absorption (Pāli, jhāna), meditative concentration (Pāli, samādhi) and nibbāna, then just focusing on the present momentz and non-judgmentally observing our experiences will not be enough, both theoretically and practically, to achieve many of the stated goals of the Satipaṭṭhāna-sutta. This paper proposes that, theoretically, a philosophy of time and temporality is required to answer the difficult question of how mindfulness and meditative absorption are possible while the present is non-abiding, and practically, a more comprehensive strategy to deal with the past, future and present is also essential in overcoming the overall suffering of existence.

      • KCI등재

        A Contemporary Application of Buddhist Worldview for Understanding and Transforming Sentient Beings

        TSAI Yao-ming 동국대학교 불교학술원 2016 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultur Vol.26 No.1

        Based on the Anūnatvâpūrṇatva-nirdeśa and the discourse on worldviews therein,this paper examines the migration among abiding-places and the relationship betweensentient beings and worldly abiding-places from the viewpoint of cyclic rebirth(saṃsāra). Foregrounding worldviews as its discursive landscape and acknowledgingthe diversity thereof in this world, this paper further discusses the challenges posed by theexperience of different, and sometimes antagonistic, worldviews from the perspective ofco-arising and mutual accomplishment to exemplify the inclusive characteristic of theAnūnatvâpūrṇatva-nirdeśa. The Anūnatvâpūrṇatva-nirdeśa breaks down sentient beings’ repeated births anddeaths into the realm of sentient beings, eka-dharma-dhātu, and tathāgata-garbha,all of which are not only rooted in dharma-kāya, but, in their relation to the realm ofsentient beings, also point the way to life-practice. Through life-practice, the sufferingof repeated births and deaths is clearly recognized, and hence one had better not cling toany worldly abiding-places. By examining into the facts connected with cyclic rebirth,one can cultivate remarkable ability to detach oneself from any investment in worldlyabiding-places and thus become liberated and at ease. In addition to an examination of the abiding-places, the issue of how variousworldviews should be cognized will also be explored. From the vantage point ofeka-dharma-dhātu, first, the Anūnatvâpūrṇatva-nirdeśa examines the variety ofworldviews from the angle of conditioned co-arising. Second, it channels those whofirmly hold their preconceptions to mutual growth through its inclusive characteristic.

      • KCI등재

        Critical Reflections on Abiding-Places in the Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines

        TSAI Yao-ming 동국대학교 불교학술원 2021 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultur Vol.31 No.2

        This article focuses on the real abiding of the mind-body complex demonstrated in the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajnāpāramitā with an emphasis on how Buddhist teachings explore the notion of abiding-places or temporary residences in one lifetime. The key findings of this article can be summarized in the following key points. First, any abiding-place enduring for long lifespans, including those temporary residences in one lifetime, are impermanent and devoid of own-being. Second, in terms of an abiding-place per se, none of the abiding-place is qualified to be real abiding-place for the mind-body complex due to the lack of own-being. Third, the misconception that the mind-body complex can permanently settle in a fixed abiding-place not only leads to emotional fluctuations, but also lays a preposterous emphasis on environmental surroundings. Fourth, bodhisattvas cultivate prajnāpāramitā so their mind-body complexes can abide rightly. Fifth, bodhisattvas channel sentient beings to the real abiding of the mind-body complex through helping sentient beings relieve suffering and abide in any of the Three Paths of cultivation, i.e., śrāvakayāna, pratyekabuddhayāna, and bodhisattvayāna.

      • KCI등재

        Emptiness and Soteriological Transformation in Mahāyāna Buddhism

        TSAI Yao-ming 동국대학교 불교학술원 2017 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultur Vol.27 No.1

        This paper employs the “Samanta-mukha-parivarta” (Universal Gateway) chapter of the Lotus Sūtra as the main literary source to discuss the Buddhist soteriological transformation of mind, body, and abiding-places by a mechanism switching between foundational emptiness and worldly manifestations. The five sections of this paper are organized as follows. Section one offers a broad outline of this paper’s argument and a breakdown of its individual sections. Section two summarizes the main thesis of the “Samanta-mukha-parivarta” chapter and discusses its structure, title, and key ideas to provide a context for the argument to be presented in this paper. Section three elucidates how the topics of mind, body, and abiding-places systematically build up deliberation and practices in an unfolding manner. Section four investigates the modes of unfolding bodhisattva practices exemplified by the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. Furthermore, this section also reflects on the scope of bodhisattva practices from a philosophical perspective and investigates the prospect of approaching the most advanced level. Section five concludes and summarizes the main points of this paper.

      • KCI등재

        Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Increases Peritonsillar Abscess Susceptibility: Real-World Evidence

        Ching-Lung Wu,Ming-Shao Tsai,Ta-Jen Lee,Yun-Ting Wang,Chia-Yen Liu,Yao-Hsu Yang,Yao-Te Tsai,Cheng-Ming Hsu,Ching-Yuan Wu,Pey-Jium Chang,Geng-He Chang 대한이비인후과학회 2021 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology Vol.14 No.3

        Objectives. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a risk factor for deep neck infection (DNI) and leads to complications and poor outcomes. Our study aimed to investigate the risk, prognosis, and complications of peritonsillar abscess (PTA) in patients with T2DM. Methods. We extracted data of patients newly diagnosed as having T2DM between January 2000 and December 2011 from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database. These patients were matched with patients without T2DM, and PTA incidence was compared between both cohorts. Results. In total, 67,852 patients with and 135,704 patients without T2DM were enrolled. PTA incidence was significantly higher in patients with T2DM (incidence rate ratio, 1.91; P<0.001); moreover, PTA incidence was higher at 1 to 5 years after T2DM diagnosis than at <1 and >5 years after T2DM diagnosis. Cox regression analysis showed that patients with T2DM had an approximately 2-fold higher PTA risk (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR]: 1.89, P<0.001). Patients with a higher adapted Diabetes Complications Severity Index (aDCSI) had higher PTA risk than those with a lower aDCSI (aHRs: 2.17 for aDCSI ≥1, P=0.006 and 1.81 for aDCSI=0, P=0.002). T2DM patients with a high aDCSI (≥1) had a nonsignificantly longer hospitalization duration and a higher rate of DNI complications than did those with a low aDCSI (=0). Conclusion. In patients with T2DM, PTA incidence was relatively high, and it increased with T2DM severity. Moreover, T2DM patients should be particularly careful about PTA within 1 to 5 years after the diagnosis, and physicians should keep in mind that the prognosis of PTA was correlated with T2DM severity.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of Esophageal Motility on Microbiome Alterations in Symptomatic Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Patients With Negative Endoscopy: Exploring the Role of Ineffective Esophageal Motility and Contraction Reserve

        Ming-Wun Wong,I-Hsuan Lo,Wei-Kai Wu,Po-Yu Liu,Yu-Tang Yang,Chun-Yao Chen,Ming-Shiang Wu,Sunny H Wong,Wei-Yi Lei,Chih-Hsun Yi,Tso-Tsai Liu,Jui-Sheng Hung,Shu-Wei Liang,C Prakash Gyawali,Chien-Lin Che 대한소화기 기능성질환∙운동학회 2024 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.30 No.3

        Background/AimsIneffective esophageal motility (IEM) is common in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and can be associated with poor esophageal contraction reserve on multiple rapid swallows. Alterations in the esophageal microbiome have been reported in GERD, but the relationship to presence or absence of contraction reserve in IEM patients has not been evaluated. We aim to investigate whether contraction reserve influences esophageal microbiome alterations in patients with GERD and IEM. MethodsWe prospectively enrolled GERD patients with normal endoscopy and evaluated esophageal motility and contraction reserve with multiple rapid swallows during high-resolution manometry. The esophageal mucosa was biopsied for DNA extraction and 16S ribosomal RNA gene V3-V4 (Illumina)/full-length (Pacbio) amplicon sequencing analysis. ResultsAmong the 56 recruited patients, 20 had normal motility (NM), 19 had IEM with contraction reserve (IEM-R), and 17 had IEM without contraction reserve (IEM-NR). Esophageal microbiome analysis showed a significant decrease in microbial richness in patients with IEM-NR when compared to NM. The beta diversity revealed different microbiome profiles between patients with NM or IEM-R and IEM-NR (P = 0.037). Several esophageal bacterial taxa were characteristic in patients with IEM-NR, including reduced Prevotella spp. and Veillonella dispar, and enriched Fusobacterium nucleatum. In a microbiome-based random forest model for predicting IEM-NR, an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.81 was yielded. ConclusionsIn symptomatic GERD patients with normal endoscopic findings, the esophageal microbiome differs based on contraction reserve among IEM. Absent contraction reserve appears to alter the physiology and microbiota of the esophagus.

      • Rigorous Design of a Switched Reluctance Motor Using a Hybrid Design Model

        Gaing, Zwe-Lee,Hsiah, Yao-Yang,Tsai, Mi-Ching,Hsieh, Min-Fu,Tsai, Ming-Hsiao Journal of International Conference on Electrical 2014 Journal of international Conference on Electrical Vol.3 No.3

        Torque ripple is a very essential index for evaluating the effectiveness of a switched reluctance motor (SRM). Many common design strategies for reducing torque ripples of a SRM are changing the excitation trigger angle of stator windings, delaying the cut-off time of winding excitation, adjusting the ratio of arc angle between stator and rotor, and changing the geometric shape of rotor. However, the output torque or the efficiency of the SRM may drop as the above design strategies are solely adopted. In this paper, a hybrid design model which is obtained by the Taguchi Method for optimally designing a SRM with lower torque ripple and higher efficiency is presented. A 12S/8P motor is taken as a study case, and the 3D finite element method (FEM) is applied to analyze the characteristics of the motor and optimize the design process. The results have shown that the proposed method can achieve the design goal of obtaining a high-performance SRM for light electric vehicle applications.

      • The Technical Benefits of Future GNSS for Taiwan

        Kai-Wei Chiang,Ming Yang,Meng-Lun Tsai,Yao-Yun Chang,Chi-Kuang Chu 한국항해항만학회 2006 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        The next decade promises drastic improvements and additions to global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Plans for GPS modernization include a civilian code measurement on the L2 frequency and a new L5 signal at 1176.45MHz. Current speculations indicate that a fully operational constellation with these improvements could be available by 2013. Simultaneously, the Galileo Joint Undertaking is in the development and validation stages of introducing a parallel GNSS called Galileo. Galileo will also transmit freely available satellite navigation signals on three frequencies and is scheduled to be fully operational as early as 2008. In other words, a dual system receiver (e.g., GPS+GALILEO) for general users can access six civil frequencies transmitted by at least fifty eights navigation satellites in space. The advent of GALILEO and the modernization of GPS raise a lot of attention to the study of the compatibility and interoperability of the two systems. A number of performance analyses have been conducted in a global scale with respect to availability, reliability, accuracy and integrity in different simulated scenarios (such as open sky and urban canyons) for the two systems individually and when integrated. Therefore, the scope of this article aims at providing the technical benefits analysis for Taiwan specifically in terms of the performance indices mentioned above in a local scale, especially in typical urban canyon scenarios. The conclusions gained by this study will be applied by the Land Survey Bureau of Taiwanese as the guideline for developing future GNSS tracking facilities and dual GNSS processing module for precise surveying applications in static and kinematic modes.

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