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        Multiple Modulating Processes for Intensive Tropical Cyclone Activity Affecting Taiwan in September 2016

        Wei-Teh Li,Jau-Ming Chen,Ruo-Shan Tseng,Tzu-Ling Lai 한국기상학회 2022 Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Vol.58 No.1

        September 2016 harbored record-breaking three tropical cyclones (TCs) affecting Taiwan within a month. Multiple modulating processes governing these three TC events and associated rainfall and intensification features are examined. September 2016 fell in a La Niña phase. For interannual variability, major warm sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in September 2016 shifted eastward toward the tropical western North Pacific (WNP) compared to the Maritime Continent during other La Niña events. These SST anomalies induced strong convergence and convection anomalies facilitating TC formation. The TCs formed in the joint region between a northern anticyclonic anomaly over the northern WNP and a southern cyclonic anomaly extending from the tropical WNP toward Taiwan. They were steered by anomalous easterly/southeasterly flows northwestward toward an anomalous cyclonic center overlying Taiwan, leading to intensive TC activity affecting Taiwan. For intraseasonal variability, the three TCs of September 2016 were steered by anomalous easterly/southeasterly flows in the southern section of a 30–60-day anomalous anticyclone over the subtropical WNP northwestward toward a 30–60-day anomalous cyclone that lay over Taiwan. During these events, local rainfall in Taiwan was mainly affected by moisture convergence due to 3–10-day transient anomalies, rather than intraseasonal anomalies. For TC intensification processes, faster intensification was assisted by decreases in vertical wind shear and increases in upward motion, moisture convergence, upper-level divergence, and SST. Intensification processes were mainly affected by transient anomalies. Overall, interannual and intraseasonal anomalies modulated TC genesis and movement, while transient anomalies influenced local rainfall and intensification processes.

      • KCI등재

        Climatic Factors Suppressing Tropical Cyclone Activity around Taiwan during October

        WeiTeh Li,Jau‑Ming Chen,Ruo‑Shan Tseng 한국기상학회 2023 Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Vol.59 No.4

        During Octobers of 1970–2019, no tropical cyclones (TCs) affected Taiwan in 32 out of 50 years (64%). Suppressed TCactivity in these years results from different modulating processes imposed by various climatic features. During Octobersof El Niño years, TC genesis in the western North Pacific (WNP) shifts eastward and decreases in the western WNP to thesoutheast of Taiwan. An anomalous anticyclone across the South China Sea (SCS) and Taiwan hinders TC movement towardTaiwan. In La Niña years, TC genesis increases in the region southeast of Taiwan. These TCs are guided by an anomalouscyclone centering in the SCS to have major TC tracks to the southwest of Taiwan toward the SCS. A year with a September–November value on the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) of between 0°-0.5 °C (-0.5°-0 °C) is categorized as a positive (negative)Normal year. During the positive Normal years, an anomalous cyclone over the WNP enhances TC genesis in its southernsection and guides these TCs northward along the regions east of Taiwan. An anomalous anticyclone across the SCS andTaiwan hinders TC movement toward Taiwan. During the negative Normal years, a westward elongation of warm sea surfacetemperature anomalies from the WNP into the eastern Indian Ocean forces an anomalous anticyclone to extend westwardfrom the WNP toward the SCS. TC genesis to the south of this anomalous anticyclone decreases and is accompanied byreduced TC movement toward Taiwan.

      • KCI등재

        Optimization of acridine orange loading on 1:1 layered clay minerals for fluorescence enhancement

        Wei-Teh Jiang,Yolin Tsai,Xisen Wang,Zhaohui Li 한국공업화학회 2020 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.90 No.-

        As a cationic fluorescence dye acridine orange (AO) is commonly used in biology and biochemistry for DNA analyses. In this study the light absorption and fluorescence of AO after being sorbed on kaolinite (Kao) and halloysite (Hal) were investigated. In dilute systems with initial AO concentrations of 1 × 106 to 1 ×104 M (0.3–25mmol/g loadings on Kao), both light absorption and fluorescence emission increased as the initial AO concentrations, thus, the amounts of AO sorbed increased. In contrast, the light absorption and fluorescence emission reached maxima at 1 × 105 M (3mmol/g) for Hal. In concentrated systems with initial AO concentrations of 5 × 104 –5 ×103 M (22–57 and 50–126mmol/g AO sorption on Kao and Hal), significant fluorescence quenching was observed and the fluorescence intensity decreased as the initial AO concentrations, thus, the amounts of AO sorbed increased. The results suggested that to achieve maximal fluorescence emission, monomeric AO configuration on the solid surface is a necessity. The AO sorption was mostly attributed to cation exchange between protonated AO and exchangeable cations on Kao and Hal surfaces. As such, both cation exchange capacity and specific surface area of the minerals control the maximal fluorescence emission.

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