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      • KCI등재

        Ki Hadjar Dewantara Leadership Concept Development as a Sustainable Shareholder Value Driving Force

        Satriyo NUGROHO,Umar NIMRAN,Mochammad Al MUSADIEQ,Solimun SOLIMUN 한국유통과학회 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.11

        This research examined the effect of KHD Leadership toward Sustainable Shareholder Value and mediated by IT & Business Strategy Alignement and Integrated Supply Chain Management. Therefore, with this research, it is expected to be able to develop the KHD Leadership in State-owned enterprises’ (SOEs) Indonesian. The population in this study were all echelon 1, 2, and 3 employees in the PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Pupuk Petrokimia Gresik, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, as many as N = 1002 people. The appropriate sampling technique used is Proportional Stratified Random Sampling (n=300 employees). The statistical analysis used is SEM-WarpPLS method. IT & Business Strategy Alignement and Integrated Supply Chain Management significant and positive on Sustainable Shareholder Value. IT & Business Strategy Alignment and IT Integrated Suppy Chain Management is a mediating variable between the influence of KHD Leadership on Sustainable Shareholder Value. Novelty in this research is the development of Ki Hadjar Dewantara Leadership as the development of the concept of Javanese leadership that grows inherent in Indonesian society, especially Javanese society and is believed to be applicable in business and industrial organizations in Indonesia, of course it can also be implemented in Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Customer Value and Customer Trust on Customer Retention: An Empirical Study in Indonesia

        Wiji DEWOBROTO,Umar NIMRAN,Zainul ARIFIN,Edy YULIANTO 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.7

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of customer value and customer trust as a mediator of flexibility influence on customer retention. The study applies SEM tools with WarpPLS analysis and translates customer value and customer trust as mediation. This study was organized into three parts: exploratory research, descriptive research, and explanatory research. The quantitative approach in this study uses a survey method by taking samples from the population. This is a latent variable that is measured using a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to respondents. This research was conducted at PT. Nusa Prima Logistics Terminal Teluk Lamong by taking primary data, in the form of assessments or perceptions from respondents, so a survey was conducted by submitting a questionnaire directly to 194 respondents. Quantitative data analysis was performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to answer the research hypothesis. Flexibility is very influential in increasing customer retention so to develop customer retention, it is necessary to increase flexibility, customer value, and customer trust. The novelty in this research lies in identifying the role and position of customer value and customer trust as mediation that affect customer retention.

      • SCOPUS

        Effects of Psychological Capital and Gratitude on Employees Intention to Leave: The Role of Job Satisfaction

        EFFENDI, Meizar,NIMRAN, Umar,UTAMI, Hamidah Nayati,AFRIANTY, Tri Wulida Korea Distribution Science Association 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.2

        This study investigated development of Intention to Leave concept or model, by positioning psychological capital and gratitude, and job satisfaction as mediator to Intention to Leave. It is expected that findings contribute to Human Resource Management theories, specifically ones which are related to employee behavior. This study used qualitative approach in which survey and questionnaires were employed during data collection. This study was conducted in PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur located in Bontang, East Kalimantan. PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur was selected as the setting since it has had a lot of achievement. Population was 500 employees of PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur in Bontang, while total samples were 250. This study uses a sampling technique of proportional stratified random sampling. Data analysis methods were descriptive and quantitative. Inferential statistics, namely Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) were used to confirm model developed based on empirical data. This study showed that there is a significant and positive influence between Psychology Capital (X1) on Job Satisfaction (Y1) and Gratitude (X2) on Job Satisfaction (Y1). Gratitude is the strongest influencing variable on job satisfaction. Meanwhile, a significant but negative effect between Job Satisfaction (Y1) on Intention to Leave (Y2). This means that high job satisfaction will reduce the intention to leave.

      • SCOPUS

        The Impact of Job Placement on Organizational Commitment: A Case Study of Power Plant Employees in Sumatra, Indonesia

        Widowati DYAH,Nimran UMAR,M. AL MUSADIEQ,Utami Hamidah NAYATI 한국유통과학회 2022 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.9 No.5

        This study investigates the effect of job satisfaction as a mediator of job placement on employees’ organizational commitment in the Sumatra-Indonesia energy sector. Permanent personnel of a PGU unit power plant in Sumatra, Indonesia, made up the population and sample. The sampling technique used was saturated sampling of 129 employees. The research model and hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis. This study indicate that job placement has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. Simultaneously, job placement does not have a significant positive effect on organizational commitment. Secondly, job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on organizational commitment and finally, job satisfaction mediates the relationship between job placement and organizational commitment. The results of this study indicate that job placement has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. Therefore, the right job placement will lead to employee job satisfaction. Another finding is that job placement has a positive and insignificant effect on organizational commitment. Furthermore, job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on organizational commitment. The results of this study indicate that the higher the job satisfaction of the PGU unit employees in the Sumatra area, the higher the level of employee organizational commitment will be.

      • SCOPUS

        The Impact of Ambidextrous Innovation on the Performance and Competitiveness of Start-up Companies: An Empirical Study from Indonesia

        Eduard Alfian Syamsya SIJABAT,Umar NIMRAN,Hamidah Nayati UTAMI,Arik PRASETYA 한국유통과학회 2022 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.9 No.1

        Established and new companies face similar business challenges in achieving performance and competitiveness. Furthermore, several empirical studies using competitive advantage resource-based view theory show that established companies achieve performance and competitiveness with breakthrough innovations. Similarly, new business ventures with limited resources must incorporate breakthrough innovations to achieve performance and competitiveness. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the impact of ambidextrous innovation on new venture performance and competitiveness. It used an online survey to collect data from 178 newly established shipping agency companies in 22 provinces in Indonesia. Data was analyzed using multivariate analysis with WarpPLS 7.0, where the analysis unit was an organization represented by a director. The results showed that ambidextrous innovation positively and significantly affects firm performance and new venture competitiveness. This means that ambidextrous innovation that emphasizes adaptation and development improves the firm’s internal business processes, even with limited resources. Moreover, it increases new ventures’ competitiveness in responding to threats and taking advantage of market opportunities. These results contribute to the competitive advantage resource-based view theory, specifically for new venture empirical examination. Also, they contribute to practical implications in the transportation business, demonstrating that exploitative breakthrough innovation can improve new venture competitiveness and performance.

      • KCI등재

        Ambidextrous Innovation in Mediating Entrepreneurial Creativity on Firm Performance and Competitive Advantage

        Eduard Alfian Syamsya SIJABAT,Umar NIMRAN,Hamidah Nayati UTAMI,Arik PRASETYA 한국유통과학회 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.11

        A new business venture faces intense competition in a dynamic environment. To survive, new business ventures and established companies both need to generate creativity and significant new ventures to be highly competitive and have high levels of performance. In this study, we examined new business ventures that determined their competitiveness and performance generated from entrepreneurial creativity and mediated by ambidextrous innovation. This research used survey data collected from 143 Indonesian’s new business shipping agencies, which was collected using an online survey and analyzed through structural equation modeling. The results showed that entrepreneurial creativity in new business ventures is positively associated with competitive advantage but not significant to create a competitive advantage. In contrast, entrepreneurial creativity is positively associated with firm performance. This result indicates that efforts to generate entrepreneurial creativity are not sufficient to create a competitive advantage despite having a significant influence on firm performance. However, entrepreneurial creativity is significantly and positively associated with firm performance and competitive advantage when mediated by ambidextrous innovation. The findings of this study suggest that the competitive advantage of a new business venture in facing intense competition in a dynamic environment condition can be overcome by generating strategic action in the form of entrepreneurial creativity and ambidextrous innovation.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Dynamic Capabilities, Entrepreneurial Creativity and Ambidextrous Innovation on Firm’s Competitiveness

        Eduard Alfian Syamsya SIJABAT,Umar NIMRAN,Hamidah Nayati UTAMI,Arik PRASETYA 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.1

        A firm’s competitive advantage generating from empowering its dynamic capabilities is very important for established companies and new business ventures in facing intense competition and in responding to unanticipated environmental changes. This study aims to investigate the relationship between dynamic capabilities of a new business venture and its competitive advantage and the effect of entrepreneurial creativity and ambidextrous innovation mediation on the relationship between dynamic capabilities and the competitive advantage of a new business venture. Data was collected using an online survey from 143 new Indonesian shipping agency companies that spread over two-thirds of Indonesia’s territory and was analyzed using structural equations modeling (SEM). The results showed that the dynamic capabilities of new business ventures are positively associated with competitive advantage but not significantly. This result indicates that empowering a new business venture’s dynamic capability is not sufficient to generate a competitive advantage. However, a new business venture’s dynamic capability is significantly and positively associated with the competitive advantage when mediated by entrepreneurial creativity and ambidextrous innovation. The findings of this study suggest that the competitive advantage of a new business venture can be gained from empowering a firm’s dynamic capabilities through mediating entrepreneurial creativity and ambidextrous innovation in facing intense competition and in responding to unanticipated environmental changes.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Relationship Marketing on Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study in Indonesia

        Robby Tanod MAMUSUNG,Umar NIMRAN,Suharyono SUHARYONO,Andriani KUSUMAWATI 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.7

        The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of Relationship Marketing on service quality and customer loyalty, especially in the context of the retail industry. In retail industry, Relationship Marketing is the key to increase and maintain a large pool of customers. This research was conducted in North Sulawesi Province with a sample size of 155 supermarket customers. The sampling technique used for the study is the purposive sampling. Data was analyzed using SEM based on GeSCA components. The results showed that Relationship Marketing had a significant positive effect both on service quality and customer loyalty. The commitment, communication, conflict handling, and competence play an important role in improving service quality which ultimately makes customers loyal. In addition, the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty, also has significant positive findings. These findings are in line with the concept of SERVQUAL and The Commitment-Trust Theory. The implication of the managerial research is that supermarket managers in North Sulawesi must focus and emphasize more on the Relationship Marketing dimension especially in terms of commitment, communication, conflict handling, and competence. Once these factors can be met, the quality of service will increase, and it causes an increase in customer loyalty to shop more at the supermarket.

      • SCOPUS

        Organizational Change Readiness, Service Innovation, and Corporate Image in Improving Competitiveness: A Case Study in Indonesia

        HUTAPEA, John Gunung,NIMRAN, Umar,IQBAL, Mohammad,HIDAYAT, Kadarisman Korea Distribution Science Association 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.3

        Shipping has become an important sector in supporting social, economic, government, defense, security, cultural and other sectors to unite separate islands and broad seas. Thus, ports automatically become an important facility in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to test and explain the effect of Organizational readiness for change, Service Innovation, and Corporate Image on Perceived opportunity and challenge. The research model with inferential analysis uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with the WarpPLS approach, expected to answer the statements of problem and be able to test the desired hypothesis. The model development in this research was based on the background, statements of problem, conceptual framework and research hypotheses. The model referred to is "Complete and Comprehensive Port." Its development was carried out through studying and synthesizing various sources. The most important source is the results of literature review in the form of theoretical developments and research results, then continued with compilation. The use of Organizational Change Readiness, Service Innovation, and Corporate Image in improving Port Competitiveness is seen as one of the novelties of this research, specifically the use of the Organizational Change Readiness variable which is often used in high-flexibility companies but now used in port companies as well.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Spiritual Marketing and Entrepreneurship Orientation on Determining Sustainable Competitive Advantage

        BAMBANG, Ahmad,KUSUMAWATI, Andriani,NIMRAN, Umar,SUHARYONO, Suharyono Korea Distribution Science Association 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to apply Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis with Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) and translate the effect of Spiritual Marketing and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Sustainable Competitive Advantage with Marketing Capabilities as Mediation, especially for General BBM marketing at PT. Pertamina (Persero). The quantitative approach in this study uses a survey method by taking samples from the population. The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to respondents. Data analysis was performed using SEM and analyzed using the GSCA model. The population of this study consisted of 3,207 workers in central and regional marketing offices (Marketing Operation Region (MOR) spread throughout Indonesia. Therefore, a sample of 356 respondents was taken according to the Slovin formula. Spiritual marketing and entrepreneurial orientation directly influence the ability to improve Innovation which directly influences sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, to develop a sustainable competitive advantage in marketing Pertamina's General BBM, it is necessary to implement spiritual marketing and improve entrepreneurial orientation. The novelty in this study lies in the unprecedented research on the role and position of spiritual marketing towards marketing capabilities and sustainable competitive advantage, combined with entrepreneurial orientation variables.

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