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        Effect of Proportion of Recorded Cows Inseminated by Young A. I. Bulls on Genetic Improvement in Japanese Holstein Population

        Terawaki, Y.,Shimizu, H.,Fukui, Y. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1998 Animal Bioscience Vol.11 No.4

        The effects of the proprotion of cows inseminated by young A. I. bulls on genetic improvement in the Japanese Holstein population were examined using a simulation technique. The proportion of recorded cows inseminated by young A. I. bulls was assumed to be from 10% to 100% of the total number of recorded cows. The expected total genetic improvement was estimated for all cows and recorded and non recorded cows. The effects of the above were remarkable in the schemes that proven sires were used to produce recorded and non recorded cows for a limited time. Also the increase in the rates for -the expected total genetic improvement was larger when the proportion of recorded cows that were inseminated by young A. I. bulls was about 10% to 40%. When the expected total genetic improvement was estimated for the entire population, we found that the highest values were in a range of about 40 to 60% recorded cows that were inseminated by young A. I. bulls. On the other hand, the expected total genetic improvement that was only estimated in recorded cows dramatically decreased for more than 40% of the recorded cows. The results of this study showed that the optimal proportion of recorded cows inseminated with young A. I. bulls should be about 30% in the Japanese Holstein population.



        Terawaki, Y.,Fujita, H.,Fukui, Y. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1995 Animal Bioscience Vol.8 No.5

        Semen characteristics were examined to find the deterioration of the percentage of live spermatozoa with intact acrosome during hot season using 5 Holstein bulls located in Shirnizu-cho Hokkaido Japan. Spermatozoal viability and acrosomal status were observed simultaneously with triple-stain technique for each spermatozoon. Spermatozoa were divided in four categories (live spermatozoa with intact acrosome, live spermatozoa without intact acrosome, dead spermatozoa with intact acrosome and dead spermatozoa without intact acrosome). Bull and collection month had significant effects on semen characteristics (p < 0.01). The percentage of live spermatozoa with intact acrosome and the percentage of live spermatozoa had the lowest least squares mean by collection month in August (72.7% and 76.7%). These two characteristics indicated the obvious deterioration during hot season. But the fluctuation of these two characteristics were not parallel and the differences between the two characteristics were largest during July to September. The present results indicate the necessity for the simultaneous determination of viability and acrosomal status of each Holstein bull's spermatozoa in order to keep fertility above an acceptable minimum level during hot season.



        Terawaki, Y.,Shimizu, H.,Fukui, Y. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1996 Animal Bioscience Vol.9 No.4

        The effect of breeding length of sire on genetic progress was examined in the Holstein dairy cattle population in Japan. Genetic progress was extimated by gene flow method. Breeding length of sires directly influences the replacement rates of sires and the selection intensity of sires because there are a fixed number of progeny tested young bulls per year. As breeding length of sires increased, rate of gene flow decreased and average proportions of genes deriving from selected animals had lower asymptotic values. When breeding length was short, average proportions of genes required a longer period to converge to asymptotic values. Changes of Rcow-sire's(sire to breed recorded cows) and Ncow-sire's(sire to breed non recorded cows) breeding length influenced not only transmission of their genes but also that of genes derived from all other selected animals. Irrespective of whether the discount rate was assumed to be 0 or 6%, longer term (${\geq}$ 20 years) expected total genetic improvement was maximized by a sire breeding length of five years. For shorter term assessment(10 years), genetic improvement was maximized by a sire breeding length of three years. There was a linear increase in the contribution of the sire to bulls pathway to the total genetic improvement, with increase in the term of assessment.


        Relationships between Distribution of Number of Transferable Embryos and Inbreeding Coefficient in a MOET Dairy Cattle Population

        Terawaki, Y.,Asada, Y. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.12

        Genetic gains and inbreeding coefficients in a Holstein MOET breeding population were predicted under different conditions relating to the distribution of the number of transferable embryos collected per flush using Monte Carlo simulation. The numbers of transferable embryos collected per flush were determined using five distributions (distributions 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9) with different aspects and similar means. Distributions 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 were assumed to have gamma distribution's parameters ($\alpha$ and $\beta$) of (1 and 4.4), (3 and 1.47), (5 and 0.88), (7 and 0.63) and (9 and 0.49), respectively. Inbreeding rates were statistically significantly different among distributions but genetic gains were not. Relationships between inbreeding rates and variances of family size could be were clearly distinguished. The highest inbreeding coefficients were predicted in distribution 1 with the largest variance of family size, while distributions 5, 7 and 9 with smaller variance of family size had lower inbreeding coefficients.


        Effect of Imported Young Bulls with Higher Genetic Merit on Genetic Progress of Japanese Holstein Population

        Terawaki, Y.,Shimizu, H.,Fukui, Y. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1997 Animal Bioscience Vol.10 No.4

        The effect of imported young bulls on the genetic progress was examined in the Holstein dairy cattle population in Japan. The effect of the difference of mean genetic merit between imported and domestic young bulls ("genetic difference") was recognized on the genetic progress of the domestic animals in the early stage of selection. On the other hand, the genetic progress of domestic animals were remarkably influenced by the genetic trend of imported young bulls ("genetic trend") in the later stage. Import of young bulls originated from high genetic level of young bulls originated from high genetic level population improved the genetic progress of domestic population. But, the increase of the immigration ratio of imported young bulls ("immigration ratio") did not influence linearly on the progress of the genetic merit of domestic animals. Even if "immigration ratio" was 100%, the genetic merit of domestic animals could not overcome the one of imported young bulls. In the later stage of selection, the genetic merit of domestic animals ran parallel to those of imported young bulls.


        Effects of Different Methods for Determining the Number of Transferable Embryos on Genetic Gain and Inbreeding Coefficient in a Japanese Holstein MOET Breeding Population

        Terawaki, Y.,Asada, Y. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.5

        This study was conducted to examine the relationships between the methods used to determine the number of transferable embryos collected per flush and the estimated cumulative genetic improvements in the Japanese Holstein MOET breeding population. Cumulative genetic improvements were predicted by Monte Carlo simulation using three different determination methods (MODEL 1, MODEL 2, and MODEL 3), for calculating the number of embryos collected per flush. Moreover EBVs were estimated including or ignoring coefficients of inbreeding in MME. Inbreeding coefficients were also predicted. The number of transferable embryos was determined using normal, gamma, and Poisson distributions in MODEL 1, gamma and Poisson distributions in MODEL 2, and only the Poisson distribution in MODEL 3. The fitness of MODEL 2 in relation to field data from Hokkaido Japan was the best, and the results for MODEL3 indicated that this model is unsuitable for determining the number of transferable embryos. The largest cumulative genetic improvement (3.11) in the 10th generation was predicted by MODEL 3 and the smallest (2.83) by MODEL 2. Mean coefficients of correlation between the true and estimated breeding values were 0.738, 0.729, and 0.773 in MODELS 1, 2, and 3, respectively. It is suggested that the smallest genetic improvement in MODEL 2 resulted from the smallest correlation coefficient between the true and estimated breeding values. The differences in milk, fat, and protein yields between MODELS 2 and 3 were 182.0, 7.0, and 5.6 kg, respectively, in real units when each trait was independently selected. The inbreeding coefficient was the highest (0.374) in MODEL 2 and the lowest (0.357) in MODEL 3. The effects of different methods for determining the number of transferable embryos per flush on genetic improvements and inbreeding coefficients of the simulated populations were remarkable. The effects of including coefficients of inbreeding in MME, however, were unclear.


        Heritability and Repeatability of Superovulatory Responses in Holstein Population in Hokkaido, Japan

        Asada, Y.,Terawaki, Y. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.7

        The aim of this study was to estimate heritability and repeatability for the number of embryos and transferable embryos collected per flush in Holstein population in Hokkaido, Japan. Data consisted of 306 MOET (Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer) treatments on 224 Holstein cows from 1997 to 2000. Variance components for these traits were estimated using the REML procedure. The model included only non-genetic factors that were significant at the 0.05 level, through using generalized linear models, maximum likelihood methods, and stepwise regression procedure as fixed effects and sire and residual for heritabilities, donor and residual for repeatabilities as random effects. The factor identified as important in determining the results was the donor''s estrous condition after superovulation. Heritabilities for the number of embryos and transferable embryos collected per flush were 0.14 and 0.09, respectively. The corresponding repeatabilities were 0.43 and 0.32, respectively. These results show that it was difficult to genetically improve these traits, thus, environmental and physical factors affecting the donor must be improved. These results also show that it is necessary to take the donor''s estrous condition after superovulation and repeatabilities for the number of embryos and transferable embryos collected per flush into account when the genetic gains and inbreeding rates for MOET breeding schemes are predicted by a computer simulation.

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