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        سردية شرف العائلة: في بلاد بلا سماء للكاتب اليمني وجدي الأهدل

        م,ح,م,د, ط,ل,ع,ت, ا,ل,ج,ن,د,ي,(Talaat al-Jundi, Mohammed) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2021 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.25 No.3

        وكان النص الروائي أرض بلا ياسمين موضوع بحث في الروايات المهمة التي اهتمت بتسجيل الواقع الاجتماعي العربي ، وخاصة موضوع الشرف. هذا شرف المرأة العربية. تتناول هذه الرواية العديد من القضايا الاجتماعية والسياسية مثل الاضطهاد الجنسي للذكور والإناث في مجتمع محافظ وفساد المؤسسات العامة. الموضوعات الأخرى هي القبلية والعنف والتعذيب والفساد في قوة الشرطة والجامعة (مثل التحرش الجنسي من قبل الأساتذة مقابل الدرجات) ، والتقوى السطحية. إنه نقد مقلق ومثير للفكر وتصويري وصريح جنسياً للمجتمع اليمني بقلم وجدي الأهدل مؤلف مثير للجدل. The topic of this research is [Narrative of family honor: In “Bilad bila sama ” by the Yemeni writer “Wajdi Al-Ahdal”]. The novelist text “Bilad bila sama ” the subject of research of important novels that took care of the registration of the Arab social reality, especially the issue of honor. That is the honor of Arab women. This novel addresses many social and political issues such as the sexual oppression of both males and females in a conservative society and the corruption of public institutions. Other themes are tribalism, violence and torture, corruption in the police force and the university (e.g. sexual harassment by professors in exchange for grades), surface-level piety. It is a troubling, thought-provoking, graphic and sexually explicit critique of Yemeni society by “Wajdi Al-Ahdal” a controversial author who was forced to flee from Yemen because of his work.

      • KCI등재

        Awareness of women in Islamic jurist: A Novel “Mined Notches with Roses” as a case study. By the Palestinian writer “Sabreen Faroun”

        Talaat al-Jundi, Mohammed 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2020 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.24 No.3

        The topic of this research is Awareness of women in Islamic jurist: A novel “mined notches with roses” as a case study. By the Palestinian writer “Sabreen Faroun”. Narrative text “Mined Notches with Roses” an important topic in the Arab narrative that records the social reality, especially the topic of family abuse. The narrative of violence in this text reveals the masks of domestic abuse, through the path of female characters who have been subjected to many types of verbal and moral violence, whether through insults or severe beating. This novel deals with many social issues related to the subject of family law in Islam, such as marriage, maintenance of the family, children, and female education.

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