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      • 武者小路實篤의 「友情」에 관한 小考

        高浩錫 진주여자전문대학 1993 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        「友情」は野島, 大宮, 杉予の三人が愛と友情という人間的現像を通して, 自然の意志の存在と攝理, さらにその下で生きる人間のトラマを描いた作品である. ニ人の靑年と一人の女性は愛と友情との純情な次元で苦鬪しているのである. ここには 人間の可能性への無限の析りがあって,强靭な生命力としての具現者としての自覺をもち,それを最大限にのばすことである. 三人の間には最後まで人生の眞摯な態度があり, 互いへの信賴と尊敬の心は失っていないのである. 「人間には精神があります. 魂があります.충けらからは耶蘇も釋迦も出ません」と主張したように野島と六宮の人生觀と生き方の下には强い求道性と理想主義が息づぃている. 迷いを知らない代りに,彼らは明を信じて今の苦しみに耐えることを知る人??である.

      • 大學生의 日本語系 語彙使用 實態調査

        고호석 진주여자전문대학 1999 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        我 が使っている外來語はどこの國の言葉でも文化接觸ヤ言語接觸などのことによって生じる必然的な所産物である。のように使われている外來語の中で,日本語系の言葉は過去の歷史的な事實でも再考の餘地があると言えるだろう。もちろん,國語敎育の自主性のために無秩序な日本語系の外來語の國語醇化のシ元で絶えずに努力しているが。その代案語がまだ定着されていなt·言業もよほどある。ただ。もう借用が長くなって歸化語になってしまった言葉,すなわちづマニ(カマス),ナムビ(ナべ),グデ'っ(クツ)をどは仕方がないが,多くの日本語式の語彙がまだ驅使されていて代案が講究されていなかった点は否認し難い。 それで,大學生の日本語系の語彙の使用現況の調査を通して,韓園語た相當殘っている日本語系の語彙をどのくらい分っていて,また日常生活の中でどの程度使用しているか調べてみた。

      • 주파수 변화율을 이용한 제주 전력계통의 부하차단계획 연구

        고석범,김세호 濟州大學校 産業技術硏究所 1999 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.10 No.2

        A sudden loss of generation, causing a mismatch between energy supplied and energy demanded, will result in a system frequency drop. If governor action cannot activate spinning reserve quickly enough to restore the system to its normal operating frequency, underfrequency load shedding(UFLS) serves a last-resort tool to prevent system from collapse. Most UFLS schemes use prespecified step sizes based upon frequency measurements. This paper presents UFLS scheme which uses both frequency and the rate of frequency decline. The proposed method sheds load when the rate of freqyency decline is greater than a preset value. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has the ability of fast frequency recovery in Cheju Power System.

      • 芥川龍之介の「羅生門」小考

        고호석 진주여자전문대학 2000 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        Among various writing background of Rasyomon, there can be counted on fingers Akutagawa's heart-break as one of the most important reason. Such loneliness of heart-break made him write a delightful novel aparted from the reality as possible. Because of foster parents and uncle's egoism, Akutagawa who gave up to marry Yoshida described persistent and clear egoism through the servant's psychological state out of the actor in Rasyomon. In other words, the main theme of Rasyomon is based on the egoism, such as, the trend of servant s mental state and inevitably criminal act to survive in life. This egoism is a sort of severe experience against failure love of Akutagawa himself, and so, this novel was written under the unavoidable reality, abominable actualism between foster parents and writer himself.

      • 주파수 변화율을 이용한 제주 전력계통의 부하차단계획 연구

        고석범,김세호 제주대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.10 No.2

        A sudden loss of generation. causing a mismatch between energy supplied and energy demanded, will result in a system frequency drop. If governor action cannot activate spinning reserve quickly enough to restore the system to its normal operating frequency, underfrequency load shedding(UFLS) serves a last-resort tool to prevent system from collapse. Most UFLS schemes use pre-specified step sizes based upon frequency measurements. This Paper presents UFLS scheme which uses both frequency and the rate of frequency decline. The proposed method sheds load when the rate of frequency decline is gloater than a pre-set value. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has the ability of fast frequency recovery in Cheju Power System.

      • Identification of AFLP Marker Linked to a SCN Resistant Gene in Soybean

        Ko,Mi-Suk,Kim,Myung-Sik,Han,Soung-Jin,Chung,Jong-Il,Kang,Jin-Ho 한국자원식물학회 2002 Plant Resources Vol.5 No.3

        The soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Inchinoe; SCN) is a devastating pest of soybean and is responsible for significant losses in yield. The use of resistant cultivars is the effective method to reduce or eliminate SCN damage. The objective of this research is to identify AFLP markers linked to the SCN resistant genes. Bulked genomic DNA was made from resistant and susceptible genotypes to SCN and a total of 19 primer combinations were used. About 31 fragments were detected per primer combination. The banding patterns were readily distinguished in resistant and susceptible bulked genotypes. Polymorphic fragments were detected between resistant and susceptible bulked genotypes in the primer combination of CGT/GGC, CAG/GTG and CTC/GAG. In primer combinations of CGT/GGC and CAG/GTG, bulked resistant genotype produced a polymorphic bands. However, in primer of CTC/GAG, bulked susceptible genotype produced a polymorphic fragments. Three AFLP markers identified as a polymorphic fragments between bulked genomic DNA were mapped in 85 F2 population. Among them, only two markers, CGT/GGC and CTC/GAG, was linked and was mapped. Broad application of AFLP marker would be possible for improving resistant cultivars to SCN.

      • 日本語 動詞活用 指導에 관한 硏究

        高浩錫 진주여자전문대학 1996 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        現在私たちが學んでいる高校と大學の日本語敎材は,日本でも批判されている學校文法をそのまま受け入れている. 特に動詞活用において活用形の名稱と活用意味が不一致したにもかかわらず,そのまま受け入れている. 例えは連用形という形は用言に連なる形なに,「讀みます」「讀みながら」の「ます」と「ながら」は名名助動詞, 助詞なので, 連用とは何の關係がないと言えるたろう. したがつて本稿には, 動詞活用において學校文法の不合理なところを指摘して, より發展的な活用體系を試みようとした. まず, 動詞分類の名稱を學校文法の五段活用動詞を「Ⅰ類」, 同じ活用形式の上一段·下一段を「Ⅱ類」, ヵ行·サ行變格活用動詞を「Ⅲ類」で稱する. 活用形の基準は構文上獨立している-つの意味·機能を持たなければならない. また活用形の形態が同じでも機能が違つたら別の活用形で設定した. それで學校文法の連用形はます形·て形·た形·たり形·中止形で, 未然形は不定形·受身尊敬形·使役形などであわせて12の活用形を作つて見た. それは「ます形」「中止形」「て形」「た形」「假定形」「たり形」「意向形」「命令形」「條件形」「不定形」「受身·尊敬形」「使役形」である.

      • 北村透谷の 「蓬萊曲」の 小考

        高浩錫 진주여자전문대학 1997 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        『蓬萊曲』의 외부 구조분석을 주인공의 성격, 시간과 장소, 막으로서 장의 문제로 나누어 분석했는데, 주인공인 『柳田素雄』을 자작으로 한 의미는 가볍게 볼 수 없다. 주인공은 연인이면서 처인 『露姬』와 함께 세상의 위압감을 주고 강요당하는 속박과 공허함에서 벗어나기 위해 정처없이 떠돌아다녔다고 볼 수 있다. 때와 장소는 모두 밤의 세계이고, 별편은 새벽을 나타내고 있다. 일몰-암흑-갱중(구덩이안)이 진행되는 밤의 세계이고, 문제가 되는 것은 모든 시각은 일몰 이후이고 『仙姬』와 만나는 장소가 갱중으로 설정되어 있다. 막으로서 장의 문제는 『蓬萊山』이라는 현실적 공간의 본편과 『慈航湖』라는 이차원 공간으로서의 별편은 어떤의미에서 납득이 가지 않는다. 극의 당연한 귀결인 결말이 당연성, 합리성이 결여되어 있다고 볼 수 있다. 『蓬萊曲』은 본편, 별편으로 구성되어 있는데 본편은 별편의 약14배나 되고, 별편 『慈航湖』의 한 장을 포함하면 모두 49장이나 되는 긴 것이다. 이 본편과 별편의 이상한 연속성에 대하여 그 관계가 명확하게 되어 있다고 보기 어렵다.

      • 谷崎潤一郞의「春琴抄」에 관한 小考

        高浩錫,金承東 진주여자전문대학 1992 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Diabolism, exoticism and the traditidnal beauty of Japan are characteristic of Tani Zaki-Zun Ichi Ro's literature. These are well melted in his novel, "Syun Kin Syo". Syun Kin Syo" has the plot of the conflict between two principal charactes, Syun Kin stricken blind when she was nine years old and her errand boy Sa Suke who was older than she by four years. Oneday at night a housbreaker poured hot water on Syun Kin and her attractive looks turned ugly to look at in a moment. But seeing through her inmost thoughts that she would not be shown herself infront of her lover, Sa Suke pricked himself in the eye with a needle and went blind. Sa Suke spent his life holding her old appearance in mind. Through this mishap, Sa Suke kept the fair image of Syun Kin to himself and discovred the essence of affection. He lost in the rapture of love and fell in to the ecstasy of imperment life. The adoration of women which the author seeks for through his literary works and the eternal achievement of affection through masochism are reflected in "Syun Kin Syo".

      • 日本語 動詞活用에 관한 硏究

        高浩錫 진주여자전문대학 1992 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        In spit of many problems of school gramar in conjugating verbs of Japanese language, it is still widely used as a teaching method. If school grammar is unreasonable, the more appropriate grammatical system should be suggested. So this thesis is intended to analyse the problems of school grammar in verb conjugations and to suggest new conjugation paradigm which, I think is more suitable for learning modern spoken Japanese. The six conjugations of verbs now used in school grammar has some problems to be applied to modern spoken Japanese ; for it is inconsistent in its terms and different conjugations are treated as the same one. Therefore new thirteen conjugations of verbs are suggested in this thesis ; Dictionary form, Continuative form, TE(て)form, TA(た)form, Subjunctive form, TARI(たり)form, Tentative form, Imperative form, Conditional form, Neqative form, Passive-Honorable form, Causative form, Potential form.

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