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      • 기계학습에 기반한 댐 수위 이상 데이터 탐지

        방수일 ( Suil Bang ),이도길 ( Do-gil Lee ) 한국정보처리학회 2021 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.28 No.1

        K-water에서는 다목적댐의 관리를 위해 실시간으로 댐수위, 하천 수위 및 강우량 등을 계측하고 있으며, 계측된 값들은 댐을 효과적으로 운영하는데 필요한 데이터로 활용되고 있다. 특히 댐수위 이상 데이터를 탐지하지 못한 채 그대로 사용할 경우 댐의 방류 시기와 방류량 등을 결정하는 중요한 의사결정을 그르칠 수 있으므로 이를 신속히 탐지하는 것이 매우 중요하다. 현재의 자동화된 이상 데이터 탐지방법 중 하나는 현재 데이터가 최댓값과 최솟값을 초과할 때, 다른 하나는 현재 데이터와 일정 시간 동안의 평균값 간의 차이가 관리자가 정한 특정 값을 벗어났을 때를 기준으로 삼고 있다. 전자는 상한과 하한의 초과 여부만 판단하므로 탐지가 쉬우나 정상범위 내에서 발생한 이상 데이터는 탐지가 불가하다. 후자는 관리자의 경험을 통해 판단 조건을 정하기 때문에 객관성이 결여되는 문제가 있다. 특히 방류와 강우가 복합적으로 댐수위에 영향을 미치는 홍수기에 관리자의 경험에 기초한 이상 데이터 판별은 신뢰성의 문제가 있을 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기계학습을 최초로 적용하여 이상 데이터를 탐지하고자 하였다. 댐수위, 누적강우량 및 누적방류량 데이터와 댐수위데이터를 가공하여 생성한 댐수위차, 댐수위차평균, 댐수위평균 등 자질들의 다양한 조합을 만든 후 이를 Random Forest, SVM, AdaptiveBoost 및 다층퍼셉트론(MLP) 등과 같은 여러 가지 기계학습모델 등을 통해 이상 데이터를 판별하는 실험(분류)을 하였다. 실험결과 댐수위, 댐수위차, 댐수위-댐수위평균, 누적강우량, 누적방류량 및 댐수위차평균을 사용하였을 때 MLP에서 가장 우수한 성능을 보였다. 이 연구를 통해서 댐수위 이상 데이터를 기계학습의 분류기능을 통해 효과적으로 탐지할 수 있다는 것과 모델의 성능은 실험에 사용한 자질의 수뿐 아니라 자질의 종류에도 큰 영향을 받는다는 것을 알 수 있었다.

      • Preliminary Safety Assessment of Disposal of Glass Fiber Waste

        Woo Yong Kim,Moon Oh Kim,Seung Won Hwang,Sang June Park,Bang Suil 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.1

        In a recent preliminary inspection for disposal, the glass fiber waste (GFW), used as a pipe insulation, was judged as “pending evaluation” because some dust was found in drum opening tests. Therefore, additional inspection is required to ensure that the package corresponds with the acceptance criteria of the particulates. The dust was generated presumably due to GFW being used in a high-temperature environment for a long time, thus being easily degraded and crushed. For this reason, safety issues that may occur in the process of handling, transportation, and disposal are emerging. Therefore, in this study, a preliminary safety assessment of GFW disposal was performed, the exposure dose to the general public was derived, and compared with the dose limit. The evaluation was carried out in the following order: (1) evaluation of GFW radiation source term, (2) selection of accident scenario, (3) calculation of exposure dose, (4) comparison of evaluation results with dose limits, and confirmation of satisfaction. The average radioactivity of the GFW to be disposed of was used as the source term, and the main nuclides were identified as H-3, Fe-55, Co-60, Ni-63, and Pu-241. In general, the types of accidents that can occur at disposal facilities can be classified into falls, fires, collisions during transportation, off-site accidents, and nuclear criticality, and the accident scenarios are selected by analyzing and reviewing the probability of each accident. In this study, the accident analysis and scenarios presented in the safety assessment of the KORAD were reviewed, and the fire in the treatment facility, the fire in the storage facility, and the collision of the transport vehicle were selected as the evaluation scenarios. When an accident occurs, the radioactive material inside the container leaks out and diffuses into the atmosphere. In this evaluation, the internal and external exposure of the general public due to radioactive plume at the site boundary was evaluated and the dose conversion factors from ICRP-72 and FGR 12 were used. Based on the evaluation, general public was exposed to 0.004 mSv, 0.013 mSv, and 0.045 mSv, respectively, due to a fire at a treatment facility, at a storage facility, and in a transport vehicle. Most of the dose is due to internal exposure by Pu-241 nuclide, because the proportion of it in the waste is high, and when inhaled, the internal dose is high by emitting beta rays. It was confirmed that the result of dose was 0.4%, 1.3% and 4.5% of the annual dose limit, sufficiently satisfying the dose limit and safety.

      • Preliminary Safety Evaluation for Cellulose Disposal at 1st Phase Disposal Facility

        Hyun Woo Song,Moonoh Kim,Sang June Park,Suil Bang 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.1

        Recently, concern regarding disposal of cellulosic material is growing as cellulose is known to produce complexing agent, isosaccharinic acid (ISA), upon degradation. ISA could enhance mobility of some radionuclides, thus increasing the amount of radionuclide released into the environment. Evaluation on the possible impact of the cellulose degradation would be an important aspect in safety evaluation. In this paper, the maximum safe disposal amount cellulose is evaluated considering the disposal environment of silos of 1st phase disposal facility. The key factor governing the impact of cellulose degradation is pH of disposal environment, as cellulose is known to degrade partially at pH above 12.5, and completely at pH above 13. Thus, disposal environment should be analyzed as to determine the extent of degradation. As silos are constructed with large amount of cement, porewater within concrete walls would be of very high pH. However, for high pH porewater to be released into the pores of crushed rock, which is filling up the silos, lower pH groundwater (commonly pH 7) should flow into the silos through the concrete walls. This causes dilution of the high pH concrete porewater, resulting in a lower pH as the silos are filled, reaching to expected pH of 11.8–12.3, which is below cellulose degradation condition. Thus, cellulose degradation is not expected, but to quantitatively evaluate safe disposal amount of cellulose, partial degradation is assumed. Upon literature review, the most conservative ISA concentration, enhancing radionuclide mobility, is determined to be 1.0×10?4 M and to reach this concentration, cellulose mass equivalent to 6wt% of cement of the repository, is required to be degraded. However, this ratio is derived based on complete degradation of cellulose into ISA, so for partial degradation, degradation ratio and yield ratio of ISA should be considered. Commonly, cellulosic material (e.g. cotton, paper, etc.) has degree of polymerization (DP) between 1,000–2,000, and with this DP, degradation ratio is estimated to be about 10%. Furthermore, yield ratio of ISA is known to be 80%. Considering all these aspects, about 1.79×107 kg of cellulose could be disposed, which if converted into number of drums, considering cellulose content of dry active waste, more than 100,000 drums (200 L) could be disposed with negligible impact on safety. Based on the result, negligible impact of cellulose degradation is expected for safety of 1st phase disposal facility. In future, this study could be used as fundamental data for revising waste acceptance criteria.

      • Evaluating the Influence and Correlation of EDTA and ISA From the Perspective of the Safety of Disposal Facility

        Sang June Park,Moonoh Kim,Jun-Yeop Lee,Hang-Rae Cho,Suil Bang 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.1

        Safety for the radioactive waste disposed of in the disposal facility should be secured through safety assessment in consideration of the various situations. In this study, the influence and correlation of EDTA and ISA, which are the factors that can impede the safety of the disposal facility, were analyzed using the PHREEQC computational code. Thermodynamic database (TDB) of Andra, specific ion interaction theory (SIT) model as ionic strength correction model, radionuclides (Ni, Am, Pu) were adopted to perform the calculation on the distribution of chemical species by pH. According to the results, EDTA dominated the system and the effect of ISA is relatively small for the distribution of the chemical species of divalent and trivalent cations in neutral and weak base conditions. In the case of the tetravalent cations, the effect of ISA increased compared to the previous case especially in the strong base conditions. In conclusion, EDTA has a more significant effect on the system than ISA under the environment of the domestic disposal facility. Furthermore, when EDTA and ISA are present simultaneously in the system, the effects of two materials are inversely proportional and this characteristic should be considered during the safety assessment.

      • A Study on the Factors Required to Be Considered for Safety Assessment of Cellulose Degradation

        Hyun Woo Song,Moonoh Kim,Sang June Park,Suil Bang 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.1

        Recently, concern regarding disposal of cellulosic material is growing as cellulose is known to produce complexing agent, isosaccharinic acid (ISA), upon degradation. ISA could enhance mobility of some radionuclides, thus increasing the amount of radionuclide released into the environment. Thus, evaluation on the possible impact of the cellulose degradation would be an important aspect in safety evaluation. In this paper, safety assessments conducted in Sweden and UK are studied, and the factors required to be considered for appropriate safety assessment of cellulose is analyzed. SKB (Sweden) conducted safety assessment of cellulose degradation as a part of long-term safety assessment of SFR. SKB determined that ISA would impact sorption of trivalent and tetravalent radionuclides (Eu, Am, Th, Np, Pa, Pu, U, Tc, Zr and Nb) at concentration higher than 10?4–10?3 M, and impact sorption of divalent radionuclides (Ni, Co, Fe, Be and Pb) at concentration higher than 10?2 M. Then, SKB conservatively set the upper limit of ISA concentration to be 10?4 M and conducted cellulose degradation evaluation on each waste package type, considering the expected disposal environment of SFR. Based on the calculated results, some of the waste packages showed concentration of ISA to be higher than 10?4 M, so SKB conservatively developed waste acceptance criteria to prevent ISA being produced to an extent of affecting the safety of the repository. SKB conducted safety assessment only for the repositories with pH above 12.5 and excluded 1BLA from the safety assessment as the expected pH of 1BLA is around 12, which is insufficient for cellulose to degrade. However, SKB set disposal limit for 1BLA as well, to minimize potential impact in future. Serco (UK) conducted safety assessment of cellulose degradation for the conceptual repository, which is a concrete vault with cementitious backfill. Serco estimated that the pH of repository would maintain around 12.4. Serco conservatively assumed that the pH would be sufficient for cellulose degradation to occur partially, and suggested application of appropriate degradation ratio for safety assessment of cellulose degradation. To conduct appropriate safety assessment of cellulose degradation, an appropriate ISA concentration limit based on radionuclide inventory list, and an appropriate cellulose degradation ratio based on the pH of disposal environment should be determined. As for guidance, below pH 12.5, cellulose degradation is not expected, and between pH 12.5–13, partial cellulose degradation is expected. In future, this study could be used as fundamental data to evaluate safety of the repository.

      • Evaluation of the Mobility of Glass Fibers in the Environment of the Gyeongju Radioactive Waste Repository

        Sang June Park,Moonoh Kim,Hyun Woo Song,Hang-Rae Cho,Suil Bang 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.2

        Glass wool, the primary material of insulation, is composed of glass fibers and is used to insulate the temperature of steam generators and pipes in nuclear power plants. Glass fiber is widely adopted as a substitute for asbestos classified as a carcinogen. The insulations used in nuclear power plants are classified as radioactive waste and most of the insulation is Very Low-Level Waste (VLLW). It is packaged in a 200 L drum the same as a Dry Active Waste (DAW). In the case of the insulations, it is packaged in a vinyl bag and then charged into the drum for securing additional safety because of the fine particle size of the fiberglass. A safety assessment of the disposal facility should be considered to dispose of radioactive waste. As a result of analyzing overseas Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC), there is no case that has a separate limitation for glass fiber. Also, in order to confirm that glass fibers can be treated in the same manner as DAW, research related to the diffusion of glass fibers into the environment was conducted in this paper. It was confirmed that the glass fiber was precipitated due to the low flow velocity of groundwater in the Gyeongju radioactive waste repository and did not spread to the surrounding environment due to the effect of the engineering barrier. Therefore, the glass fiber has no special issue and can be treated in the same way as a DAW. In addition, it can be disposed of in the disposal facility by securing sufficient radiological safety as VLLW.

      • Preliminary Safety Assessment of Worker of Glass Fiber Waste Under Accident Conditions at Disposal Facility

        Woo-Yong Kim,Sang June Park,Sungjun Kim,Suil Bang,Moonoh Kim 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.2

        Glass fiber (GF) insulation is a non-combustible material, light, easy to transport/store, and has excellent thermal insulation performance, so it has been widely used in the piping of nuclear power plants. However, if the GF insulation is exposed to a high-temperature environment for a long period of time, there is a possibility that it may be crushed even with a small impact due to deterioration phenomenon and take the form of small particles. In fact, GF dust was generated in some of the insulation waste generated during the maintenance process. In the previous study, the disposal safety assessment of GF waste was performed under the abnormal condition of the disposal facility to calculate the radiation exposure dose of the public residing/ residents nearby facilities, and then the disposal safety of GF waste was verified by confirming that the exposure dose was less than the limit. However, the revised guidelines for safety assessment require the addition of exposure dose assessment of workers. Therefore, in this study, accident scenarios at disposal facilities were derived and the exposure dose to the workers during the accident was evaluated. The evaluation was carried out in the following order: (1) selection of accident scenario, (2) calculation of exposure dose, (3) comparison of evaluation results with dose limits, and confirmation of satisfaction. The representative accident scenarios with the highest risk among the facility accident were selected as; (a) the fire in the treatment facility, (b) the fire in the storage facility, and (c) fire after a collision of transport vehicles. The internal and external exposure doses of the worker by radioactive plume were calculated at 10m away from the accident point. In evaluation, the dose conversion factors ICRP-72 and FGR12 were used. As a result of the calculation, the exposure dose to workers was derived as about 0.08 mSv, 0.20 mSv, and 0.10 mSv, due to fire accidents (vehicle collision, storage facilities, treatment facilities). These were 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.2% of the limit, and the radiation risk to workers was evaluated to be very low. The results of this study will be used as basic data to prove the safety of the disposal of GF waste. The sensitivity analysis will be performed by changing the radiation source and emission rate in the future.

      • A Study on the Impact of Animal Intrusion Into Near-Surface Disposal Facility for LLW Radioactive Waste

        Hyun Woo Song,Moonoh Kim,Hyosub Kim,Sang June Park,Suil Bang 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.1

        Near-surface disposal facility is more susceptible to intrusion than underground repository, resulting in more possible pathways for contaminant release. Alike human intrusion, animals (e.g. Ants, Moles, etc.) could intrude into the disposal site to excavate burrows, which could cause direct release of contaminants to biosphere. In this paper, animal intrusion is demonstrated using GoldSim’s commercial contaminant transport module and impact on the integrity of the near-surface disposal facility is evaluated in terms of fractional release rate of the contaminants. In this study, the near-surface disposal facility is modelled with a single concrete vault to contain radionuclide according to LLW concentration limit stated in NSSC notice No.2020-6. The release of contaminants is modelled to occur directly after the institutional control period, and the contaminants are mostly transported from the concrete vault to cover layers via diffusion. To produce mathematical model of the release of the contaminants due to animal intrusion, firstly, the fraction of burrow volume for each cover layer is calculated separately for each animal species, based on their maximum possible intrusion depth. In this study, fractions of burrow volume for ants and moles are calculated based on their maximum possible intrusion depths, where for ants is 2–3 m, and for moles is 0.1–0.135 m. Then, assuming that the contaminants are distributed homogeneously throughout each cover layers by diffusion, fraction of contaminants transported into the uppermost layer via excavation of the burrow is calculated for each layer based on burrow volume, and fraction of contaminants removed from the uppermost layer to the layers below via collapse of the burrow is also calculated based on the burrow volume. Lastly, the net transportation of contaminants into and out of the burrow via excavation and collapse, respectively, is calculated and demonstrated using direct transfer rate function of the GoldSim. Based on the simulated result, the maximum mass flux is too minor to cause a meaningful impact on the safety. The peak mass flux of the most sensitive radionuclide, I-129, is witnessed at around year 1,470, with a flux value of 5.36×10?6 g·yr?1. This minor release of the contaminants could be due to cover layers being much thicker than the maximum possible intrusion depth of the animals, preventing the animal intrusion into the deeper layers of higher radionuclide concentration. In future, this study can be used to provide a guidance and fundamental data for scenario development and safety evaluation of the near-surface disposal facility.

      • A Study on Disposal Suitability of Hanul Glass Fiber Packaging Bag

        Na Rae Lee,Moonoh Kim,Sang June Park,Sung-Jun Kim,Suil Bang 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.2

        Currently, Hanul NPP packages glass fiber classified as particulate waste in plastic packaging bags and stores them in 200 L drums. KORAD’s Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) presents that very low-level soil can be immobilized by loading it in a soft bag and then packaging it in a 200 L or 320 L steel drum. As currently accepted method of packaging with soft bag applies to only very low-level soils among the wastes with a risk of dispersion, it is necessary to develop a non-dispersible treatment suitable for the characteristics of other particulate waste in the future. Therefore, in order for Hanul packaging pack to be approved as an alternative method for immobilization of dispersible substances, it is necessary to verify the suitability of the packaging bag. In this paper, whether the glass fiber packaging bag used in Hanul NPP satisfies the characteristic of the soft bag presented in the WAC and the possibility of being considered as a non-dispersible measure for particulate are examined. The soft bag must meet the following requirements: material and structure, shape, drop test, and immersion test. The results of the review are as follows. First, since the glass fiber is already packaged in the drum, only the role of the inner layer, made of polyethylene, having a watertight function may be required. Second, when packaging a drum, the packaging bag is compressed into a shaped frame having an inner size of a 200 L drum, so it is packaged with little empty space in the drum. Third, as a result of a drop test of a packaging pack containing 20 kg of contents from a height of 1.2 m, it was confirmed that there was no leakage of contents. Fourth, the packaging bag was immersed in a 1-m depth water tank for 30-minutes, and the performance corresponding to the IPX7 was satisfied. As a result of reviewing the soft bag characteristic of Hanul glass fiber packaging bag, it is considered that the bag can be used as one of the non-dispersible measures because it meets almost the characteristics required by the WAC. In addition, the acceptance criteria of overseas disposal sites present various secure packaging methods in place of immobilization as a non-dispersible measure for waste containing particulate matter. It is necessary to reflect these overseas cases in the establishment of non-dispersible measures for domestic waste acceptance in the future.

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