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        Numerical Simulation of Extreme Air Pollution by Fine Particulate Matter in China in Winter 2013

        Hikari Shimadera,Hiroshi Hayami,Toshimasa Ohara,Yu Morino,Akinori Takami,Satoshi Irei 한국대기환경학회 2014 Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE) Vol.8 No.1

        In winter 2013, extreme air pollution by fine particulatematter (PM2.5) in China attracted much publicattention. In order to simulate the PM2.5 pollution,the Community Multiscale Air Quality model drivenby the Weather Research and Forecasting model wasapplied to East Asia in a period from 1 January 2013to 5 February 2013. The model generally reproducedPM2.5 concentration in China with emission data inthe year 2006. Therefore, the extreme PM2.5 pollutionseems to be mainly attributed to meteorological (weakwind and stable) conditions rather than emissionincreases in the past several years. The model wellsimulated temporal and spatial variations in PM2.5concentrations in Japan as well as China, indicatingthat the model well captured characteristics of thePM2.5 pollutions in both areas on the windward andleeward sides in East Asia in the study period. Inaddition, contribution rates of four anthropogenicemission sectors (power generation, industrial, residentialand transportation) in China to PM2.5 concentrationwere estimated by conducting zero-out emissionsensitivity runs. Among the four sectors, the residentialsector had the highest contribution to PM2.5concentration. Therefore, the extreme PM2.5 pollutionmay be also attributed to large emissions from combustionfor heating in cold regions in China.

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