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        Mark S. Rosenbaum,Drew Martin,Tali Seger-Guttmann 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        From a marketer’s perspective, place is only a sacrosanct component of the marketing mix (McCarthy, 1960), and extends into services’ “7Ps” (Grӧnroos, 1994). The servicescape literature explores how stimuli present within commercial consumption settings or servicescapes impact consumer behaviors (Rosenbaum & Massiah, 2011). Arguably, marketers view place as exchange locales, and they do not understand the evocative role that they assume in consumers’ lives (Sherry, 2000). Within cultural geography, places represent “profound centres of human existence” (Relph, 1976, p. 43). Place is a triad comprising of a physical setting, activities, and meanings (see Relph, 1976). This paper investigates how Israeli Jews attribute meanings to places associated with their destruction during the Holocaust (1939 – 1945). Respondents were eight Jewish Israelis who recently participated in the educational Holocuast sojourn (i.e, Warsaw Ghetto, Treblinka, and Aushwitz). Using long interviews, the authors put forth a framework that shows how the participants assign place-based meanings on four dimensions. The individual dimension reflects how the tour personally impacts visitors’ lives. The communal dimension, explores the trip impact’s the individual’s view towards Israel and Israeli nationalism (Zionism). The religiosity dimension reflects tour’s impact on a participant’s self-identity as a Jew (e.g., secular, conservative, Orthodox). Lastly, the global dimension explores the trip’s impact on a participant’s identity as a human being in a global world. Did the trip alter a participant’s views towards mankind, towards genocide, and universal lessons that everyone may learn from the Holocaust? Results help to understand the evocative role that places often assume in consumers’ lives. Place no longer seem as inert; instead, spaces imbued with meanings impact lives, experiences, and even one’s overall well-being. From a broader perspective, the results suggest a different role that consumption settings may assume in consumers’ lives. Places may impact consumers on multiple levels, and the essence of understanding the profound bonds that consumers often form with places, originates not from the functions that places serve, but rather, from the meanings that consumers often assign to place.

      • The Emergence of the Conserved AAA+ ATPases Pontin and Reptin on the Signaling Landscape

        Rosenbaum, Jean,Baek, Sung Hee,Dutta, Anindya,Houry, Walid A.,Huber, Otmar,Hupp, Ted R.,Matias, Pedro M. AAAS 2013 Science signaling Vol.6 No.266

        <P>Pontin (also known as RUVBL1 and RVB1) and Reptin (also called RUVBL2 and RVB2) are related members of the large AAA+ (adenosine triphosphatase associated with diverse cellular activities) superfamily of conserved proteins. Various cellular functions depend on Pontin and Reptin, mostly because of their functions in the assembly of protein complexes that play a role in the regulation of cellular energetic metabolism, transcription, chromatin remodeling, and the DNA damage response. Little is known, though, about the interconnections between these multiple functions, how the relevant signaling pathways are regulated, whether the interconnections are affected in human disease, and whether components of these pathways are suitable targets for therapeutic intervention. The First International Workshop on Pontin (RUVBL1) and Reptin (RUVBL2), held between 16 and 19 October 2012, discussed the nature of the oligomeric organization of these proteins, their structures, their roles as partners in various protein complexes, and their involvement in cellular regulation, signaling, and pathophysiology, as well as their potential for therapeutic targeting. A major outcome of the meeting was a general consensus that most functions of Pontin and Reptin are related to their roles as chaperones or adaptor proteins that are important for the assembly and function of large signaling protein complexes.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        A safer endovascular technique for pre-operative embolization of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: avoiding the pitfalls of external carotid artery – internal carotid artery anastomoses

        David Rosenbaum-Halevi,Victor Lopez-Rivera,Ali Turkmani,Aditya Sanzgiri,Hussein A. Zeineddine,Amber Luong,Peng Roc Chen 대한뇌혈관외과학회 2020 Journal of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neuros Vol.22 No.2

        Intra-arterial embolization of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) prior to surgical resection is the preferred approach to minimize blood loss during surgical resection of the tumor. However, the presence of external carotid artery–internal carotid artery (ECA-ICA) anastomoses may hinder complete tumor embolization due to the associated risk for embolic complications. Here, we evaluate the use of a balloon-assisted embolization (BAE) technique in the treatment of JNA. We conducted a retrospective review of JNA patients who underwent tumor embolization with injection of Onyx in a single session between 2013-2018. All cases displayed tumor arterial supply from ECA and ICA circulations on 2-D catheter angiograms. Procedural and surgical outcome data were analyzed. Results are given as mean±- standard deviation (range). Among 9 patients with JNA, all were males and mean age was 14.1±6.3 years (range, 9-29 years). The mean tumor volume embolization was 84.4±12.4% (range, 60-100%) and in 89% patients ≥80% of tumor volume embolization was achieved. There were no embolization-related complications reported. During surgical resection of the tumor there was a low average surgical blood loss of 722±651.5 mL (range, 50-2,000 mL) and the mean procedure time was 282.6±85.4 mins (range, 151-403 mins). In this series, the BAE technique showed to be a safe and effective approach to achieve successful tumor embolization while avoiding embolic complications and effectively reducing the risk for blood loss during surgical resection.

      • KCI등재후보

        Decentralization, Local Government and Democratic Institution Building

        Allan Rosenbaum 연세대학교(미래캠퍼스) 빈곤문제국제개발연구원 2009 地域發展硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        While there has been a great deal of attention devoted to issues of decentralization and local governance by practitioners, scholars and the international development community during the course of the past several decades, much of the focus has been upon issues of fiscal decentralization. In this article, the relationship between decentralization, local governance and democratic institution building is examined. Attention is devoted to the role of decentralization and local governance in terms of the dispersal of political power, the creation of civic space and the relationship between local government and civil society. In addition, issues of maximizing citizen choice and enhancing local economic development are also examined. This is followed by a review of the critical issues involved in the building of democratic local governance. Eight recommendations for doing this are presented. They include the need to recognize the complexity of the process, understand the importance of citizen participation and the need for an adequate and dependable revenue base. Attention is also paid to the need for effective management practices, as well as the role of national governments and civil society in the development of strong and effective democratic local governance.


        Mark S. Rosenbaum,Ipkin Anthony Wong,Mingming (Jake) Cheng 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        This study examines an unexplored area in services—namely, the existence of inauthentic retail establishments. These fake establishments, which mimic the service and product offerings of genuine establishments, such as Starbucks, McDonald’s, 7-Eleven, Apple, and others, prevail across Southeast Asia, primarily in China, Vietnam, and Cambodia. By employing grounded theory methodology, this study offers an original framework that illustrates why consumers accept and patronize both authentic and inauthentic retail establishments. The model shows that many consumers are satisfied with inauthentic retail establishments, and that some inauthentic retailers are building a loyal customer following. Thus, service organizations should respond to these inauthentic companies by viewing them as potential partners for innovation and expansion, rather than as future parties for costly litigation. That is, the authors suggests that authentic retail organizations should target their inauthentic competitors as possible joint venture partners, especially because these competitors have the ability to mimic authentic operations by operating counterfeit schemes.

      • KCI등재

        Sleep Pattern and Night-Time Muscle Activity in Children With Cerebral Palsy Compared to Typically Developing Peers

        Anina Ritterband-Rosenbaum,Mark Schram Christensen,Mai Choe Lund,Mia Dyhr Thomsen,Maria Joy Normann Haverberg,Jens Bo Nielsen,Troels Wesenberg Kjær 대한수면연구학회 2021 Journal of sleep medicine Vol.18 No.2

        Objectives: To compare night-time muscle activity in children with cerebral palsy (CP) with that in typical developing peers. Methods: Polysomnography with electroencephalography (EEG), electrocardiogram, electromyography (EMG), respiration, and electrooculography movements recorded during one night were used to characterize sleep stages in a group of children with CP (Gross Motor Function Classification Scale I–III) and a group of typically developing (TD) children (aged 3–13 years). Periods of EMG activity for the tibialis anterior and soleus (SOL) muscles were identified, and the coherence between EEG and EMG was measured to assess corticomuscular drive during sleep. Results: There were no significant differences between the groups in total sleep time, average time spent awake, or rapid eye movement, N1, and N3 sleep. Children with CP spent significantly less time in N2 than their healthy peers (43% vs. 51%, p=0.03). There was only a significant difference between TD and CP in SOL muscle activity during the wake stage. Otherwise, there were no differences between groups in coherence in EEG and EMG signals for any sleep stage. Conclusion: Mildly affected children with CP do not show altered night sleep or muscle activity patterns as compared to TD peers. Abnormal muscle activity is unlikely to contribute to sleep disturbance, development of contractures, joint deformation, pain, or general discomfort in this group of children with CP.


        Mark S. Rosenbaum,Ipkin Anthony Wong,Mingming (Jake) Cheng 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.1

        This study examines an unexplored area in services-namely, the existence of inauthentic retail establishments. These fake establishments, which mimic the service and product offerings of genuine establishments, such as Starbucks, McDonald’s, 7-Eleven, Apple, and others, prevail across Southeast Asia, primarily in China, Vietnam, and Cambodia. By employing grounded theory methodology, this study offers an original framework that illustrates why consumers accept and patronize both authentic and inauthentic retail establishments. The model shows that many consumers are satisfied with inauthentic retail establishments, and that some inauthentic retailers are building a loyal customer following. Thus, service organizations should respond to these inauthentic companies by viewing them as potential partners for innovation and expansion, rather than as future parties for costly litigation. That is, the authors suggests that authentic retail organizations should target their inauthentic competitors as possible joint venture partners, especially because these competitors have the ability to mimic authentic operations by operating counterfeit schemes.


        Mauricio Losada Otalora,Germán Contreras Ramírez,Mark S. Rosenbaum 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.5

        Colombia is an emerging country that has institutional stability and perspectives of fast economic growth. Indeed, despite decades of internal conflict and drug related security challenges, Colombia maintains relatively strong democratic institutions characterized by peaceful, transparent elections and the protection of civil liberties (CIA World Factbook, 2014). Today, Colombia is Latin America’s fourth largest economy. Most importantly, the country is witnessing the benefits of governmental and economic stability, as evidenced by its commodity markets, strong macroeconomic policies, and improved security and infrastructure conditions. The bottom line is that Colombia has been witnessing strong economic performance since the early 2000s (OECD, 2013), and now its citizens are reaping the benefit of being new middle-class and upper-class members. A remarkable characteristic of emerging countries is the increase in the size and the economic power of their middle-class population (Bridsal, 2010). The middle-class is an ambiguous social classification, which reflects the ability of a group of citizens within a country to lead a comfortable life. These comforts include, stable housing, access to quality healthcare, educational opportunities, job security, and discretionary income that can be spent on vacation and other leisure pursuits (Kharas, 2010; p.7). As country’s become increasingly wealthier in term of gross national output, the country’s middle-class typically witnesses corresponding increases in income levels and more available cash to use for marketplace consumption. Indeed, in terms of Colombia, its middle-class represents approximately 26% of total consumption (Ferreiro et al., 2013; Bridsal, 2010; p.11). Perhaps, one of the common characteristics across all global middle-class populations is their unique affinity for mall shopping compared to the lower-class and upper-class populations (Jafferlot & van den Veer, 2008; Conroy, 1998). That is, middle- class consumers show strong preferences for visiting and patronizing modern department stores and shopping malls (Mathur, 2010). Indeed, shopping malls are important for newly minted middle-class populations because it signals to them they have reached a higher status and possess disposable income for engaging in shopping, luxury consumption, and entertainment activities (Banerjee & Duflo, 2008). Given Colombia’s economic growth and its newly created middle-class population, understanding consumption patterns among this group is well-warranted, especially given Colombia’s emerging nation status. Thus, the goal of this presentation is to introduce the global community to the growing and affluent Colombian middle-class consumers. We achieve this goal by exploring the types of mall shoppers that currently exist in Colombia and by exploring how consumption patterns differ between and among different demographic consumer segments. Interestingly, one of the primary findings that emerge from this research is that the Colombian middle-class consumer exhibits essentially the same consumption pattern as any other consumer in an industrialized nation. That is, the typical middle-class consumer is a female housewife who enjoys shopping as a leisure activity. In the following section, we discuss a brief review of the literature and then discuss our research methodology and findings. We conclude this extended abstract with a discussion of managerial and theoretical implications and research limitations.


        Mauricio Losada Otalora,Germ?n Contreras Ram?rez,Mark S. Rosenbaum 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        Colombia is an emerging country that has institutional stability and perspectives of fast economic growth. Indeed, despite decades of internal conflict and drug related security challenges, Colombia maintains relatively strong democratic institutions characterized by peaceful, transparent elections and the protection of civil liberties (CIA World Factbook, 2014). Today, Colombia is Latin America’s fourth largest economy. Most importantly, the country is witnessing the benefits of governmental and economic stability, as evidenced by its commodity markets, strong macroeconomic policies, and improved security and infrastructure conditions. The bottom line is that Colombia has been witnessing strong economic performance since the early 2000s (OECD, 2013), and now its citizens are reaping the benefit of being new middle-class and upper-class members. A remarkable characteristic of emerging countries is the increase in the size and the economic power of their middle-class population (Bridsal, 2010). The middle-class is an ambiguous social classification, which reflects the ability of a group of citizens within a country to lead a comfortable life. These comforts include, stable housing, access to quality healthcare, educational opportunities, job security, and discretionary income that can be spent on vacation and other leisure pursuits (Kharas, 2010; p.7). As country’s become increasingly wealthier in term of gross national output, the country’s middle-class typically witnesses corresponding increases in income levels and more available cash to use for marketplace consumption. Indeed, in terms of Colombia, its middle-class represents approximately 26% of total consumption (Ferreiro et al., 2013; Bridsal, 2010; p.11). Perhaps, one of the common characteristics across all global middle-class populations is their unique affinity for mall shopping compared to the lower-class and upper-class populations (Jafferlot & van den Veer, 2008; Conroy, 1998). That is, middle- class consumers show strong preferences for visiting and patronizing modern department stores and shopping malls (Mathur, 2010). Indeed, shopping malls are important for newly minted middle-class populations because it signals to them they have reached a higher status and possess disposable income for engaging in shopping, luxury consumption, and entertainment activities (Banerjee & Duflo, 2008). Given Colombia’s economic growth and its newly created middle-class population, understanding consumption patterns among this group is well-warranted, especially given Colombia’s emerging nation status. Thus, the goal of this presentation is to introduce the global community to the growing and affluent Colombian middle-class consumers. We achieve this goal by exploring the types of mall shoppers that currently exist in Colombia and by exploring how consumption patterns differ between and among different demographic consumer segments. Interestingly, one of the primary findings that emerge from this research is that the Colombian middle-class consumer exhibits essentially the same consumption pattern as any other consumer in an industrialized nation. That is, the typical middle-class consumer is a female housewife who enjoys shopping as a leisure activity. In the following section, we discuss a brief review of the literature and then discuss our research methodology and findings. We conclude this extended abstract with a discussion of managerial and theoretical implications and research limitations.

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