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        Scheherazad’s Daughters : Views From A Muslim Diasporic Woman Writer

        RUZY SULIZA, Hashim,RAIHANAH, M.M,NORAINI, Md. Yusof 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2013 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.19 No.3

        In this paper, we discuss the works of Mohja Kahf, specifically her anthology of poetry Emails from Scheherazad and her novel, The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf, to show the challenges facing a Muslim practising Islam within the context of post 9/11. Mohja Kahf, of Syrian origin and now a creative writer and educator of literature residing in America, describes the experiences of the diasporic Muslim community as it adapts to its new home and foreign American customs, behaviour, and people. We will show the ways in which she comprehends her situation of being a hyphenated identity and what stereotypes of Muslims she debunks, rejects, or affirms. How she resolves the conflict of being a minority in a community where Islam is perceived with suspicion and sometimes derision will also be explored in our analysis of her works. There will undoubtedly be clashes, misunderstandings, and conflicts of opinions, but the learning curve of the diasporic resident will gradually become less precipitous, the slopes more gentle as she begins to negotiate the terrain. Kahf's works show a resolution of East-West conflicts as she comes to terms with the realities of being a hyphenated identity in America, and how she negotiates old ways with practices of the new host land. Dalam makalah ini, kami membincangkan karya-karya Mohja Kahfi, khususnya antologi puisi beliau bertajuk Emails from Scheherazad dan novel, The Girl in Tangerine Scarf, untuk menunjukkan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh seorang wanita Islam yang mengamalkan agama Islam dalam konteks pasca 9/11. Mohja Kahfi yang berasal dari Syria dan kini seorang penulis kreatif dan pendidik sastera yang tinggal di Amerika, menggambarkan pengalaman masyarakat diaspora Islam yang telah berhijrah ke tempat baru dan cuba menyesuaikan diri dengan suasana baru dan adat serta amalan Amerika yang asing. Kami menunjukkan bagaimana Kahf menangani identiti bersengkang sebagai seorang Syria-Amerika dan apakah yang dilakukan di dalam penulisannya untuk mengesahkan atau menyanggah stereotaip pencitraan penganut Islam di Amerika. Kahf memberi penekanan kepada isu minoriti dalam masyarakat Amerika di mana Islam dilihat dengan syak wasangka dan kadang-kadang diejek. Kahf menggambarkan perselisihan dan percanggahan pendapat, tetapi keluk pembelajaran pemastautin warga diaspora di Amerika secara beransur-ansur menjadi lebih harmonis. Penulisan Kahfi menunjukkan penyelesaian konflik Timur-Barat kerana dia sedar bahawa identiti barunya dan penhijrahan wajar memanfaatkan dua budaya yakni amalan Islam dan budaya Amerika.

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